Gavinator Nuisance is just another $%#& politician and it is a presidential election year
NEVER trust ANYTHING Nuisance says, does, or claims. See title.
Article: if the AI industry is pushed too hard, it might flee California and take its billions in funding with it.
Businesses are ALREADY fleeing Cali-Fornicate-You. Shoving ANY more regulatory, tax, anti-freedom, and/or tyrannical heavy-handed nonsense onto us "Peasants" is likely to drive nearly everyone (who is NOT an illegal alien on the dole) to Texas, Florida, or even Arizona or New Mexico. Living in hell is still hell, even when it has nice weather.
Politicians have NO CLUE as to what is going on with AI or _ANY_ kind of tech. They just want their grubby little fingers in it so they can extort campaign contributions and say they're "doing something" at election time.