back to article AI PCs flood the market. Their makers hope someone wants them

Warehouses in the IT channel are stocking up with AI-capable PCs - industry watcher Canalys claims these made up 20 percent of all shipments during Q3 2024, amounting to some 13.3 million units worldwide. "Shipments," of course, simply means that these devices have left the makers' factory and been delivered to distributors, …

  1. Fonant
    Thumb Down

    Generative AI is only a bullshit generator.

    Generative AI is no more than a bullshit generator. It produces text or images or sounds that are almost indistinguishable from actual text/images/sounds but that are "imaginary" and only match "truth" or "reality" to some unknown extent.

    Pattern-matching AI, used for complex image or data analysis, is potentially useful, so long as the AI model has been trained well enough. Even then, the output should be treated with care.

    Who wants an "AI PC"? I see a Big Bubble that is going to burst sooner rather than later!

    1. lnLog

      Re: Generative AI is only a bullshit generator.

      An NPU provides no battery life advantages if it is never used, and just uses up die area. The sooner needs to come sooner than it currently is to minimise the waste of resources and energy being shovelled by those investing in the current FOMO rush.

    2. The Central Scrutinizer Silver badge

      Re: Generative AI is only a bullshit generator.

      Huh, no kidding. I have a perfectly capable desktop computer with plenty of grunt that will keep me going for a good while yet.

      I don't want some "AI" interfering with my daily work, thank you very much. It smacks of 3DTV all over again.

      1. JT_3K

        Re: Generative AI is only a bullshit generator.

        Was my first thought too. Microsoft still trying to railroad me to speak to their enterprise Copilot programme. They're not going to use this to leverage a platform refresh or nail home a costly extra license from me. I get the sense internally at these places it's all a bit Emperor's New Clothes.

      2. Wade Burchette

        Re: Generative AI is only a bullshit generator.

        "It smacks of 3DTV all over again."

        Not true. 3DTV, if done right, is actually quite neat and entertaining. (The key is if it is done right, which often it wasn't on movies or home TV's.) AI PC's on the other hand have none of those advantages even if done right.

  2. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

    I want an AU PC as much as I want a 3D TV.

    I don't want either.


      I came to the comments to make the exact same comparison...

      Just 'No' to both...

      1. Smartypantz

        Double whoosh

        Double whoosh

    2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      It turns out nobody else wanted a 3D TV either

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I want an AU PC as much as I want a 3D TV.

      I don't want either.

      A good friend of mine was temporarily taking charge of an independent electronics retail shop a few years ago. They’re not very technical but an excellent people manager and sales coach. They invited me down to the shop and asked my opinion on new technology in TV’s. Specifically should they invest in a 3D telly and a curved tv as display models? I said these were gimicks that would become old very quickly and I would bet them £100 that within two years they were not being pushed by the manufacturers on new models. Who suggested they had such things in the showroom? Well a rep apparently had come and paid a visit, these were top of his features they should have on display. After a nice thank you pub dinner with a few pints that I didn’t pay for, the question he’s been dying to ask finally comes up.

      What’s wrong about curved tv’s he says, “they look really cool and I’d have one”

      My concern is that it would restrict the viewing angle and give a sweetspot to a limited number of people on the sofa?

      Apparently that had never occurred to him and another pint followed.

      I’m with you, I don’t want AI on anything I own.

      1. Long John Silver

        Multiple personality?

        Is your friend’s name "Legion".

    4. Smartypantz



  3. alain williams Silver badge

    They are more expensive so they will sell

    High St PC store salesmen will convince non-savvy people who are replacing their 10 y/old machine that has just died that they need it to future proof themselves, or some such bollocks. They will prolly then sell them a HP printer.

    1. hoola Silver badge

      Re: They are more expensive so they will sell

      Everything to do with AI is just to generate sales.

      Almost all the consumer use cases aren't even "AI", they are just rules and pushing ever more in terms of requests and searches into the cloud so that yet more data can be grabbed.

      AI is just a total data grab, get as much of possible of absolutely anything before the regulators wake up.

      The sad part is that this was always going to happen and with any data grab, once Big Tech has it, then that is it. You are not going to get it deleted redacted or anything.

      Big Tech simply believe they are above any legal or moral code.

  4. Joe W Silver badge

    Market share of those will increase...

    ... as more machines will have the NPU on the CPU die anyways, and cheaper machines are pulled from the market.

    I think I need to future proof my machines and get one without all the carp.

  5. vtcodger Silver badge

    An AI PC is ...

    An AI PC is a PC with a small plastic "AI Ready" sticker on the front panel. It sells for a 22% premium over the "legacy" model with the same motherboard, CPU, memory, and storage devices. As ifxit will report, it differs from the legacy version only in the color plastic used for the external ports and the presence of a 58 pin connector connected to a 57 wire internal cable which is not actually connected to anything on the proximal end. The cable says "reserved for future use."

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: An AI PC is ...

      Don't forget the purple button for "AI Boost" mode!

  6. Roland6 Silver badge

    “Future proofing measure”

    Given we are talking about desktops and laptops with typically a 3~4 year finance driven refresh cycle. Don’t see much need for future proofing, by the time the future arrives those systems purchased today will be heading toward the end of their normal business life.

