Re: What will it mean to be a....
If the difference between the professional and the layman is simply access to a black box tool, there is no profession, only gatekeeping.
I would suggest that the profession is full of things like, how to train a new starter effectively on the pile of hacks and black magic, we laughingly refer to as production.
An understanding the contract you are signing is a trap, and you should walk away from the obligation.
An ability to determine what parts of a project to not build, is very important. Prioritisation into MSCW style (Must/Should/Could/Wont).
Sensible addressing schemes - why would I prefer a over a - what impact would that have for capacity planning when for example things have to be geographically redundant?
I know what my addressing scheme is based on subnet usage, how is an LLM going to advise me based on cidr range, without also understanding?
Here's a verbatim recommendation from a LLM - "subnets should be sized in powers of two". Well I'll just take my /25 and go forth and multiply shall I?
I think beyond image generation and automated translation. Technical text generation is only as useful as the generated test suite. Which if it's coming from the same source offers no control.
Sometimes for accuracy a sum of products is more accurate than a product of sums. Mathematically that's nonsensical - but for solid hardware related reasons with real numbers, it's a reality of numeric computing.
I think the LLM is my overconfident junior, who doesn't know what he doesn't know and will copy and paste with abandon. - Leaving me unsure where that suspicious chunk of code came from.
I can at least get rid of them if I find it's actually copied off some rando open source repo or whatever - I'm not confident about attribution from generated LLM code.