back to article Fake reviewers face the wrath of Khan

Fake review writers are officially on watch - the US is now enforcing a new rule to ban the practice and is promising a crackdown. "As of today, @FTC's final rule banning fake online reviews and testimonials has come into effect," the head of the agency Lina Khan wrote on X (formerly Twitter). "If you encounter any of these …

  1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    No mention of arranging a bad review of a competitor's product?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Fake reviews ... whoever has heard of such a thing ... surely NOT !!! :)

      "Companies will also be on the hook for a fine if they knowingly purchase a good review, or a bad one of a competitor's product or service."

      Actually does mention 'Bad' reviews of competitors product or service ... ^^^^^


      1. Joe W Silver badge

        Re: Fake reviews ... whoever has heard of such a thing ... surely NOT !!! :)

        Maybe the good doctor is undercaffeinated?

        Or too tired (looking at the time stamp, 'k that might be an expression of their time zone).

  2. Blackjack Silver badge

    How enforceable is this if the company is outside of the US?

    1. Clausewitz4.0 Bronze badge

      "How enforceable is this if the company is outside of the US?"

      Close to zero, in most sane countries.

      1. sabroni Silver badge

        re: Close to zero, in most sane countries.

        Ok smartarse, how about the countries we have on Earth?

        1. Clausewitz4.0 Bronze badge

          Re: re: Close to zero, in most sane countries.

          "Ok smartarse, how about the countries we have on Earth?"

          If that was real, I wouldn't be replying this post. USA isn't an almighty empire anymore. Russia + China have more nuclear power combined - and hypersonic missiles.

          Proof? Try to visit thepiratebay - it is still online, despite USA

          1. sabroni Silver badge

            Re: Russia + China have more nuclear power combined - and hypersonic missiles.

            Ok, I didn't realise when you said "sane" you meant "well armed".

    2. Joe W Silver badge

      The US have aircraft carriers and F35s (and also some planes that actually do work) - not sure if $(south-east-asian-reviewfarm) has them as well...

      What they are going after is US companies that buy reviews for their products. Every little bit helps. No, it won't help us on the other side of the pond.

      1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

        Beware the Khan!

        "and also some planes that actually do work"

        You're not allowed to knock the aircraft unless you've actually purchased one.

      2. Felonmarmer

        But $(country) containing $(south-east-asian-reviewfarm) does and they are usually not keen on direct intervention from outside in the way you are implying.

        Basically at this stage all reviews are fake, all emails are scams and all news is suspect/biased.

  3. Mentat74

    What about deliberately hiding bad reviews ?

    You buy a product... it's a piece of shiat... you post a bad review... and the platform hides it or makes it difficult to find...

    Not exactly honest is it ?

    1. cookieMonster Silver badge

      Re: What about deliberately hiding bad reviews ?

      Honest? The internet???

  4. Zonker Zoggs

    Good stuff - start with Glassdoor.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      My issue isn't that other people working higher up in companies post multiple reviews normally 5* but that if you search for "glass door *company name*" it'll show 5* or whatever next to the results as glass door show you the best reviews first, so a quick Google before entering the site makes you believe they're a good company.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: start with Glassdoor.

      Can we move to IMDB next?

      Loads of trash movies get gleaming reviews posted shortly before their release. Conning the public into spending their time and money to go see utter rubbish.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Fake reviews... must come from someone who has actual experience with the product or service."

    Are you sure that's what you meant to say? :-)

    1. Sora2566 Silver badge

      Yeah, had to read that one several times myself.

  6. Guy de Loimbard Silver badge

    Political posturing

    FFS, this is just posturing to suggest they are doing something meaningful.

    Much like other theoretical "good ideas" actually operational deployment and enforcement will be near impossible to enact, so what's the point?

    Well it's good for the posturing!

  7. PB90210 Silver badge

    "Please rate our thing"...

    Can you at least let me got the thing out of the box and try it first!!!!

    I gave up on KPI (0-9) ratings when I discovered that 0-6 described you as a "detractor" and only 8-9 as a "promoter". Previously I had been scoring (mandatory) "never used it/don't know" as 5, assuming it to be neutral rather than anti

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Bought some RCA-to-HDMI adapters. They came with a 1-year warranty. When they arrived, I discovered that, in order to get the warranty, the user was required to post a *good* review of the product.

      Reported the scam to the selling site, and left an honest review, which would definitely not qualify for the warranty.

    2. David Hicklin Silver badge

      > KPI (0-9) ratings when I discovered that 0-6 described you as a "detractor" and only 8-9 as a "promoter"

      Yeah see that a lot, anything under an 8 is considered poor performance, like you a 5 for me is "did the job", and 8+ means they moved heaven and earth to get the problem solved.

      You expect a 10? Just don't ask what I expect for that!

      1. Alan Brown Silver badge

        There's a XKCD for that:

        And also one which explains it a little more clearly:

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Backlinks should be targeted too.

    Consider this propaganda site: It is getting* a lot of planted backlinks from many Wikipedia articles, because Wikipedia has high PageRank. Some SEO company is involved. Also YouTube channels tend to rank higher when they get back-links.


  9. tehstu

    We got all the way to about 14 comments without a round of applause for that headline?

    Bravo, sir.

  10. Bebu

    Wrath of Khan

    "To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. "

    I couldn't quite place the quote but nice one. Not sure I would be comfortable on the same planet as Ms Khan if I were the target of such sentiment.

    Septics are probably more familiar with Melville's work than we are in these parts.

    1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

      Re: Wrath of Mrs Khan

      Marla died sometime sometime after settling on Ceti Alpha V, that was Khans main beef.

      1. David Hicklin Silver badge

        Re: Wrath of Mrs Khan

        > Marla died sometime sometime after settling on Ceti Alpha V, that was Khans main beef.

        Although you would have thought in the 23rd century as starships star chart systems would have warned that there was a planet missing!

  11. Boothy

    Review hijacking

    I noticed some "review hijacking" last year on Amazon. The first time I saw this was when I was looking for some USB thumb drives (for ISO boot images, and BIOS updating).

    I'm in the habit now of not just looking at review scores, but actually checking out some of the reviews themselves.

    On reading, the reviews didn't make much sense at first, until I realised they were all talking about a kids sticker book!

  12. tiggity Silver badge

    What about joke reviews?

    e.g. this AMazon book has a lot of silly reviews

    Shame, if such shitposting reviews are also banned

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