back to article Krispy Kreme Doughnut Corporation admits to hole in security

Doughnut slinger Krispy Kreme has admitted to an attack that has left many customers unable to order online. According to a mandatory 8-K filing [PDF], on November 29, the biz was notified regarding unauthorized access to a portion of its IT systems. Its security team waddled into action and sprinkled in support from "leading …

  1. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

    Keys to the Kingdom

    Heaven forbid they ran off with recipes for donuts.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My eyes glazed over at all the puns!

    1. MyffyW Silver badge

      It's not quite in the "Super Caley Go Ballistic..." territory, but it's not far off.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        I miss those. We haven't seen one for years.

  3. Andy Non Silver badge

    Sounds like they are

    fried, deep fried.

  4. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

    If their emails were hacked...

    They'd be sending out hundreds and thousands.

  5. Homo.Sapien.Floridanus

    … 8k filing or did you mean 8k filling?

    1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

      Well they are in a bit of a jam!

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Do they do jam doughnuts? Or do they only sell "donuts"? I though they only sold "krispy", (ie might by a little crispy, but spelled differently so they don't get sued if it's not crispy) and might have some fake "kreme" filling (also spelled differently because it sure as shit ain't cream or even dairy based)

        If you want a crispy doughnut, you buy it straight from the person making them in a deep fryer (allowing a short cooling off period, of course) :-)

        1. Guy de Loimbard Silver badge

          Love your commentary here John Brown!

          Put a smile on my face whilst in the work place!

          Thank you and keep up the comments.

          Pint for you sir ==>

          1. collinsl Silver badge

            He can't drink that, he's got no body!

        2. MyffyW Silver badge

          Just be thankful the donuts are not from the Krusty Kreme Kompany (with apologies to Matt Groening).

    2. Efer Brick

      That would've been the icing on the....

  6. Gene Cash Silver badge

    Krispy Kreme still exists?

    The most amazing part of this story is finding out Krispy Kreme is still in business.

    1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      Re: Krispy Kreme still exists?

      I've seen their vending machines at motorway service areas, nothing in them has ever given me the slightest desire to sample the contents.

      1. MyffyW Silver badge

        Re: Krispy Kreme still exists?

        Alas my sweet tooth and inability to avoid saturated fat has been known to give in, with predictable impact on the wobbly bits.

    2. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: Krispy Kreme still exists?

      "The most amazing part of this story is finding out Krispy Kreme is still in business."

      I find their doughnuts quite tasty, but it's one of the things I've cut out of my diet and will only get one a couple of times a year. I won't go out of my way to pick a brand.

    3. Nate Amsden

      Re: Krispy Kreme still exists?

      Guessing this is a joke? (On mobile can't see icons) Have seen news of many brands in trouble but not this one. Did a search and only see mentioned closing about a dozen stores each in 2022 and seems like 2024 too, a rounding error compared to the 1400 Wikipedia says they have.

      The only Kristy Kreme newr me closed maybe 5 years ago. Though multiple supermarkets carry their donuts near me and I think they claim are fresh daily. I'm not picky and like most any standard flavor donut including Krispy Kreme, though have never been fond of their classic "airy" texture. Flavor is fine though. My favorite donuts are old fashioned and apple fritter. Now that I said tgat probably going to get some this morning.

      Now if you said you're surprised to hear Quiznos is still in business that'd make a lot of sense by contrast.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Surely it’s cowardy custards? I do not remember it containing an “l”.

    1. notyetanotherid
    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Bah.

      Chiz chiz go St Custards as any fule no ....

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "if you're a regular customer, check any credit cards"

    What happens if you're a regular employee and manglement are doing their best to bury it under the carpet and never speak of it again? What are you supposed to do if nobody in the company wants to confirm or deny what's happened to your name, address, DOB, social security number, tax number, or bank account details?

    1. Guy de Loimbard Silver badge

      Re: "if you're a regular customer, check any credit cards"

      You've surely got a whistleblowing policy, or a local regulator that would like to know about it, if you feel that way inclined of course!

    2. Nate Amsden

      Re: "if you're a regular customer, check any credit cards"

      Lock your credit reports.

      I did that the day Equifax was hacked. Looks like in 2017. It's not perfect but goes a long way towards making yourself a less easy target. I've had to unlock my credit reports on just a few occasions in the years since and I believe all 3 major credit reporting companies systems are setup so you can unlock for a short period of time then auto lock again. There is no cost for this service, but in trying to find the service (for free anyway) you'll probably have to navigate past their advertising for their subscription services.

  9. Efer Brick

    Bob Marley

    Liked his doughnuts w'jammin

    1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

      Re: Bob Marley

      Best donuts in North America that I've found to date, are Lee's Donuts at Granville Market Vancouver.

      While I didn't get there on my last visit, to my delight they have a store in Vancouver Airport's Departure Lounge!

      1. JLV Silver badge

        Re: Bob Marley

        Will have to try then. So far, the best I've had in Vancouver are the ones at Cartems. Pricey, but quite a difference.

        IIRC after the whole runup in the 00s when Krispy Kreme first IPOed and then came to Canada - you'd have thought it was the Second Coming - when I finally tried them I was rather underwhelmed by the actual product. A tad better than Dunkin or Tim Horton's but nothing to write home about.

  10. Spoobistle

    Pastry faced

    > pastry purveyors

    No! Never! Pastry is rolled out!

    KK can be dough distributors, or at a push sponge slingers, but it's not pastry!

    As to eating them, one is enough. Two is indigestion. Three is blatant artery clogging.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I heard the attackers left a trail of crumbs....

    ...but law enforcement still doughnut know who did it.

  12. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    I take it from this that it's mandatory to make a report to possible investors but not to customers whose data might have been taken. And yet the investors, as shareholders, are the company and as such owe a duty of care to the customers.

  13. spold Silver badge

    Let's not sugar coat things here.

  14. MachDiamond Silver badge

    Online ordering?

    How, what, why, I can't even find the words to ask the question. You walk in the door, point/grunt and walk out seconds later with a bag of 50/50 fat/sugar. To stop and punch up an app (shudder) is a waste of time and only a way to further compromise your privacy.

  15. BartyFartsLast Silver badge


    Inquiring minds want to know, Donut Denial of Service?

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