Not the bees!
Aieeee! No es bueno!
Meta's plan to build a nuclear-powered datacenter for AI workloads has been undone by bugs, specifically bees. CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly told employees at an all-hands meeting that the discovery of a rare species of bees on the prospective build site had contributed to the cancellation of the datacenter project, according …
I'm up for this if someone can design a nuclear reactor to take up the same space as a Vaillant combi boiler...
Not quite a nooklear reactor but I've got an air-source heat pump driven (partly, less so today!) by that big ball of noocleer fire in the sky.. (solar cells are wonderful when a) the sky is clear and b) the daylight lasts for more than 8 hours..
Sadly, the time when we need solar the most is when we have less than 8 hours of usable daylight.
I've moved onto a tariff that pays me 16p (or thereabouts) per kWh exported to the grid. If I charge my home battery up overnight at 6.9p/kWh, I can get that back and more by exporting during the day.
I've also got an ASHP but I don't have cats but the neighbours ones love doing their business on my back door mat!
really I shouldn't. But I would have loved to have been a fly on his office wall when he was told he couldn't get what he wants because of... Bees.
Suddenly, I love Bees with a passion!
Though, if I was one of those bees, I would be on the lookout for somebody armed with agent orange and a squirty thing to kill all the plants. or just an insecticide! Though insecticide would probably be too obvious.
I wrote that as part of the plot to my first novel back in 2012.
And yet you don't give the novel's name or ISBN, or promote it in any way. You are definitely not Boris Johnson. Well done, carry on. :-)
My neighbour keeps bees, How about we find some very rare bees and sell hives of them to protestors? They could let the bees out in strategic places and there would bee (sic) no need for the usual protestor shenanigans just a note to the planners about the, previously unknown, colony of rare bees.
Another upside is you could sell the honey to raise funds.
Sounds like a win win.