back to article Are Copilot+ PCs really the fastest Windows PCs? X and Copilot don't think so

Microsoft's recent post on X that Copilot+ PCs are "the fastest, most intelligent Windows PCs ever" is being rebuffed by the platform's context panel and the software vendor's own chatbot. The terse response to Microsoft's November post on Elon Musk's social media mouthpiece begins: "These are not the fastest Windows PCs." …

  1. JimmyPage

    All I want for Christmas ...

    Is a PC or phone without any of this "AI" shite.

    Same as all I wanted was a TV without any "smart" shite.

    And car without the manufacturers half-arsed attempt at a "system" for maps and music.

    And so far, my wallet agrees.

    1. Mike007 Silver badge

      Re: All I want for Christmas ...

      I have one of those really smart watches made by Casio with a battery life measured in years... Although it did cost £35 to get the high end model.

  2. Ball boy Silver badge


    Perhaps Microsoft have just redefined 'fast'. A trend they set when 'secure', 'trusted' and 'reliable' started appearing in their marketing!


  3. dippy1

    You mean there is difference?

    While care needs to be taken with the output of any AI, in this instance, it seems more care must be exercised by Microsoft's marketing teams and its executives.

    See title!

    1. Fonant

      Re: You mean there is difference?

      Generative AI creates bullshit in a highly efficient way, and is thus loved by marketing teams and executives!

      1. H in The Hague

        Re: You mean there is difference?

        "Generative AI creates bullshit in a highly efficient way, and is thus loved by marketing teams and executives!"

        Yup, some of my work involves writing informative and factually correct marketing materials for high quality technical products - so I love AI bullshit, when it's used by my customers' competitors :)

        My customers' customers tend to be middle-aged, critical technical folk with an allergy to marketing hot air. So the more hot air the competition produces, the more they drive sales to my customers.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: You mean there is difference?

          >"Generative AI creates bullshit in a highly efficient way, and is thus loved by marketing teams and executives!"

          Au contraire.

          Marketing teams and executives create fountains of bullshit, while doing no discernible work whatsoever.

          Thus BS/Watt far, far exceeds AI's efficiency.

          They do however consume quite a lot more oxygen than we'd like, that could be better deployed incinerating tyres and personal sanitary products.

      2. IGotOut Silver badge

        Re: You mean there is difference?

        "and is thus loved by marketing teams and executives!"

        Bang on. The only time is use ChatGPT is to write some flowery bollocks that looks good on the website or Instagram ,to promote the products I design.

  4. Mentat74

    Lemme guess...

    Copilot is part of Microsofts marketing team now ?

    1. Kane

      Re: Lemme guess...

      Copilot is part of Microsofts marketing team now ?

      There, FTFY.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    AI will die ...

    When you suggest it can do the CEOs job after it's consumed the lower layers ....

  6. amajadedcynicaloldfart Bronze badge

    Hang on a minute

    Didn't Sir Clive Sinclair invent the "P.C." with the introduction of the Z80?

    1. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Re: Hang on a minute

      No he did'nt

      Z80 was made by the US company Zilog, and just happened to fit around Clives need for a single supply voltage CPU as everything else at the time needed multiple supply voltages.

      All Clive did was make a price point to sell his products, and make the product cheaply enough to make that price while giving his company some profits.

      History lesson over with.

      But one thing m$ could explain to me, that a 486 powered computer running win 95 from a HDD took a shorter amount of time to boot up and become usable than a intel I5 8 core CPU with a close coupled SSD running win 10..................

      1. Boothy

        Re: Hang on a minute

        I think they were referring to the 'Sinclair ZX80', which used the Zilog Z80 CPU.

        It was supposedly the first personal computer for under £100, thus not the first actual PC.

      2. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

        Re: Hang on a minute

        Wasn't that sarcasm?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Hang on a minute

        If you think an 8 core i5 is slow to boot, you should try a server with dual amd epyc cpus, 16 ssds in a raid array and 256GB of ram.... I find it hilarious that the original celeron powered eeePC could go from powered off to fully usable in considerably less than a minute, booting from an old, slow SD card, whereas a relatively recent, pretty fast, server grade machine will take a few minutes.

