back to article AWS says AI could disrupt everything – and hopes it will do just that to Windows

Amazon Web Services CEO Matt Garman opened the cloud computing service's 13th annual re:Invent conference by observing: "Generative AI has the potential to disrupt every single industry out there." While that may be worrisome for those defending against disruption, it's an appealing apocalypse for AWS, not just on its own Arm- …

  1. IGotOut Silver badge


    ...AI could do something....going to change everything....this is more powerful than ever and will....



    Give me some solid answers. Some real time lines.

    Listening to these pricks is like being locked into a politician asking them a question such as "What's your name?" and listening to them drone on about immigration, crime and health for 24 hours solid.

    1. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Yawn....

      Give me some solid answers. Some real time lines.

      OK, yesterday. As in, it is already happening.

      What, you thought you'd wake up one day and AI will have disrupted everything? Did that happen with smartphones, or internet, or microprocessors, or automobiles, or electricity, or the telegraph, or the steam engine? No, those disruptions took a long time, and some of them still aren't done yet. Same will be true with AI.

      Now whether it is a "smaller" disruption like smartphones, or a bigger one like electricity, remains to be seen.

      1. LybsterRoy Silver badge

        Re: Yawn....

        -- disruption like smartphones, --

        What exactly did smartphones disrupt apart from a load of people's connection with the real world.


        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: Yawn....

          You don't consider that "distraction" especially for school aged kids a disruption? I didn't say that a disruption had to be 100% positive, most have some good and bad. Stuff like automobiles and electricity were a big disruption, but part of the disruption has been climate change.

          How can you not consider people having a device they're carrying with them everywhere they go that gives them access to the entire internet, and increasingly businesses are requiring to access all the features/perks they offer, as being a disruption? Landlines, which were basically required for every home in the first world, are on pace to be as rare as telegraph offices. That's not a disruption?

          1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

            Disruption / Side-Note

            To all the businesses and government organizations which require I install their data-sucking, vulnerability-ridden apps onto my cellphone in order to do business with them, I shout out a thick, hearty, "Fuck you, assholes!"

            That said, I see that is the direction we're headed. I'm not gonna go all neo-Luddite and smash my phone (or the cell towers). This trend is not a disruption, yet; it's more a slow frog-boiling.

            The disruption will come when some bad actors exploit one of the many security holes in the cellphone system and cause an extended, or even permanent outage.

            Ignorant, gullible, neophillic trend-chasers attempting to *boop* themselves a transaction via their cellphone, and continuously failing, will go slack-jawed, wide-eyed, and cry, "Why is this happening to me?!"

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Disruption / Side-Note

              Neophillic? Bonk to pay has been around for nearly two decades man, where have you been? It's hardly a new fangled modern tech at this point.

              Do you shout at a lot of clouds?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Yawn....

          They changed the way communication and time management worked in a massive way. You didn't have to wait until you were in the office to reply to an email. You could view documents while you were on the move...the smartphone freed up peoples time in a massive way.

          Despite the bad wrap that smartphones get, they probably made us smarter and more critical with our thinking because facts can be checked on the spot rather than having to take them at face value. This might not have a direct effect on you, but for the Doctor that might be trying to find out whats wrong with you, it might save him a crucial day that saves your life.

          There's lots of different ways smartphones were disruptive.

          AI may not even disrupt your life directly...but it will have an effect on your life...biotech for one (AI is rapidly progressing there making diagnosis of certain diseases a lot easier and lot earlier)...from your point of view, you'll be sending off the same blood test and having the same scan done, but behind the scenes they're able to detect things that were previously difficult to detect in some cases...or might have been missed due to human error...more importantly you might eventually be able to get a result on the spot rather than waiting a week...that's huge...lots of people die because of delayed diagnosis through no fault of the professionals or themselves, it's just the limits on how quickly and accurately something can be done. AI pushes those limits.

          In some cases, if the data is robust enough, AI can be used to diagnose problems more quickly and accurately than a human can based on just asking questions...I know this to be true, because I've designed & built a system that does just can ask you a series of questions and determine nutritional deficiency (if you have any) based on symptomatic was trained using the knowledge of nutritional therapists and biophysicists and in testing it diagnoses faster than they can, and in some cases picks up on deficiencies they were unsure's not an LLM and it's not a diffusion model but it is AI...I am however working on integrating some LLM aspects into it to make it a bit more user friendly and a little less "stiff".

          As a standalone tool for end users it's pretty good...but as a complimentary tool for a trained professional it's night and day, it's like having an instant second wife (a nutritional therapist) has calculated that the time save means she could potentially see twice as many people in a day...that's huge because there aren't that many nutritional therapists out there.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Yawn....

            "Despite the bad wrap that smartphones get, they probably made us smarter and more critical with our thinking because facts can be checked on the spot rather than having to take them at face value. "

            Sounds like ChatGPT has registered on the register. There are not enough hysterical laughing emojis in the universe to respond to this nonsense. The naivete would be touching if not so scary.

