back to article Microsoft on a roll for terrible rebranding with Windows App

Microsoft's breathtaking ability to rename things badly carries on with the Windows App, a hub to stream Windows from a variety of sources. Users might know the product better as the Remote Desktop client, but rebranding a product with a tag that makes sense would never do, so we have the Windows App. A one-stop shop for …

  1. John Riddoch

    I can see the conversations:

    "Have you got the Windows App?"

    "Er, which one?"

    "The Windows App, of course"

    "....The Windows App for what?"

    etc, etc...

    1. Dostoevsky Bronze badge

      I mean, at least they finally settled on a consistent UI design vocabulary.

      Oh, wait...

      1. ITMA Silver badge


        And that vocabulary goes S.H.1.T.E.

    2. Phil Ni'Sophical

      The macOS Windows App, stooppid!

    3. This post has been deleted by its author

    4. LBJsPNS

      Sorry, I'm still trying to figure out who's on first.

      For the kids:

    5. Ian Johnston Silver badge

      It's the same idiocy, or arrogance, which led the GNOManiacs to rename Nautilus to "Files" and Epiphany to "Web".

      1. vekkq

        it was a good move. what newbie would know from their original names what these programs are?

    6. Paul Herber Silver badge

      "The Windows App that Excels at everything."

      "They don't do one of them".

      "Ok, the one that will give me Access".

      "Alright, I'll send you Word when that is available".

      1. logicalextreme

        You have a humorous Outlook. You should consider sending your material to a Publisher.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

  2. Little Mouse

    It is designed to be a "unified experience,"

    The only "experience" I want from any OS is one that is so noticeable by it's absence that it doesn't actually qualify as an experience at all.

    That's all. No fuss. No whistles. No monkeying around.


    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: It is designed to be a "unified experience,"

      No monkeying around. But it's all moneymaking around!

    2. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: It is designed to be a "unified experience,"

      I've said it many times, M$ has decided their products ARE the job, not the work you want to actually get done with them.

      I noticed this way back around the NT days. And it's only gotten worse.

    3. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

      Re: It is designed to be a "unified experience,"

      I cannot upvote that enough.

      I was thinking same during a discussion of people "Learning a new OS" . Learning? why should a user have to "learn" a new OS ? It should be , as you say , invisible.

      It cant be that hard , all it has to do is present you with a menu of which program you would like to use.


      And yes the app name change this article is reporting is a fantastic own goal on this front. The new name is so unbelievably stupid I thought the article was badly written , or I was reading it wrong.

  3. John_Ericsson

    Further evidence as to what the answer is to "Do they ever stop to think?"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Answer: Yes. Problem is that they never remember to start again.

      1. ecofeco Silver badge

        BA DUMP BA!!

    2. ITMA Silver badge

      You can tell when Microsoft are "thinking".

      Something useful catches fire and burns to the ground to be replaced by a pile of useless crap.

  4. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Remote Desktop

    The one thing that should definitely be disabled by default. Those who know what they're doing doing can enable it if needed.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Remote Desktop

      Disable by default the server for a remote desktop connection, but leave enabled the ability to make outbound connections.

    2. KLane

      Re: Remote Desktop

      The biggest security issue I have with RDP is that our firewall correctly blocks mapping to shares on the remote system, yet is unable to block a copy/paste operation from local to remote, or vice-versa, while your remote session is open. This includes files, not just text or objects.

      1. werdsmith Silver badge

        Re: Remote Desktop

        I work with RDP into a secure environment and our admins have managed to disable cut and paste.

        I wish I could do it, I sometimes have to re type code fragment to get them in there.

        1. Baggypants

          Re: Remote Desktop

          If remote copy and paste are disabled there is an autohotkey script for typing your copybuffer.

    3. Sparkypatrick

      Remote Desktop is not RDP - and is going nowhere.

      As I've said elsewhere, Remote Desktop is not RDP (mstsc.exe). It is another client for Azure Virtual Desktop (and other things depending on which version and what platform). And the article is incorrect, it has not become Windows App.

