back to article Elon Musk's assassination 'joke' bombs, internet calls for his deportation

Calls to deport Elon Musk from the US are trending on the billionaire's very own social media platform after he wondered aloud, following an apparent second attempt on the life of former President Trump, why no one has tried to assassinate President Biden or Veep Kamala Harris. After spotting the barrel of an AK-style rifle …

  1. KittenHuffer Silver badge

    Only go ahead ....

    .... with the deportation if you can guarantee that he won't come to live in the UK instead! P-p-p-pleeeeze!

    1. cyberdemon Silver badge

      To Mars!

      Maybe we should deport him to Mars on one of his own rockets?

      The natives may be unimpressed though

      1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

        Re: To Mars!

        The chances of anything coming from Earth, are a million to one Zeep said!

        1. heyrick Silver badge

          Re: To Mars!

          Ack ack ack ack. Ack ack ack ack. Ack.

          1. TchmilFan

            Re: To Mars!

            We come in peace!

            1. Sampler

              Re: To Mars!

              Eww, I was eating those peas...

          2. Tubz Silver badge

            Re: To Mars!

            When it comes to Musk, surely the translation is DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK! DIK!

      2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: To Mars!

        We put up with @amanfrommars 1 - so, it's only fair that the Martians accept someone in return

        1. Someone Else Silver badge

          Re: To Mars!

          I would posit that any "freeze peach" emitted by Herr Muskrat would be (at least) as incomprehensible to the indigenous of Mars.

      3. frankvw

        Re: To Mars!

        Dumping him on Venus might be a better option. Five hundred degrees Celsius, corrosive atmosphere... Sounds perfect for the purpose.

    2. Andrew Scott Bronze badge

      Re: Only go ahead ....

      He's a citizen of Canada. would think it's actually pretty easy to move to the uk if you have a canadian citizenship. of course they may deport him to south africa which would probably suit him.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I supposed we'd be just as bad as Musk if we hastagged assasinatemuskinstead? Was more wondering would anyone give a toss to investigate it or would they be drycleaning their best dress for the medal ceremony.

    *NB the above is a mindless statement that holds no true intention of ill towards another human being that currently exists on this plane of existense.

    1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge


      "I supposed we'd be just as bad as Musk ..."

      You certainly would be just as funny as Musk.

      1. Lemmy_Rulez

        Re: Hypothetically

        I find him about as funny as a burning orphanage.

        1. ThomH

          Re: Hypothetically

          You obviously don't know the context behind that orphanage fire.

          1. cyberdemon Silver badge

            Re: Hypothetically

            Er yes, it was obviously, er, a "terrorist command post" ...

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Hypothetically

              Diplomacy involves a lot of tasks.

              Anonymous for obvious reasons.

        2. I am David Jones Silver badge

          Re: Hypothetically

          It’d take a heart of stone to not laugh at a burning orphanage.

  3. jake Silver badge

    Musk demonstrates extreme cluelessness!

    Film at 11!


    ElReg: Please stop giving the idiot press. Like all stoners, he is just not worth the column-inches.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Musk demonstrates extreme cluelessness!

      Agree, would it not that you and I clicked, and commented. So from The Reg's perspective, the strategy worked.

    2. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: Musk demonstrates extreme cluelessness!

      If the title had just been "Musk says something stupid" I would have ignored the article. "Musk suffers consequences for saying something stupid" crossed my threshold for being interesting.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Musk demonstrates extreme cluelessness!


  4. Rich 2 Silver badge

    Deport him…

    …from the US to where?? Who’s interested in getting hold of him?

    1. J. Cook Silver badge

      Re: Deport him…

      .. I hear the weather on Mars is pretty good this time of year. /sarcasm

      EDIT: I owe @cyberdemon a frosty cold beverage of their choosing. :D

    2. _Elvi_

      Re: Deport him…

      "Argentina, maybe?"

      ( Obligatory Beatles reference )

      1. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Deport him…

        Damn! Just beat me to it (see below)...

    3. Stumpy

      Re: Deport him…

      ... to the bottom of the Mariana Trench? I'm sure there's some form of sea-life that would welcome his arrival...

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Deep sea creatures might welcome him as a source of nutrition, but otherwise...

        Perhaps they could send him there in a submersible whose design approach was very much in line with Musk's own libertarian, wannabe-bad-boy politics, one which ignored all the naysayers saying it was dangerous and which ditched things like safety testing that "needlessly prioritized passenger safety over commercial innovation".

        Only problem is that the guy behind it hasn't been been heard of since last summer- perhaps he's been too busy underwater exploring!- and it appears that the original example is no longer available, so they'd have to build another out of scraps of old carbon fibre.

        Still, they can take their time- there's no Rush after all!

        1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Re: Deep sea creatures might welcome him as a source of nutrition, but otherwise...

          "OceanGate, the manufacturer behind the craft, has previously faced questions over its design choices, its safety record and its adherence to regulations."

          Musk is not like that. Is... he?

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Deep sea creatures might welcome him as a source of nutrition, but otherwise...