        Sadly, the server is just as slow to boot linux as it is to boot windows....

      4. Clausewitz4.0 Bronze badge

        Re: Hang on a minute

        "running win 95 from a HDD took a shorter amount of time"

        The junk included along the years wasn't cleaned. We may as well still having some GDI32 privilege escalation exploit being released nowadays.

  7. cornetman Silver badge

    > "Microsoft changed computing history by inventing a new category: the Personal Computer or PC."

    WTF? I think most people understand that the "PC" term refers to IBM's original PC line and subsequent compatibles. It doesn't really have anything to do with the OS that is running on it, although some people use the term more loosely these days to differentiate it from Apple machines. In actual fact, a lot of older Apple machines were effectively PC-compatibles.

    1. IvyKing Bronze badge

      The term "PC" predates IBM's 5150 by several years and the 5150 was marketed as the IBM PC.

    2. nijam Silver badge

      > "Microsoft changed computing history by inventing a new category: the Personal Computer or PC."

      Well, long before all those little personal computers, PC (in the computing world at least) meant Plug-Compatible, as in mainframe products from IBMs competitors.

      1. Helcat Silver badge

        1968: HP used the term for their 9100 personal computer.

        I also like reminding people that the term PC has been around since the 13th C, at the very least.

        That's Police Constable, if you're wondering.

        I'll head back to Pedant's Corner...

        1. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

          Well, I'll be darned. . .

          Thanks, Helcat. I learned something. I looked it up and it seems you're right. . .

          . . . at least about the computer. I'll take your word about the Police Constable part.

          Though calling it a computer might be stretching the term a bit, at least in the current sense of the term, since it's really more of a programmable calculator, but that's just a quibble about which I'm not prepared to argue.

          1. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

            Re: Well, I'll be darned. . .

            The original computers were people doing calculations for tables. So a.calculator would qualify.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      re. I think most people understand that the "PC"

      unfortunately most people understand shit and care even less. Otherwise, the man would have been fired for telling blantant lies in the open. Has he been fired?

  8. beast666 Silver badge

    Should've posted to Bluesky...

    ... the user there would have sucked this up without question.

  9. Blackjack Silver badge

    Are those posts made by Gen AI with a human shepherd that's an ignoramus looking over the tweets before they actually get posted?

  10. Mishak Silver badge

    Got the daughter a Lenovo "Copilot+ PC"

    Not because it has Copilot, but because it is Windows on Arm. She was also looking at MacBook Air, but this got her a better spec for less money (Apple have since improved their specs).

    She uses it for school (and will use it at uni) and gaming*. She loves the fact it's small, fast, has a very, very nice screen and runs for at least two days without having to be charged.

    Copilot was not considered when she was looking for a machine, and she does not use it.

    * when the games work - a lot seem to suffer memory corruption (looks like the frame buffer is used for game data) and "do not yet support Arm" as a consequence. Wouldn't be surprised if there's some undefined-behaviour in there that's manifesting itself in a bad way on Arm...

    1. nijam Silver badge

      Re: Got the daughter a Lenovo "Copilot+ PC"

      > "... and she does not use it"

      She'll soon be forced to, I suspect.

      1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

        Re: She'll soon be forced to

        and said machine will BSOD if you try to remove it... MS will get that desperate to make something popular that they can charge $9.99/per user/per month.

        Nuke Windows and run Linux (or BSD if you must). Boring yes but there are none of these games to fight.

  11. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

    What? People expect ads to be truthful? That's a new one.

  12. xyz Silver badge

    F. A. S. T.

    Fucking Awful Software Technology

  13. Electronics'R'Us


    the fastest, most intelligent Windows PCs ever

    I was not aware that any PC (or electronics system with or without software) had any intelligence at all.

    My current expansion for AI is Artificial Ignorance.

  14. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    PC's with Intelligence?

    I'd like to see MS explain to the ASA exactly what they mean by Intelligent.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: PC's with Intelligence?

      Why !!!???

      ASA are not known for having a particularly sharp set of teeth, MS can make up the usual B******* and get away with it !!!

      i.e. Copilot+ PC's are the fastest Windows PCs with Copilot !!!


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