back to article California governor goes on AI law signing spree, but demurs on the big one

California Governor Gavin Newsom signed five AI-related bills into law this week, but a pivotal one remains unsigned, and the Democrat politico isn't sure about its future. Speaking to Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff yesterday at the company's Dreamforce conference, Newsom expressed doubt as to whether Senate Bill 1047 was the …

  1. bombastic bob Silver badge

    Gavinator Nuisance is just another $%#& politician and it is a presidential election year

    NEVER trust ANYTHING Nuisance says, does, or claims. See title.

    Article: if the AI industry is pushed too hard, it might flee California and take its billions in funding with it.

    Businesses are ALREADY fleeing Cali-Fornicate-You. Shoving ANY more regulatory, tax, anti-freedom, and/or tyrannical heavy-handed nonsense onto us "Peasants" is likely to drive nearly everyone (who is NOT an illegal alien on the dole) to Texas, Florida, or even Arizona or New Mexico. Living in hell is still hell, even when it has nice weather.

    Politicians have NO CLUE as to what is going on with AI or _ANY_ kind of tech. They just want their grubby little fingers in it so they can extort campaign contributions and say they're "doing something" at election time.

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: Gavinator Nuisance is just another $%#& politician and it is a presidential election year

      Don't sit on the fence, Bob. Tell us what you really think.

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Gavinator Nuisance is just another $%#& politician and it is a presidential election year

      MAGA turds like you have been screaming about "companies fleeing California" for 20 years now. Yet they still have the 5th largest economy in the world, when compared to other countries.

      So maybe aspiring nazis like Musk leave, but there are still more new businesses created there in a day than leave in a year. If anything was going to influence businesses to leave it wouldn't be "regulatory, tax, anti-freedom" stuff it would have been WFH. But companies have successfully pushed back on that, but the tradeoff is they still want to be located where the talent is located.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        aspiring nazis , MAGA turds like you

        that's not very nice is it. I would expect better from a Silver, @DS

        Take pride in your downvotes, but not that way. Directly insulting someone's politics is a no-no unless you want it shot back straight at you. I have compared a Commenturd's mother to a jackal dumped in an unmarked pit - like TheOmen. Others I have called retards/returd/Reddit users/French. But I would never stoop to those levels you have.

        For you, I search my vast knowledge for something to describe you as you have so kindly done to OP:

        Low IQ Returd

      2. bombastic bob Silver badge
        Thumb Down

        Re: Gavinator Nuisance is just another $%#& politician and it is a presidential election year

        see icon

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        MAGA turds like you have been screaming about "companies fleeing California" for 20 years now.

        But California lost a congressional seat because of people fleeing, so who's correct?

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: MAGA turds like you have been screaming about "companies fleeing California" for 20 years now.

          But California lost a congressional seat because of people fleeing, so who's correct?

          California gained population, but other states gained more. That's why they lost a house seat. Given the real estate prices there, it isn't hard to see why people would prefer living in places where it is an achievable dream for people who aren't doctors or a couple each making $200K at a tech company to own your own home before age 50.

          All but three states gained population from 2010-2020, the big loser was West Virginia. If people were choosing where to live based on red vs blue, there is hardly a redder state in the country than West Virginia! Illinois and Mississippi also lost a very tiny amount of people.

  2. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

    On one side is the AI industry, which has resisted the bill and called it heavy-handed; on the other side is the public, which has largely supported the bill as written.

    I guess that says a lot about the law, when the lambs support it but the wolves don't.

  3. JRStern

    Babylon Bee says

  4. Tron Silver badge

    The public...

    ...have absolutely no idea how any of this works, or what sort of regulation is possible. Ditto for the public and activists in general bleating about 'regulation' of web 2.0 content.

    Politicians just want to look like they are in charge and doing something.

    I suppose they could put the dynamic duo in charge, Boris and Liz. If they can take down a G7 nation, its currency and its economy, California would be a doddle.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The public...

      "...have absolutely no idea how any of this works, or what sort of regulation is possible. Ditto for the public and activists in general bleating about 'regulation' of web 2.0 content."

      Not much to add to that as it sums it up. They have made some inroads into InstaSouless in the UK. Regulating AI is a show for the public as you noted. How? How are they going to stop me generating a movie using a Chinese video-gen AI model that does 1 minute of breath-taking video? They could feasibly, but that would need a Great Firewall of China-like system and we aren't that dumb yet.

      How are they going to regulate Liquid Neural Networks? Are they going to regulate the readout function layer alone as that receives the training? Is their regulation quantum? Does it create forces that produce probabilities? Doubt it does.

      EDIT: It is possiible. Regualte the readout function layer is defo possible. There could be an audit process on it done by a regulatory AI which uses SI to 'encrypt' comms and is given admin rights on that layer.

      Risky but possible. The LNN is never going to happen. Christ, if you can even understand the high-dimensianl abstraction of temporal data in there, then come work with me.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The EU AI legislation works from a use case perspective, not how much it costs to train a model.

    E.g. if a model is going to be used where it affects health (e.g. medical imaging), the requirements are stricter (which makes sense).

    If you add if x > y then y legislation where x&y do not involve outcomes but intermediate properties (cost of a model), you will immediately see companies just shift until x <= y, and the outcome is still the same. (e.g. make a model that costs 1ct less than the threshold).

    Put differently, a company that wants to spend 1e8$ on training a model, will spend enough on political lobbying to get the laws it needs, in a country where legislation on political funding is wafer thin.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      use case

      It is a foul phrase well past its' sell-by date

  6. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "eliminating perjury provisions for lying about AI models"

    I'm sorry, doesn't that mean that AI companies are defending their ability to lie ?

    And that has been accepted in a country that continues to endlessly chant God Bless America ?

    You guys do know that the Ten Commandments include "Thou Shalt Not Lie" ?


    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: "eliminating perjury provisions for lying about AI models"

      Of course, the King James Version has it 'Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.' which is a very specific form of lying. It would seem that lying in general is fine.

  7. IvyKing Bronze badge

    Campaign donations

    I suspect the real reason Newsome is sitting on the bill is concern about how it will affect money coming in for future campaigns

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