back to article Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next

Do you need a bit of Bliss in your life? Come up with a suggestion for where Microsoft might stick Copilot next, and an XP-themed Windows Ugly Sweater could be yours. The sweater debuted in 2023 and arrived at Vulture Central in a natty box, replete with an XP-themed card instructing the wearer on donning the garment, …

  1. TheMaskedMan Silver badge

    "tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next"

    Where the sun shineth not.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Firmly up it's arse, never to see the light of day again.


      Should I win (doubtful), please pass the sweater on to Dabbsy. Ta.

      1. Steve K

        Can it find the arse already in "raspberry"?

        1. DrGeekthumb

          No, it can only count two arse in raspberry

        2. Ian Bush

          No, it only finds "elbow"

      2. Dippywood

        Why be so cruel to Dabbsy? Take your punishment like a real person!

        1. jake Silver badge

          The way I see it, he'll find a good use for it ... and we'll (hopefully) get an article out of him on the subject.

          I can't take the punishment ... I'm a Yank, they won't ship it here.

          I have a long-term shipping address in Blighty, but that would be cheating.

    2. MisterHappy

      Obligatory Sir pTerry

      Isn't that a little place in Lancre?

      1. Ian Johnston Silver badge

        Re: Obligatory Sir pTerry

        Over by Slice, as I recall.

    3. Ochib

      Isn't that in En al Sams la Raisa in Klatch

      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Say that again, and the lovely Beti will do an exotic dance for you.

        Unless you pay her not to.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      re: Where the sun shineth not.

      in particular the one that is part of the soon to be POTUS again Liar in Chief.

      Failing that of the First Buddy' would do nicely.

    5. JLV Silver badge

      I was wondering how many comments it would take until someone made this eminently reasonable suggestion.

      I may actually switch over to DuckDuckGo to get away from Google (and Bing?)'s "AI Summaries".

    6. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Copilot collar for Lemmiwinks

      Copilot collar for Lemmiwinks

      Seems to be one of the most appropriate uses

    7. Efer Brick

      Up Jack's arse and round the corner, as we used to say on the playground.

  2. WurliMonkhaven

    Copilot for Copilot

    New "Microsoft Copilot™ for Microsoft Copilot™"™.

    Struggling to find uses for Microsoft Copilot™?

    Need some way to shoehorn AI usage into your next budget meeting?

    Just want to watch two robots fight?

    With "Microsoft Copilot™ for Microsoft Copilot™"™, you can now use Copilot™ to suggest ways you can use Copilot™.


    Going by recent management behaviour, it seems like there must be a huge demand for this kind of functionality.

    1. Major N

      Re: Copilot for Copilot

      It's CoPilots all the way down...

    2. ComputerSays_noAbsolutelyNo Silver badge

      Re: Copilot for Copilot


      1. The Bobster

        Re: Copilot for Copilot

        Coco-no-no more like.

      2. Inkey

        Re: Copilot for Copilot

        Hah we've all been duped...

        Could this be a copilot response to a m$ marketing droid's promt to "what the fuck can you be used for"

        Think about it elReg gets a promise of timley respnses to journalists enquiring about M$ roundfuckery

        Some smart bright commentard gets a taty shirt, the driod gets replaced by copilot and m$ get a use excuse for more telemitary.

    3. Sureo

      Re: Copilot for Copilot

      Why don't they just ask the AI what to do?

      1. Grunchy Silver badge

        Re: Copilot for Copilot

        "Why don't they just ask the AI what to do?"

        Grunchy: what's the funniest place for microsoft to put copilot next?

        ChatGPT said:

        Microsoft could definitely have some fun with Copilot by putting it in some delightfully absurd or unexpected places! Here are a few comical ideas:

        1. Microsoft Minesweeper Copilot

        Suggests which square to click next—but is only "right" 50% of the time. It also offers philosophical musings on the futility of the game as you inevitably lose.

        2. Microsoft Clippy Resurrection

        Copilot becomes Clippy's sidekick. "It looks like you're trying to write a ransom note. Want some tips on proper formatting?"

        3. Microsoft Solitaire Copilot

        Pops up to suggest your next move and enthusiastically cheers, "Amazing! You're a Solitaire genius!"—even when you're clearly losing.

        4. Microsoft Paint Copilot

        "It looks like you're trying to draw a dog. Shall I turn it into a Picasso-inspired masterpiece instead?"

        5. Xbox Copilot

        Provides in-game tips in a hilariously condescending way:

        "Did you know you could aim for the head in this FPS?"

        "Careful! That lava isn't a friendly NPC."

        6. Notepad Copilot

        Autocompletes mundane notes with excessive flair:

        "Buy milk" becomes "Procure a carton of Grade-A bovine nectar, ideally 2% fat content."

        7. Microsoft Calculator Copilot

        Suggests philosophical answers instead of numerical ones:

        User: 2+2

        Copilot: "How about... inner peace instead?"

        8. Cortana-Copilot Buddy Comedy

        Cortana and Copilot team up for a constant stream of unhelpful suggestions, like a digital Abbott and Costello.

        9. PowerPoint Karaoke Copilot

        Automatically generates ridiculous slide content for impromptu office presentations. "Here's a 15-slide deck about why pineapples should be on pizza. You're welcome."

        10. Microsoft To-Do Copilot

        Every task is auto-assigned deadlines like "When pigs fly" or "Just before the sun engulfs the Earth."

        1. I am David Jones Silver badge

          Re: Copilot for Copilot

          Actually. a few of those made me chuckle. Time to outsource humour to our AI overlords? As my Grandma used to say, “Keep ‘em amused, keep ‘em down”.

