Re: For those that keep saying...
Oh, god bless you. It must be lovely in that bubble of oblivion.
Robo cars are not better than humans, not even close, when you apply the ridiculously tiny restrictions killer robot cars can operate in to humans.
Not every *kilometer travelled* is the same; and if you don't believe me, I invite you to spend a bit of time driving in a Canadian winter to get a bit of an appreciation.
Volvo's multi-billion dollar effort couldn't hold a lane in an empty street in Los Angeles because the lines on the road were faded. During a demo! You can do anything in a demo!
I've driven up Ontario Highway 10 on the Bruce Peninsula, in winter, where there is no visible cue to separate the road, ditch and farmers fields.
With a crazy cross wind accumulated from Lake Huron.
People from that area do it all the time; and yes, there are tragedies, but by and large, the rate ( incidents / km driven ), is low enough that it continues.
Because people are really capable, smart and adaptable.
Robots aren't, and are unlikely to be for a very long time, if ever.