back to article Single-platform approach may fall short for AI data management

Users should beware of the single platform approach when preparing for the demands of AI and machine learning on their data management systems, Gartner is warning. A gamut of vendors including Snowflake, Google Cloud, Microsoft, and Databricks have spent the last couple of years trying to show that data management and …

  1. vtcodger Silver badge

    Rhetorical Query

    Probably rhetorical question. "Why don't they just ask whatever AI agent they are hyping to tell them the best approach to consolidating their data?"

  2. Locomotion69 Bronze badge

    I cannot bypass the thought this is one big marketing trick: As you settled for a particular solution (not being ours) please note that you should still benefit from our services!

    Please send money.

  3. xyz Silver badge

    Being serious for a mo...

    As all the big vendors keep saying... Data are everywhere, so trying to shoehorn your needs of tomorrow into something you bought into yesterday is just plain stupid. Keep your options "floaty" and use a "micro data strategy," where you can plug in and remove data at will.

    Do it properly and you can manage everything on the layer above.

    Same with "AI", use targeted rentable micro AIaaS where you can keep or bin actions as your needs change (or if your service provider tries to rip you off).


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