More Musk bashing. Yawn.
Geico tells El Reg, no, it's not canceling all Cybertruck insurance
Geico confirmed to The Register that, following whispering on social media, the US insurance firm is most definitely not canceling all coverage on Tesla Cybertrucks. A rumor going around that Cybertrucks would lose Geico coverage was rooted in a post on X this weekend by a netizen who claimed they had eight cars, a Cybertruck …
Monday 7th October 2024 20:56 GMT diodesign
More Reg bashing, yawn.
You consistently don't read articles; just jump to conclusions. How on Earth is an article saying Geico isn't going to drop coverage of Cybertruck bashing Elon?
This is like when you said a review of a Meta model in which we said it was brainless and inaccurate was an AI puff piece. I don't mind critiques of articles, I just ask that you actually read and understand the things.
Or more simply: Lurk moar.
Monday 7th October 2024 23:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: More Reg bashing, yawn.
I'm inclined to go with the response to this comment that comes to the conclusion that Beast666 and his recommended news source is a "deep [troll]. There's simply no other logical explanation".
Monday 7th October 2024 23:05 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Screw it. I'm Sticking with My 1972 IFA Trabant
I know a guy that bought a Mazda RX-7 as his midlife crisis car. He said that his insurance company dropped him completely at that point. He was expecting to pay a steep premium for covering a sporty car, but apparently they decided he had suddenly become a big risk at the wheel of any automobile, and would no longer even cover his (more sensible) daily driver.
Tuesday 8th October 2024 02:28 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Screw it. I'm Sticking with My 1972 IFA Trabant
If only they put pious running gear in a Trabant body. Or a Philippines owner-type jeepney.
As an aside, I havn't noticed stainless steel jeepneys rusting in the Philippines, but I suppose that's because it's notoriously arid.
Monday 7th October 2024 23:32 GMT tfewster
Re: It's "contact"
To me, "contact" means they got a response, i.e. a successful communication attempt.
"Reach out" implies minimal effort, from "wrote to last known address" to "It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard."
Monday 7th October 2024 23:27 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Geico thinks that some CT Owners are Renting the Vehicle Out Under the Table
I find that astonishing.
I've heard from Range Rover drivers that for some models it's best if you have a spare car because they can have the odd bout of problems, but EIGHT? Are Tesla really THAT that bad or does it just take that long to find parts for it?
Tuesday 8th October 2024 01:46 GMT nautica
Re: Geico thinks that some CT Owners are Renting the Vehicle Out Under the Table
Just a wee bit of editing needed here to make things perfect...
Original version:
"Between the poor design, lousy build quality, lengthy repair times and frequent recalls I wouldn't rely on a tesla as my only mode of transportation"
Edited version:
"Between the poor design, lousy build quality, lengthy repair times and frequent recalls I wouldn't rely on a tesla as a mode of transportation"
There. All fixed now.
“If you look at any list of great modern writers such as Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, you’ll notice two things about them: 1. They all had editors. 2. They are all dead. Thus we can draw the scientific conclusion that editors are fatal.”
― Dave Barry
Tuesday 8th October 2024 02:38 GMT hoofie2002
Re: Geico thinks that some CT Owners are Renting the Vehicle Out Under the Table
At one point last year I was running and insuring 5 cars:
Wife's new car
Wife's old car
Daughter's car
My MX5
My beater XR5
Now done to 4 thank god
However 8 for one person if they aren't used by family members is a bit nuts unless you are a collector.
Tuesday 8th October 2024 06:22 GMT Neil Barnes
Re: Geico thinks that some CT Owners are Renting the Vehicle Out Under the Table
Given the size of some of those US 'cars' (which are starting to infest the roads over in Europe now, but only exist because as 'light trucks' their manufacturers don't have to meet the CAFE rules) its arguable that they should be registered and insured as commercial vehicles anyway.
FFS - does anyone really need a three-ton vehicle for everyday use (except professionally, of course)?
Tuesday 8th October 2024 15:32 GMT M.V. Lipvig
Re: Geico thinks that some CT Owners are Renting the Vehicle Out Under the Table
Ask the automakers about that, not US citizens. Today's compact trucks are the size of full size trucks from 30 years ago. This is why I have several trucks for my own use from that era - two midsize which today would count as subcompact, and one compact which would be a microtruck today. Once I finish updating the compact truck, one of the midsize trucks goes away.
Tuesday 8th October 2024 19:56 GMT NickHolland
Re: Geico thinks that some CT Owners are Renting the Vehicle Out Under the Table
when I was young, our family of four had eight cars.
Why did we have eight cars? Because we sold one.
Currently, I own three cars, all licensed and insured, and four motorcycles, and I live alone.
My GF (who lives alone) has two cars. yes, I inspired that.
We love our cars. Just money holes, not renting or running a business from them.
(and to bring this back to the topic of computers and IT)
I call my collection the Redundant Array of Individual Cars.
Long time ago when I was self-employed, I was trying to impress on a CFO the importance of good backups. Finally, he decided to get personal and say, "Well, how many cars do you have?" I told him, "not only do I have three cars, but I'm driving the backup van today, the primary van is in the shop". We did get our backup system.
Tuesday 8th October 2024 18:11 GMT Anonymous Coward
There's also the "mis-read the speed limit and break it" feature.
OK, but that's the one thing it shares with other cars. My company XC40 does it so badly that speed warnings are the second item to disable in my 'getting in the car to drive somewhere" routine (the first one is lane assist).