          I was thinking something similar, especially with paedoguys own escapades with submarines in Thailand, but no, I said, too soon. :-)

      2. Agamemnon

        Re: Deport him…

        I'm from Santa Cruz. Dumping your bilge in Monterey Bay it's illegal.

    4. katrinab Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Deport him…

      Back to South Africa where he immigrated from?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Deport him…


      3. jake Silver badge

        Re: Deport him…

        He immigrated to the US from Canada.

        The Canadians don't want him back.

        1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

          Re: Deport him…

          If Sunak was still PM in blighty, then he'd have given him sanctuary. What a difference having a few billion as loose change makes

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Deport him…

        Back to South Africa where he immigrated from?

        Only if you paint him black first. It would be good if he discovered for himself what life is like for those who are at the receiving end of his idiocy.

      5. frankvw

        Re: Deport him…

        "Back to South Africa where he immigrated from?"

        Please no! I live there!

    5. Someone Else Silver badge

      Re: Deport him…


      Ob. Yellow Submarine ref.

    6. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

      Re: Deport him…

      Maybe deport him to the UK, so he can be charged and stand trial for inciting the recent far-right riots (and attempting to incite civil war). He's at least as culpable as some of the utter fucking morons who have been jailed for their part in those, both in things he has posted directly, and in his total failure to moderate or restrict those who were calling directly for violence.

    7. Bebu

      Re: Deport him…

      …from the US to where??

      North Korea would have to be favourite.

      Kim is just about as deranged as Space Karen and would probably place this brilliant exiled engineer in charge of North Korea's space and weapons programs.

      Why Mars? What have the Ice Warriors done to us that they deserved Musk?

      1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

        Re: Deport him…

        Kim would think that with Musk, he'd got himself a Wernher von Braun type rocket scientist when by comparison he'd ended up with Tim the toolman Taylor (or even, Reg Prescot)

    8. MachDiamond Silver badge

      Re: Deport him…

      "…from the US to where?? Who’s interested in getting hold of him?"

      What's that island where they don't want any outsiders? They can have Elon over for lunch.

  5. gecho

    Isn't an autocracy worth it so Elon's businesses and be freed from government regulation while getting government subsidies and contracts? Dude's got one foot off the planet already, why not light a match as he's leaving.

  6. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "We've contacted legal experts to learn more about how his comments might be interpreted by a court,"

    The only real way to decide how comments might be interpreted by a court is to have them interpreted by a court. How many views you get otherwise depends on how many legal experts you ask.

    See also asking economists for economic projections.

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      If you missed it earlier here on El Reg, here’s another chance to educate yourself

      Doctor Syntax, Hi,

      Did you not read of the current clear and present dangers that are destroying every chance of administering peaceful existences on Earth that so called experts are fielding and responsible for, and appearing to escape any meaningful accountability for, and failing so spectacularly to vanquish and diminish. ......

      It is nothing less than a quite monumental serial crime against humanity .... and one which humanity appears to be far too stupid and clueless to not tolerate and refuse to accept ..... Morons United ‘R’Us eh?

      Do you think, listening to all of the bumph and worries being expressed about the Rise of AI and Learned Large Language Learning Machines, AI has Earthly takeover plans already in motion with nobody worthless or anybody unworthy able to do anything at all about to prevent its relentless onward stealthy march?

  7. IGotOut Silver badge

    I feel unclean...

    ..but im struggling to see what he did wrong? If he had said "Go kill them instead" then sure, but joking that they aren't worth killing (that's how I'm reading it) seems nothing particularly bad

    Now I need a shower after defending this piece of shit.

    1. Grogan Silver badge

      Re: I feel unclean...

      Well... it would be different if you or I made a joke like that on social media. We'd just be called jackasses etc.

      Whether it was his intent or not, it's a dog whistle coming from him.

      1. codejunky Silver badge

        Re: I feel unclean...


        "Whether it was his intent or not, it's a dog whistle coming from him."

        That would be because you and others dont like him (no I am not part of the fan club either). People are supposed to be equal under the law, which has come under a lot of fire at the moment for obvious inequalities.

      2. Benny Cemoli

        Re: I feel unclean...

        "We'd just be called jackasses etc."

        And then summarily banned from posting from social media for the rest of our lives. (TOS and Community Guidelines violation dontcha know.)

    2. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: I feel unclean...

      Stochastic terrorism, That's what's wrong.

    3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "..but im struggling to see what he did wrong?"

      And I might agree....


      You tweet it out ("Xit" out?) that's however many followers you have.

      He has 195.8 million

      That's about 2.96% of the whole planet reading his s88t.

      Some of those dumbass bozos good folk may lack the skills to appreciate that he is making a comment for comic effect, otherwise known as a "joke."

      And that's when his sense of humour becomes an issue...

      It's funny how only the very rich believe that unlimited freedom can have no consequences for everybody else. Perhaps because they have it and they've never had any consequences?

