back to article Lenovo’s enterprise hardware biz booms but profit remains elusive

Lenovo’s enterprise business has posted 65 percent year on year growth but still posted a loss. The Chinese hardware giant last Friday posted [PDF] its Q2 2025 results and revealed $17.85 billion revenue, $2.8 billion of gross profit and a $651 million operating profit. The company’s Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG) – …

  1. chuckufarley Silver badge

    It's so sad Lenovo can't make a porfit...

    ...Almost as sad as knowing that any company propped up by the government of China would post a profit whenever China would benefit from it.

  2. gv

    Not buying Lenovo again...

    Of the various brands of laptops that I have, the only ones that have had fatal mainboard failures are Lenovo. One (work) laptop keeled over twice in its three-year warranty period and the consumer laptops died shortly after the warranty expired.

    The corporate buyers at work removed Lenovo from their suppliers list some time ago.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not buying Lenovo again...

      same here. I thought that square laptop power plug they used was a bit odd too

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