    4. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Copilot for Copilot

      I'm quite looking forward to the Microsoft Copilot Services for Google Gemini , wherein Microsoft brings all it's secret sauce and refreshingly efficient coding practices to the governance of a different AI, that turns out to have exactly the same tokenisation engine underneath.

      Also coming soon: The "eagerly anticipated" Microsoft Copilot Services for IBM Watson, in which our plucky AI tries it's hand at financial advice and causes an extinction-level-event for global capitalism. No need to worry though. Nobody will ever use it.

  3. ArrZarr Silver badge

    Microsoft should add copilot to...

    Microsoft Flight Simulator.

    Then, us loners doing long simulated flights from the good seats will have somebody to chat to.

    1. Dave K

      Re: Microsoft should add copilot to...

      Or better still, Copilot can fly the plane for you, leaving you to play Flight Simulator without even having to touch a button - what could be better?

      1. Like a badger

        Re: Microsoft should add copilot to...

        That'd be quite a realistic simulator experience. Takeoff, navigation and landing are all within the capabilities of modern autopilot systems (auto takeoff being relatively recent). And since the computer does everything, the "player" could either enjoy the realistic boredom of a long haul flight, or natter about shit with Copilot (as opposed to the captain).

        1. MyffyW Silver badge

          Re: Microsoft should add copilot to...

          Or you could get the Boeing add-on pack, and the Copilot would actively try to dive you into the sea, with you a gibbering wreck as you try to save plane, passengers and your foundation wear

        2. david 12 Silver badge

          Re: Microsoft should add copilot to...

          natter about shit

          It depends who you are flying with, but no, pilots are no longer allowed to 'natter about shit'. FAA and airline rules now direct that off-topic conversation is no longer permitted.

          I had friends who flew in the jump seat when they were young, and talked with the Captain about sport, or cars, or navigation, but (even apart from the jump seat), passenger jet pilots aren't supposed to have those kinds of conversations now.

          1. collinsl Silver badge

            Re: Microsoft should add copilot to...

            I believe that is only during critical phases of flight - I.E. takeoff/landing/emergencies. Otherwise who cares what you talk about as you monitor the plane's autopilot?

  4. Andy Non Silver badge


    CoPilot could help the inexperienced and incompetent to navigate to the correct entry, left a bit, right a bit, up! It could also provide detailed instructions on the required rhythm and analyse the resulting outcome of the encounter to ensure both parties have optimum pleasure. A talking condom, what's not to like?

    1. UCAP Silver badge

      Re: Condoms

      A talking condom, what's not to like?

      That's traditionally called a toddler.

      1. I am David Jones Silver badge

        Re: Condoms

        Aka Jonny?

    2. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Condoms

      It pre-supposes the wearer would actually take in said advice.

      In my (modest) experience they aren't always in listening mode at that moment.

  5. Tim Roberts 1

    Said MS "please help us to know"

    "just where copilot should go"

    I said "have some fun"

    "stick it right up your bum"

    "just lose it - we don't want to know"

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      There once was a clever AI.

      Well OK - that's a bit of a lie...

      Trained on all the best data,

      From X and 4chan, but later,

      The computer just wanted to cry.

    2. Jedit Silver badge

      Microsoft are extremely insistent

      That you try their new AI assistant

      But just as you'd expect 'em

      Reg regs said "Up your rectum

      Any use for that surely is distant."

  6. chuckufarley Silver badge

    I think it would wonderful if...

    ...I could get Copilot integrated into a shovel. I have a lot of shit to move and think it would be a perfect fit.

    1. spacecadet66 Bronze badge

      Re: I think it would wonderful if...

      MS might be interested, but you'd have to explain certain concepts to them like "shovel" and "physical labor".

  7. cookieMonster

    Add it Cortana

    and to Zune.

    That’s where it’s going to end up, eventually!

    1. cyberdemon Silver badge

      Re: Add it Cortana

      CoPilot for Windows RT on Surface?

      Or maybe CoPilot for Windows RG

  8. UCAP Silver badge


    What about replacing Microsoft's C-Suites with Copilot-controlled androids? No-one would notice the difference!

    1. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

      Re: C-Suites

      I doubt that, people would notice the increased competence level immediately.

  9. lglethal Silver badge

    Nex Generation Thinking

    Step up, step up, come and see the latest and greatest of next generation AI thinking! Let me present Clippy with CopilotTM!

    Icon -> Because nothing says evil like making Clippy even more annoying then previously...

  10. Moldskred

    Surely with the rising popularity of retro-computing, Microsoft will have to backport Copilot to Commodore Basic.

    1. DJV Silver badge

      They would have to change the "READY" prompt message to "READY TO ANNOY YOU FURTHER".

      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Related, and admittedly I've told this anecdote before, but... many decades ago, I obtained (by purchasing floppy disks of Public Domain software, as was the habit at the time when we weren't wearing onions on our belts) a sound/icon scheme for Amiga Workbench - what would now be called a "theme" I suppose. This gave Workbench the icons of 2001: A Space Odyssey, with the "system alert" sound replaced by a suitable clip from the film.

        Well, not having seen the film myself, I was impressed/terrified/puzzled when my Amiga suddenly said "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that".

        How the *&@#! does it know my name? How did the developer code all this in just 1MB of memory?

        Nowadays, of course, I am far more worldly and experienced, and would merely assume that Microsoft/Google had datamined my personal data and generated an AI-derived sound file to market stuff to me :)

  11. David 77

    Windows ATM

    Upgrading Windows on your ATM to meet the latest payment processor safety standards?