  8. biddibiddibiddibiddi

    Exactly what "context" does he think wasn't clear to readers of the post which would have made that hilarious? The only context I am aware of is "two publicly-known assassination attempts on a former President and current candidate, who Musk likes, but none on his opponents, who Musk doesn't like".

    Most of us think things like that at least briefly, but we don't say them, certainly not when we're in a position of "authority" of any kind.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Even betters, he spent $44B on a text only, short form messaging service and only now is discovering that it's hard to convey context and emotion on a text only short form messaging service. Did he think he was buying Facebook?

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        "Did he think he was buying Facebook?"


        You'd have to be staggeringly dumb to confuse the two.

        Mind you that would explain a lot

    2. bombastic bob Silver badge

      But when you DO point out the obvious, it's usually funny!

      From the article speech can be considered incitement to violence, and thus not protected, if it is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action," and "likely to produce such action."

      Like things said by Nancy 'Skeletor' Pelosi, 'Mad' Maxine Waters, 'Sleepy' Joe Biden, Komrade Kamala Harris, [up]Chuck Schumer.... ah hell, MOST of the Democrats, even comparing Trump to Hitler and insisting he'll be a dictator and end democracy.

      Yeah, no "incitement" there...

      [just let people say what they want and stop trying to censor and cancel - tolerance is a 2 way street]

      1. ArrZarr Silver badge

        Definitely. Trump has only openly stated he'll be a dictator on Day One if he gets elected.

        The remainder of his term will be sunshine and rainbows, I'm sure.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @bombastic bob

        You missed a name off your list. The one who said Trump was "America's Hitler". You know, his current running mate. Why did you not put J.D. Couch on there?

      3. MachDiamond Silver badge

        "tolerance is a 2 way street"

        Who said anything about wanting tolerance? Not something you'll see quoted from a politician in the US. At least not as a serious desire.

  9. chuckufarley Silver badge

    So there is...

    ...A rich man in America that can't tell the difference between what he can do and what he should do? Who knew?

    1. tfewster

      Re: So there is...

      So there is...A rich man in America that can't tell the difference between his sycophants laughing at his joke and people who aren't his yes-men? Who knew?

    2. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge

      Re: So there is...

      He also apparently can't tell the difference between a room of people who laugh at his jokes out of politeness or obligation, and a "room" of thousands of people who aren't under the same restriction.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        "and a "room" of thousands of people "

        100s of millions

        Call it 5 orders of magnitude bigger.

        I think size does matter in this context.

  10. mark l 2 Silver badge

    In answer to Musks bad joke, because Biden/Harris are not racist POS and are actually trying to govern for the benefit of the American people.

    Where as despite Trump MAGA campaign slogan he couldn't give a crap the American people. Unfortunately a lot of Trump supports just don't see this, and think hes an ever man who will help the working Joe when he comes to power. But the only Americans Trump cares about are the ones who give him money, can do him favours, he finds physically attractive or the sycophants who tell him how fantastic he is to boost his ego.

    Not that i condone violence even against a POS like Trump, he needs to loose the election and then sent to jail to answer for his many crimes.

    1. steviebuk Silver badge

      And he's also try to race to get back in the white house because of all his legal troubles, because once back in he'll have them all dropped.

      He'll be really dangerous the 2nd time round.

      He made a mistake last time, thought he could do whatever he wanted then discovered he couldn't. So now is making sure all that join him will be yes people, to allow him to do whatever he wants (which will be grifting for cash, making his millionaire mates more money, playing golf and making it so when his time is up, the presidency gets passed onto his sons, coughNorthKoreaStylecough).

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        And he's also try to race to get back in the white house because of all his legal troubles, because once back in he'll have them all dropped.

        Or he might just win his appeals. That's how justice is supposed to work.. isn't it?

        1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

          Or he might just win his appeals. That's how justice is supposed to work.. isn't it?

          That is how it should work for everyone.

          But the supreme court (largely by conservative appointees that Trump put in place) has given the president more powers than a king (at least in the UK, post Magna Carta where they reigned in bad King John in 1215) so he can skip all of the due process and checks & balances that are there to provide a reasonable chance of justice. So if he wins he will pardon himself and/or take steps to null other trials "because I say its a political witch-hunt, and I'm such a great guy who is always right, and we don't need to hear evidence".

          You might think Trump would change is stance on gun control after this, true it would not stop everyone, but it would reduce the ease with which nut-jobs can access such weapons and ammunition, and do far more for school mass shootings (AKA fourth trimester abortion)

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            The US president has always had a good degree of immunity. SCOTUS has not granted anything new.

            1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              "SCOTUS has not granted anything new."

              Depending on your actual background knowledge Mr (or Ms) AC you're either lying or just ignorant.

              The President has always had immunity from civil claims to stop the sort of lawfare against them that the FOCF habitually engages in.

              But not criminal immunity. Although it's a convention that no criminal case will take place while a president is in office.

              The clue is Nixon needed a pardon from his VP to avoid going from the White House to the Big House.

              Until those SEL's on SCOTUS, hand picked by the Feral Society gave the job greater powers than a modern Monarch.

