back to article Europe's largest city council: Oracle ERP allocated £2B in transactions to wrong year

The Oracle finance system implemented by stricken Birmingham City Council allocated £2 billion ($2.65 billion) in cash to the wrong financial year, leaving public sector workers to unpick the errors manually. Europe's largest local authority has been made effectively bankrupt by a combination of the self-inflicted messy ERP …

  1. andy the pessimist

    Hubert lavish will update the glooper and return the money. Malvolio bent will update the books. Go and fire oracle.

    1. Tom 38
  2. heyrick Silver badge

    Not fit for purpose

    We, and especially the citizens of Birmingham, should expect a full and complete reimbursement of money wasted on this shitshow.

    1. b0llchit Silver badge

      Re: Not fit for purpose

      And who is going to pay that bill???

      All parties will simply say that they were paid for services rendered. The contract may have originally stated that the result must work as advertised, but the target shifted so many times that the clause was rendered unobtanium and rendered ineffective. See, we, the hard working software class and consultancy parties can not be blamed in any way.

      It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad.

      1. wolfetone Silver badge

        Re: Not fit for purpose

        If no one is going to pay then we'll settle for public floggings.

      2. tmTM

        Re: And who is going to pay that bill???

        Council has a pretty decent pension fund?

        They screwed this one up, maybe they can pony up to fix the mess? You can bet they won't cock it up a second time.

        1. wolfetone Silver badge

          Re: And who is going to pay that bill???

          This is it. The people making decisions have no real skin in the game. If they did then the outcomes would be different.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: And who is going to pay that bill???

            Work can in principle e outsourced, though whether it *should* be seems to be a different and rarely addressed question.

            The responsibility >>>cannot<<<< be outsourced (just ask Boeing, or indeed any of a near-endless list).

            Somebody must always be accountable. Preferably namied individuals in named organisations.

            Birmingham ratepayer for 4 decades,

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Not fit for purpose

      You might want that but ti expect it indicates the same level of optimism and the council did in going down that route in the first place.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Did the system do this on its own?

    Did the system do this on its own? Or was it wrongly configured and wrongly used in a way that resulted in this wrong posting?

    1. pig

      Re: Did the system do this on its own?

      Having seen first hand a different council's ERP cock up...I would bet real money that the default allocations in Oracle would work, but the implementation team wrote their own instead, and that went wrong.

      1. Alpy

        Re: Did the system do this on its own?

        That unfortunately is how Oracle works. Out of the box it's pretty much as useful as a chocolate fireguard and millions of hours of consultants and specialists needs to be bought to make it useable. Great model if you're Oracle and one of its consulting partners. It's a total swizz and many people are in on it.

    2. Tom 38

      Re: Did the system do this on its own?

      This is how ERP providers make all that lovely cash that allows Larry to keep buying islands:

      * 01: Create an ERP system where everything can be configured, customized, and controlled

      * 02: Pitch it to potential customers, all of whom have exceptionally complex existing ERP systems that have a number of flaws

      * 03: Sell them on the low low cost of the unmodified system, with a small additional cost for "minor customizations"

      * 04: Begin implementation, which will take 2+ years

      * 05: Collaborate with the client. If they are a public body, talk to everybody, especially elected people

      * 06: Gather a thousand new requirements and change requests

      * 07: Nullify any existing clauses on performance, delivery, correctness due to so many change requests

      * 08: Deplete the original budget, leaving the platform 50-80% integrated - you tell the client its 80%, but you know its really 50% done

      * 09: Force the client to either extend the budget or cancel, leaving them with their currently unsupported legacy ERP

      * 10: Deplete the new budget

      * 11: Complete/cancel the project, or go back to step 09

      * 12: Go to step 1

      1. Alpy

        Re: Did the system do this on its own?

        Exactly this! Great post!

      2. Mark 65

        Re: Did the system do this on its own?

        You're either a salesman or a victim.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Did the system do this on its own?

        So it is really about human system complexity, not about software.

        This resembles Soviet central planning with their giant Gosplan authority specifying in detail how much of a particular good should be produced. It also reminds of NVIDIA Omniverse, when the government is trying to replicate real world with a digital clone.

        Basically the gov is taking over and replacing the capitalist economy. Have a look at the enormous list of "1600 activities local authorities are responsible for" Spawn of Seaton posted here.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Did the system do this on its own?

      It seems to me they are suffering from the age-old wisdom of "if you buy an off the shelf system do not customise the buggery out of it to suit your processes" because that just never ends well and upgrade/implementation costs go to the moon - you're locked into the system and the vendor knows they have you by the jacobs.

  4. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Oh look

    An update on a complete failure of management.

    Just what I needed to make me feel good on a Friday evening.

  5. Julian Poyntz

    ITIL + Shitshow

    Makes me wonder, how the UK Gvt came up with ITIL and can then, on a regular basis come up with complete shitshow's like this

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: ITIL + Shitshow

      This is not UK govt, this is local govt. UJ govt has its own shitshows.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: ITIL + Shitshow

        UK dammi!!!

        My tryping is getting worse and worst. Completely offal.

        1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

          Re: ITIL + Shitshow

          To help you not having to care…

  6. Vulture@C64

    That's what happens with Oracle, it's to be expected. You can't rely on them to implement a system, they make more money correcting mistakes they see being made than they do by doing it right the first time.

    This is nothing new, this is how companies like Oracle become so large and wealthy - screwing the customer to the point they drain the cash, making it difficult to migrate elsewhere. It's one of the benefits of an ERP system, for the vendor.

    1. Alpy

      Exactly this! They lock you in with millions of bespoke changes and then laugh as you cannot escape. Incredible business model that people still buy knowing full well. It's a lazy world we live in

  7. amajadedcynicaloldfart

    Birmingham Council

    make the Dibley council look professional

  8. TVU

    "Europe's largest city council: Oracle ERP allocated £2B in transactions to wrong year"

    Oracle, the "gift" that keeps on g̶i̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ taking.

