back to article TSMC's US operations threatened with employee discrimination class action

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has been accused of “pervasive discrimination” against some of its workers in the USA. A similar accusation was levelled in August by a single former HR staffer at TSMC North America. An amended complaint [PDF] filed last week saw another 12 additional current and former …

  1. beast666 Bronze badge

    TSMC should open more factories in their own country. China.

    1. TheWeetabix Bronze badge


      Not China.

  2. Dunstan Vavasour


    "We want you to come to our country and replicate what you can achieve in Taiwan but on our terms".

    And that's before Trump comes back after saying Taiwan "stole" America's semiconductor industry.

  3. Bebu sa Ware

    hard to get ahead ... unless you speak Mandarin

    Cantonese won't cut it, then?

    Curiously I believe there is some tension between Mandarin speakers and the other languages spoken on Taiwan.

    The complaints don't seem to claim the alleged discrimination was purely language based rather more ethnically based - just the Vulture's clever sub head. ;)

    Language competence is a reasonable employment criterion where it is either necessary, or desirable, for the effective performance of the role.

    Certainly decades ago AU employers developing software for the Chinese (PRC) market often advertised for developers with written and spoken Mandarin competence.

    I can understand a TW enterprise wishing to employ persons with a set of values and from a corporate culture reflecting their own. US companies operating in AU invariably import their senior executives or at lower levels of manglement employ, or promote, local drongos who vacuously espouse dismal US corporate culture and values.

    Heaps of nations that would welcome TSMC setting up shop even if they wanted to import monkeys to run the shop. I imagine NZ wouldn't need to be asked twice (and unlike AU has a bit more fresh water than CA.US. ;)

  4. sebacoustic


    I work for a US company with significant operations in Taiwan.. many of my Taiwanese colleagues speak excellent English. I don't really have contact with anybody else there unless someone can translate for me... as I don't speak Mandarin, or any of the other languages spoken there.

    I doubt if anyone would get a promotion into management tier there unless they had a decent command of the English language.

  5. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

    Shoe, foot, other.

    I find this story a perhaps painful bit of irony when looking at the "English Only" movement here in the States.

    Perhaps a little more tolerance and accomodation all around might be in order.

    I'd also like to lose 25 pounds (about 10 kilos) without working out and without changing my diet, please.

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