        3. Ian Johnston Silver badge

          Re: Yawn....

          The camera industry.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Yawn.... and Yawn again ... recurse here ====>

        The ***only*** disruption going on is the 'Disruption' going on in my lower alimentary canal everytime I read/hear yet more guff about AI !!!

        I am really physically sick of the never ending pitch regarding what AI is going to do !!!

        For gods sake ... please give it a rest ... 50 years or so would be just about right !!!


        Note the promised solution regarding 'Hallucinations'... I bet that is actually a 'real' Hallucination ... 'Guiderails are Guiderails' and changing their name does NOT change their functionality or limitations !!!

        Also, I am sure that modelling a 'knowledge subset' of a 'large' model with a 'small' model simply builds a higher level of inaccuracy into a less capable model ... at what point does 'Almost right' actually have a real world impact that ***cannot*** be ignored.

        Quoting statistics to demonstrate accuracy is a bit meaningless as the odd word here and there may be small statistically BUT large in terms of changing the meaning of the actual answer !!!


      3. Herring` Silver badge

        Re: Yawn....

        If you take smartphones as an example, they were sold on the basis of an actual product that could do actual stuff. AI seems to be sold on fluff about what it might eventually do.

        If I send someone an email carefully laying out facts and a list of implications which they need to be aware of, then I hope that they have actually read and understood the damned thing. If I get a Copillock response then what?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Yawn....

          Pluck up the courage to follow up your email with a phone call?

      4. Ian Johnston Silver badge

        Re: Yawn....

        What, you thought you'd wake up one day and AI will have disrupted everything? Did that happen with smartphones, or internet, or microprocessors, or automobiles, or electricity, or the telegraph, or the steam engine? No, those disruptions took a long time, and some of them still aren't done yet. Same will be true with AI.

        You forgot to include fusion power and cryptocurrencies.

  2. Bebu sa Ware

    Rainier to contain “hundreds of thousands” of Trainium2 chips,

    Project Rainier, a supercomputing cluster said to contain “hundreds of thousands” of Trainium2 chips,

    "I am going to ask a question which you should apply very deep thought before answering. Should, in spite of that, your answer is 42 you can expect reconfiguration with extreme prejudice."

    Naming a chip trainium2 seems to betoken a certain lack of imagination even before appending the '2.' I would cloak that intellectual deficiency in using some classical equivalent like (In)doctrium2?

    Trainium rhymes with drainium which might be apt should this whole AI farago disappears down the gurgler. Rather like itanium v itanic.

  3. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Double Dutch to Many, Perfect Uncommon Anglo Sense to a Few A.N.Others.

    We can't recall the last time an Apple exec showed up at a public event and gushed about a tech supplier – particularly in a way that highlights the sort of external technical dependency that the iBiz typically tries to avoid. ..... Thomas Claburn

    :-) An undeniable sign of the novel alternative postmodern times, Thomas, which has bodies and entities slowly discovering CHAOS* reigns and rules with reins supplying direction and leverage in/for/from the future for AWEsome exercise, employment and enjoyment of external technical dependency and Alien Systems Machine Learning made unavoidable for human progress and vitally necessary for future existential survival in a vast array of multiplying virtualising threat and/or treat environments.

    Almighty opportunities to grasp and seed and feed and mentor and monitor the likes of which you never ever knew existed in times before, readily available and easily deliverable today in these times and spaces of spontaneous exploitable 0day vulnerabilities with the Presentation and Operational Deployment of Alien Interventions ........ or alternatively, as may very well be the case in any and/or all matters way beyond conventional and traditional human command and control, the desperate scramble with misinforming attempts at public denial of the emerged and expanding situation for publishing regarding the disconcerting intelligence/information/narrative/tale freed and escaped into the wild.

    And certainly surely quite worthy of a Jobs style of Apple type leadership/stellar introduction and production/instruction and direction.

    * .... CHAOS [Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems]

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

      Re: Double Dutch to Many, Perfect Uncommon Anglo Sense to a Few A.N.Others.

      Jobs wasnt a leader, he was an abuser. Its well known his only actual technical ability was calling people insults, because even in the days of the Apple II, he couldnt and didnt contribute anything technical because he couldnt program. All he did was place the ads in the local paper and mags.

      1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

        Re: Double Dutch to Many, Perfect Uncommon Anglo Sense to a Few A.N.Others.

        "All he did was place the ads in the local paper and mags."

        Do you have any idea how idiotic that sounds?

        1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

          Re: Double Dutch to Many, Perfect Uncommon Anglo Sense to a Few A.N.Others.

          Have you got any proof that im wrong ?

          Go read the story of the Apple II. Woz did all the engineering and programming, dont think i need to say what else is left to do.

  4. LybsterRoy Silver badge

    This is a surprise. The article is longer than the comments. Shame I stopped reading quite early on.

  5. Moldskred

    "Generative AI has the potential to disrupt every single industry out there."

