back to article FBI issues warning as crooks ramp up emergency data request scams

Cybercrooks abusing emergency data requests in the US isn't new, but the FBI says it's becoming a more pronounced issue as the year draws to a close. The uptick in abuse was first registered in August, and the FBI recently issued a Private Industry Notification as an increasing number of US businesses and law enforcement …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Getting in early

    before the world's No 1 Grifter takes over in January.

    He convinced other people to put up the $$$$ for say a casino and when his team mismanages it so badly, it goes bust, who loses their shirt? Not him.

    He's gonna carry on running his empire from the West Wing. After all, there is all that beachfront in Gaza just going begging for a Trump resort or three. He won't risk his money.

    Like all those MAGA caps (made in china) and watches (made in china) etc etc and run from a leanto office in Wyoming. He is a cheapskate, a liar and worse, he cheats at golf.

    Perfect for an FBI investigation that will be a lot of smoke and mirrors that goes nowhere.

    Welcome to the Trump (branded) roller-coaster.

    1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

      Re: Getting in early

      But everyone knows that billionaires always give back half their earnings in tax to help the community. Not sure why you so anti trump, you must be a communist, socialist, fake american who doesnt have a dozen flags all over his house including at least 4 in the family toilet.

      1. the spectacularly refined chap Silver badge

        Re: Getting in early

        including at least 4 in the family toilet.

        You need more than that. MAGAdonalds burgers are lacking any substance to get things moving after all.

        1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

          Re: Getting in early

          Im always amazed at Americans and their flag waving. THey will happily give their life to "protect" the assets of some mega corporation overseas, but they wont give $1 to help their own people back at home with a free medicine.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Getting in early

      I'm a little unsure of the point you are making. I'm no Trump fan but I'm also no fan of the other side. It's not a Trump branded rollercoaster it's an American rollercoaster where you vote for john jackson or jack johnson. This has nothing to do with the article but it's been fun.

      Back to the article. Systems put in place to protect people will always be abused especially when they circumnavigate your privacy without judicial oversight. Have we learnt nothing from history?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Getting in early

      "and worse, he cheats at golf."

      you lost a golf game so you came in here to cry?

  2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    I think I see the problem

    Step 1: Announce that to fight tourism terrorism, there is a Patriotic-Super-Double-Secret Letter that says you must cooperate with the authorities. You can't tell anyone about receiving this, can't question it and can't show it to a lawyer. We can't show you what a genuine letter looks like cos it's classified and if you don't immediately comply we will send your grandmother to Guantanamo and a SWAT team will shoot your dog.

    Step 2. Act surprised when hackers send fake Patriotic-Super-Double-Secret letters to victims.

    1. Diogenes8080

      Re: I think I see the problem

      It does sound remarkably stupid, yes.

      What's wrong with publishing a specimen warrant and the warrant template says "See this link for a list of government offices qualified to handle these warrants. Find the reference number on your warrant and ring the corresponding listed contact number to make contact with the investigating official. Contact no other party regarding this warrant."

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: I think I see the problem

        The FBI might publish a specimen letter but what if you receive one from the NSA? Or the NSA and Secret Service publish a helpline but you receive a warrant from the MMB?

        With so many secretive security agencies, all threatening dire consequences....

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: publishing a specimen warrant

          If you publish an example then all the fakes will look legit.

          Well OK, most of them will look legit. There will still be some crooks that can't get it right.

  3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "adopting critical thinking"

    Ah, but that means going to HR to get approval to open the safe in the basement that's behind the door marked Beware of Leopard.

    It's so much easier and quicker to just blindly obey.

  4. Guy de Loimbard Bronze badge

    Any control that has an exception process

    Will be open to abuse.

    The very fact that something so critical, can then be superseded by a Government demand to get information, rarely provides the protection or control it sought to do in the first place.

    As is noted by this very article.

    Once you have a control in place that can be vaguely understood, or not, people will go to the exceptions process to circumvent the control, if it appears easier.

    If you have such Patriotic-Super-Double-Secret process and the ability to scare the crap out of people to comply with it, well you know the certain creek, without a certain paddle you are now navigating.

    YMMV obvs!

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