      The Store version of Remote Desktop may be going. It is certainly the worst client for AVD by quite a margin. There is a version available for iOS, which handles RDP connections to Windows boxes. That may be getting replaced by Windows App, which is aiming to become the multi-platform, unifying client.

      For the moment the Windows version of Windows App (confused yet?) is pretty useless as a client of AVD. It can't manage the simple task of displaying Remote Apps in alphabetical order. Or indeed, any discernible order.

      MS put out a badly worded announcement that gave the impression that Windows App was replacing Remote Desktop (still not RDP), but have confirmed that is not the case. Remote Desktop client for Windows - to give the full name of the msi installed app - and its name will continue to sow confusion for the foreseeable.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Linux Mint grows ever more attractive.

    1. Paul Herber Silver badge

      The wife and I have both transitioned, to use a phrase, she is completely happy with the move, which surprises me somewhat, and her PC no longer loses WiFi connection and the printer works every time. A win-win, er, well, lin-lin, all round. And she no longer has to fret about anti-virus or the advent of Windows 11.

      1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

        There are times I curse Linux (more usually Gnome or systemd products, to be fair) but in recent years I am so glad my interaction with Windows is limited to a few VM for running specialist/legacy software.

  6. chivo243 Silver badge

    One more Reason

    To run shrieking into the night.

  7. Richard 12 Silver badge

    Will searching for "rdp" still find it?

    Or will it be completely and utterly impossible to find by virtue of being buried at random and named the most vague way possible?

    1. DeKrow

      Re: Will searching for "rdp" still find it?

      Did searching for 'rdp' even produce results? I had to learn to search for 'mstsc', but that was what feels like a lifetime ago, so maybe there was some short, intermediate time in which sanity prevailed.

      1. werdsmith Silver badge

        Re: Will searching for "rdp" still find it?

        Just “rem” will find it.

        Then you create your shortcut from the result.

        And that’s the end of it.

      2. bigphil9009

        Re: Will searching for "rdp" still find it?

        "rdp" works fine for me - one result and it's the Remote Desktop Connection application.

        1. DCdave

          Re: Will searching for "rdp" still find it?

          Like others, I didn't realise rdp actually worked. At some point in the past I had to learn mstsc and I suppose I never tried anything else after that.

    2. Sparkypatrick

      Re: Will searching for "rdp" still find it?

      Searching for "rdp" will still find mstsc.exe. It will not find Remote Desktop, which is a completely different application. Which won't show up unless you have it installed (unlikely, unless you use AVD).

      If you search for remote desktop and have Remote Desktop installed, then both will show up. Simples.

  8. ntt


    I'm afraid it's named that way because it's how Microsoft wants/would like/hope their operating system to be consumed next... Remotely, virtualized, cloudified, call that as you wish as long as the user pays a fat monthly subscription for it...

    From that perspective, it might even be an apt name.

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: Gateway

      You mean WaaS. I've been predicting it for years. M$ will drop the naming\numbering system, but they will have to find a new name... They've assigned already

      1. LBJsPNS

        Re: Gateway

        Cash Cow would be appropriate.

        1. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

          Re: Gateway

          Just "Cow"

          1. ICL1900-G3 Silver badge

            Re: just cow

            No. Cows are lovely.

            1. Chasxith

              Re: just cow

              Cows go wrong less!

              1. Andy The Hat Silver badge

                Re: just cow

                Cows produce less crap

            2. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

              Re: just cow

              They are not lovely - Ask anyone (me) who was nearly trampled to death by a herd.

              They are only lovely on a plate, with fries, onion rings or as leather goods (Primarily my coats - Icon).

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: just cow



        2. GraXXoR Bronze badge

          Re: Gateway

          More like Crash Cow.

  9. zuckzuckgo


    > "They might as well have called it 'Useful Program' for all that 'Windows App' tells you about what it does."

    Certainly what they meant to say was :"They might as well have called it 'Useless Program' for all that 'Windows App' tells you about what it does."

    1. DeKrow

      Re: Misquoted?

      "Begrudging Necessity"

    2. Sparkypatrick

      Re: Misquoted?

