I didn't know water was intelligent
Obviously I'm being a bit supercillious here, we all know that what the article means is that SCADA systems that are used in water supply aren't hardened against various forms of cyber attack. Its just that there's this assumption that a) everything's got to be controlled by a PC type SCADA system b) this system has to be connected (directly) to the public internet and c) we're only going to be safe if everyone gets on the security/update treadmill and keeps paying for endless updates.
Many of us will have noticed one of the oldest marketing tricks in the computer book -- "FUD". "Hundreds of millions of people are at risk / Act Now or it will be too late or We Will All Be Doomed" and so on. Ignore the fact that the worst recent water supply problem, the one in Flint, was caused by politicians forcing a municipal water system to switch water sources to save a bit of money.