Re: Interesting tech
I'm going to take a stab at answering, from the towering height of knowing nothing at all.
>So, what's the security on this ? Are you going to be broadcasting your brainwaves for anyone to read them ?
I'm fairly sure these are wired. I guess the ends of the printed wires are going to be taped to an actual wire, which goes into a recorder. I can't see wanting to add radio noise to an already-noisy signal.
>I have to wash my hair every morning. What's the impact of that going to be ?
You can't wash your hair while wearing these. But, good news! It's okay, because you have to shave nearly-bald anyway. Also, it's just for 24 hours. The exam, that is. Fixing the shaved-nearly-bald thing is going to take longer.
>And how long do you need to read an EEG anyway ?
I don't know, but if this works like many other long-duration medical scans, the point is not so much how long it takes to read the EEG, but rather the ability to capture unpredictable and short-lasting events, that could happen at any moment during the day. For example, there are heart exams that involve taking your pulse and pressure continuously for a day, even though those are trivial to measure at any given time.