              What you stated about the behaviour of SCOTUS is incorrect.

          2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            That is how it should work for everyone.

            Even Joe Biden? Trump gets a fully televised raid on his home for having classified documents. Bidens were carefully guarded by the Chinese and his Covette. Hilarys were guarded by the leopard in her basement, who also stood watch over the Whitewater documents until the statute of limitations had run out. Or there's Hunter Biden. Daddy got the Ukrainian prosecuter fired for investigating Burisma. Trump got impeached for daring to ask questions about Burisma. Then Blinken organised the '51 Intelligence officials' to declare the Hunter Biden laptop was fake news, and bury that story just before an election. Or the way Hunter Biden managed to get a strange immunity from future prosecution deal from the DoJ before that was thrown out by the judge.

            .. so he can skip all of the due process and checks & balances that are there to provide a reasonable chance of justice.

            Except he can't, and their are still going to be limitations on Presidential immunity, as the Supreme Court explained in their decision.

            So if he wins he will pardon himself and/or take steps to null other trials "because I say its a political witch-hunt

            Don't forget also running an adrenochrome extraction business out of the White House basement. Of course the Democrats keep screeching he'll do this, but it might not be so easy. Some of the trials are on hold anyway, and as I understand it, might remain on hold if Trump wins. Which is a bit weird given the right to appeals and clearing ones name, but he might also call for an investigation into whether his many trials have been politically motivated. Which should be easy enough to do, especially as some of the DAs were elected on a platform of locking up Trump.

            And as for pardons, that's also back to Hunter. So he tried to plead guilty-but-not-guilty on his tax evasion charges. Judge wouldn't allow that so just plead guilty. Which means no trial, witnesses and potentially embarrassing evidence for the Biden family. And Joe could of course try to pardon Hunter as well.

            Meanwhile, the defender of Democratcy who didn't actually get any votes was on TV talking about her big policy ideas. Doing something about lipstick marks on Willy.. I mean coffee cup lids.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              "on TV talking about her big policy ideas"

              More accurately telling the exact same word salad story each and every time. The unedited version of the one to one interview after the disastrous debate shows her telling the exact same story about being middle class and how she tied an onion to her belt. It was like watching grandpa Simpson mixed with the doorbell from Ferris Beuler.

            2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

              "and his Covette"

              Is that a small Coveffe?

              1. Someone Else Silver badge

                No, it's a sports car made by Chevrolet.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Don't you mean "Chevolet"?

            3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              " Judge wouldn't allow that so just plead guilty. "

              Interesting you should bring up Hunter Biden.

              Because his defence team argued the Special Prosecutor was not a real thing, per the note Clarence Thomas appended to the SCOTUS decision on Presidential Immunity.

              Exactly the argument Cannon used to dismiss the FOCF classified documents trial.

              But the court called total BS on this.

              Perhaps because this is total BS from the lawyer version of Bill Cosby?

              So when the 11th reviews the FOCF's dismissal they already have an existence proof that this notion is BS.

              There is a 2 tier justice system in the US. 1 for people with the FOCF last name and everybody else.

              Hunter Biden is not his father. OTOH neither he nor his father are endlessly bitching about this being a "witch hunt," or how "The justice system has been weaponised against us" like the FOCF and his whole family of grifters endlessly bang on about.

              The FOCF pleading guilty? You'll see the Devil carrying ice skates before that happens.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: " Judge wouldn't allow that so just plead guilty. "

                The Hunter Biden special prosecutor was correctly appointed unlike Jack Smith.

                1. jake Silver badge

                  Re: " Judge wouldn't allow that so just plead guilty. "

                  OK, that's enough. You're obviously just trolling (badly).

              2. jake Silver badge

                Re: " Judge wouldn't allow that so just plead guilty. "

                Hunter Biden is a red herring. Nobody gives a shit about Hunter Biden. He's a noncombatant pawn.

                If he's broken the law, throw him in jail. Simple as that. He doesn't matter, at all, in the great scheme of things.

                Nobody cares about Hunter, except the MAGA cult, apparently. Even his Dad is on record as stating he will not pardon him.

          3. jake Silver badge

            Trump's not going to change his stance on gun control until immediately after the election, when he will no longer need the votes of the gun nuts. The narcissistic nutter will likely ban all civilian gun ownership on the first day, though ... just so another good, Republican doesn't try to take a pot-shot at him again.

            Strangely, with both Harris and Walz being gun owners, the Democrats are unlikely to do as radical a ban as Trump will.

            Just something to think about, responsible gun owners. You have but one vote, think hard before using it.

            1. herman Silver badge

              It appears to me that right wing gun nuts are using them for shooting deer, while left wing gun nuts use them for taking pot shots at Donny.

              1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

                Er, I thought both shooters were Republican-registered and/or past Trump voters?

                1. This post has been deleted by its author

                2. Bebu

                  Strange you should mention that...

                  Er, I thought both shooters were Republican-registered and/or past Trump voters?

