back to article OpenAI to charge $200 per month for ChatGPT Pro

OpenAI says it will charge $200 per month for ChatGPT Pro, a new premium tier that costs ten times the Plus subscription price. The company's notion is that researchers and engineers able to use the "research-grade intelligence" will want to pay for the chance. The cost is quite a jump from the company's $20 per month ChatGPT …

  1. Roland6 Silver badge

    Return of the World Wide Wait...

    "The fact it takes longer to do so is demonstrated by a progress bar while the service fetches its answer. Users can switch to other conversations until a notification pops up to indicate a response has been generated."

    1. Paul Herber Silver badge

      Re: Return of the World Wide Wait...

      Seven and a half million years later ...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Return of the World Wide Wait...

        I take cold comfort in the fact that as the World eats itself and descends into a slightly watered down version of 4chan, that the Regger's were there first.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    More Automatic e-books

    Soon more automatically generated ebooks appearing at libraries (based on scrapped content)

    I know a few people who now are "authors"

    1. Paul Herber Silver badge

      Re: More Automatic e-books

      I wrote a book once. It was green!

      1. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

        Re: More Automatic e-books

        Ooooh, now there's a way to make a librarian cry...

        "Excuse me, I'm looking for a book. It was written by a guy who goes by the monicker Paul, or maybe Peter?, could be Patrick, Herber or something. He wrote it some time ago. And it was green. Do you know it?"

      2. nobody who matters Silver badge

        Re: More Automatic e-books

        Upvote to Mr Herber for the Mr Heslop reference :)

        1. Paul Herber Silver badge

          Re: More Automatic e-books

          Nice one, Cyril.

  3. Pete 2 Silver badge

    Could be worth it

    > OpenAI says it will charge $200 per month for ChatGPT Pro,

    If it can successfully answer the question How can I make a guaranteed $250 a month without doing any work and having no money I'd be willing to pay for it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Could be worth it

      You asked and I provide it straight from the horses mouth:

      Online surveys: Websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie pay small amounts for completing surveys.

      Renting unused space: If you have a spare room or parking space, you could rent it out on platforms like Airbnb or Turo.

      Selling unwanted items: Declutter your home and sell items on platforms like eBay or Facebook Marketplace.

      There's no hope without dope

      1. Zack Mollusc

        Re: Could be worth it

        Hehehe, all the magazine and therefore web articles on 'how do I make some money?' assume.

        a) you have huge outgoings which can be cut ( don't pay insurance on the Bentley when you only use it two days a year!)

        b) you have assets sitting idle ( did you know gold has monetary value? Sell a few dozen of those gold ingots you have in the loft) ( why not rent out some of your properties in Monaco ?)

      2. Roland6 Silver badge

        Re: Could be worth it

        But they all require work…

        I want the “earn £500 per week by doing nothing”. Interestingly, not seen any of this style of adverts on the lamp posts for a while now…

        1. David Hicklin Silver badge

          Re: Could be worth it

          > I want the “earn £500 per week by doing nothing”. Interestingly, not seen any of this style of adverts on the lamp posts for a while now…

          Retire having sunk just about every penny you earn into your pension???

          Oh, you want it now, not is 45 years time.....

      3. This post has been deleted by its author

  4. mikus

    It's $200 to talk to the smart one, or you get the dummy.

    I'd mostly given up on using gpt4 for doing complex development as it's forgetful and annoyingly so. Using o1 was refreshingly intelligent and usable, until it's not. I don't want to talk to the simpleton version that forgets every few sentences, I'd rather have the smart one.

    Oh, that's $200 dollars, a month... I'll get back to you on that.

    1. tfewster

      Re: It's $200 to talk to the smart one, or you get the dummy.

      "more accurate" != "accurate"

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's $200 to talk to the smart one, or you get the dummy.

      this is common with their models. they release a new one, which isnt really them doing anything other than discovering things the model can do without their 'input'. Then they realise it is working too well, and they haven't got a clue why and start loading it with ... I cant remember the technical term , not GRUB but sounds like it ... let's call it Negative Prompting for ease, though it isn't really that.

      Basically a ton of hard-coding. I would cry if it wasn't so funny.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. Mentat74

    $200 per month for ChatGPT Pro...

    Boy... those shareholders are an impatient bunch aren't they ?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How about Open AI crawling into a hole?

  7. heyrick Silver badge

    produces more reliably accurate and comprehensive responses

    How about you open it up for a limited period so that people (that's all of us, not selected so-called "expert testers") can try it to see if this is indeed the new hot thing?

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: produces more reliably accurate and comprehensive responses

      The only hot new thing is the server running the user's pro session in the datacentre.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    At a previous gig, yet another C-level&board, having swallowed the kool aid wholesale, announced "we expect all employees, especially those in IT, to intensely use and familiarise themselves with AI, OpenAI, ChatGPT and see how it can improve our bonu.... our company".

    But would not pick up even the $20/month tab for the prior full CGPT.

    You think they'll jump on $200/month?!

    1. Pete 2 Silver badge

      Reassuringly expensive

      > You think they'll jump on $200/month?

      Possibly. If you can slow your brain down to C-suite level, then for $20 a month a product can't be much good. But at $200, well .... there's got to be something there.

      Pricing yourself into a market.

  9. Snowy Silver badge


    Loads of money!!

  10. Groo The Wanderer

    "Bend over and squeal, Boy."

    -- Altman

  11. sarusa Silver badge

    Harder, faster, stronger

    It will bullshit SO much more convincingly.

  12. bartsmit

    Never mind the cost, what about the slurping?

    You know these companies have form in stealing data since that is exactly how they started.

    If you can't self host your LLM, even with El Reg's sterling guide, I prefer to anonymise by pooling my queries. Much like its search engine and apps like FreeTube, DuckDuckGo's chatbot at will do just that.

  13. m4r35n357 Silver badge

    For stupids only

    'nuff said.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Taking Bets on How Soon Gamified GACHA pricing for OpenAI

    Taking bets now on how soon OpenAI will implement gamified GACHA style pricing. You know, your sub nets you X credits, each question consumes credits, and if you use up your allotment, you can purchase more credits, so yada yada yada.

    1. Richard 12 Silver badge

      Re: Taking Bets on How Soon Gamified GACHA pricing for OpenAI

      That's already how it works...

  15. Jamie Jones Silver badge

    Brings back memories

    "The fact it takes longer to do so is demonstrated by a progress bar while the service fetches its answer."

    Remember those scam adverts/apps/websites that showed a fake progress bar / hour-glass whilst "computing" or "searching" for your result?

    Just saying'

    - Drawing no parallels or conclusions.

    - Any similarities shown are purely coincidental.

    - Your experience may vary.

    - Always read the label.

  16. 080

    You only need Artificial Intelligence if you don't have any natural intelligence.

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Upvoted, and have one of these ->

  17. Ace2 Silver badge

    My dad’s old joke was that Jaguars are so expensive (over here in the New World) because each one comes with a journeyman mechanic from England to keep it running.

    Maybe the $200 includes a human being to review each response’s factual assertions to make them, you know, correct?

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My experience has been it's largely useless in my everyday work, or life. The hallucinations kill any utility.

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Here is an idea !!!???

    How much would it cost per month to *just* not put AI in everything ???

    I am sure that a *lot* of money could be made taking funds to *NOT* put AI in products !!!

    I know this is so so like bribery *BUT* I would prefer to call it providing a choice !!!

    $200 per month to break the world with AI *OR* $50 per month to leave things alone [from a much bigger number of people] !!!


    P.S. If this idea takes off, I will only charge 0.5% commission for the use of my idea !!!

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The haves and have nots eh?

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