Really couldn't happen to a better individual
The website of self-proclaimed misogynist and alleged sex trafficker and rapist Andrew Tate has been compromised and data on its paying subscribers stolen. His now-ransacked Real World site is where the antagonistic online influencer preaches eyebrow-raising life advice primarily to young disillusioned men. The British- …
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According to a researcher on White Nationalists in the USA (Go to the New Scientist web site and search for 'What Makes a white nationalist?') everyone who joined these organisations had either been subject too or witnessed as a child severe violence. They really are 'poor lost souls' and need help. OK, so some probably are what would have been diagnosed as 'sociopaths' and 'psychopaths' (now called 'anti-social personality disorder'), but the common feature of people who become violent or join aggressive organisations is childhood trauma of violence.
Andrew Tate's followers may not be KKK members, but their desire for power, particularly over females, and 'masculinity' (whatever that may be) is very similar, and probably has similar roots in deep feelings of helplessness and personal inadequacy.
I survived childhood trauma and abuse and have never felt the need to be a vile msyoginistic prick or join a white nationalist organisation, nor did I decide that it's ok to rape women or enslave to make porn for my profit.
Weird how some people seek to excuse the actions of Tate and his shit stains followers.
I am very sorry about your childhood trauma, and hope you are living a good and happy life.
I did not claim that everyone who suffered childhood trauma became a misogynistic our racist monster, merely that according to research it is a common feature of people who join extremist organisations. The prevalence of exposures of child abuse by people linked to the RC and Anglican Churches, and the absence of reports of their victims becoming perpetrators shows that it is not a definitive cause of becoming an abuser.
Neither did I in any way excuse the actions of Andrew Tate and his followers. We need to understand how people get like Tare and his followers in order able to treat them and prevent it in future.
I wish you well in the future, and apologise for the distress my earlier post must have caused you, and one else who suffered childhood trauma.
@Eclectic Man
"...and one else who suffered childhood trauma."
Whilst childhood trauma takes many forms and sources, Philip Larkin penned this about one aspect...
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.
full version here:
Very interesting first BBC Reith Lecture this morning on Radio 4 about whether violence is 'normal'.
May need an account to listen, sorry.
"Released On: 26 Nov 2024Available for over a year
In her 2024 Reith Lectures, Dr Gwen Adshead, addresses four questions that she has most commonly faced in her work as a therapist with violent perpetrators in secure psychiatric units and prisons:
Is Violence normal?
What is the relationship between trauma and violence?
Is there such a thing as Evil?
Can we change violent minds?
In this first lecture, using data and real-life stories from nearly 40 years’ experience as a forensic Psychiatrist working inside institutions such as Broadmoor, she asks if violence is normal. Is violence unnatural? Or is it normal because, deep down, we are all capable of cruelty and can experience, even briefly, the urge to hurt others? What then are the tipping points, what are the factors that drive some to kill?
The programme was recorded at Broadcasting House in London in front of an audience and is presented and chaired by Anita Anand.
Producer; Jim Frank
Editor: Clare Fordham"
The questions and answers at the end of the first episode were very interesting, including a statement by someone who was a 'one punch killer' - he lost his temper with someone and hit him with one punch, and the fall killed his victim. He now campaigns with the parents of his victim against violence.
If you switch from /sounds to /programmes...
there is a [Download] button, which will give the option to download as mp3 in High and Low quality
Whilst that does not need an account to download, it may be geofenced to the UK
>>but the common feature of people who become violent or join aggressive organisations is childhood trauma of violence.
Complete bollox. I was beaten the fuck out of as a kid by everyone and his dog. And when I turned up bloodied at home I got beaten the fuck out of for being bloodied.
The Tateophiles just think themselves better than everyone else and want worshipped.
Pure narcissism.
> Andrew Tate's followers may not be KKK members, but their desire for power, particularly over females, and 'masculinity' (whatever that may be) is very similar, and probably has similar roots in deep feelings of helplessness and personal inadequacy.
I think you raise a lot of good points. Extremists and their ability to get followers are often the symptom as well as the cause.
And hatred and blind following is easy - it really is easy, just turn your brain off and follow (us humans are really flawed in this way). It takes thought and effort to develop some critical thinking and plot your own path.
>” everyone who joined these organisations had either been subject too or witnessed as a child severe violence. They really are 'poor lost souls' and need help.”
I dislike these research conclusions that don’t ask the queston: why?
Over many years I had direct family experience of the Jesus Army. If you did a formal analysis of its members, there would be a high number of people who had been down and out, drug users etc. A bit like Scientology.
However, this would miss a simple fact: who has an open door to anyone on the streets overnight?
For many years (1980’s through to pre CoVid ) the Scientology centre on Totenhamcourt Road was open, whilst the churches and other centres doors were locked….
Similarly, the Jesus Army were out o the local city centres late at night, giving aid to those rough sleeping…
So it would be natural for these organisations to have a significant membership drawn from those who have benefited from their actions, plus these organisations provide meaning to life.
Gullible or willing dupes I think.
Which of us, when we were you g, has not done something profoundly dumb.
Which of us, has not been vulnerable to influence.
All the same, the crap he peddles is blatantly toxic.
Really, which if us does not have a mother/sister/daughter/female partner, and so should be able to recognise and call out that crap at every opportunity.
"Odd that all three posts so far have received a downvote and yet nobody has replied with, or separately posted, a message with a contrary sentiment. Could it be that they don't want to be identified?"
