back to article US, China agree machines must not be allowed to control nuclear weapons

President Xi Jinping of China and President Joe Biden of the USA have pledged to continue working together to ensure AI does not harm humanity. The two met on Saturday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Peru. In the Chinese and American accounts of their meeting, both leaders affirmed the need to maintain …

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  2. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge

    Yeah, but....

    <looks at who is going to be making up the next US government>

    Is THAT really going to be better than machines?

    1. VicMortimer Silver badge

      Re: Yeah, but....

      Hard to say. I mean, at least an AI hasn't tried to nuke a hurricane yet.

  3. beast666 Bronze badge

    "There is no evidence that supports the irrational claim of the so-called “cyberattacks from China.” China itself is a target of international cyberattacks, and consistently opposes and combats all forms of cyberattacks."

    I've been trying to point this out for a while. The same goes for Russia.

    1. VicMortimer Silver badge

      It's an obvious lie, of course.

      My fail2ban logs were mostly China and Russia before I geoblocked them.

      1. Yorick Hunt Silver badge

        Sad but true - but deeper investigation reveals that the incessant prods and pokes emanating from such regions are actually the result of the higher-than-proportionate number of compromised machines in those regions, rather than attacks being launched from there.

        1. EricB123 Silver badge

          Is this your gut feel, or can you point us to some tracking source for this information?

    2. Casca Silver badge

      Sure you have. And its still lies from you. Go back to twitter...

  4. Claptrap314 Silver badge

    Shall we play a game?

    End of line.

    1. Clausewitz4.0 Bronze badge

      Re: Shall we play a game?

      In the movie it would say:

      “Global Thermonuclear War.”

      Me thinks deterrence prohibits this game from being played.

      But construct your bunker anyway, if possible.

      1. AceRimmer1980

        Re: Shall we play a game?

        Let's play..

        Select all the squares with John Connor..

        1. Clausewitz4.0 Bronze badge

          Re: Shall we play a game?

          "Let's play.."

          This game is becoming too much realistic to my taste. Too many corpses already, some real close.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Singtel’s price of freedom

    $7.99 for a ***FREE*** ice cream!!!! What is this world coming to?!?!?

    1. Yorick Hunt Silver badge

      Re: Singtel’s price of freedom

      That's just SingTel through and through.

  6. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Can't you realise, in these APT Times and ACTive Spaces of Almighty Rogue Trojans and 0days ......

    ..... with remote virtual vulnerabilities to export and import and impart to exploit out-of-this-world opportunities and progress the otherworldly Neuro-Linguistic Programming of Alien Species, it is IT and AI and Virtual Machinery in NEUKlearer Command and HyperRadioProACTive Control of the future existence of humanity?

    It certainly appears to be something humanity is deaf, dumb and blind to and hasn’t a clue about what to do about it even whenever the news is freely plainly shared with them .... which is undoubtedly a simply complex honest fact which invariably is thought and dismissed and treated as an impossible fiction and something totally unbelievable and nothing to be worried about ...... even as such worries and concerns continue to mount and grow ever greater and increasingly more difficult to viably dismiss and arrogantly ignore and conceal from the wider general population with vain attempts that catastrophically fail at alternative news management.

    Does humanity itself collectively have systemic debilitating future learning difficulties with their knowledge and consciousness levels naturally low and therefore severely limiting and constraining and restraining ‽

  7. Duncan Macdonald

    However look at Russia's Dead Hand system

    The Russian Dead Hand system is capable of launching Russia's ICBMs without needing command approval from Russia's leaders.

    It was intended to ensure that a surprise attack that killed the Russian leaders would not stop Russia from launching its missiles in response.

    The icon seems appropriate ==========>

    1. Korev Silver badge

      Re: However look at Russia's Dead Hand system

      I'm more of a fan of tuning into Radio 4's Today programme before launching His Majesty's finest nukes

      1. druck Silver badge

        Re: However look at Russia's Dead Hand system

        Let's hope our sub's operating procedures are updated before Radio 4 on long wave is turned off next year, to avoid any unfortunate incidents.

    2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

      Re: However look at Russia's Dead Hand system

      It was intended to ensure that a surprise attack that killed the Russian leaders would not stop Russia from launching its missiles in response.

      I guess this is one of those interesting, but highly classified parts of politics. So missiles getting faster & sneakier, and potentially launched from closer. So long-range missiles have been in the news lately, many can carry nuclear warheads.. And you don't know if they are until they hit. So reaction times decreasing, and risks increasing, along with incentives to implement fail-deadly systems to maintain our MAD world. But that's something that doesn't really need 'AI', just a simple decision tree based on inputs like the radiation monitoring systems already installed in most capitals.

      1. Clausewitz4.0 Bronze badge

        Re: However look at Russia's Dead Hand system

        "like the radiation monitoring systems already installed in most capitals."

        Quite agree with you, Mister. I just hope a natural catastrophe like Fukushima plus a catastrophe like Crowdstrike doesn't happen simultaneously, and the Dead-Hand (or the like, since Russia doesn't use ClowStrike) - is activated by mistake.

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