Ah the error in your thinking is that you don't see the same problem as they do.
You see a large techological and operation shift which requires investment in development and skills to generate savings from a new platform.
In reality thare are layers of other people problems which are nothing to do with tech which lead businesses to make stupid decision. Almost all are cultural issues.
Shareholders tell board - get your fucking stock price up over the next 8 quarters or well cut off your bonus and your balls.
The board look around for something to get stock prices up see a brochure for cloud stuff that implies they can pay off half the IT department within 2yr, and this will pump stock values through cost savings.
They call manglement - get your shit in the cloud, all of it. Then dump the IT deprtment. You've got 18 months.
Manglement call IT - We've got a new cloud first strategy, get all our shit in the cloud within a year and i don't fucking care how you do it. No, there is no budget.
IT shrug their shoulders, mutter on El Reg about inevitable disasters and update their CVs