                  I was just observing a few days ago that Trump had a lot more to fear from the fellow nut jobs in his own camp who might be tempted by the "fame" of bagging a controversial ex-president over their unquestioning support for their victim, than from the fewer unhinged of other side of politics.

                  Fortunately for him it appears the demented or deranged are invariably incompetent.

                  1. codejunky Silver badge

                    Re: Strange you should mention that...


                    "I was just observing a few days ago that Trump had a lot more to fear from the fellow nut jobs in his own camp who might be tempted by the "fame" of bagging a controversial ex-president over their unquestioning support for their victim, than from the fewer unhinged of other side of politics."

                    What mental gymnastics does it really take to believe this kind of nonsense? Desperate to somehow make Trump (the victim) the problem. Definitely nutters and unhinged around

                    1. Casca Silver badge

                      Re: Strange you should mention that...

                      Yes, lets ignore everything trump has said and done the last decade...

                      1. codejunky Silver badge

                        Re: Strange you should mention that...


                        "Yes, lets ignore everything trump has said and done the last decade..."

                        Go on, try to relate that to my comment that you replied to.

                        1. Casca Silver badge

                          Re: Strange you should mention that...

                          Why should I? Everyone here knows what a maga and right wing nut you are

                          1. codejunky Silver badge

                            Re: Strange you should mention that...


                            "Why should I? Everyone here knows what a maga and right wing nut you are"

                            So you are not going to try and explain how your comment of nonsense relates at all to my comment that you replied to, and your poor excuse is you are replying to a caricature in your head.

                            At least that makes sense

                            1. Casca Silver badge

                              Re: Strange you should mention that...

                              Sure buddy, you keep up the good work. And if you think you are a caricature then its on you.

                              Projecting like all good maga muppets

                    2. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: Strange you should mention that...

                      "Desperate to somehow make Trump (the victim) the problem. "

                      Trump has stoked the RWNJs for decades. Paid off for 2016. Not so much for 2020. Now he's reaping what he sowed, just not in the way he thought he would. Those 2nd Amendment Nutbags/Psychos are not the controllable force he thought he could direct.

                      He's no blameless victim here.

                  2. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: Strange you should mention that...

                    Recent history has shown that the left has far more to fear from the far left than Trump has to fear from anyone on the right.

                3. herman Silver badge

                  Left wingnuts running the asylum

                  OK, who was the politician who said: It is time to put a bull’s eye on Trump? Which politician said: Trump posed a danger to the world? Which politician said: Does one of us have to come out alive?

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: Left wingnuts running the asylum

                    J.D. Vance?

                4. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                  "Er, I thought both shooters were Republican-registered and/or past Trump voters?"

                  They were.

                  It's almost as if they'd looked at the stated positions of the Republican party, checked them against what it had become and were so disgusted by the differences they'd decided to do something about it.

                  Thus the FOCF unites members of the Republican Party both young and old.

                  In trying to blow his head off.

                  Remember kids if you shoot the FOCF voters won't be able to make him a three time loser in November.

                  Mine's the one with "The Pelican Brief" on CD in the pocket. I love a bit of John Grisham, Washinton, Roberts. Marvellous.

            2. John Smith 19 Gold badge
              Thumb Up

              "responsible gun owners. You have but one vote, think hard before using it."

              Excellent point.

    2. Filippo Silver badge

      I'd say it's because of the aura Trump built for himself. On one hand, he generally projects strong negative messages: he tends to rage at things he dislikes much more than cheer at things he likes. When he does cheer at something, it's usually just a flip-side, cheering because something he dislikes is getting raged at. At the same time, he's extremely self-centered; it's all about him.

      At this point, it's difficult to think about Trump without feeling outraged. If you're for him, you're outraged at the things he points at; if you're against him, you're outraged at him. And he's right in the middle of this tornado of negative discourse.

      It's not that surprising that people who are slightly unhinged from reality might easily get swept up by that vortex and drawn towards the center. I don't think Trump tends to attract as much attention from the cool, calm and collected of either side of the political spectrum, as he does from the rabid hordes. And that is definitely by design; however, it's clearly not a plan without risks.

      1. ecofeco Silver badge

        An insurrection is not a cult of personality problem.

        1. Filippo Silver badge

          Absolutely. But it's also difficult to imagine an insurrection without a cult of personality. Few people would storm Congress for Biden or Harris.

          1. herman Silver badge

            Man, now you made me snort my corn flakes.

      2. herman Silver badge

        Sure, sure, blame the victim and shoot the messenger are age old political strategies.

    3. Jellied Eel Silver badge

      Quick post to test for new moderation. I pointed out this nutjob was a Democrat, and just like that, the reply vanished..

      1. heyrick Silver badge

        From this side of the ocean, both sides are a bucket of crazy.

        How about you lot stop giving a shit about whether somebody is left or right, donkey or elephant, and start working out what is in the best interests of the country? Is that too much to ask?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Jellied conspiracy

        You mean your reply up here? The one which appears to be clearly visible as a regular comment within the thread?