  7. navarac Silver badge

    No thanks

    Just NO - no thanks shysters..

  8. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

    What are the use cases?

    What will the average PC user get out of their CPU's manufacturer allocating silicon to an NPU as opposed to any other alternative?

    It seems like there's been a lot more hype around AI-enabled or AI-accelerated CPUs than there have been suggestions for what they might actually be used for. Cart, horse etc.

    1. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Re: What are the use cases?

      I should add: noting that Reg recently published a very high level overview on the subject here, so far there doesn't seem to be a lot in the tech that most people would need or even want?

  9. ecofeco Silver badge

    I can tell you exactly who will buy them

    The brianless, execs and upper management for pure bling value bragging rights and posing.

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: I can tell you exactly who will buy them

      Ah, pity those in a world without Brians…

      1. Bilby

        Re: I can tell you exactly who will buy them

        They'll be OK, as long as they have a bunch of Charlies. ;)

  10. IGotOut Silver badge

    It's OK....

    the Metaverse will save us.....

    Remember that trillion Dollar dad?


    C'mon.. it's where an avatar of you can do stuff, you know....stuff, like actual things, kinda like, oh you know bro, it's the future

    Yup it's the Metaverse 2.0.

    1. Wincerind

      Re: It's OK....

      Yup. Met averse, for those averse to meeting people.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No thanks

    I’ll wait until the new AI PCs + Turbo button come out…

    1. Locomotion69 Bronze badge

      Re: No thanks

      I will wait until the new AI PCs + Cancel button come out.

      1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

        Re: No thanks

        I'm sorry, Dave. I cannot let you do that.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: No thanks

          This already happened in year 2000:o

  12. mark l 2 Silver badge

    Id say the AI PC hype is more akin to the marketing hype around 5G when it was first launched, and the telcos really were struggling to come up with reasons why people needed it. Coming up with silly demos such as being able to run an air traffic control centre from someones living room. Great real world example there EE!

    I still don't have 5G all these years later and im not feeling like im missing out on anything that can only be done on a 5G network, and i recon for the foreseeable future it will be the same with AI PCs.

  13. martinusher Silver badge

    I can't think of any reason I'd use it

    I enjoy playing with LLMs. When I remember. I just can't figure out a reason why I'd want to use one. I don't create publicity materials or illustrations and the knowledge it dispenses is just a rehash of Wikipedia or similar. I figure that outside of specialist areas where their pattern recognition could be really useful (protein identification and synthesis, for example) they primarily appeal to marketing types. The sort of people who think 'technology' is applying a finger to a crowded screen of arcane symbols in order to move a control to make whatever is being marketed (or "is in the movie plot") happen.

    Day to day I don't use knowledge like that. Its the same problem as I have with my Echo -- these are marvels of technology with unlimited potential but they all suffer from the Marvin Effect -- "Brain the size of a planet and all they ask me to do is open a door.....". I marvel at the sheer complexity of software involved in asking my friend Alexa to alter a thermostat -- the thermostat is just over there so I could just walk over and press a button -- but its far more spiffy to involve at least five computers of various sizes plus the entire friggin' Internet. (....and then you start thinking about potential points of failure and attack surfaces and start wondering something to the effect of "WTF?")

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Gen ai is useful when you hate the reader

    Eg replying to idiotic auditors who ask how do you ensure X when Y. Gen AI produces a wordy and superficially plausible policy that the auditor ticks.

    The worry is that our sales droids are using it when replying to bids. Because sales droids hate customers about as much as they hate implementation teams and inversely to how much they love getting their on-target-bonus.

    Now our clients are using AI to identify AI generated sales flummery. ourobos.

    1. Chasxith

      Re: Gen ai is useful when you hate the reader

      I've noticed people have started to use it for eBay listings too.

      It's a wonderful way to ensure the specs in the description don't match the photos, but will tell me that a scruffy 10 year old HP Elitebook is "the perfect stylish companion for home, office and travel."

  15. Al fazed

    I rather suspect

    that the BBC et al are already using Copilot+ or some other AI fakery to write their headline stories. What gives it away ? The current rash of miss spellings and trend for split infinitives, which the general mass of readers don't even notice. Then there's the great headline without any actual story to match, but there's quite lengthy text output apparently gleaned from people living nearby who heard something, or fear something now they have watched the 7 second output from someone else's home security CCTV or a body worn cameras.........

    Ah well, seeing as most people feel they are not that clever and normally feel they need to rely on some form of professionals opinion rather than their own innate gut feelings, the AI push will more than likely raise enough money for the industry to complete it's next generative marketing advances in technology products.

    AI fridge anyone ? AI route planner ? AI holiday destination organiser ? AI birthday present purchaser ?



  16. ComicalEngineer

    If you want to invest in AI, I have opportunities for shares in the South Sea Island Company, and Tulips, lots of tulips.

  17. Spanners

    I suspect

    When people see how useless AI is, people will work to find out how to remove such rubbish from their computers. Security will somehow be a concern.

    When I retire in 14 months, my home PC will no longer need to run Windows and will be upgraded to Linux. I am not aware of anyone planning to infect it with AI.

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