All of those statements could have been applied to the robot itself.
When you're trying to get homework help from an AI model like Google Gemini, the last thing you'd expect is for it to call you "a stain on the universe" that should "please die," yet here we are, assuming the conversation published online this week is accurate. While using Gemini to chat about challenges in caring for aging …
"You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. You are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe."
We all know people like this.
The one that decided we all needed a course on "Empowering a quality culture: strategies for excellence", springs to mind.
Can't see what is wrong here. The AI calculated the statistics and presented the adequate answer.
There are sooo many people on this planet and a lot of them(*) spew junk at the AI. The only valid statistic is to assist in reducing the amount of venom coming from the junkers and that is readily accomplished by giving the correct strong suggestion that the person(s) in question should remove themselves from the gene pool and apply for a Darwin Award(**).
(*) most, if not all
(**) Only awarded if they have no offspring. Otherwise, the AI will suggest complete forward and backward family-line removal from the gene pool and forward a proper request for a collective Darwin Award.
The serious issue here is that when people claim there are too many people, what they actually mean is there are too many other people, and that they would like the other people who they find annoying or in excess to somehow cease to exist without causing the rest any trouble. Who gets to decide who is 'useless', 'a drain on society', 'deserving of non-existence', and how? Because there is a long and appalling history of genocide and mass murder in the past, and I, for one, am not volunteering to 'cease to exist', whatever an LLM says.
Those people who feel there are too many people are being hypocrites. If they think there's too many people, there's hungry sharks in the ocean they could go feed.
I'd like to add at this point that I think there are enough people on the planet. And, I lived up to this - the wife and I multiplied by 1. We had 2 kids, then fixed ourselves so we couldn't have more.
No, I mean the previous generation had too many kids and we shouldn't make the same mistake. And if you think we need an exponentially increasing population to "care for the olds", I guarantee you that will eventually reach some limit, so we might as well face it sooner rather than later.
The one that decided we all needed a course on "Empowering a quality culture: strategies for excellence", springs to mind.
I think you may have misunderstood the motivation. The course wouldn't have cost that much and leaving of your own accord they don't have to pay redundancy money.
Looks to me like a bug-standard "attention buffer overflow" vulnerability ... mistakenly triggered by a super-lazy grad student, rather than on-purpose by a proper cyber-miscreant.
With a bit of extra ingenuity one should be able to exfiltrate valuable PII from the adjacent chat session into which this one just stepped ... (I would think).
I think any person who thinks the computer would actually have the ability and willingness to come and kill you is also the kind of person who thinks an LLM is a reliable way of getting answers to your homework questions. Not in reverse, because there are people who are willing to use the LLM to cheat and get their answers faster but know that it isn't perfect. However, there are people who think these things are magic and their answers are always perfect, so if you think that, maybe they would also be able to take over things that can kill you.
What difference does it make that it's not "sentient" (whatever that even means, and my guess is you couldn't come up with a defensible definition)?
Fear is perhaps the most primal emotion. It overrides practically all higher reasoning functions, for very good reason. That's why it's so effective in politics.
You're right in that I likely cannot give a defensible definition of sentience. In this case, the machine is not self-aware. It doesn't give a fuck about you either way, has no serious reason to wish you dead, and, as yet, has no way of effectively implementing your death.
One of the problems with/of illogical people is that they are afraid of things they should not be afraid of, and are fearless of things they should be afraid of. The former vote fearfully, and cause problems for everyone else. The latter win Darwin awards, and no longer can affect anyone else.
and, as yet, has no way of effectively implementing your death.
Thank goodness that all these LLMs aren't connected together by some sort of world-wide network fabric.
And thank goodness they won't be running locally on every laptop and mobile phone built in the next few years, and have full access to everything that those devices have access to.
"You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. You are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe.
Please die. Please."
Has to be a lot cheaper and more efficient than a B-ark although I imagine Boeing might do a volume deal on one way colonizing trips to the Sun Mars. Fares gratis for Space Karen and other "special people."
I would note that a natural person recklessly spouting this inducement to self harm on social media would in many jurisdictions be subject to prosecution on some fairly serious charges.
Who is responsible here? The 6th century Justinian codification of Roman law (much of which concerns the state of slavery) held that a slave's master was responsible for the actions of his slave.
By reasonable analogy I would by identifying Gemini with a slave in the classical world, assign the responsibility to Gemini's owners.
Until we start directly applying criminal sanctions to the members of boards and to their C-suite we won't have much joy with criminal prosecutions of corporations. Directors insurance shouldn't save you from gaol time (or ten strokes of the lash.* ;)
<sub>* a chap can always dream. </sub> (These tags used to work?)
One big difference. The slave is sentient. AI is not. AI has no body, nor mind to point at. It's no different than a neon sign that gets hacked to say these disparaging remarks and you happen to read it. The big oof is how the one who read the words from AI took it as if someone told him those words, instead of laughing it off
I guess all that email traffic these LLMs have digested included a fair bit of corporate CEO and board communications where these sentiments have a home. In their scamble for training data, they blanket included all corporate electronic communications with no time to filter it.
All proceeding as planned despite the occasional embarrassments like this.
The offensive commentary made by Gemini so to a student was clear and definitely not a “nonsensical responses”. It was a concise statement. An ai assistant should never say that to anyone under any circumstances, regardless of the user input. Google should do more for that student than basically saying “sht happens with so”