"But while these efforts are expected to contribute meaningfully to the local economy as new products reach the market..."
Nonsense and lies. What new 'AI' products are going to benefit local Canadian provinces?
Canada is one of the latest nations to catch the sovereign AI bug and plans to invest $2 billion CAD ($1.42 billion USD) to bolster the nation's domestic compute capacity by funding the development of new datacenters and computing infrastructure north of the 49th parallel. The so-called Canadian Sovereign AI Compute Strategy …
> People always leave out the part quote about investing to grow the economy, that's how the budget balances itself.
Would be great if we didn't have crippling taxes and Trudeau is set to jack them up even more shortly. To grow the economy, you create an environment for business to grow, not choke it to death.
> Most Canadians are perfectly fine with gun bans, and those that aren't would never vote Liberal anyway.
We don't really have a gun problem here. They are mostly knee-jerk reactions to what is happening over the border, where the real problem is poor mental health and drugs. On the other hand, here in Vancouver we do have both poor mental health and drugs. Getting more and more like San Francisco every day.
Yeah, well, we wouldn't want Rocky and Bullwinkle to be left behind, like Dudley Do-Right (of the Mounties), now, would we, hey?!?!? Especially with Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale diving full hog-wild into this AI poutine ... the golden maple syrup goose of the tech world, hey hosehead!
So, please, without such investment (and beer) there could be a literal Niagara Falls of Tenstorrents that take off from the Great White North, politely hey, thanks.
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