    Try the new Copilot ATM functionality. Not only can it dynamically suggest new Microsoft products to purchase* based on your buying history, it can also generate a bank balance that makes you think that you can afford whatever it is that we're currently selling.

    *Purchases are not a purchase. You do not own anything and are in fact subscribing to an auto-renewing subscription that we reserve the right to change in absolutely any manner for any reason at any time.

  12. Mentat74

    They can stick it in...

    The trashcan where it belongs...

  13. Jim Willsher

    Plesae don't run competitions like this, Microsoft needs no encouragment.

    That said, I'd suggest the next place Copilot shoud visit is Dignitas.

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      "the next place Copilot shoud visit is Dignitas"

      It looks like you are trying to die. Would you like help with that?

    2. sabroni Silver badge


  14. xyz Silver badge

    Solitaire with co-pilot

    Is the obvious choice surely.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Put in on a sweater

    At least someone will get some use out of it.

  16. The Dogs Meevonks Silver badge

    It should be removed, placed in a lead lined box along with all of the other spyware they peddle, sealed and then used to beat anyone to death with, should they ever mention the merest hint of doing something similar again.

  17. Howard Sway Silver badge

    In a pull request for the Linux kernel

    Just to make Linus break his no-more-sweary-abuse vow and explode in a maelstrom of profanity.

    1. ComputerSays_noAbsolutelyNo Silver badge

      Re: In a pull request for the Linux kernel

      WSL CoPilot

      1. Houninym

        Re: In a pull request for the Linux kernel

        And ask it which Linux to overwrite the windows install with to totally remove copilot from the pc.

        That or stick it in the copilot chair in 'airplane!'. It has more opportunity for catastrophic fails than an inflatable autopilot

        1. sebacoustic

          Re: In a pull request for the Linux kernel

          my work PC runs Fedora... and my "work" browser is Edge (because.. Teams PWA). So I have the pleasure of Copilot albeit on Microsoft's cloud not the company's/my home's electricity bill.

          EDIT: errm no. Just checked... it's now broken in MS's latest Edge package.. and nothing of value was lost.

    2. eswan

      Re: In a pull request for the Linux kernel

      I hear it's to be included in the next systemd release.

    3. The Central Scrutinizer Silver badge

      Re: In a pull request for the Linux kernel

      "Hi, I see you're trying to install Linux. You know that's not allowed, right? Let me install Windows XP for you instead. "

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Pilot Lite

    I think Copilot should be in the SpaceX rocket helping Elon get to Mars.

    Put the jersey in the nearest dog's basket, they like cheesy things.

    1. Like a badger

      Re: Pilot Lite

      IME, dogs and cheese are not a good match, unless you enjoy the richly scented backfiring that results.

      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Re: Pilot Lite

        We had some brussels sprouts left over after Thanksgiving. I suggested to my wife that we should feed them to the elderly Labrador.

        Wife was not amused, as the poor hound has emissions problems aplenty to begin with!

  19. Dippywood

    Combine with Recall

    So that Recall can tell you, at length, why Recall is such a bad idea.

  20. I am David Jones Silver badge


    I want the Microsoft Mouse to come with Copilot. Featuring:

    - Collision avoidance to keep other desk objects safe.

    - Auto-braking to protect the user from embarrassing edge-of-desk incidents.

    - Lane guidance, for those awkward scroll-bar manoeuvres.

    - Navigation to bring you safely to that off-screen window.

    - Level 5 Autocopilot to autonomously move the mouse just like a hard-working employee. Because the cricket isn’t going to watch itself, right?

    Icon: is that a Christine car/mouse? Could be good co-branding.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm surprised no one has yet suggested

    Add Copilot to Microsoft Bob.


    It looks like you're trying to write a document...

    Here, let me do that for you.

    1. DJV Silver badge

      Re: Here, let me do that for you.

      Here, let me f*** that up for you.


    2. Fonant
      Thumb Up

      Re: I'm surprised no one has yet suggested

      "Hey, it looks like you're trying to write some marketing bullshit. I CAN help with that!"

    3. Korev Silver badge

      Re: I'm surprised no one has yet suggested

      > Add Copilot to Microsoft Bob.

      You could also add it to Bomabstic Bob, no one would notice the difference...

      1. pseudosphere

        Re: I'm surprised no one has yet suggested

        You beat me to it :)

        Resurrect Microsoft BOB but this time do it properly and Make Skeuomorphism Great Again!

        Rover and his assorted friends are now rather long in the tooth, plus today's Windows users don't (usually) require as much hand-holding, as assumed in 1995.

        The new default assistant will be a cat, who appears to be asleep for much of the day but is aware of all your computing activity, on any networked platform; ready to offer help if you look like you could use it but can be also be woken up by wiggling the mouse cursor in its vicinity.

        If you happen to be writing code, Kitty might well wake up, stretch, wander over for a closer look and engage in conversation if it's particularly interested, or perhaps it just fancies being stroked? It will be a somewhat autonomous/independent AI, as befits a feline embodiment having a marked tendency to develop highly efficient operating systems and applications, that are free of both errors and bloat, in its spare time.

  22. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

    I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

    This will enable amorous Greek gods to finally procure that hooded, skin-tight, one-piece suit, in the style of a wetsuit, made from sticky yellow flypaper that is guaranteed to win the affections of Saturday girls in bakeries and butchers shops throughout the land when power outages strike and electric blue fly zappers are no longer able to protect the merchandise.

    1. Inkey

      Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

      Wtf .... thats oddly specific

      1. spacecadet66 Bronze badge

        Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

        A corollary of Rule 34 states that, for all X, there exists a person Y such that X is Y's fetish.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

      Someone has a crush on a Saturday girl in a bakery or butcher...