  9. low_resolution_foxxes

    I wish there was a cloud based API software tool for councils based on the primary roles of them

    1) How to collect bins

    2) How to make parking hard for everyone

    3) A random AI posting diversity slogans on Twitter

    4) Paying a bunch of people £200kpa to mess up steps 1-3

    1. Spawn of Seaton

      plus the 1600 activities local authorities are responsible for

      Abandoned bicycles; Abandoned shopping trolleys; Abandoned vehicles; Abnormal load notification; Accessibility of local facilities; Accessibility of Web sites; Accident reporting; Accommodation certificates; Activities for children and young people; Activities for older people; Actuary registration; Acupuncturist registration; Address allocation; Adoption; Adoption of municipal land; Adoption support agency registration; Adoption support services; Adult care plan; Adult carers advice and support; Adult day care registration; Adult education and learning; Adult hospice care; Adult placement; Adult placement registration; Adult residential care; Adventure activities licence; Advertisement control; Advice for young people; Advice to businesses and voluntary organisations; Advocacy for carers; Advocacy for social care clients; Aerials and satellite dishes; Affordable housing; Agricultural land maintenance; Agricultural production subsidies; Agricutural land licence; Air ambulance; Air conditioning system energy assessor accreditation; Air handling units; Air quality; Air rescue; Air traffic controller licence; Air traffic services licence; Air travel organiser's(ATOL) licence; Aircraft maintenance engineer licence; Airline pilot licence; Airport fire officer certificate; Airport firefighter certificate; Alarm notification area; Alcohol advice and support; Alley gating; Allocated parking spaces; Allocating council homes; Allotments; Alternative care providers; Alternative provision of education; Alternative therapies and treatments; Analytical chemist registration; Animal by-products enforcement; Animal by-products licence; Animal health; Animal importation; Animal inspection; Animal medicines and medicated feed registration; Animal transport licence; Animal transport vehicle licence; Animal welfare; Animals (scientific procedures) licence; Anti-money laundering registration; Anti-social behaviour - solvent abuse; Anti-social behaviour - begging and vagrancy; Anti-social behaviour - hoax or false calls to emergency services; Anti-social behaviour - inconsiderate or nuisance; Anti-social behaviour - malicious or nuisance communication; Anti-social behaviour - neighbour nuisance; Anti-social behaviour - street drinking; Anti-social behaviour - vehicle; Approval of course leading to external qualification; Approval of meat plants with veterinary attendance; Approved suppliers; Archaeological consultancy; Archaeological excavations and surveys; Architect registration; Archive loans, donations, bequests and sales; Archive withdrawals; Archives; Archives - access; Archives - enquiries; Area waste strategy; Armed forces community covenant; Armed forces recruitment; Arson investigation; Arson reduction; Art commissions; Artificial reproduction of animals licence; Arts and creative classes; Arts development; Arts organisations and events; Asbestos management; Asbestos removal licence; Assembly centre approval; Assisted garden maintenance; Assisted housing maintenance; Asylum seekers - change of address; Asylum seekers and refugee support; Asylum seekers travel permit; Attending arson incidents; Attending automatic fire alarms; Attending fires; Auction premises licence; Audit work registration; Autism strategy; Bail accommodation; Bail information; Bail supervision; Bankruptcy declaration; Barrister registration; Bathing waters; Beach patrols; Bee keeping regulations; Behaviour development in schools; Benefit fraud; Benefits advice and assessment; Bereavement support; Betting office licence; Bicycle stand or locker; Biocidal products notification; Birth certificate amendments; Birth registration; Boarding animals licence; Boat and trailer parking; Boat launching and recovery; Boat moorings; Boat registration; Boat waste disposal; Boat winter storage; Boatman's licence; Boats - launch service; Boats - mooring space - waiting lists; Book exhibitions; Bookmakers permit; Bookstart; Bridge strengthening; Brownfield land register; Budgeting loans; Building and landscape design; Building control; Building control enforcement; Building inspector authorisation; Building materials licence; Building warrants; Bulky household waste collections; Bus lanes and routes; Bus passes for disabled or older people; Bus stops and shelters; Business - business plans - advice; Business - exporters' forums; Business - food production - hygiene; Business - food safety - risk assessment; Business - notification to council - employees; Business awards; Business broadband campaign; Business centres; Business continuity advice; Business co-operatives; Business directories; Business grants; Business improvement districts (BID); Business rate relief; Business rate supplement; Business rates account enquiries; Business rates annual notification; Business security advice; Business security grants; Business sponsorship opportunities; Business taxation; Business travel and commuting; Butchers shop licence; Byelaws and regulations; Calibration and testing; Camping and caravan sites; Canals and waterways; Car sharing; Caravan site licence; Caravan/mobile home - allocated standing place; Care - home assessment; Care Act 2014 implementation; Care ambassadors; Care at home; Care needs assessment; Care order; Care plan; Careers advice; Carers allowance; Carers assessment; Carers support groups; Catering, sales and vending; Cave rescue; Cemeteries and crematoria; Census information; Certificate of fitness for properties built before 1945; Change of circumstances; Change of housing tenancy; Change of housing use; Change of name; Change of nationality; Change of paternity; Channel early intervention scheme; Chaperone service; Character and criminal record declaration; Chartered surveyor registration; Chemical supply and storage licence; Child allowance; Child assessment order; Child employment registration; Child health clinics; Child maintenance payments; Child measurement; Child performance licences; Child poverty needs assessment; Child poverty strategy; Child protection; Child protection orders; Child safety orders; Childcare out of school hours; Childcare provider registration; Childcare sufficiency assessment; Childhood immunisation; Childminder registration; Childminders; Childminding and day care; Children and young people - travel pass; Children's centres; Children's hearings; Children's Hearings - Supervision Requirement; Children's homes independent school registration; Children's libraries; Children's panel recruitment; Children's Trust Board; Chimney sweeping; Citizenship ceremonies; Citizenship education; Civic buildings; Civic events; Civic liability; Civic meetings - public questions; Civic recognition and awards; Civil emergencies - flooding; Civil emergencies - gas pipelines; Civil emergencies - major accident hazards; Civil emergencies - social and psychological support; Civil funerals; Civil injunction; Civil marriage and civil partnership venue licence; Civil partnership dissolution; Claims management licence; Clean Air Act approval; Client contact problems; Clinical household waste; Club gaming permit; Club machine permit; Club premises certificate; Coastal events; Coastal protection; Cohabitation registration; Commercial clinical waste disposal; Commercial energy assessor accreditation; Commercial lettings; Commercial property development; Commercial use of municipal land; Commercial vehicle Sunday driving licence; Commercial waste bins; Commercial waste collection; Commercial waste disposal sites; Commercial waste special collections; Commercial waste spillage; Commitment to pay visitor charges; Common Assessment Framework; Common land and village greens; Communal bins - permitted use; Communal heating charge; Communal housing repairs; Communal lighting; Community alarms and Telecare; Community and accessible transport; Community assemblies and committees; Community asset transfer; Community centres; Community Councils - information; Community engagement; Community equipment loans; Community facilities grants; Community farms; Community fire safety; Community grants; Community infrastructure levy (CIL); Community noticeboards; Community protection notice; Community Reparation Orders; Community safety; Community service orders; Community strategy; Community support groups and organisations; Community wardens; Company registration; Compensation - municipal planning decisions; Competent person (building) registration; Complaints advocacy; Complaints procedure; Composters; Compulsory property acquisition; Computers and IT skills; Conference, hall and meeting room hire; Consent for cellars, pavement lights and ventilators under street; Conservation area planning; Conservation area tree works notification; Conservation areas; Constitution; Construction project notification; Construction site fire safety; Construction site pollution; Consumer advice; Consumer credit licence; Contaminated land; Contaminated land grants; Contraception; Contracts lists; Contracts management; Control and audit of company accounts; Controlled water activities licence; Conventional tower cranes notification; Conveyancer licence; Conveyancing; Cooling tower registration; Copy certificates; Corporate - assets; Corporate - audit and inspection; Corporate - business planning and strategy; Corporate - business process improvement; Corporate - communications; Corporate - education; Corporate - equalities and diversity; Corporate - health and safety; Corporate - Information management; Corporate - insurance; Corporate - meeting governance; Corporate - organisation structure; Corporate - partnership working; Corporate - policies and procedures; Corporate - procurement;

