Real frontier men back in the day wrote Perl built scripts to do this sort of thing before uploading with FTP.
I had a whole bunch of build scripts that I re-used on load of projects stashed on a floppy disk that did loads of things like generating a boiler plate and folder structure as a base to start from. Simpler times.
I still have those scripts along with an arsenal of other custom made build scripts, deployment scripts and so on to make life easier...along with a piece of technology that would have blown my young mind in the IODD mini...that lets me carry an entire bootable OS (stored on an encrypted virtual hard drive, which I have backups of on the device itself and on my DAS, NAS and various other places) that I can mount on the device that gives me access to not only the scripts, but an entire OS to run them on using any machine within reach...this device along would have shaved days off projects back in the day...amazing.
Tons of effort goes into setting up a slick IDE, completion, picking frameworks etc etc these days, but not nearly enough effort into figuring out how you will set yourself up at a client to save time (you can't always use your own laptop, and even if you do, you want it in a clean state that is immediately ready and does not contain another customers data)...back in the day, you probably didn't have a laptop (they were bloody expensive, went obsolete really quickly, weighed a ton and you had to wait ages for one to arrive if you ordered one. You were therefore at the mercy of that one shitty spare machine the customer had stashed in a cupboard as a spare (which you'd have to setup on top of a chest or drawers or a small row of cupboards, usually in the corner jungle of 90's office flora) until you proved your worth and they invested in a new one just for you and found you a desk...those were the tough days, out in the wilderness, no package managers to help you, strange uncharted hardware to work on...proper survival level web development.
It was just you, the water cooler, the leased jungle of plants on a weirdly expensive maintenance contract that have been moved to the corner because nobody liked them and they can't throw them out until the 2 year contract ends and a shit PC...not even a chair'd have to make occasional dangerous journeys from the jungle to the sales department to download tools or upload changes using the only internet connected PC in the office...braving harsh conditions like talking about football (the trouble with Arsenal is they want to walk the ball in), talking about the wife with massive tits of that one sales guy and she's a "diamond"...etc etc...only after you've proven yourself in this wilderness would you be able to take your throne on 50% of the reception girls desk, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when she isn't in, as king of the company website...the deity of HTML...the WEBMASTER! Life was going to be easy from that point on, are now the office "whizz kid", building web pages, fixing technical issues, setting up new PCs...earning free are invincible, untouchable and constantly wear a shit eating smug grin...forever you will be lauded as the saviour of the business...nothing can corrupt you...
*flash forward a couple of years to some time circa 1998*
POSTMASTERS, SYSADMINS and PROJECT MANAGERS begin appearing en masse on desks in dank basements to the sound of Orc horns... be continued.
*end on cliffhanger, play dramatic 'Fellowship of the Ring' credits music, cut to credits*