        I supposed you're going to suggest that They *had* removed it, but quickly put it back when you spotted and called out this "far-left" conspiracy to suppress your self-proclaimed "libertarian/conservative" freedom of speech?

        And in doing so they made you look like a liar.... another conspiracy, perhaps? Hmm.

        I mean, it's not like you may have messed up by looking at a cached or non-refreshed copy of the page predating your comment and that you didn't double-check that because you'd seen what you wanted to see, is it?

        1. Yankee Doodle Doofus Bronze badge

          Re: Jellied conspiracy

          El Reg is experiencing technical difficulties with the forums. I made a post earlier on another thread, and then I couldn't see it for at least 30 minutes. Previous to this, I had to refresh several times before I could get a forum page to load at all. It's no surprise that this moron is turning it into a conspiracy though.

        2. heyrick Silver badge

          Re: Jellied conspiracy

          "I supposed you're going to suggest that They *had* removed it, but quickly put it back when you spotted and called out this "far-left" conspiracy"

          Sometimes the forum glitches and posts can take a minute or two to turn up. But sure, it's easier to imagine some big global conspiracy rather than Cloudflare being an arse.

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: Jellied conspiracy

            Sometimes the forum glitches and posts can take a minute or two to turn up. But sure, it's easier to imagine some big global conspiracy rather than Cloudflare being an arse.

            Nope. Sometimes there are actual conspiracies. Or at least El Reg's 'moderation'. I explained what happened in previous posts, but trolls piled in and now those posts have actually been memory holed. It is a tad annoying when that happens, or sometimes there's a note left saying posts have been deleted by moderators. Calling billionaires nazis seems to be ok however.

            1. Casca Silver badge

              Re: Jellied conspiracy

              Yes, everyone is against you...sure

      3. ecofeco Silver badge

        Except he wasn't.

        The info so far is that he voted for Trump in 2016, grew to dislike him, and was using any means to get revenge.

        We do not have more info than that.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Yes, can confirm that's the story I heard on the BBC news (circa 1700 GMT) which reported that he'd voted for Trump on 2016 but become disillusioned with him.

          Though I suspect that for the usual hyper-partisans even that means it's taken for granted that he's now a "Democrat"- however he actually fits inbetween the two parties- and they're to blame for everything he did.

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Though I suspect that for the usual hyper-partisans even that means it's taken for granted that he's now a "Democrat"- however he actually fits inbetween the two parties- and they're to blame for everything he did.

            He had a pretty extensive posting history hating on Trump, so something he shares with a lot of the far-left. Including a lot of posters here. One of which even went so far as to mention 'stochastic terrorism', which is perhaps another phrase to describe radicalisation. But demonise someone, keep comparing them to Hitler, or even 'Xitler', call them the greatest threat to Democratcy, or how he'll be a dictator from day 1, and don't be suprised that some Democrat donor takes that too far.

            But this particular Democrat donor is a curious chap. Meetings in Washington, interviews with the media, plans to recruit mercenaries from the US and Afghanistan, being featured in an Azov Brigade video. Many questions that need answering. Like who paid for all this stuff, his flights, especially how he arrived from Hawaii to Florida, how as a convicted felon he obtained his firearm, how he knew Trump would be on the golf course that day etc etc.

            1. Casca Silver badge

              trump is always on the golf course so thats not hard to answer...

              1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                "trump is always on the golf course"

                It's like a game of Cluedo ("Clue" for our American readers).

                "Mr Orange, Convicted election interferer, sex offender and fraudster, on the golf course, with the pocket full of golf balls* whose purpose is a mystery"

                *Because for some cheating on your wives, your taxes and your sub-contractors is just being human but cheating at golf is just completely over the line.

                1. jake Silver badge

                  Re: "trump is always on the golf course"

                  The thing about golf is that when you cheat at it, you are only fooling yourself. Everybody around you on the course knows you are a cheater, and thus can't be trusted.

                  In fact, it's worse than that if you are playing for money. If you cheat, you are not just a cheater, you are a common-or-gutter thief and con man. And again, everybody knows it.

                  1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                    "The thing about golf is that when you cheat at it,.."

                    Good point.

                    Sadly I suspect most of his supporters are not golfers*

                    * For the rest of us with inferencing skills cheating at marriage, business and sports does suggest a pattern. Sadly I suspect a lot of his base would still be wondering "So what would he do as President?"

            2. ThomH

              > ... But demonise someone ... or how he'll be a dictator from day 1, and don't be suprised that some Democrat donor takes that too far.

              Ignoring that you've deliberately adjusted what's being said, Trump's actual quote: "He says, "You're not gonna be a dictator, are you?" I said no, no, no … other than Day One."

              So that one — other than your wilful adjustment — is straight from the dictator's mouth.

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Quick post to test the new moderation:

        Does JAnon mean JelliedAnon or Jack-offAnon ?

    4. Bill Gray

      > because Biden/Harris are not racist POS...