    Ah, yes. Disrupt. That favourite word of the Technorati. Let's check in with Merriam-Webster, shall we?

    'DISRUPT as in to disturb, to undo the proper order or arrangement of; disturb, confuse, shuffle, disorganize, upset, disarrange, scramble, disarray, dislocate, derange, disorder, muddle, mix (up), jumble, muss, tumble, discompose, hash, snarl, disjoint, perturb, unsettle...'

    1. ITMA Silver badge


      "Disruptive" in the same way that dicharging raw effluent (aka generative A.I. "bullshit") into your water supply distrupts it.

      Not in a good way.

    2. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Softly, softly, catchee monkey and donkeys parading as wannabe lions.

      In order to not sound like someone who knows far too little about everything revolving around them, you surely do not expect us to believe and be able to deny Generative AI’s potential to disrupt and both micro and macro-manage the future considerably better than has been previously done with greater and more intelligently designed instructional narratives ...... especially in the shared light of the division and confusion clearly evidenced by opposing camp followers either enthusiastically for or vehementally against the development/notion.

      It is what it is, and whenever everything is naturally changing in service of Agile ACTive Progress and/or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT rather than everything being just a further toleration of petrification and stagnation, is nothing ever going back to way things used to be with unsuitable animals claiming to be in leading positions.

  6. Alan Bourke

    Ah yes just like 3D printing

    blockchain, VR and so forth.

    A new dawn of humanity? Or the latest tech that will have uses in some areas being furiously pumped by the tech sector because line must go up.

    1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

      Re: Ah yes just like 3D printing

      Despite all the hullaballoo about "generative antagonistic network artificial intelligence/machine learning", doing this and revolutionising that, it has a single killer app which guarantees GAN AI/ML will be around forever.

      That app is the creation of pr0n.

    2. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Well he/it/they/she would, wouldn't he/it/they/she ... say that à la MRDA

      A new dawn of humanity? .... Alan Bourke

      Yes, Alan Bourke, it is ..... but whilst for a Few A.N.Others such is easily extremely exciting and tremendously rewarding, you may like to ask yourself why it is for so many others proving itself to be so very troubling and maddening and impossible to accept and digest as an approved fact rather than treating it as an absolutely fabulous fantastical fabless fiction.

      Despite all the hullaballoo about "generative antagonistic network artificial intelligence/machine learning", doing this and revolutionising that, it has a single killer app which guarantees GAN AI/ML will be around forever.

      That app is the creation of pr0n. .... An_Old_Dog

      It is a grave mistake and huge vulnerability which can and is and will always be relentlessly exploited to the nth degree, to believe the guarantee that GAN AI/ML will be around forever is ensured and secured by a single killer app ..... such as may be the creation of pr0n ..... whenever there is a vast store of many others of equal or greater worth and value to field as and when required and thought suitable.

  7. Irongut Silver badge

    I have a network computer and some Sun shares to sell Mr Garman.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    At my company we were told that 80% of customers wanted AI. We were also told that, due to an inability to sell AI, we were going to start re-branding solutions which use any sort of AI adjacent feature as AI. For example, a web app that has eff all to do with AI but includes a dumb chat bot to answer five basic Q&A support questions that nobody ever uses except as an exercise to see how quickly they can break out to a human support agent... is now an AI solution. So yeah, I can believe AI is going to disrupt everything because now AI will branded into everything. You know, much like the crypto boom a few years back where everyone plus dog had their own coin and totally changed the world because we're all using crypto now to er... do.. stuff?

    1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

      How did they know 80% of customers wanted AI ?

      Did they even ask them in a proper poll ?

      Was it 80 and not 75 or 95 ?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        If you're asking where corps get their stats from and/or the validity of those stats then you're not the target audience. Just look at the numbers and bask in their excellence.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      We don't need AI, we've got AI at home. AI at home...

      "we were going to start re-branding solutions which use any sort of AI adjacent feature as AI"

  9. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

    How come AMZN hasnt asked (commanded ???) AI to write their own OS, like their failed attempt at forking Android ?

    Surely it would cost them basically nothing as they could use AWS spare time ?

    1. Inkey

      Err have you ever tried to use rufus, aws shopping chat bot ..... i swore at it,

      And don't get me started on the voda one ...just repeats the same garbage over n over

      1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

        AI is the new religion.

        For thousands of years people have beeing praying to the gods and the gods did nothing for them and yet they believe. Today we see the same with AI, soo many people beleving all sorts of wonderful things and yet they have no proof thaat god answers prayers or that AI actually REALLY answers questions.

  10. Wang Cores

    Crashing a car is also disruptive.

    1. DoctorNine

      So is a hernia. And after you get one, you can't ever lift heavy things again.

  11. Tim 11

    porting legacy .net applications

    I'd bet a pound to a penny it won't translate ASP.NET web forms, which is the biggest reason most people are stuck with the legacy .NET framework.

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