      It's a client app for Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365 virtual desktops.

  10. navarac Silver badge


    Microshit (now there's a name) must employ people totally without sense to name things. Oh, yes. It is the Mis-marketing department. They must sit around all day dreaming up this crap. They would have had a chapter all to themselves in the late Douglas Adam HHTG series, along with the telephone sanitisers, if Adams had come across them.!

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Names

      And acquaintance of mine who was team lead on Win 95 quit shortly thereafter. He has... stories. And much PTSD.

      M$ was a shit show then and it's utterly radioactive at this point.

    2. Martin an gof Silver badge

      Re: Names

      if Adams had come across them

      Of course, DNA was famously a Mac user...


    3. Terry 6 Silver badge

      Re: Names

      I think ntt might have nailed it.

      In their erotic dreams MS's execs see everyone connecting to their services through their "app" to a cloud computer, for a subscription fee.

  11. Dan 55 Silver badge

    "This unified app serves as your secure gateway to connect to..."

    If this thing uses RDP and are you supposed to connect over the Internet, it's your secure gateway to pnwage.

    1. may_i Silver badge

      Re: "This unified app serves as your secure gateway to connect to..."

      Corollary: If the company you work for allows RDP logins over the Internet, start looking for a new job.

      1. werdsmith Silver badge

        Re: "This unified app serves as your secure gateway to connect to..."

        Virtually everyone uses VPN before RDP to a Remote Desktop. Further access comtrolles from that desktop.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: "This unified app serves as your secure gateway to connect to..."

          I know a quite big medical facility that has RDP on the internet. I do not work for them anymore.

        2. Dan 55 Silver badge

          Re: "This unified app serves as your secure gateway to connect to..."

          If the Remote Desktop client is being renamed and repurposed to access Microsoft DaaS (Downtime as a Service) offered over the Internet, that won't be true any more.

  12. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

    Next move

    Replace the LogonUI by Windows App, and then all your desktop/laptop will connect directly to something somewhere, but not on your desk

  13. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Windows App

    Windows originally was an app, that you had to run from DOS, so maybe they're going back to their roots.

    If you access another computer using the Windows app, can you then use the windows app on that computer to access the one you logged into it from and continually spawn remote sessions on each other this way until the computers slow to a crawl? If so, you can then persuade your boss that you really do need a new state of the art machine, or failing that be allowed to move to a sensible OS.

    1. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: Windows App

      Yes you can, and it is only just usable with one rdp connection inside another.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  14. MSArm

    Oh bless. We all have to have 'experiences' these days, don't we?

    1. LBJsPNS

      Not necessarily stoned, but...

      1. FBee



  15. wolfetone Silver badge

    Can you not just fuck off?

    Honestly. There's plenty of yanks thinking the less right party in Yankeeland is a commie, but look at this mess.

    You've people in Microsoft, all a miss click away from being fired, inventing jobs for themselves. If they look to be busy then that's great apparently. No. It's not great. Because all they're doing is sat around scratching their arses and thinking "what applications haven't we touched yet?". Some dickhead then says "remote desktop looks a bit old..." and before the day is done there is a "plan" to revolutionise the Remote Desktop app in the year of our Lord 202bullshit.

    Fuck sake just leave the damn thing alone and fix something that needs fixing.

    1. keithpeter Silver badge

      Re: Can you not just fuck off?

      Imagine a version of Windows 11 that had just what you needed to run programs for the Windows platform and looked like Windows 2000 or XP. No ads, no tiles, no telemetry, no compulsory logins to Internet servers, no nagware. And then that version of MS Office that runs locally and does not need to connect to anything (but can connect to things if you want) and has no clippy on steroids. Call it Windows 11 Stand Alone. Make it only available as an aftermarket full size iso installer that can install entirely offline. Charge $1000 per licence.

      Would sell in the hundreds of thousands to people such as the commenters here. They'd be minted.

      1. MJI Silver badge

        Re: Can you not just fuck off?

        I am already Minted, 21.3 Cinnamon

      2. anonymous cat herder

        Re: Can you not just fuck off?