      It's too early to be sure of this, but I doubt either attempt on Trump was particularly ideologically motivated. (The first guy was researching an attempt on either of them; Trump just happened to be conveniently available first.) Going back in time, most attempts since Booth shot Lincoln have had more to do with personal grievance (Charles Guiteau shooting James Garfield) or sheer poor mental health (most of the others).

      Truthfully, I've long been surprised that such attempts are not, in general, much more common. I live in a nation with ~350 million people. At least 1%, or 3.5 million, are completely unhinged, politically or otherwise. And they all have easy access to firearms. I suspect one factor may be that the really raving loonies are least competent to actually carry out an assassination.

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        It's too early to be sure of this, but I doubt either attempt on Trump was particularly ideologically motivated.

        Other than being a Democrat donor. That one is still curious given the 'news' that they had off-shore accounts rather than blazing their politics all over the Interwebz and writing a self-published book. Plus this one is (currently) alive, so their motivations and how they became radicalised are going to be easier to investigate.

        And they all have easy access to firearms. I suspect one factor may be that the really raving loonies are least competent to actually carry out an assassination.

        Yep, but that's Democrats for you. No doubt they'll cry for banning 'assault rifles', then deny they called for violating the 2nd Amendment, then might stop and think that making an accurate shot with an AK at 300yds is harder than if would be with a half-decent hunting rifle and some practice. But there should also be questions around how he got the firearm given the nutjob was a convicted felon and their rants should probably have raised a few red flags.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          If the weapon was a bog standard russian made AK47 variant then I agree, hitting a target at 300yds is towards the upper range limit for accuracy.

          But as AK style* (I've not seen any report of an actual model) weapons are built around the world in a wide variety of qualities & calibres it's quite conceivable that this was a high quality rifle easily capable of producing a tight grouping ay 300yds. Personally, I'm leaning towards 'bad weapon choice' in same vein as millions of US home owners who purchase overpowered rifles for urban home defence.

          * those with a visible high mounted gas tube extending beyond the forestock and large foresight.

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            But as AK style* (I've not seen any report of an actual model) weapons are built around the world in a wide variety of qualities & calibres it's quite conceivable that this was a high quality rifle easily capable of producing a tight grouping ay 300yds

            The dear'ol Bbc has some details, some of which demonstrate their usual lack of clue-


            The suspect was equipped with two digital cameras, a black plastic bag of food, an SKS-style semi-automatic rifle - a weapon with a range of nearly 440 yards - and a scope to magnify its lens.

            Someone might want to tell them 7.62x39 has a range of way more than 440yds. But as you say, your yardage may vary. Plus the nutjob had positioned themselves close to one of the holes, so may have been hoping to engage at much closer range. But someone on the Interwebz has probably identified the exact make & model of the rifle, and DHS will hopefully find out how they came by it, along with where the nutjob may have tried test firing it or attempting to set a 300yd battle zero. Someone supplied it though, and didn't supply it lawfully.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Ah its now an SKS, not an AK. I did wonder as AKs are notoriously hard to fit scopes to.

    5. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      "he couldn't give a crap the American people."

      Remember the campaign he actually won? He promised to de-fang the EPA and re-open the coal mines. After 4 years in power, not a single coal mine re-opened. He's making those same "promises" again. Worryingly, his supporters still believe him!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        And do you remember the promises Biden made? Or Obama? Where are they? How many EV chargers have been installed or rural broadband connections made as part of the IRA?

        And didn't Obama campaign on codifying roe into law in 2008 and when he won and had a supermajority in both houses suddenly said 'its not the right time' and kicked the can down the road?

    6. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      At a time when he's supposed to be convincing Americans to re-elect him to the Presidency, the best that his Orangeness can find to do to help the American people is to play golf.

      It does help, in a way - it minimises the chance that he will be re-elected.

      1. herman Silver badge

        The problem is that Biden took all the bullet proof beach chairs…

    7. Ghostman

      In answer to Musks bad joke, because Biden/Harris are not racist POS and are actually trying to govern for the benefit of the American people.

      Challenge here: Show me where he has done anything racist. You should be afraid of a man who claims he's smarter than everyone, says he was top of his class. Afraid of a political figure that knew her boss was on the declining edge of health/sanity, but chose to hide it from the voters. Still makes claims about the border, but says she will fix the problems we face-even though her administration caused them.

      Think on that for a while.

      1. jake Silver badge

        "Show me where he has done anything racist."

        Shall we start with "THEY ARE EATING THE CATS!"?

        Completely untrue, thoroughly debunked, and still being voiced as true by both Trump and his flunky, Vance.

        If you do not think it is pure racism that continues this bullshit, you've probably drunk the kool-aid.

        1. codejunky Silver badge


          "Shall we start with "THEY ARE EATING THE CATS!"?

          Completely untrue, thoroughly debunked"

          Is it debunked? From what I hear the news have only started asking people recently to which various stories are coming out. Even 911 calls about geese (a protected species?) being taken and eaten?

          It is plausible that the claim is untrue and that it was just the drugged up local who ate a cat, but talks with the locals have put the place under a spotlight.