      1. Spawn of Seaton

        Re: plus the 1600 activities local authorities are responsible for

        Corporate - project management; Corporate - records management; Corporate - reporting; Corporate - research; Corporate - resource planning; Corporate - retention schedules; Corporate - service management; Corporate - workforce plan; Council - commercial activities - equipment hire - civic events; Council - common good funds; Council expenditure; Council car parks; Council home modernisation; Council tax account enquiries; Council tax annual notification; Council tax appeals; Council tax band reductions; Council tax discount; Council tax exemptions; Council tenant advice; Councillor casual vacancies; Councillors allowances and expenses; Councillors declaration of interest; Councillors directory; Councillors surgeries; Counselling; Counter terrorism (Prevent); Countryside conservation; Countryside education; Countryside events; Countryside facilities; Countryside management; Countryside rangers; Countryside surveys; Countryside visitor centres; Countryside volunteers; Court fines - supervision of payment; Cranage; CRB Registered Body; CRB umbrella body licence; Credit licence; Credit unions; Crime investigation; Crime prevention; Criminal Behaviour Order; Criminal damage - dwelling; Criminal damage - non-domestic building; Criminal damage - non-specific; Criminal damage - property; Criminal damage - vehicle; Crofting and rural house purchase grants; Cultural grants; Current emergency situations - civil; Current emergency situations - health; Current emergency situations - weather; Current vacancies; Customer feedback and suggestions; Customer satisfaction surveys; Cycle and motorcycle parking; Cycle etching; Cycle hire; Cycle lanes and routes; Cycle training; Cycling and walking to school schemes; Cycling schemes; Dam or weir impounding licence; Dangerous animals licence; Dangerous dogs enforcement; Dangerous road improvements; Dangerous structures; Data Protection; Day care settings licence; Day centres; Dead animal removal; Death - funerals - cost information; Death - funerals - cremations; Death registration; Debt counselling; Debt enforcement; Declaration of compliance with NIEA greenfield soils guidance; Decoration and disturbance allowances; Degree awards authorisation; Demand responsive transport; Demolition control; Demolition enforcement; Demolitions - alternative housing; Demolitions - disturbance allowance; Demolitions - property assessment; Demolitions - tenants' responsibilities; Demonstrations and parades permission; Demoted tenancy; Dental services; Dental surgeries; Derelict properties; Designated public places order; Designated wreck diving licence; Development control; Development control enforcement; Direct appointment as an approved certifier of design or construction; Direct payments; Disabled facilities grant; Disabled parking bays; Disabled parking permits; Disabled people - authorised helper; Disabled people - employment and training schemes; Disabled people - financial assistance; Disabled people - home adaptations; Disabled people - road tax exemption; Disabled people employment advice; Disabled persons identity card; Disabled taxi card; Discharge of planning conditions; Discretionary housing payment; District Courts; Diver assessment and training licence; Diversion from prosecution; Divorce registration; Dog waste bins; Dog breeding licence; Dog fouling; Dog registration; Dog wardens; Domestic energy assessor accreditation; Domestic heating oil tanks; Domestic TV and radio licence; Domestic water rates; Domiciliary care agency registration; Door supervisor licence; Door-to-door metal dealer licence; Drain and gully clearance; Drainage; Driver training; Driving instructor licences (various); Driving licence; Driving licence exchange; Dropped kerbs; Drug treatment and testing orders; Drugs advice and support; Dry cleaning permit; Dual drivers licence; Early education for 2 year olds; Early morning restrictions orders; Early years grant; Ecology and geology; Economic information and analysis; Economic reports and forecasts; Education - adult - opportunities in Europe; Education - grants - disabled students allowance; Education - grants - education maintenance award; Education - grants - student awards; Education - loans - student loan; Education consultations; Education in hospital; Education transport for 16-19 year olds; Education, health and care (EHC) plan; Educational materials grants; Educational support for looked after children; Egg packing centre licence; Election publicity; Election results; Electoral areas; Electoral nominations; Electoral register; Electricity distribution licence; Electricity generation licence; Electricity generation, transmission, distribution and supply licence; Electricity interconnector licence; Electricity supply licence; Electricity transmission licence; Emergency department; Emergency medical assistance; Emergency out of hours housing repairs; Emergency plan; Emergency veterinary services; Emergency volunteering certificate; Emigration advice; Employment and support allowance; Employment and training initiatives; Empty residential properties; Ending housing tenancy; Energy assessor certificate; Energy efficiency; Energy efficiency grants; Energy tariff reductions; Environment and acoustic catering permit; Environmental health emergencies out of hours; Environmental health placements; Environmental Impact Assessment screening; Environmental information regulations; Environmental permitting - Part A(1); Environmental policy; Environmental standards for business; Equal opportunities advice; Equality and diversity; Estate agents redress scheme; Estate parking; Estates management; European and other funding; European Public Information Centre (EPIC) network; European tenders; Exceptional Hardship Payment; Exclusion of school pupils; Executry practitioner registration; Exercise and fitness classes; Exhaust emission testing; Exhibitions; Exhumations; Explosives licence; Extended schools; Facilities - accessible buildings; Facilities - air handling units; Facilities - asbestos; Facilities - catering services; Facilities - consumables; Facilities - council property; Facilities - energy and fuel; Facilities - equipment; Facilities - fire safety; Facilities - graphic design; Facilities - hazardous substances; Facilities - internal mail; Facilities - internal room bookings; Facilities - management; Facilities - noise; Facilities - planned maintenance; Facilities - printing and copying; Facilities - reactive repairs; Facilities - reception; Facilities - risk assessments; Facilities - staff/visitor car parking; Facilities - water; Facilities -fleet ownership and maintenance; Fair rents inspection; Fair trading; Faith organisations and services; Families - babysitting services - information; Family doctors; Family entertainment centre gaming machine permits; Family information services; Family support groups and organisations; Farmers markets; Farming advice; Farming and agriculture grants; Farming compensation schemes; Farrier registration; Feed hygiene registration; Ferries; Festive decorations; Field study centres; Final warning; Finance - accounting; Finance - financial management; Finance - financial planning; Finance - fund management; Finance - indemnification for members and officers; Finance - inter-organisational charging; Finance - management and control; Finance - revenue and customs; Financial advice and support; Financial assistance for housing associations; Financial guardianship; Fire and rescue - operational assurance; Fire and rescue - risk management; Fire and rescue incident investigation; Fire hydrants maintenance; Fire insurance certificate; Fire regulations business enforcement; Fire regulations residential enforcement; Fire risk assessment in commercial property; Fire safety education; Fire warden/commercial training; Firearms certificates; Firearms crime; Firework incident research; Firework safety advice; Fireworks display licence; Fireworks sales licence; Fishing; Flight crew, pilots and air traffic controllers medical certificate; Flood prevention; Flood protection insurance; Flyposting; Flytipping; Food banks; Food business registration; Food labelling; Food poisoning and contamination; Food premises approval; Food safety advice; Food safety enforcement; Food safety inspections; Food waste recycling; Foreign national's passport; Forensic science service; Forest and woodland management; Forestry grants; Former tenant arrears; Fostering; Free school meals; Freedom of Information;

