Chinese are born entrepreneurs, unfortunately
We just don't seem to be able to place Chinese people. On one hand they're just a bunch of automatons, puppets who dance to the tune of their leader, "Xi (who must be obeyed". On the other they always seem to be looking for an edge, and if that edge includes 'adapting' existing product designs, then that's what they'll do.
The truth is actually more prosaic. If you've worked with Chinese people then you'll discover that apart from them being people more or less like us you'll also learn that they're really diverse in attitudes and demeanor -- just like us, in fact. One inescapable fact, though, is that there's a lot of them. Five times as many as there are people in the US, or 25 times the population of the UK. Since they're diverse (and they're not all "Han" Chinese, BTW)(that's the shorter people with dark, straight, hair) you're going to get a fair spread of extremely smart, fairly dumb, extremely opportunistic, rather moral etc. types. Its a fact of statistical life. Its also something of a miracle that the PRC, a country larger than Europe, just has one government (easily explained by the fact its really more of a confederation and like here in the US the further you get from the physical seat of power the less important it seems to be).
It would help if we adopted a somewhat less adversarial relationship with them because they have law enforcement who have roughly the same interest in the same crimes as we do. But while we're busy playing Cold War 2 with them we're not only missing out on important links but also fostering a "What do we care?" type attitude among them (its the same sort of attitude we have here in the US when an executive gets gunned down in broad daylight on a city street -- "Its wrong but 'they' are an arrogant bunch of SOBs that actively work to harm us so what's it to me?").