back to article Facebook, Threads, WhatsApp, Instagram stumble on and offline in global outage

Meta's techies are likely having a bad day as the internet titan's Facebook, WhatsApp, Threads, and Instagram are suffering some degree of downtime globally. Services started dropping off around 0900 PT (1700 UTC). As you might expect from a huge distributed system, some people can or could get through to Meta's apps and sites …

  1. beast666 Silver badge

    X is resilient with a fraction of the staff.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      X is racist* with a fraction of the staff.


    2. Mentat74

      'X' marks the spot...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      They have a large hardware redundancy since the sane people left.

    4. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

      Yes, but these days it only has a fraction of the traffic.


      I mean, if what you're saying is that Daddy Musky should buy Meta, rebrand everything incomprehensibly, tank advertiser investment, "make redundant" 80% of staff, and nearly kill the company, I completely agree and fully support Elon in his decision.

  2. Wang Cores

    Nothing of value was lost.

  3. Barry Rueger

    Down in Vancouver

    Can't get in here at the UBC campus.

  4. JWLong Silver badge


    Such a shame!...............


  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Venice canals

    Reminds me of the photos of Venice canals during Covid, with the water becoming crystal clear, rather than the usual mud brown because the tourists had to stay away. The Internet starts to clean itself and return to its healthy natural state, shame it won’t last.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Venice canals

      Just back from Venice.

      The water is quite clear, fish can be seen in canals.

      It was also very busy.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Venice canals

        That’s not my experience anon. Maybe they have improved their management a huge amount in the last 4 years, which would be great. The evidence from the timeframe I mentioned is against you.

        1. werdsmith Silver badge

          Re: Venice canals

          I remember during covid, generally air quality improved in much of the world.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Venice canals

          AC here

          Yes, I was pleasantly surprised myself. I wouldn’t swim in it, but fish do!

          Last time I was there (30 years ago!) the water quality was abysmal.

  6. John Miles

    I can honestly say

    I didn't notice

    1. HuBo Silver badge

      Re: I can honestly say

      Oh did I ever notice ... I got 6 text messages from my sister today, on various topics, where she'd normally be spending her day stalking folks on FB instead ...

  7. Cincinnataroo

    Will there be progress

    But, will there be progress, will the good people of earth get down to creating protocols designed to port your comments and associate lists to other platforms?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Will there be progress

      Data portability is a requirement of the GDPR.

      If you are an EU or UK citizen and Meta don't provide a means to export your data, donate a few euro in the direction of noyb, so that Max Schrems and co can launch a legal missive at them…

  8. xyz Silver badge


    Scoffed too much data and choked.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Data slurping started dropping off around 0900 PT (1700 UTC).

  10. BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

    They also have an ongoing issue with lockouts of Meta accounts

    Currently five days into being locked out of my Meta account used only for my Oculus Rift CV1, request has been escalated to a 'specialist team' and acknowledgement this is a known issue.

    Without a Meta account the VR headset is a brick; the joys of one of the most proprietary technologies out there. There's some open source support, mostly for non Meta products, but even there it's unfortunately in a sorry state compared to Windows.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And for a while..

    .. Earth's average IQ shot up, except in the US (lost cause, by the look of it).

    1. Bebu sa Ware

      Re: And for a while..

      ".. Earth's average IQ shot up, except in the US"

      Average IQ probably a bit redundant here. The test scores are apparently rank ordered and scaled to a normal distribution with and arbitrary mean of 100.0 and standard deviation of 15.0 so I imagine if you extinguished all the Einsteins or Trump supporters (or both) and applied the tests to the population the average IQ would be unchanged.

      Given this inbuilt futility of the IQ one would imagine it's an american invention but it is apparently German.

      I am not sure the US has a monopoly on idiots as idiocy is a pretty universal deficiency but the US most assuredly has the monopoly on imbeciles with guns.

      1. werdsmith Silver badge

        Re: And for a while..

        The US spectrum of intelligence seems to spread a bit further at each end. Lots of incredibly smart people, lots of morons.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: And for a while..

          The US spectrum of intelligence seems to spread a bit further at each end. Lots of incredibly smart people, lots of morons.

          Well, to be fair, there's a lot of us USAians. I'm just grumpy that the real idiots put down their beer cans, slithered out from under rocks, and voted to screw us all. My passport renewal is in the works and I hope to be a temp resident somewhere else for a while.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: And for a while..

            Well, you say "a lot", but: USA < EU << India < China

            (And there are definitely smart - and stupid - people in all of the above, but in some of these if you are poor you definitely have a very hard time of it (and in some, even if you're not initially quite-so-poor, if serious ill-health or injury afflicts you - ouch!).)

            [Different AC]

  12. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Meanwhile productivity everywhere else increased.

  13. Blackjack Silver badge

    I guess everyone went to Tik Tac Toe and Discordia for a while then.

  14. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

    "Thanks for bearing with us," the biz xeeted. "We’re 99 percent of the way there - just doing some last checks. We apologize to those who’ve been affected by the outage."

    Translation: We apologize to all of our advertisers for a momentary interruption in the unremitting vacuuming up of personal information and tracking of every move of everyone, everywhere. Be assured we will return to fleecing the suckers as soon as possible.

  15. Mitoo Bobsworth

    I didn't notice

    However, I am staggered that the USA managed to survive.

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