back to article Clues to Windows Intelligence found in Windows 11 builds

Microsoft seems set to rebrand the AI-powered features in Windows to "Windows Intelligence" even if some of the more controversial elements, such as Recall, are to remain as they are. Word of Windows Intelligence has circulated for a while, although Microsoft has yet to issue any official confirmation. In October, Tero …

  1. Mentat74

    Will there be one button...

    To turn all of that crap off ?

    Probably not...

    1. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

      Re: Will there be one button...

      Agreed. All I want to know is how to disable it. Don't care how many buttons, as that's what writing code is for.

      1. RegGuy1

        Re: Will there be one button...

        All I want to know is how to disable it.

        You don't know? Format c: then install Linux. Simples.

  2. IamAProton

    What about...

    Azure Intelligence?

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: What about...

      Artificial Idiots more like...

      1. Mike 137 Silver badge

        Re: What about...

        or Arrogant Idiots?

        BTW, 'idiot' in the original Greek meant someone who concentrated exclusively on their own interests rather than those of the community. Seems to fit in the case of M$.

      2. BartyFartsLast Silver badge

        Re: What about...

        Actual Idiots

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What about...

        Say what you see....

        Advertising Intelligence

        Automated Idiocy

  3. DJV Silver badge

    Windows Intelligence

    Well, now there's an oxymoron if ever I saw one!

    1. Hubert Cumberdale Silver badge

      Re: Windows Intelligence

      A bit like Microsoft Works.

      1. PCScreenOnly

        Re: Windows Intelligence

        Even MICROsoft, as there is fuck all that is micro in their world

        1. Dostoevsky Bronze badge

          Re: Windows Intelligence

          Well, their QA team. But besides that, nah.

  4. EricM Silver badge

    Lack of consistent naming is IMHO the least confusing aspect of "AI" as part of an OS

    Aspects of an LLM in notepad.exe that result in rephrasing suggestions that are often worse than their input and a Copilot nobody wants to spend real money on should have made it clear:

    The LLM-in-everything variant of AI is currently a huge commercial bubble about to burst.

    There is simply no real use case to have a more or less context-aware also-ran-grade text generation capability inside a general OS, because that capability is typically placed in front of the keyboard. At the same time all this AI-infused/infested stuff generates uncurable privacy nightmares just by the way it operates.

    So what Microsoft is currently trying here, will be very good reasons to avoid Windows 11 at all cost as long as possible.

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: will be very good reasons to avoid Windows 11 at all cost

      IMHO, they are as usual...

      1) throwing everything at the wall and hoping that something useful sticks


      2) simply pissing into the wind.

      Whichever it is, I hope that Nadells and friends [see icon]

  5. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Dodged the bullet

    I am so relieved that I moved to Linux years ago, and since retiring don't even need to see a machine running staggering with Windows.

    1. DJV Silver badge

      Re: staggering

      You're absolutely right there! I have only one Windows machine left (for some software that's still not available on Linux - oi, Affinity, get on with it!). All my others are now running Linux in some form or fashion and, after being defenestrated, are no longer staggering along attempting to run Microsoft's turgid mess.

  6. ComputerSays_noAbsolutelyNo Silver badge

    Only micros~1 can manage to achieve friendly fire when it takes a shot with the rebrando-gun

    ... from the article: "Microsoft has previously used the term "Windows Intelligence" in the context of security."

  7. ChrisElvidge Silver badge


    Can the Women's Institute sue for trademark infringement?

    1. that one in the corner Silver badge

      Re: WI

      Only if there is a genuine risk that the two may be confused in the public mind.

      For example, if MS decide to use another upbeat version of a well-known tune to advertise their wares and it becomes inextricably linked in the public mind whenever they see "WI" and hear "Jammin' Jerusalem".

      The one with the boutonniere made from empty Beech Nut husk clusters, thank you.

  8. Felonmarmer

    Angry ladies with sponge cakes and scones.

    If Apple is grabbing AI to mean Apple Intelligence and Microsoft are going with WI, is Microsoft going to get gyp from the Women's Institute for nicking their acronym?

