The Empire Strikes Back, Part 37.
The most harmful content - criticism of the government - will be removed immediately, or 10% of profits (if it hasn't all been lifted by the EU's own protection racket) will be appropriated by Singapore to boost public funds.
Remember folks, there are only ten 10%'s of any GAFA entity's profits to be had each year, so get those laws passed quickly.
The ones banning zero day hacks and fires will be particularly useful.
If you want to get ahead of the curve, as GAFA is likely to be fined out of existence in a couple of years, now might be a good time to stock up on '1st' class stamps. At the current rate of inflation, they will increase in value quite a lot by the time e-mail is no longer available, or charged by the message, and most have to go back to using the postal service. Something to spend your bitcoin on before they ban that too.