I read the headline ...
but when I read the article was surprised to find that it was not another Trump story.
We regret to inform you that the United States may soon collapse into a state of lawless anarchy: 18 of 43 monkeys that escaped from a South Carolina biomedical research facility remain at large – and we all know a horror story or two that starts like that. OK, maybe that's a bit overblown, but still, police in Yemassee, SC, …
Nearly I couldn't resist on commenting something along the line of they just wanted to get out to great the orange monkey which's soon going to be their president, again.
Anyhow, they may have never been used for any testing. But now that they've been roaming freely in an uncontrolled environment, it's unlikely that they ever will be. Purposeless death awaiting them. Not that it makes much difference to the monkeys.
Either that or it's a place where the budget is kept lower than possible because the top brass wants their big cars and swimming pools.
Serving moldy food ? Food doesn't get moldy in a day. Multiple escapes over the years ? Lack of organisational supervision springs to mind.
This place doesn't sound like a good place to work, much less to be a monkey in.
The sort of lax oversight that happens in the US...
Come January, there'll be more or that - thought the FCC was safe? Be very worried of Ajit Pai is spotted in Mar-a-largo. State secrets will be no more when Trump "declares" them declassified. Lots of scope for agencies that have oversight over Musk's various businesses to be shackled/underfunded/stripped of regulatory clout - quid pro quo - payback for support during the campaign
Pedant alert: recent mathematical research has "proved" that they won't achieve it before the heat death of the universe.
Philosophical point up for discussion. The original quote was something like "given enough time..." which leads to the question "does time stop with the heat death of the universe?"
I have to admit I've always been concerned that Monkey World in Dorset is approximately 1.2 miles east north east of Bovington Tank Museum, which is itself about 2.2 miles east north east of Winfrith Magnox Atomic Energy Establishment. If there were three places that should raise a red flag if you said "let's them put within easy walking distance and in a straight line", it would be those three. It could only be made worse if there was a cider museum nearby too.
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I did some contracting there for some of their digital amusements (both tank museum and monkey world).
... far too much red tape for anything interesting (or devastating) to happen. Those escaped monkeys will have to fill in so many risk assessment forms that they will end up defeated before they begin any innovation.
In the Silver Springs attraction in Ocala, Florida (where they filmed a lot of the Tarzan movies in the '60s) they put out monkeys for the tourists to see, thinking the monkeys couldn't swim across the river surrounding it.
Nope. That's an incorrect assumption. Result: tons of monkeys in the surrounding community and a 40 year eradication campaign.
Did nobody at the regulator even watch any dystopian 1970s science fiction movies? If someone sets up a lab and calls it "Alpha Genesis" it's a surefire guarantee that whatever gets out from it, the consequences are going to be not good.