    1. Jim Willsher

      Re: Angry ladies with sponge cakes and scones.

      Two minutes too slow, apparently.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Angry ladies with sponge cakes and scones.

        Yes, but a better headline so upvotes all round.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Angry ladies with sponge cakes and scones.

      It ought to be written as "Windows Artifical Intelligence", shortened to "WAI", and pronounced as "Why?"

      1. A. Coatsworth Silver badge

        Re: Angry ladies with sponge cakes and scones.

        Perhaps a change of name to "Windows Inclusive Intelligence", which would force Nintendo to release the hounds...

        Their battle would be LEGENDARY

  9. that one in the corner Silver badge

    Naming opportunities

    After learning from two successive sentences in TFA that "Apple Intelligence" can use the initialism "AI" (always worth repeating the major point, in case we miss it), there are not as many ways to extend "AI"[1] whereas "WI" has so many obvious applications...

    Windows Intelligence Neural Knowledgebase: Learning Edition (complete with pins).

    Windows Intelligence Turing Complete Horology (the long awaited replacement for the Win'7 clock widget).

    The sales and marketing application, Windows Intelligence Driven Data Lake Extractor.

    And, of course, the new online assistant, Digby, from Windows Intelligence Generative Adversarial Networks.

    The list goes on (and probably will).

    [1] Apple Intelligence Modified Language Engine Support System? Ok, there are quite a few, but not as many.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Naming opportunities

      An Eagle-eyed assistant?

    2. breakfast

      Re: Naming opportunities

      Windows Intelligence Trusted Local Environment Security System?

  10. Kevin Johnston


    Perhaps if they do use WI (Windows Intelligence) it could be pronounced why

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Rather like the sound of a bowl of Petunias?

      Wheeee! Splat!

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Options

      "it could be pronounced why"

      And there's no good answer to that.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Options

      WI: why?


      1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

        Re: Options

        If only this could imitate "The General" episode of The Prisoner.

        Number 6's question of "Why?", causes the computer aka "The General" to self-destruct,

  11. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge


    Microsoft WI?

    That's just taking the piss...

  12. iam_sysop

    The only way

    they can ever call it intelligence is if they give us a switch to turn it all off...

    1. PB90210 Silver badge

      Re: The only way

      Well they did give us 'shutdown' on the 'start' menu

  13. theeggmaster

    It is pronounced 'why'

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Can we please have a comprehensive list of all the AI bloat in Windows and details about removing it?

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      1. All of it by the time they've finished.

      2. Delete Windows. If that's not enough for you, install something better.

  15. Zakspade

    >>> With Windows Intelligence, Microsoft is attempting something similar, although "Apple Intelligence" can be handily shortened to "AI".

    As many have pointed out already - 'WI' is the Woman's Institute here in Blighty. Yes, cue mobs of angry cake-wielding ladies, protesting outside Microsoft's UK HQ. Who could blame them? Why would anyone want to be associated with Microsoft's attempt to create world domination by computers - whether deliberately or by coincidence?

    Besides, who would want such an association when RI (Real Intelligence) is already doing such a fine job of messing things up without AI getting a look-in? Once AI firmly has the reins, we can look forward to some truly monumental cock-ups, such as ordering 10 tonnes of sugar instead of 10kgs when making jam...

  16. Blue Pumpkin

    Disappointing title ...

    There I was expecting Alice Roberts or Joann Fletcher turning up to tell us how they had found evidence of long lost traces of intelligence from past versions that could still be found today...

    And how the use of any intelligence became an evolutionary dead-end in favour of a six-legged dromedary approach.

  17. navarac Silver badge


    Microsoft has always had a problem naming stuff. There is definitely no Intelligence in that department.

  18. Dwarf

    Well, I guess …

    I guess they considered calling it Microsoft Intelligence, but then agreed there isn’t any

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Software High Intelligence Technology

  20. RedGreen925 Bronze badge

    ha ha ha

    "Windows Intelligence"

    Now there is an oxymoron classic for the ages, Windows and Intelligence in the same sentence. Just as bad as putting Security in its place unless of course the sentence is saying they have not one single clue on how to do either...

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