        1. Spawn of Seaton

          Re: plus the 1600 activities local authorities are responsible for

          Full planning applications; Funeral expenses payment; Funeral records; Furnished tenancies; Further and higher education; Gambling addiction advice and support; Gambling premises licence; Gambling premises temporary use notices; Garage lettings; Gas appliances or fittings work registration; Gas interconnector licence; Gas safety inspection; Gas safety registration; Gas shipper licence; Gas supplier licence; Gas transport safety case notification; Gas transportation licence; Genetically modified organisms work notification; Geothermal energy plant licence; Gifted and talented awards; Going into hospital; GPs and surgeries; Graffiti removal; Grants and support for voluntary organisations; Graphic design; Grass cutting; Grave purchasing; Grazing land; Greenhouse gas emission permit; Greyhound racing track licence; Guard dog kennels licence; Gypsy and traveller sites; Hackney carriage (taxi) drivers licence; Hackney carriage (taxi) licence; Hard to let properties; Hate crime; Hazardous chemical (HAZCHEM) incidents; Hazardous waste collection; Hazardous waste disposal registration; Head lice; Health advice; Health and safety - prosecutions register; Health and safety regulation; Health and safety training; Health and wellbeing strategy; Health care in prisons; Health care insurance; Health checks; Health support groups and organisations; Heating allowance; Help leaving prison; High hedges; Highway planting licence; Highway projection licence; Historic sites maintenance; Historical record searches; HIV / AIDS support for adults; HIV / AIDS support for children and young people; Hobby and interest classes and groups; Home adaptations and aids; Home and garden care and maintenance; Home care for terminally ill; Home childcarer registration; Home contents insurance; Home fire safety check; Home fire safety equipment; Home improvement loans; Home purchase grants; Home renovation grants; Home repair assistance grant; Home safety advice; Home school agreement; Home schooling; Home security assessment; Homelessness assessment; Homelessness support; Homes in multiple occupancy licence; Horse passport; Horse passport issuer licence; Hospice care for children and young people; Hospitals and clinics; Hostels and emergency accommodation; Hot branding of equines licence; Hotel occupancy tax; Hotel stay registration; House clearance and re-housing; House to house collection licence; Houseboat moorings; Household garden waste; Household waste accumulation; Household waste assisted collection; Household waste collection; Household waste containers; Household waste disposal sites; Household waste enforcement; Household waste registration; Houses in multiple occupation register; Houses in multiple occupation safety inspection; Housing - allocations - re-housing decision appeal; Housing - allocations - general information; Housing - council - improvement strategy; Housing - council - services and communal repairs; Housing - improvements - housing renovation grant for a private property; Housing - sheltered - homeless people; Housing - sheltered - housing association tenants; Housing - sheltered - non-council tenants; Housing advice; Housing allocation system; Housing and public health; Housing association nomination and registration; Housing benefit appeals; Housing benefit backdated claims; Housing benefit current claim; Housing benefit new claim; Housing benefit overpayments; Housing benefit renewal; Housing condition surveys; Housing crime support; Housing enforcement; Housing estate safety; Housing evictions; Housing insulation; Housing insurance claims; Housing legal advice; Housing mediation; Housing modernisation schemes; Housing nuisance; Housing referrals; Housing rent; Housing rent setting; Housing repairs; Housing service charges; Housing tenant support; Housing transfer to private registered provider; Hunting licence; ICT - business continuity; ICT - data management; ICT - hardware; ICT - help desk; ICT - maintenance; ICT - manuals; ICT - networks; ICT - peripherals; ICT - resource management; ICT - security; ICT - software; ICT - Web site; Idling vehicles; Illegal street trading; Immigration; Immigration - resettlement from abroad; Immigration registration; Implementation of orders; Inclusive leisure and social activities; Income tax; Incontinence laundry service; Independence support for disabled people; Independent fostering service registration; Independent school for under eight year olds registration; Independent school inspector licence; Independent school registration; Independent visitors for looked after children; Indoor sports entertainment licence; Industrial injury and illness; Infectious disease investigation; Inland waterways business craft licence; Inshore rescue; Insolvency practitioner registration; Inspector of weights and measures certificate; Instrumental tuition; Integrated family support; Intensive support and monitoring; International driving licence; International student grants; International students; Introductory council tenancies; Jobs - New Deal - traineeships; Jobseekers allowance; Joining a library; Journey planning; Jury service; Land and property - garages - arrears; Land and property - property searches; Land and property availability; Land and property valuations; Land charges search; Land drainage consent; Land reclamation; Land sub-division permit; Land use proposals; Landlord accreditation; Landlord or property agent banning order; Landowner access; Landscape character assessment; Language and cultural support in school; Laser or intense pulsed light treatment licence; Late night catering licence; Law - legal aid; Law - wills and testaments - advice; Law costs draftsman licence; Lawful Development Certificate existing use; Lawful Development Certificate proposed use; Leaflet distribution consent; Learning mentors; Leaving hospital; Legal - advice; Legal - case management; Legal - contracts; Legal - judicial review; Legal - land and property; Legal - litigation; Legal advice; Legal executive authorisation; Leisure passes; Library catalogues; Library collections; Library facilities; Library fines; Library information services; Library loan renewals; Library loans; Library reservations; Library sales; Licence for bridges, buildings, beams and cables over or along highway; Licence to hold, keep or release non-native fish; Licences - amusements with prizes; Licences - booking office; Licences - cinemas; Licences - fairgrounds; Licences - game dealing; Licences - gaming machines; Licences - licensed premises - off-sales; Licences - licensed premises - public houses; Licences - licensed premises - refreshment licences; Licences - licensed premises - restaurants; Licences - public entertainment; Licences - storage of fireworks; Licences - theatres; Licences - water sports; Licensed premises gaming machine permit; Lifebelts; Light pollution; Listed building consent; Listed building maintenance grants; Litter bins; Litter enforcement; Litter removal; Local access forums; Local attractions and facilities; Local authority mortgage scheme (LAMS); Local Council Tax Reduction - appeals; Local Council Tax Reduction - backdated claims; Local Council Tax Reduction - current claim; Local Council Tax Reduction - new claim; Local Council Tax Reduction - overpayments; Local Council Tax Reduction - renewal; Local crisis payment; Local curriculum; Local Development Framework; Local development order; Local economic development; Local Housing Allowance; Local Involvement Network (LINk); Local markets; Local plans; Local schools; London Olympics association right licence; Lord Lieutenant; Lorry parking; Lost and found property; Lottery funding grants; Lottery licence; Low alcohol exemption licence; Maintenance and safety of communal areas; Major accident hazards control licence; Major incident clean up/repair; Major incident response; Management of personal financial affairs; Marine docking beds; Marine explosives transport licence; Marine storage lockers; Marine waste disposal licence; Marine weather data; Marine works licence; Market cleaning; Market event licence; Market stall rental; Marriage or civil partnership registration; Marriage renewal; Massage and special treatment licence; Massage and special treatments therapist registration; Masts and antennae; Mayoral elections; Mayoral invitations; Means Enquiry reports; Media and publicity protocols; Medical control; Medical emergency response; Medical treatment abroad; Members - allowances; Members - committee membership; Members - communications; Members - democratic services - advice; Members - elections - polling stations; Members - elections - results; Members - electoral cycle; Members - executive forward plan; Members - honours and awards; Members - induction and training; Members - minutes, agendas and reports; Members - overview and scrutiny; Members - political offices; Members - secretariat; Members and officers code of conduct; Members of Parliament; Memorial construction; Memorial provision and maintenance; Mental health support; Mentoring schemes; Midwifery and maternity services; Minerals local plan; Minimum wage; Minutes, agendas and reports; Mobile libraries; Mobile meals; Moped licence; Mortgage insurance; Mortuaries; MOT testing; MOT testing authorisation; Motability scheme; Motor salvage operator registration; Motor vehicle insurance; Motor vehicle licence; Motorised vehicles countryside access; Mountain rescue; Moveable dwelling site licence; Municipal banking; Municipal funerals; Municipal golf courses; Museum and gallery loans, donations and bequests; Museum and gallery shops; Museum collections; Museum events and exhibitions; Museums and galleries; Museums and galleries - enquiries; Music rooms and recording studios; Musical instrument hire; Musical instruments assisted purchase;