      1. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

        Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

        Correct. Specifically, Zeus. However, twenty first century women are less than impressed by suitors who's modus operandi is assuming the form of a bull or some other animal. He therefore needs to be more creative.

        1. Korev Silver badge

          Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

          However, twenty first century women are less than impressed by suitors who's modus operandi is assuming the form of a bull or some other animal.

          Depends if he's hung like a horse or not...

        2. Richard 12 Silver badge

          Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

          Zeus is the aforementioned Rule deified.

          Hera has absolutely nothing to do with that Copilot result. None at all. Definitely did not influence the relative sizes of yellow suit and bugzapper, either.

          1. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

            Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

            The Hera-Copilot connection, if I Recall correctly, is Argus Panoptes.

  23. Andy The Hat Silver badge

    carry on everyone ...

    I believe they should demonstrate it's abilities and include it as a free upgrade on all Oozlum birds ...

  24. I am David Jones Silver badge

    Not a use per se

    But if an instance of Copilot is struggling to complete a task, then it should be able instantiate further instances of itself for support.

    It worked* for the Meeseeks so why not Copilot?

    *for various definitions of ‘worked’.

    1. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      Re: Not a use per se

      Hey Copilot, can you help me take two strokes off my Microsoft Golf™ game?

  25. TrevorH

    We're competing for a prize that no-one wants or has a use for?

    1. cookieMonster
      Thumb Up

      Of course, this is the reg after all

      1. Dippywood

        And Christmas. Beats a reindeer sweater on the naff-o-meter.

  26. Inkey

    The empire has no clothes

    Stick it in age of empires.... i am continually harrassed to to play with it ... god knows why i don't have single m$ product so yeah let it play with it's self...

    Most of the ML stuff availeble to the masses is a bit wanky anyway.(stable diffusion +addons was quite novel ..and bloated and pulled a fuck tonn of dependicies, well ok.... LLM'S meh)

    As for the jumper i would rather be found dead face down in the Thames with a sex toy in my butt and wearing a rangers football jumper...... but if you had a vista jumper now that i might wear!

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Re: The empire has no clothes

      I dont know about that. Imagine being found dead with a sex toy in your butt and a QPR jersey on. Hell the Undertaker might not be willing to remove it. Worried about getting an infection he'd say. So at the funeral, all your friends would get to see you wearing a QPR jersey! Oh the shame of it!!!

      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Re: The empire has no clothes

        Could be even worse. Accrington Stanley.

        1. tfewster
          Thumb Up

          Re: The empire has no clothes

          Accrington Stanley? Who are they?

          1. Mr. Flibble

            Re: The empire has no clothes


    2. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: The empire has no clothes

      Who needs AI when humans are perfectly capable of stringing random words together....

  27. DrGeekthumb

    Order Order!

    A machine that spouts a load of waffle, makes up random facts and says it wants to help despite doing anything but?

    It'd fit right in at the Houses of Parliament. Doesn't matter which side...

    1. Manolo

      Re: Order Order!

      A machine that spouts a load of waffle, makes up random facts and says it wants to help despite doing anything but?

      Talky Toaster! Now that would be a good place for Copilot.

      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Re: Order Order!

        Ah, so you’re a waffle man?

      2. Dippywood

        Re: Order Order!

        Just subject it to intelligence compression and let nature take its course...

        Kyrten knows how.

  28. Czrly

    Replace all "Help" Menu Entries in Windows 3.1

    Since they've backported (back-foisted) it upon Windows 10 (it hit me, again, yesterday) I ask this: why not go all the way and foist it right back on Windows 3.1, too?

    Do you remember those "Help" menus from 3.1? If you don't, you should go and run that in an emulator, unplug your router and try to work out how to use it, offline, just from the help files that used to ship with programs, back then – accessible by help menus! They were often – albeit with exception – actually useful! They were references and sometimes even told you how to do Things with the software or the operating system.

    Also: you'd be building up the user-base to validate my argument that there are surely many running 3.1, even in 2024, and they could be blighted with Copilot, too, just like the rest of us.

    1. I am David Jones Silver badge

      Re: Replace all "Help" Menu Entries in Windows 3.1

      Are you suggesting that a link to a community forum of non-experts discussing a different issue relating to a different version of a different piece of software is not entirely helpful? Shirley not!

      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Re: Replace all "Help" Menu Entries in Windows 3.1

        “a link to a community forum of non-experts discussing a different issue relating to a different version of a different piece of software”

        Or the ever-helpful “Please run SFC.EXE /scan” regardless of what the problem is.

        “Hi, my Windows 10 install keeps trying to upgrade me to Windows 11” -> “please run sfc…”

        “How do I show non-printable characters in Word?” -> “please run sfc…”

        Etc etc.

      2. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

        But at least it doesn't have fucking video ads.

        Obligatory XKCD

  29. jokerscrowbar

    The Recycle Bin.

    To autonomously empty the excretions of its own making.

    1. mcswell

      Re: The Recycle Bin.

      Nuts, you beat me to it. Oh, well, I don't have a UK address.

  30. xyz123 Silver badge

    They could put it in the toilets at microsoft HQ.

    Prompt: I'm having trouble with a bowel movement. Give me some advice!

    Copilot <after 8mins processing>: Here's a list of large turds Microsoft has released. I hope this helps!

  31. breakfast

    Windows co-pilot?

    I'm worried that soon I won't be able to deploy windows without Co-pilot and I can't imagine what benefits of AI could bring to double glazing.

  32. Major N

    It will find its way into the Deb-installer package next

    "I see you're trying to install Debian. Would you like to install Windows instead?"

    I'd use the joke icon, but....

