back to article OpenAI denies it is building ad biz model into its platform

OpenAI has ruled out running adverts on its platforms, for now at least, Chief Financial Officer Sarah Friar has told The Register. While distasteful for users accustomed to the lofty ideals espoused by OpenAI during its early years, the move would make sense, considering reports the AI developer is trying to restructure as a …

  1. Anna Nymous

    OpenAI adds ads to it's business model

    I, for one, am eagerly awaiting next month's follow-up article titled "OpenAI adds ads to it's business model".

    Cynical, moi?

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: OpenAI adds ads to it's business model

      Quite: "OpenAI has ruled out running adverts on its platforms, for now at least" but how long is "now".

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: OpenAI adds ads to it's business model

        OpenAI founder is now Alt-President of the USA, that should be monetisable

      2. Alien Doctor 1.1

        Re: OpenAI adds ads to it's business model

        3 letters, probably 2 seconds and pointless given the level of literacy I normally see.

  2. MachDiamond Silver badge

    Ads are a cover

    The bigger money earner is PII and marketing lists based on that information. Companies that many think are ad supported do make money from advertising as a healthy source of their income, but the vast majority is trading in the information they glean from their users in one form or another.

    1. Anna Nymous
      Big Brother

      Re: Ads are a cover

      Big data is not about ads, ads and big data are both about control.

  3. werdsmith Silver badge

    I think something called “Kong” does the AI ad thing. I showed a bit of curiosity about it and now I’m being spammed to hell by them.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      It seems so

      But these days Iam starting to think that ignorance is really bliss.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Basic corporate PR droid speak for "we are shopping putting adds in our AI products, but so far have not had significant interest for the deep pockets to sign on, the search continues, while we expouse political theatre with lots of warm fuzzy anti advertising rhetoric.

  5. User McUser

    How would that even work?

    Is it going to put product placement into its output?

    Like you ask it to write a story and for some reason the protagonist enjoys a refreshing Sprite™ halfway through? (Ach! Mein Thirsten!)

    1. find users who cut cat tail

      Re: How would that even work?

      Technologically, it is definitely feasible. And it would be kind of funny too when someone tries to pass LLM-generated stuff as their work/homework/etc.

      So, although I am generally annoyed by ads of any kind, I am making an exception here. Please insert ads to all LLM outputs. Not even necessarily real, hallucinated ones would work equally well.

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