        If they priced it at $100 (online distribution only, no media costs) they would sell millions and make the same money back.

    2. TReko Silver badge

      Is the local file system is next for this MS treatment?

      Next on the list is probably Windows Explorer.

      My guess is they'll start pointing it to OneDrive by default, not your local files.

  16. Giles C Silver badge

    Tried to search for it

    I quick check across a few search engines (google, bing, duck duck go) and the phrase windows app bring up the news stories and then a valid link is about the 3rd or 4th one down.

    As for “windows app not workingl a fairly common phrase it doesn’t appear on the first page of the results.

    This will make looking for help with it to be interesting…..

    Ming you Cisco has some strange renames

    Stealthwatch became “sna” or “secures network analytics” I still call it by the old name.

    DNA is now Catalyst Centre even though the software hasn’t changed internally - yet

    The coloured pencil department has a lot to answer for….

  17. JetNumbers4748347938

    Is my understanding correct?

    So the app I currently use to access my Debian desktop from MacOS will be renamed to Windows App?

    1. Dostoevsky Bronze badge

      Re: Is my understanding correct?


  18. Manolo


    So it's not called Bruce?

    That's gonna cause some confusion then.

    I'll get me coat hat. Mine's the one with the dangly corks.

  19. JRStern Bronze badge

    Information Everywhere, redux

    >The Windows App also requires a work or school account before it will start up, confirming that this is not aimed at consumers.

    Huh? I mean of course, goes without saying, doesn't it?

    If I understand what this App is all about, it sounds like a good thing.

    Will this be the new standard way to access Azure, instead of a browser?

  20. Chasxith

    As ever

    Tell me your marketing teams don't understand the products without telling me that your marketing teams don't understand the products.

    At this rate we'll end up with MICROS~1 filing trademarks for "Windows Really Good Edition"...

  21. Big_Boomer

    Marketing twonks

    Remote Desktop Connection is an EXACT description of what it does. Windows App could be applied to any one of the hundreds of Microsoft Store Apps that are now available. Oh well, I guess that they have to do SOMETHING to justify their salary.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What shall we call it?

    Windows crApp! cough couch

    Windows App you say, fantasitc!

  23. Stuart Castle Silver badge

    In other corporate marketing news, Volkswagon have decided to call their new car "Car", and their new van "Van".

    Personally, I think Remote Deskop is actually the best name for the app. It tells you exactly what it does. It enabled you to access the desktop on a remote machine. It doesn't matter whether that machine is a pysical or virtual machine on your local network, or a VM in the cloud. You are still accessing the desktop.

    I suspect the reason MS is doing it is that you can use the Remote Deskop app to access the desktops on other OSes. Actually, you can use it to access any software offers it's UI via RDP, so it you could use it to access a macOS desktop, a Linux one, a Unix one or any application. As long as they have an RDP server installed.

    Microsoft don't seem to be blocking that actively, but they do not want you to do it. They want it drummed into the users head that they will use Windows.

  24. Anonymous Coward

    Windows App for Apps on Windows

    It's an App you use on Windows to let you use other Windows Apps on Windows.

  25. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

    The problem with the whole idea of a "unified experience" can be summed up in the phrase "jack of all trades, master of none"

  26. Chrisman.K

    RDP is not going anywhere

    This does not seem to be replacing RDP (Remote Desktop protocol) or RDP being renamed.

    This seems like a new application to manage and save RDP logins/info in one interface, similar to Parallels Client (which supports both parallels and RDP).

    Windows App is your gateway to Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Microsoft Dev Box, Remote Desktop Services, and remote PCs, securely connecting you to Windows devices and apps.

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: RDP is not going anywhere

      The underlying protocol isn't but Microsoft is trying to move people in terms of the app they use. From the official announcement:

      "With this general availability launch, users of Remote Desktop clients for Windows, macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and web will transition to Windows App."


  27. Stuart Castle Silver badge

    To mis-quote Dr McCoy in Star Trek: The Motion Picture: "I know marketers, they love to change things,"

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