back to article VMware by Broadcom lifts storage allowances and prices for vSphere Foundation

VMware by Broadcom has upped the storage capacity allowed under licenses for its vSphere Foundation bundle – a move that addresses competitors' attacks, but may also give them new impetus. vSphere Foundation (VVF) includes VMware's ESXi hypervisor, VSAN storage, the vCenter virtual machine manager, the Tanzu container platform …

  1. Yorick Hunt Silver badge

    A price rise?

    Well, nobody could possibly have seen that coming! :-O

    1. Mentat74

      Re: A price rise?

      Except for maybe someone like Stevie Wonder...

  2. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

    Whatever. Don't trust them, and just leave.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The are asset stripping, reducing the products and increasing prices and my organisation is looking at alternatives now, vsphere is going to lose for being greedy. No doubt many starters will be starting up to provide similar cheaper alternatives.

    1. S O

      Funny how it's broadcom's clients to loose now, no one else thought VMWare's market was work buying? I, for one am fine with alternatives, but many are screwed.

  4. RedSquirrel

    Such a pity

    Long term VMware user since the mid 2000s love the technology but Broadcom are nothing but vulture capatailists. If they own VMware long term it is finished sadly.

  5. ronmanu7

    Unfortunately not surprising...

    I've been a VMware "enthusiast" since the early early 2000´s or ESX 1.x (circa 2001) and have really enjoyed working with such a great and evolving technology...then Broadcom came along and pretty much overnight turned this into a nightmare!!!

    It will be very interesting to see what occurs over the next few months + in the virtualisation market, what other potential alternatives pop up and prove to be/do in this space seeing that VMware has a very strong and durable product set and ultimately what Broadcom will do with it all...

    Hopefully it won't all be sad....

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