Re: FAA to be rejigged?
Most federal agencies like FAA, FTC, FCC, DEA, ATF, EPA and so on do draft (synonymns: formulate, plan, outline, propose, deliniate) federal laws.
Those drafts are then sent to a friendly congresscritter (assuming they were't actually asked to draft the laws in which case the congresscritter/committee who asked for a draft would sponsor it) who sponsors the draft legislation into the appropriate sub-committee who then asses the draft and either reject it, ask for changes, or endorse it to come out of committee to be put to the floor for a vote.
Anyone in the world, doesn't even have to be a US Citizen, could 'draft' federal laws. That doesn't mean they are federal laws. And most likley no congresscritter would give them the time of day let alone sponsor it.
Actual congresscritters rarely draft laws, they either come up with general ideas that they pass onto someone else to do the actual law drafting - federal agencies whose are of expertise it is, or staffers, or vested interests (e.g. thinktanks, societies, foundations, industry groups, actual industries) - or those other parties come to them with proposed - i.e. draft - laws, and they sponsor them (most likely not even understanding the draft, the level of understanding required is inversely proportional to the size of the donations or perks or promised future empolyment opportunities) into the appropriate sub-committee.