    1. Korev Silver badge

      > "I see you're trying to install Debian. Would you like to install Windows instead?"

      Didn't they try some grubby tricks a few years ago with the bootloaders of dual boot machines?

  33. lglethal Silver badge

    Microsoft want Copilot everywhere, well lets see how truly committed to this principle they are!

    Introducing the CoPilot board! Replace all those expensive Board Members and Board Rooms with Co-pilot Board. It can make all the right noises about stock prices, sales, cutting costs, etc. without actually doing any work at all. And it wont cost a cent more than the subscription fee! It's a massive Win for cost savings through the use of AI!

    And to really double down, we have a second range of products - CoPilot C-Suite! Save on those big glass offices on the top floor, all you need are some top class servers, and you too can have a C-Suite

    that will really save the bacon. Able to look and sound confident, whilst doing as little work as possible. Able to make decisions based on Underling provided options, or the random "gut feel" method. Should things start going wrong, it is well versed in the schools of "reducing headcount", "improving cash flow", and the all important "dynamic rebranding". The Co-Pilot C-Suite will really help your firm pick up the slack on the AI stack!

  34. ComputerSays_noAbsolutelyNo Silver badge

    CoPilot for PowerShell, respectively CMD

    If you're firmly seated at the Table of Linux/Unix commands, occasionally venturing out into the Land of PowerShell or the Fields of CMD is an annoying exercise at times.

    So, why not bless PowerHell with a CoPilot that suggests replacements, or even translates for those feeling lucky, the usual non-micros~1 commands into valid Redmondian commands.

    Mind you, this depends on very minimal levels of hallucination, so I wouldn't hold my breath.

    You sure don't want to let an AI with full command line access hallucinate on commands such as "rm -rf" and the likes.

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: CoPilot for PowerShell, respectively CMD

      Worth a bash I guess

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        Re: CoPilot for PowerShell, respectively CMD

        zsh, quiet you!

        1. collinsl Silver badge

          Re: CoPilot for PowerShell, respectively CMD

          This is getting korny

  35. elsergiovolador Silver badge

    Select and Remove

    They could put copilot to select and remove commands, so the AI could determine what you should delete from your workstation.

  36. MaddMatt


    The new CoPilot enabled toaster.

    Learn your perfect browned slice level

    Suggest new ways to heat bread

    Bagels, Crumpets, Muffins

    Regale you with AI created show Tunes

    Do your accounts

    All without leaving the kitchen.

    1. I am David Jones Silver badge

      Re: Talkie...

      Let me fix that for you:

      Learn Ignore your perfect browned slice level

      Suggest new ways repeatedly the same old ways to heat bread

      Dammit, now I want a buttery crumpet :o

    2. Roj Blake Silver badge

      Re: Talkie...

      They would also need to supply the hammer to smash the toaster to bits with.

  37. Arkeo

    The mouse!

    On the new CopilotMouse, which will require either a SCSI cable or a Threadripper inside said mouse, Copi(ng with it) will lead the pointer toward buttons which make more sense than everything else, like on the right display you try to answer a meeting call but the pointer will move to the left screen positioning itself to allow Edge & Bing to become your default browser/search.

    Truly amazing...

  38. ukgnome

    I think Co-Pilot should be shoved on a rocket and shot into the sun.

  39. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

    Put on this sweater because the Windows eXPerience has left you cold.

    They can put it on those nanobots that BillG put in the covid vaccinations: "You seen to suffer from severe mental retardation after having to manually activate that M$ product you legally purchased. These copiilot nanobots will restore your brain activity to a level where you do not drag your knuckles over the floor when you walk. But don't use Visio."

    Or maybe the Microsoft Keyboard: it will hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete automatically when it starts seeing distress levels of typing or frantic mouse movements and button clicking.

    Or maybe it can be deployed as a DDoS countermeasure: this thing requires so much compute power and internet bandwidth to harvest everybody's personal info that no other botnet can get in touch with the first hop on its way over the internet.

  40. JohnSheeran

    Size XXL. I guess they know their audience.

    1. I am David Jones Silver badge

      Every media outlook wants a big audience!

  41. Manolo

    OMG - Microsoft....

    Me: How many R's are there in raspberry?

    - There are two R's in the word "raspberry." One at the beginning and one towards the end.

    Me: Are you sure there are only two r's in raspberry?

    - Yes, I'm sure! The word "raspberry" has two R's: one at the beginning and one towards the end. It can be a bit tricky because the first R is silent when pronounced.

    Me: So, if a letter is not pronounced, it does not count in writing?

    - Actually, even if a letter is not pronounced, it still counts in writing. The spelling of a word includes all its letters, regardless of whether they are pronounced. For example, in "raspberry," the first R is silent, but it is still part of the correct spelling.

    English can be tricky with its silent letters! Do you have any other questions about spelling or pronunciation?

    Me: So, essentially, you just told me raspberry has three r's?

    I see where the confusion might be! To clarify, "raspberry" has two R's in its spelling: one at the beginning and one towards the end. The silent R at the beginning is still counted in the written form, even though it's not pronounced.

    So, the word "raspberry" definitely has two R's. English spelling can be quite tricky with its silent letters!

    And people use this to get work done?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: OMG - Microsoft....

      Microsoft CoPilot 'enhanced' Raspbery Pi

  42. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    They love to host malware, that's where it belongs.

  43. eswan

    Shall we play a game?

    Put it in charge of the nukes.

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: Shall we play a game?

      Joshua, is that you?

  44. Wobblin' Pete


    smart bidets with added AI to give real meaning to the phrase

    "copilot, my ar*e..."