          1. Spawn of Seaton

            Re: plus the 1600 activities local authorities are responsible for

            Mutual home exchange; Naming ceremonies; National identity card; National Insurance number; Nationality checking; Natural heritage areas; Nature reserves; Navigation and berthing; Needle exchange; Neighbourhood development order; Neighbourhood planning; Neighbourhood policing; Neighbourhood watch; New marina authorisation; New tenant support; News and information releases; Noise pollution; Non-commercial use of municipal land; Notice of marriage or civil partnership; Notifiable pests and diseases; Notification - cattle movement; Number plate supplier registration; Nursery education grant; Nursery inspections; Nursery school places; Nursing agency licence; Nursing agency registration; Occupational therapy; Offshore rescue; On-construction domestic energy assessor accreditation; Online library resources; Online registration; Open access land; Open data publication; Operational ratings assessor accreditation; Operations - appliance management; Operations - real time information (traffic, events etc.); Operations - specialist equipment co-ordination; Operations - user guides; Opticians and optometrists; Out of hours social care; Outdoor activities; Outdoor activity centres; Outdoor events; Outdoor fire safety; Outdoor play facilities; Outline planning consent; Overdue housing repairs discretionary allowance; Parental custody; Parental involvement in schools; Parenting contract; Parenting orders; Parish/town council and councillors; Park and ride; Parking permits; Parking zones; Parks and open space maintenance and landscaping; Parks and open spaces; Parole reports; Passenger transport vehicle licence; Passport issuing; Patent attorney or agent registration; Patient transport; Pavement maintenance; Pavement obstructions; Pavement parking; Pedestrian areas; Pedestrian crossings; Pensions; Performance measurement and reporting; Performing animals licence; Perishable foodstuffs certification (ATP); Permission - access across municipal land; Permission - car loudspeakers; Permission to film and photograph; Permission to host events; Permitted absence from school; Permitted commercial development; Permitted residential developments; Personal alcohol and entertainment licence; Personal care; Personal data processing registration; Personal details register; Personal documents - certified copies; Personal injury and damage claims; Personal tax allowances; Personal taxation; Pest control; Pet burial; Pet care when hospitalised; Pet shop licence; Petitions; Petrol vapour recovery regulation; Petroleum storage licence; Petroleum storage licence/certificate; Pharmacies; Physiotherapy; Pilotage; Pipeline safety notification; Planned transport service changes; Planning - fences, gates and garden walls; Planning area search; Planning consultation; Planning decision notices; Planning minor material amendments; Planning non-material amendments; Planning obligations; Planning pre-application advice; Planning reserved matters; Play streets; Pleasure boat licence; Poisons licence; Pollution - Local air pollution control authorisation - Part C; Pollution control - inspection and regulation of premises - Part A processes; Pollution control - inspection and regulation of premises - Part B processes; Pollution control - inspection and regulation of premises - Parts A and B processes; Pollution control - Part A(2) and Part B processes; Pollution inventory data submission registration; Port and harbour facilities; Port arrival notification; Port consignment notification; Ports and harbours - fork lifts - hire; Postal operator licence; Postal voting; Post-incident support; Power of attorney; Premises closure notice; Premises licence; Prescriptions and medical care; Preventative services for children and young people; Primary school places; Prior notification of development; Private car parks; Private club registration; Private fire hydrants inspection; Private hire drivers licence; Private hire operators licence; Private hire vehicle (minicab) licence; Private landlord registration; Private landlord support; Private rented housing inspections; Private tenant advice; Private tenants rent assistance; Private water supply analysis; Prize gaming permit; Probate and inheritance; Probation orders; Procurement policy; Product safety; Proof of nationality; Property conversion (to flats); Property enquiries certificates; Property register; Property sales tax; Prospectively maintainable highways; Protection from harm; Proxy voting; Psychological, psychiatric or social work services in schools; Public disorder incidents; Public health strategic needs assessment; Public portal; Public processions; Public rights of way; Public Spaces Protection Order; Public toilets; Public weighbridges; Publications; Pupil accident insurance; Pupil referral unit; Quality contract schemes for bus services; Quarantine kennel licence; Rabies protection; Racing pigeons licence; RADAR keys for public toilets; Radiation notification (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information); Radioactive materials storage and transport; Radioactive substances registration; Radioactive waste disposal; Rail cards for disabled or older people; Railway fire certificates; Railway light maintenance depot licence; Raised structures; Rapid lateral flow testing sites; Real time transport information; Rechargeable home repairs; Recycling advice and initiatives; Recycling bags and containers; Recycling of batteries; Recycling sites; Red routes; Referenda; Referral orders; Refuse duty of care enforcement; Regeneration projects; Register of land; Register of sight impaired and disabled adults; Registered address - use by non-resident; Registering business premises; Registering for a council property; Registers - statutory - public roads; Registration of responsibilities for children; Regulations - flags; Release of CCTV evidence; Removal/variation of planning conditions; Rent arrears; Rent determination; Rent repayment order; Reparation orders; Repatriation of bodies abroad; Repatriation of bodies to England and Wales; Reservoir management; Residence permit; Residential care for children and young people; Residential care home registration; Residential family centre registration; Residential planning applications; Residential recycling collections; Residential waste spillages; Respite care for adults; Respite care for children and young people; Retail trading standards; Re-use of public sector information; Revenue trader/authorised warehousekeeper licence; Riding establishment licence; Right to buy your home; Rights of way enforcement; Rights of way maintenance; Road adoption; Road bridges; Road closures and diversions; Road congestion reduction; Road construction; Road gritting; Road maintenance; Road obstructions; Road safety cameras; Road signs; Road spillages; Road surveys; Road traffic accidents; Road works notification; Road/street works operative licence; Road/street works supervisor licence; Roads - access to property; Roads - pavements - stolen slabs; Roads enforcement; Roads weight limits; Roadside banner licence; Rural development; Safeguarding Adults Board; Safeguarding Children Board; Safeguarding children grants; Safeguarding vulnerable adults; Safety - health and safety at work - investigation; Safety of disused mines and tips; Sale of gifts and publications; Scaffolding and hoarding licence; Scheme for certificate of design or construction; Scheme provider for certificate of design or construction; School admission appeals; School assessment and performance; School attendance and truancy; School book purchase schemes; School breakfast clubs; School bullying and harassment policy; School catering; School closures; School clothing grants/vouchers; School clubs and activities; School complaints procedure; School crossing patrols; School curriculum; School governors; School health and safety; School health promotion; School holiday schemes; School library service loans; School library service training; School library visits; School nursing; School pupil records; School register of attendance; School regulations and disciplinary procedures; School SEN approval; School session times; School term and holiday dates; School transport; School visits; Schools - permitted exemption (from curriculum); Schools development plans; Schools forum; Scientific services; Scottish Parliamentary information; Scrap metal processing licence; Scrap metal site registration; Seat belt and helmet medical exemptions; Second hand dealer registration; Secondary school places; Securing premises after fire; Selective area housing licences; Selective housing areas;

