Err... Me
During the great Manchester Telco fire.
I was first in the office and discovered Manchester had been isolated from the rest of the world and we had no phones at all
No chance of getting hold of the DR team and our fail over site was affected as well.
I had a basic beta version of Sametime for Lotus running as a test. This was our only real time Comms available so I took over and started chatting with Edinburgh control and began moving link lines to our other site. Only one close colleague at the other site had Sametime.
He started briefing teams and we had everything under control.
Two hours later (09:30) DR rep finally showed up. By that point everything was messy but under control.
DR rips into me regarding going out of my authority.
I'm now stressed and severely caffeine deprived.
Ok... Says I. Your f+#@*£ng problem now. Locked the PC and went for a smoke and coffee.
Chatting outside with the Comms manager for a famous lift company who had the floor below us
Back inside we drop a phone extension lead out of the window and patch my desk phone into their Virgin system. I now have the only working phone in the office.
DR crawl up realising I am the only person with any Comms.
Err...can you get back to managing the Comms? We can't contact anyone.
Ask my boss. (Who I have on Sametime)
But we can't contact him he's at xxx site..
Apology followed immediately, followed by a polite promise not to second guess me again.
Very pleasant memory