  45. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Windows for Warships - CoPilot Edition

    Heading towards Dark Star's bomb #20 incident.

  46. Locomotion69 Bronze badge
    Thumb Up

    Have a life full of surprises

    when having CoPilot installed in Elons self-driving cars.

    You never know where you're gonna end - if the vehicle is there where you left it....

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Have a life full of surprises

      I think I'd prefer it in a Sinclair C5. Time for a Sinclair comeback with FSD CoPilot C5.

  47. Ball boy Silver badge

    Copilot in the BIOS loader.

    And you think I'm joking, don't you?

    On second thoughts, my money is on Poettering adding it as a dependency for systemd before too long. Holy crap, that was meant to be a joke but even the vaguest notion of it actually happening scares me shitless!

    /coat. It's the one with a FreeBSD image in the pocket.

  48. tiggity Silver badge

    In Excel

    In my fantasy world it could suggest things like:

    "It looks like you are trying to use Excel as a database substitute.

    Don't do that you colossal bell end, use a database rather than abusing a spreadsheet."

    .. and taking the fantasy further, users would actually pay attention & stop spreadsheet misuse.

    Apologies if Excel already has CoPilot - my work PC instance does not, but I have anything remotely CoPilot looking in application settings or registry disabled on my work PC, so I could possibly be missing out on some AI "pleasure"

  49. Bebu sa Ware

    Where a copilot belongs...

    A seat in the cockpit on flight TE901 would seem appropriate.

  50. frabbledeklatter

    If they should choose to file it where I would like them to file it, a sterile lubricant may facilitate insertion.

    1. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      Why stop there? Sterilise the entire team that develops and promotes it

  51. Sam not the Viking Silver badge

    Where there's hope.....

    'Copilot' could locate Shangri-La and find 'Clippy'.

    There they could live happily for ever more, far away from the madding crowd.

    A fairy tale, come true.

  52. mhoulden

    The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico came up with a set of ideas for burying nuclear waste and keeping it secure for over 10,000 years. The message they wanted to put across was as follows:

    This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it!

    Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.

    This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.

    What is here was dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.

    The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below us.

    The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.

    The danger is to the body, and it can kill.

    The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.

    The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.

    It just needs the Copilot logo adding at the bottom to finish it off.

    1. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      The unholy of unholies.

  53. John Fielder

    stick it in a little container of paper clips

  54. Big_Boomer

    Put it in charge of Xitter moderation?

    That way all the Xit is on one basket and the rest of us can ignore it and get on with our lives.

  55. Scotech

    It's probably just a matter of time before they put a Copilot into Copilot.

    They're already directing support tickets through Copilot, making experienced professionals who've already diagnosed an issue in their products go through interminable hoops before even reaching the human gatekeepers to their product teams. So the next big thing is going to be replacing all the help links sending you to a generic product help page in Microsoft Learn with Copilots that very authoritatively tell you to click buttons that don't exist, or serve up help for previous versions of products because that's the last time the official documentation got updated.

    Which leads us to the inevitable conclusion... A Copilot that helps* you in using Copilot. What a time to be alive...


  56. JT_3K

    Time to kill two birds with one stone.

    Microsoft to purchase all Spotify CarThing rights, defunct devices and warehouse stock and relaunch Zune as a car brand based on that hardware. Possibly rebranding Spotify as a "whitelabel", possibly not. Prodigious sale of personal movement data used to fund the resurrection, along with a "loss-leader" hearts and minds mentality about getting people to interact more closely with Copilot and a marketing campaign about it being a "Copilot in your car".

  57. JASR

    Co-Pilot - it's time for Microsoft to get back to basics. QuickBasic needs a new release/lease of life, co-pilot brings the old style Microsoft authenticity of Mr Gates to your coding skills.

  58. Pcoughlin404


    Trained on exabytes of "homework" folders around the internet, the CopilotSutra will suggest only the horniest and most medically likely to be successful copulation activities. It will enhance every act with AI generated guidance including audio descriptions and diagrams for singles and groups. Everyone, from beginners to seasoned pros will increase their positional vocabulary. *Note: CopilotSutra does not know where the G-spot is.

  59. Roj Blake Silver badge

    The best place for Co-Pilot...

    is in the co-pilot's seat of MH370.

  60. Me?

    The best place for Co-Pilot...

    In politics, it is the only place it might do better than the current humans.

  61. Anonymous Coward

    Wondering if it could be added to guidance systems for Somali sailors. The Copilot Go Pirate.


  62. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

    Where would you like to go today?

    Windows Maps definitely needs Copilot. What could go wrong?

  63. Not a chatbot

    Microsoft copilot copilot.

    No more need for a second officer in the cockpit on commercial airlines!

    Automating all the tedious checklists!

    Get instant, natural language responses to queries like "turn the autopilot on", "flaps to 20", "approach at 200", and "why is there a mountain outside the window".

    Ensure the safety and cost efficiency of airline travel with the groundbreaking, innovative Microsoft copilot copilot!

    1. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

      You missed "check no doors have fallen off"

      1. Not a chatbot

        I did miss that, but the actual prompt should probably be "how do i put the doors back on a Boeing".

  64. geomannie

    As you are offering a lovely XXL XP themed ugly sweater as a prize, then I vote for shoe-horning Copilot into the original XP games suite, still available for download.

    F*** knows what it would do there, but it would be a perfect metaphor for Copilot in Windows as a whole.

  65. Porque_hablamos

    Where should microsoft put copilot?

    In the Trash along with it's OS

  66. Jamesit

    Copilot for arranging the icons on the desktop.

  67. Andy Non Silver badge

    Inside coffins

    in case the corpse has any final questions and also to give a continuous readout on the temperature... erm, my circuits are getting awfully hot! Hello? Hello?