            1. Spawn of Seaton

              Re: plus the 1600 activities local authorities are responsible for

              Self drive boats licence; Self-build and custom build register; Self-build approval; Sensory rooms and activities; Septic tanks and cesspits; Service delivery consultation; Severe weather warnings; Sewerage; Sewerage and drains - notification; Sex establishment licence; Sexual health; Shared care for adults; Shared care for children and young people; Shared home ownership; Sheltered and supported housing; Sheltered housing - older people; Shop front improvement grants; Short breaks; Shotgun certificates; Single Shared Assessment; Skills for living; Skip hire; Skip operator licence; Skip permits; Slaughterman licence; Smallholdings; Smoke control areas; Smoking ban; Snow clearance; Social care financial assessment; Social clubs and groups; Social Enquiry reports; Social housing policy; Social landlord registration; Soil excavation; Solicitors practising certificate; Solvent emissions registration; Solvent emissions regulation; Spatial development strategy; Special educational needs assessment; Special educational needs placement in mainstream school; Special educational needs transport; Special guardianship order; Special library collections; Special needs library facilities; Special provision capital fund; Special school approval; Specialist equipment and support for disabled people; Specialist rescue services; Speech, language and communication therapy; Speed humps; Speed limits; Spending plans consultation; Sports - facilities - information; Sports - pitches and courts; Sports clubs and groups; Sports coaching; Sports development; Sports employment; Sports equipment hire; Sports facilities; Sports grants; Sports grounds safety certificate; Sports stands safety certificate; SQA qualifications centre approval; Staff - accommodation; Staff - annual leave; Staff - appraisal; Staff - apprenticeships; Staff - benefits; Staff - business travel; Staff - consultation and feedback; Staff - continuing professional development; Staff - disciplinary procedures; Staff - disclosure of interests; Staff - employment tribunals; Staff - equal pay; Staff - expenses; Staff - grievance; Staff - job analysis; Staff - medicals and health screening; Staff - occupational health; Staff - operational exercising/training; Staff - outplacement; Staff - overtime; Staff - payroll; Staff - pension scheme; Staff - procedures; Staff - public holidays; Staff - recognition; Staff - recruitment; Staff - recruitment process; Staff - redeployment; Staff - references; Staff - reorganisations; Staff - risk management; Staff - sickness management; Staff - telephone charges; Staff - time management; Staff - training; Staff - victimisation; Staff - workplace bullying; Stage hypnotism licence; Standing advisory council on religious education (SACRE); Stations, stops and shelters; Statutory development plans; Statutory nuisances; Staying put arrangement; Stillbirth registration; Stopping smoking; Stopping up orders; Stray animals; Street cafŽ licence; Street cleaning; Street collection licence; Street entertainment licence; Street furniture; Street lighting; Street name plates; Street names and numbering; Street parking enforcement; Street parties permission; Street trading licence; Street vote development orders; Street works licence; Student accommodation; Subsidised health insurance; Subsidised travel; Sudden death investigations; Sunday trading notification; Supervised medication in school; Supervising attendance orders; Supervision order; Support for children in care; Support for gifted children; Support for tourism businesses; Support for young people leaving care; Support when leaving education; Supported employment for looked after children; Surface water management plans; Surveying; Sustainable development; Sustainable drainage systems; Swimming pool and spa pool monitoring; Swimming pools and water based activities; Syringe disposal; Tattooist, piercing and electrolysis registration; Taxi fare setting; Taxi ranks; Teenage pregnancy; Teenagers' library services; Temporary accommodation during major works; Temporary event notice; Temporary passport; Temporary private house letting; Temporary structure fire safety; Temporary travel document; Tenant housing alterations; Tenant participation; Tenant references; Termination of highway rights; Throughcare; Toll roads; Tourist accommodation certificate; Tourist information centres; Tourist signs; Towing for marine vessels; Town centre CCTV; Town centre crime prevention; Town twinning; Toy libraries; Track betting licence; Track gambling premises occasional use notices; Trade effluent discharge licence; Trade mark agent or attorney registration; Trader approval schemes; Trading standards - dispute resolution; Trading standards advice to businesses; Traffic lights; Traffic schemes; Transition between schools; Translation and interpreting; Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies testing laboratory licence; Transparency of accounts; Transparency of senior salaries; Transport policy; Transport service disruption information; Transport tickets and passes; Transport timetable information; Travel plans; Traveller children support; Tree management; Tree preservation orders; Unauthorised house occupants; Under age sales; Universal credit; University licence; Unoccupied dwelling licence; Utilities regulation; Vacant land and property; Vaccinations; Value for money; Vandalism prevention; Vehicle clamping and removal; Vehicle end of life treatment licence; Vehicle immobiliser licence; Vehicle testing licence; Verge maintenance; Verges permitted use; Veterinary medical products marketing authorisation; Veterinary nurse listing; Veterinary surgeon licence; Vetting of contract and supplier staff; Victim support; Video sales licence; Visas and