As far as I can make out there are people on this site who downvote specific posters (yours truly included) irrespective of the contents (several of my factual posts in other threads have been multiply downvoted without explanation). And, of course, some members of the Register's commentary community may also, shock horror, be followers of Andrew Tate. Not everyone here subscribes to the same politics, religion or beliefs, and they express their displeasure as they please.
(Guessing that I'll get a few downvotes for this, but then it has been a few days since my last one. I bravely sacrifice myself for Truth, Justice and, umm whatever.)
Thanks, however in the thread 'Hurrah', above my post about childhood trauma being a common feature of people who join extremist organisations has downvotes most likely due to the insensitivity of my original wording, rather than any 'stalkers' I may have on this site. (I have been insensitive before, too.)
> Odd that all three posts so far have received a downvote and yet nobody has replied with, or separately posted, a message with a contrary sentiment.
Reg downvoters are weird - and there are a lot of them. They obviously don't like certain posts (especially those pointing out Musk is a c**t, lol), but they can't articulate why.
Because it seems they they actually believe the unfathomable bollocks that Tate spouts, obviously. The psychological hacking works like this.
Given the poster's other published opinion on Tate, I understood "this site" to mean Tate's site and "this one" to mean this hack, and upvoted accordingly.
Urgh. Followed the link to the article on Tate, No wonder he grew the beard, what a chinless wonder. I'm an old lady, who knew posers like him in high school, and got a laugh out of them then. With the 4B movement in high gear, maybe some of his followers will make enough money to pay for s3x, otherwise, classic incel.
His father was an American.
Emory Andrew Tate Jr. (December 27, 1958 – October 17, 2015) was an American chess player who held the title of International Master.
Tate's highest FIDE rating was 2413 on the October 2006 rating list, which made him the 72nd highest-rated player in the United States and among the top 2000 active players in the world. His peak USCF rating was 2508 on December 30, 1996. He received the International Master title in 2007, after earning his third norm at the 2006 World Open.
His older son, Andrew, said: "I never saw him study chess books, ever. He also hated chess computers and never used them. He just sat down and played."
Tate married Eileen Ashleigh, an English woman, in 1985. Together, they had three children, the oldest of whom is controversial social media personality Andrew Tate. The couple divorced in 1997, and his ex-wife returned to Luton, England with their children. Tate died after suffering a heart attack during a tournament in Milpitas, California on October 17, 2015. After his death, a number of grandmasters and international masters wrote tributes to him. In 2016, the Alabama Senate passed a resolution "celebrating [his] life and legacy". Grandmaster Maurice Ashley described Tate as "a trailblazer for African-American chess"
So, you're saying if he's found guilty of a serious crime and is eligible for citizenship in another country, we could take his passport off him and ban him from reentry? I am not normally a fan of such draconian measures, but he's not a particularly nice man. I would probably soften my view in a decade or so, as long as he promised to behave like a civilised human.
The only time I've seen pictures of him is on a TV report where he was draped in a loose robe, exposing a muscular torso and sucking on a rather phallic cigar. Surely, few young men would begrudge $50 a month for such an unequivocal confirmation of their heterosexuality?
But it must be quite a challenge to spend that amount of money in Romania. Especially if you don't get out much.
But it must be quite a challenge to spend that amount of money in Romania. Especially if you don't get out much.
One suspects there are a number of Romanian institutions where his millions might be profitably invested so that he might get out a bit more.
First I heard of ths prat was his legal problems which must have had some AU connection because the story ran for a while here.
I imagine his ill-gotten gains might be going into accounts frozen by the courts in various less venal jurisdictions.
In any case the details of hundreds of thousands delusional and gullible fools are now available which will undoubtedly provide rich pickings for the internet's underworld. I don't imagine any of these drongos suffering such predation will attract any sympathy from at least one half of the population and sod all from the other half.
Subscribe to my site for $50/month and I'll make your math better through repeated demonstration of subtraction by 50.
Somehow there's always a money-making scheme at the root of these cults. Even the ones that have some weird sex angle are usually more about the money.
Even the ones that have some weird sex angle are usually more about the money.
It was ever thus. Tate's just another in a long line of snake-oil sales people that prey on the gullible, or vulnerable. Or he added the old adage about power corrupting. People have been flogging pick-up routines for decades, along with adult phone lines becoming live cams and people making an awful lot of money out of tips and private sessions. And then can OnlyFans, which further normalised the behaviour. Tate exploited a niche, and his malignant narcissism let him get a little carried away and into a lot of trouble. I can''t help thinking the media also provided a bit of a Streisand effect by blowing up the story. I'd never heard of him until then, and someone calling me 'based'. So had to look up what that meant, discovered the whole red/blue thing and a very toxic rabbit hole.
Sadly, Tate is not alone. At the weekend, I stumbled across a documentary about a rather evil chap called 'Mr Based', aka Jason Itzler who's a former pimp and dealer, and a discount Tate. But exploiting a vulnerable neurodivergent kid in NYC. That seems to be blowing up a bit and there's a very disturbing documentary on YT. Hopefully Itzler gets locked up, and the kid gets some proper help and support.
"The website of self-proclaimed misogynist and alleged sex trafficker and rapist Andrew Tate has been compromised and data on its paying subscribers stolen."
Do you work for the Guardian?
Tate is not to my taste, too boastful but speaks some truths. Has he been convicted of rape? If you refer to the Romanian charges they are BS. If he hasn't been convicted, I hope he sues you for making such an accusation.
He is a self-proclaimed misogynist - he said it in an interview
He is alleged to have trafficked people - he has been charged with such offences in Romania and UK police have a warrant for offences
He is alleged to have sexually assaulted. - he has been charged with offences in Romania and UK police have a warrant for offences
You cannot sue for reporting statements of fact.