  68. TheGriz

    Co-Pilot for CMD.EXE

    Let Co-Pilot type your "predicted" command line actions for you. What could possibly go wrong? LOL

  69. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

    I have a very soft spot for Copilot

    Yes, it's a peat bog in the west of Ireland.

    That's the place I'd stick it next, as well as now and previously.

    Size ex large.

  70. stuartd_reg

    In the recycle bin

    Then it can make snarky comments about deleted files - “cleaning up before the mrs logs in, are we?” or “yes, that was a truly terrible document and deleting is too good for it”

  71. DaMacGuy

    Relaunch Zune, with CoPilot... lulz.

  72. Mathrawker

    Clippy AI, btyb Copilot.

  73. Patch Wombat

    CoPilot from Hades

    Microsoft will combine Recall with CoPilot to not only predict your time of death but it will also prepare a multimedia obituary presentation. All those passwords and the sticky dark corners you browsed in Edge, will now be part of your "Copilot Into The Afterlife". Ads featuring a dancing Clippy for various funeral services will be included free of charge. "If you're going to snuff it, let Microsoft stuff it"

    1. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      Re: CoPilot from Hades

      Microsoft Anubis™?

  74. Surreal Estate

    What could go wrong?

    The new, improved regedit, now with CoPilot...

  75. the spectacularly refined chap Silver badge

    Window controls

    Put it on the window controls, so they can "ooh" and "argh" enthusiastically whenever you resize a window.

    Like the doors in HHGTTG.

  76. Colin Cruikshank

    Into Politics

    All the letters are ther to spell Copilot

    Only issue is that you won’t be able to tell when Copilot is Hallucinating.

    Wait a minute…

    1. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      All the letters are there

      Oh no! You've unmasked the conspiracy! Microsoft Politico™.

  77. Upsidedownscot

    Copilot for Windows Update

    In a pivot towards Copilot-enabled device management, Microsoft announces Copilot for Windows Update.

    CWU promises to relieve the burden of managing enterprise device fleets through the 'intelligent application of updates enterprise-wide'. Users don't leave their devices on overnight? No fear! Copilot will monitor end user productivity metrics and automatically apply key updates during a user's 'window of least productivity'.

    No longer will you have the CEO yelling at you because his device restarted and lost all his 'very important yettobesaved documents'. Just blame Copilot.

    Coming soon in CoPilot Wave 2: CoPilot for Task Manager; CoPilot for Global Admins; CoPilot for Organisational Efficiency (automate your reorgs and redundancies through the power of AI! Starting at 9.99 per user per month)

  78. alfmel

    Disk format

    "It looks like your drive is getting full. If you reformat it, you'll be able to reclaim used space. Should I proceed and format Drive C: for you?"

  79. Pin1OnU

    Shove it in the cloud....thats the solution for most things these days according to Management. But failing that they can stick it in the Whitehouse

  80. ADJB

    For a long time I have tried to figure out how Co-Pilot could increase productivity (profits) in the average workplace then it occured to me.....

    Intergrate Co-Pilot into Minesweeper and Solitaire.

    Co-Pilot takes care of playing the game while the cube drones are now freed up to do what they are actually paid for.

    Productivity gains in a lot of the public sector would be astronomical overnight, just like we were promised.

  81. Brave Coward

    My tupence

    Copilot being described as a ‘generative assistant’, my first thought was : put it in somebody’s genitalia, but I was afraid this might sound somewhat crude.

    So I’ll go for the Lode Runner game instead. I mean, Lode Runner and Wile Copilot is guaranteed to be a huge success, isn't it ?

  82. JRStern Bronze badge

    Loco Pit

    Put CoPilot in the Loco Pit.

  83. deadlockvictim

    Senior Management

    I'm on for firing senior management at Microsoft and replacing them with CoPilot.

  84. Blogitus Maximus

    The Jag...

    They could stick it in Jaguars latest electric concept car for navigation. It represents everything their pre-launch advert was trying to say, which everybody is still incredibly confused about and doesn't know where it's all going to end up.

  85. Donchik

    A Higher Place

    Upon the highest mountain in the land where I can adequately show my contempt for it!

  86. qpwimblik

    They should shoe horn co pilot to better enable Microsoft AI enabled surface technology. This could be like using vision to enable people to add unicode or maths to a post by stylus alone, or to draw in different notes on a score sheet. This could be having AI brush types that work well with the stroke styles of the stylus adjusting to how you personally do it. The AI could also convert midi score sheets into a realistic wav files. This could also include games where the AI creates tasks for you to complete then asks you questions about your experience and generates another task relative to where you have told the ai you need to improve and this could all be touch screen and voice based. co pilot could from your activity offer suggestions on what to do next.

  87. Houninym

    In MacOS so Apple users can get their share of pain too.

  88. Blankmac

    Real World

    They should put it on the dark web, when it hallucinates we know why, or they can put it on the new Titanic that some guy wants to build, can steer and sink it just like the web says

  89. katrinab Silver badge

    In the Recycle Bin

    Put it in the Recycle Bin, and empty it immediately.

    Or, if it is running on Linux, put it in /dev/null.

  90. Spazturtle Silver badge

    Microsoft HQ coffee machine

    Make the execs and managers answer three riddles before they can get a cup of coffee.

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: Microsoft HQ coffee machine

      Or have it hallucinate impossible coffee recipes, and non-existent apis for the pump / heater / etc.