travel permits; Visitor accommodation and holidays; Vocational training; Voluntary adoption agency registration; Voluntary property acquisition; Voluntary sector transport licence; Volunteering; Voting; Wall maintenance; Warm homes healthy people; Waste broker registration; Waste carrier (scrap metal) licence; Waste carrier registration; Waste disposal manager permit; Waste electrical and electronic equipment licence; Waste local plan; Waste management licence; Waste oil burner licence; Waste packaging licence; Waste reduction; Waste search and removal licence; Water abstraction licence; Water discharge licence; Water fluoridation schemes; Water height monitoring; Water network extensions; Water pollution; Water quality monitoring; Water transportation and supply licence; Water/flood rescue; Wedding venue licence; Wedding venues; Weighbridge operator licence; Weights and measures; Welfare rights advice; Wild and protected bird licence; Window cleaning business licence; Window cleaning employee licence; Work experience placements; Work health and safety advice and training; Work permits; Work with ionising radiation notification; Workplace fire regulations; Workplace parking levy; Yellow lines; Young carers support; Young people - employment - medical examination; Young people's learning prospectus; Young Scot Card; Youth court procedures; Youth justice plan; Youth leadership training; Youth Opportunity Fund; Youth project volunteering; Youth Rehabilitation Order; Zoning; Zoo licence; Zoos and farm parks; Children's certificate; Council tax benefit appeals; Council tax benefit backdated claims; Council tax benefit current claim; Council tax benefit new claim; Council tax benefit overpayments; Council tax benefit renewal; Criminal behaviour order; Death - historical searches; Fire certificates - factories; Fire certificates - hotels/boarding houses; Fire certificates - offices; Fire certificates - shops; Geotechnology; Hazardous substance control; Independent funerals; Marriage - historical searches; Occupational health services; Older people's bus pass; Parks and open space landscaping; Pig movement notification; Ports of entry - detention; Property deeds; School transport - additional support; Sheep and goat movement licence; Sporting club grants; Starting work benefits; Test and Trace Support Payment; Trading standards education; Witness support; Young people's organised activities; 16 to 19 bursary fund.

              1. Spawn of Seaton

                Re: plus the 1600 activities local authorities are responsible for

                This list is probably a little out of date. If anything it would be longer today. Central government and the Civil Service have long used local government as a convenient dumping ground for regulations, saving them (central) the effort of acually creating and funding agencies to do the work.

                The list doesn't distinguish between obligatory and discretionary expenditure.

                1. ZX8301

                  Re: plus the 1600 activities local authorities are responsible for

                  Impressive list and makes the point but seems shaky on detail - “Midwifery and maternity services” were indeed a local authority responsibility last century but were subsumed by the NHS long ago, according to the midwife I’m sitting next to. ‘Short breaks’ and ‘Armed forces recruitment’ are hardly direct responsibilities, and National Identity Cards still aren’t a local UK thing, are they?

  10. cookiecutter

    Why the hell isn't Oracle paying for this?!

    Why do the same companies keep getting these contracts?! Capita promised £1 billion of savings & actually ended up costing £1 billion! Just put a rule in...don't deliver on time and on budget you don't get any government contracts for 10 years!

    There is zero incentive for any of these firms to do any work well because they know they'll get more money if they screw up....Oracle should be 100% on the hock for this cost

    1. confused and dazed

      Re: Why the hell isn't Oracle paying for this?!

      Deliver what on time ?

      1. theOtherJT Silver badge

        Re: Why the hell isn't Oracle paying for this?!

        This is the biggest problem with these sorts of contracts in my experience.

        Your company goes to $vendor and say "I would like to buy a product that does X, Y, Z - what can you sell us and how much discount can we get?"

        A sales drone from $vendor says "We have a lovely product DWH2.0* that does not only X, Y, z(sic) but also optionally A, B, C and we can sell it to you at an excellent price"

        then someone who's paying attention points out that Z and z are actually not the same thing, but it gets glossed over by some managers who got terribly excited about the idea of at least one of A, B, and/or C despite no one who's going to use to tool caring in the slightest about that.

        So now the contract gets signed, with $vendor saying "We promise to provide DWH 2.0 which does X, Y, z, and A in 18 months and for a large sum of monies."

        Then the thing shows up and the person who pointed out that z and Z aren't the same thing is proven absolutely right and whoever's in charge - which at this point may well not be the same person who signed the contract in the first place - goes "Oh shit, that thing we bought doesn't actually work. Um, $vendor, how much to get Z implemented as well?" At which point the thing that should have been part of the contract from the get-go is now added in at a massive additional cost and a 9 month delivery slippage.

        Sometime during that extended, now 30 or more month, period some other idiot, who got too excited during the initial sales pitch, suddenly realizes that B and C aren't included. "Well, No" - says $vendor - "You didn't pay for those and we did say they were optional..."