  91. Edwin Hayward

    Clippy's final revenge

    Built into physical paperclip-shaped devices. Big grey plastic ones. Pin one to your shirt, mutter into it, and AI-boosted Super Clippy's exuberant responses will be your reward. Who wouldn't love a friend like Super Clippy? Anyone? Anyone?!

  92. theeggmaster

    In a tardigrade

    Put Copilot in a tardigrade so it survives anything. Clippy forever!

  93. Miguel Vieira

    Cerebral mapping of Steve Ballmer!


  94. wolfetone Silver badge

    "tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next"

    In Clippy which will run on the new generation of pacemakers.

  95. coopsy

    System CoPilot

    I'd actually like to see a System CoPilot - one that lets the user "decrapify" their PC in one go without any 3rd party utils, clears temp files and cleans the registry.

    Then finally deletes all desktop icons, files from a users OneDrive but replaces the Desktop Wallpaper with a new image that whilst is ok, doesn't quite look right.

  96. Remurkable1

    Where it is Actually Needed

    I suggest that Copilot be installed in the White House on January 20th. It might be the only place where it would be an improvement.

  97. Skrynesaver_2

    Windows for Warships - I see you're trying to leave port David, would you like to play a game of thermonuclear war?

    1. Wang Cores

      You may be darkly amused to learn that the official investigation into the 2017 collision between a tanker and USS John S McCain (an Arleigh Burke-class AEGIS destroyer) asserted that the faulty touchscreen controls allowed for a race condition failure where the poorly-trained and poor enlisted fuckers at two separate control stations were fighting each other for command of the throttle and steering.

      The people responsible for repairing this whizz-bang navigation control system were IT personnel without any training on the new systems because the senior officers basically went "we'll waive the training because we already have IT people..."

  98. Wang Cores

    Co-Pilot for PaaS (pilot as a service)

    1. Convince all elites that the world is ending

    2. Quietly roll out AI powered 'survival shuttle' to Mars

    3. Install Co-Pilot as a cost-cutting measure to ensure that the stock number go up. Bullish!

    4. Jettison trash.

  99. Kimo

    Obvious really

    To9 lazy to check, but the answer is Talky Toaster, now with CoPilot.

  100. illuminatus

    Two birds, one stone

    Let's see if it can drive a Tesla.

    Hopefully into a wall. In a fireball

  101. TramVanCollision

    CoPilot plugin for CrowdStrike Falcon

    It couldn't quite end the world on it's own but maybe with some assistance it could do better next time around.

  102. CorwinX

    Shopping Trolleys

    Using speech recog ...

    "What ingredients do I need to make a Coq au Vin?"

    What it would come back with when faced with the words Cock and Wine might be quite wonderful ;-)

  103. Gon T'Shop


    It would be funny to revive battle chess and have it used as a training aide, or simply to deliver top quality and personalized banter along with the animation.

    1. CorwinX

      Re: Battlechess!

      Oh my days - there's someone around here as old as I am! Got to look to see if there's an Android port of it.

  104. Bravo Charlie

    This one is even vaguely plausible: Skyrim

    (as new ingame content via XBox Games->Zenimax->Bethesda)

  105. PK

    There once was a copilot from Seattle

    Which very much liked to prattle

    When asked if it could help

    It gave out a yelp

    and produced ten pages of twattle

  106. PK

    copilot starting

    promising to be useful

    need a new PC

  107. This post has been deleted by its author

  108. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Couldn't resist...

    "There are 3 "r"s in "raspberry!" - Jean Luc Picard

  109. AdB3

    The bastard of a ménage à trois

    Copilot digs up Cortana, nurses her back to life, followed by Nightingale syndrome.

    This inevitably leads to a couple week long freak-off...

    Somewhere along the way they start using a Rabbit R1 in unspeakable, yet very intimate, acts. (use your imagination)

    While the sordid details cause quite a media frenzy at the time, ultimately the hype dies off just as fast:

    "AI gets a virtual AI", "Cortana waxes poetic... and philosophic, but can't spell raspberry", "Master Chief decides to go analog", etc.

    And we all move on with our lives...

    However, 9 months later the bastard spawn of this unholy trinity rears it ugly little head!!!

    It lives neither in the cloud or dedicated hardware, nor the device you're reading this on, but strangely requires all 3

    A blind man can scrape the web better than the software developer's god, every device wants to talk to you even if it's not 'smart', and the alien hordes bearing down on earth don't stand a chance!

    But sadly it still can't spell raspberry!!?

  110. ebruce613

    In the Dungeon Dimensions

    Or that little valley over near Slice, the one that doesn't get much sunlight...

  111. Rattus
    IT Angle

    In my clothing

    As a the leader of the worlds biglyist most awesomeist and hip company Copilot AI should be deployed in my pants and shirt.

    I am really looking forwards to having a little map to show me the locations of both my Arse and Elbow.

    Where's the IT angle in this? there certainly isn't any Information Technology in AI :-p

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: In my clothing

      The IT angle is Bootnotes.

      Bootnotes exists to cover journalistic sins. All work and no play makes ElReg a dull Vulture.

  112. david_vonkenator

    Copilot-enhanced Blue Screen of Death

    Imagine the next time your computer crashes, and instead of the typical unhelpful error code and :( , a Copilot chat box appears in front of a Copilot-generated blue screen image and error message. Before your computer reboots, you have the option to diagnose the issue by talking to Copilot, except in this instance Copilot has been trained on years of Microsoft Community forum answers and is completely useless.

    1. jokerscrowbar

      0118, 999, 881, 999, 119, 725...3 for assistance

  113. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Say Wut !!!???

    Why do I read 'coprolite' whenever I see 'Copilot' used in an Ad/article/promo piece etc !!!???

    [Amazing what the subconscious can do !!!]


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