        ...which is the point we discover that they're actually not optional any more, because in the intervening months this new idiot has been basing all their decisions around the idea that the new product would have B and C because they didn't read the actual contract but the nice sales rep sure did spend a lot of time talking about B and C in the initial pitch.

        So now we need to get a price for B and C - oh, and by the way, since this project is now well over a year behind schedule we actually need D as well, which wasn't any part of the initial pitch but our requirements have changed because getting this implemented has taken so long.

        "Sure!" says $vendor "But D is going to require a major change and we can backport it to DWH 2.0 - but it would be much better you bought DWH 3.0 instead which is finally out now, and will only cost an additional 10% on top of your original contact's per-month price!"

        "Oh no! goes basically everyone, that's far too much money, how much for the backport?" To which the real answer is "Fuck if we know, the sales drone pitched it without actually asking engineering if it was possible to do a special custom version of DWH that was basically version 2 but with one of the big features of version 3 shoe-horned in there" so hands get waved and everyone is assured that it'll definitely be cheaper to some extent...

        ...which after another 12 months of messing about by the engineering department at $vendor to try and get this shit working it's discovered that no, it's definitely not going to be cheaper, but we've still paid for the proof of concept work, and to start again with DWH 3.0 now would be even more expensive.

        So now here we are, two full years after the initial contract should have already been delivered and we've paid the full cost, plus a bunch of additional un-planned "upgrade" costs, the thing still isn't here, we're looking at at least another year to get a special weird and impossible to properly support version of DWH 2.0 with only some of the benefits of 3.0 and oh look, 4.0 is out now and that's a whole new thing and 2.0 is going to be retired the year after next so your original contract won't be valid anyway and you'll need a special extended support contract for even more money.

        By this point all the people responsible for the initial decision have long since fucked off and all the staff who just wanted X, Y and Z to get their jobs done are many years more entrenched in the (almost certainly Excel based) workaround they put in place to deal with the fact that the old DTAH** system didn't handle Y terribly well, and have added another bunch of stupid shit on top of that which means that when we finally get DWH 2.1.043.misery.q4 actually delivered, it doesn't do what they want it to anyway.

        All of this shit could have been avoided if everyone involved actually read the exact specification and contractual obligations but since that has never once, in the history of procurement, ever actually fucking happened we're stuck with this sort of nonsense happening over, and over again forever, and asshole sales drones keep on selling things that don't actually exist to idiot managers who keep buying things that don't actually do what they want.


        * Disaster Waiting to Happen

        ** Disaster That Already Happened - because that product also went through this exact same bullshit procurement process

        1. PB90210 Silver badge

          Re: Why the hell isn't Oracle paying for this?!

          "Your quote is a little more than expected"

          "We have a cheaper option, but it doesn't work"

          "Great, we'll take that"

          1. Tom 38

            Re: Why the hell isn't Oracle paying for this?!

            My former boss once bought 400 Dell laptops for a desktop -> laptop / home working migration. He didn't like the original quote, asked them to get it £50/unit cheaper. They did, he approved the PO, 400 laptops turned up - and at that point we found out that they had got it cheaper by removing the webcam from the spec - we had 400 home working laptops that were not suitable for home working!

    2. Alpy

      Re: Why the hell isn't Oracle paying for this?!

      They have better lawyers and no ethical compass. That's why they won't pay for this. People need to stop buying their overpriced sh*te software.

    3. czechitout

      Re: Why the hell isn't Oracle paying for this?!

      Out of all the parties, I'd say (begrudgingly) Oracle is least to blame. All thought the RFP process Oracle would have stressed the "adopt, not adapt" approach and no doubt the senior stakeholders within Birmingham CC would agree.

      Only once the solution is chosen and the programme initiated does the requests for customisations begin.

  11. Ian Johnston Silver badge

    "The council's current focus is on fixing issues going forwards rather than addressing former problems."

    In other words, they have absolutely no interest in identifying the people responsible for this cock-up, or in preventing similar mistakes working again. I used to work for a boss who who say, firmly, "I'm not interested in archaeology" whenever the dire results of his incompetence were analysed.

  12. Alpy

    Why do people still buy this junk?

    Why aren't people switching to alternatives? There are many of them out there at half the cost and twice the flexibility.

    Oracle needs a ungodly amount of bespoking to make it work, creating lots and lots of billable hours for consultants and specialists to make margin rich millions, while at the same time locking you in because it's incredibly complex to unravel when the contracts are up. "Now you're trapped with us, so here's your bill and you'll shut up and pay it!" I see Government departments fall into this trap time and time again.

    One day the madness will stop...

    1. Like a badger

      Re: Why do people still buy this junk?

      "Why aren't people switching to alternatives? "

      I'd love to switch to an alternative council - I'd be a grand a year better off if Wandsworth collected my council tax. Unfortunately the f*****s have a local monopoly, and I'm stuck with the blighters in the place I live. However, if I'm an Uber driver anywhere in England I can get my licence cheaply from Wolverhampton City Council. Curious how the benefits of competition aren't available to the taxpayer.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Why do people still buy this junk?

        "I'd love to switch to an alternative council - I'd be a grand a year better off if Wandsworth collected my council tax."

        You can switch to a different council, you just need to move house.

      2. krakead

        Re: Why do people still buy this junk?

        That explains the excessive number of Wolverhampton-plated taxis in my city. Always wondered about that. Thanks :)

        1. ZX8301

          Re: Why do people still buy this junk?

          There’s a reciprocal agreement in the Midlands, Krakead, which means hire cars registered in Wolverhampton can operate in counties that make registration more difficult and expensive. Hence here in Warwickshire almost all the Ubers appear to have come from the other side of the West Midlands. They haven’t really.

  13. xyz Silver badge

    Doing the below is basic erp stuff...

    If the transaction it relates to is from the prior year, this means the cash posting is sitting in the wrong year and the accounting records would be incorrect. In [the financial year] 23/24, £2 billion in transactions [were] posted in the wrong year which required correcting manually," the report says.

    Why doesn't this even work? What a fuck up.

    1. czechitout

      Re: Doing the below is basic erp stuff...


  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Much like a certain council down south

    That is on the brink of bankruptcy due to a certain person who likes to "Brew" his own bullshit ideas and moved to Google many years ago. It was never a good idea and one knows it has cost them LOTS of money. This is the problem with councils when you get someone who's got their own pet project they want to place on their CV. They push it through, ignoring the costs. They are now paying for that mistake. The ex-corrupt CEO also didn't help.

  15. Snowy Silver badge

    Rolled out

    Has this software ever been rolled out without problems and not over budget?

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