          Its almost like Colorado where Venezuelan gangs have been reported taking over an apartment complex despite denials by officials. It seems the latest quibble in that story is the meaning of 'taken over'.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @jake

            This is normal gaslighting by the political left.

            Just remember that only a couple of months ago the US economy was booming and everyone was better off, they just hadn't realised it yet. Even Kamala was touting the success of Bidenomics. Now we are being told that Kamala will fix all the problems with the economy on day one if elected. So are there problems or not?

            1. jake Silver badge

              Re: @jake

              Problems with the economy? News to me ... Last time I checked (5 minutes ago), my investments are way, WAY up from where they were when Trump left office.

              Yes, food and gas prices are up (thanks to large corporations price gouging, mostly[0]), but everything else I need in my day to day life have dropped now that the Covid-driven supply chain issues have mostly been taken care of.

              [0] It'd be nice if Congress would look into that ... but they seem to be more interested in finding black cats in coal cellars at midnight ... even though they know damn day well that those cats don't exist. This class of congress-critters, collectively, is going to go down in history as the most useless group of politicians in US history. Perhaps the next group will actually get off their ignorant, fat asses and do their fucking jobs ... pass some legislation to help us little guys who pay them their exorbitant salary.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: @jake

                "WAY up from where they were when Trump left office"

                Which happened in the middle of a self induced financial crisis. And let us not forget that during Trump's first term the dems were saying that stock market performance is not an indicator of a good economy. Now under Bidenomics the stock market booming is an indicator of a good economy...


                "Unlike Trump, Biden doesn’t use stocks to judge the economy, White House says"

                Flip forward a couple of years:


                "The stock market going strong is a sign of confidence in America’s economy."

                Its as if they say one thing and mean another....

                "thanks to large corporations price gouging"

                Actually that is largely bollox. Most retailers are making 2-3% net margins. Actual price gouging is the likes of Apple where margins are more like 50%.

                But its nice that you admit to drinking the Democrat Kool Aid.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Black Helicopters

            Re: @jake

            Is it debunked?

            Yes. It is "racist migrant voodoo panic", spread by the usual suspects. But I guess you are obviously okay with that though.

          3. Casca Silver badge

            Re: @jake

            Only for people like you its not debunked. But then again you probably believe that the people in the next village over is cannibals...

          4. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @jake

            "Even 911 calls about geese (a protected species?)"

            It is literally open season on geese in Ohio right now. Educate yourself before spreading misinformation.

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: @jake


              "It is literally open season on geese in Ohio right now. Educate yourself before spreading misinformation."

              Right now? So were these calls within hunting season? I dont know if they are a protected species (hence the question mark) but there is something about the geese migrating from Canada. Doing a quick search I find this-

              "Migratory Bird Treaty Act states that it is illegal to hunt, kill, sell, purchase, or possess migratory birds or their parts (feathers, nests, eggs, etc.) except as permitted by regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service."-

              So instead of being a coward and a moron, read the comment and give a useful reply.

              1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                Re: @jake

                So instead of being a coward and a moron, read the comment and give a useful reply.

                I am also curious about this one. I've hunted, and been paid to hunt Canada Geese because they're often regarded as a pest, and often very numerous.

                1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                  "and been paid to hunt Canada Geese because they're often regarded as a pest,"


                  But are they tasty when properly cooked?

                  Are they in RFK's recipe book?*

                  *Robert Kennedy III does have a cook book. Here

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: @jake

                "So instead of being a coward and a moron, read the comment and give a useful reply."

                Google it yourself, you UK based MORON.

                1. codejunky Silver badge

                  Re: @jake


                  "Google it yourself, you UK based MORON."

                  I did and so found some information about Canadian Geese being protected. As I said coward provide something useful to to discussion instead of just looking like a moron.

              3. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: @jake

                "I did and so found some information about Canadian Geese being protected"

                Did you read your own post?!

                Doing a quick search I find this-

                "Migratory Bird Treaty Act states that it is illegal to hunt, kill, sell, purchase, or possess migratory birds or their parts (feathers, nests, eggs, etc.) except as permitted by regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service."-

                Do you know what hunting licenses are, MORON?

                1. codejunky Silver badge

                  Re: @jake


                  "Do you know what hunting licenses are, MORON?"

                  So you circle the conversation back to if they were protected or not in these incidents. I see why you are a coward.

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: @jake

                    Did you Google: "Ohio Goose hunting season", Moron?

                    I can understand why Brits aren't allowed guns now.

          5. jake Silver badge

            Re: @jake

            "Is it debunked?"

            Yes. Even the Governor of the State (Mike DeWine, a Trump supporting Republican) says it's complete bullshit. I just saw him interviewed on PBS.

            "Its almost like Colorado where Venezuelan gangs have been reported taking over an apartment complex"

            Almost exactly, yes ... except in that case there are actually gang members (ten have been arrested on a variety of charges ranging from domestic battery to traffic violations, since the beginning of the year), but they have not taken over anything. That's pure bullshit. We have far more problems with gangs in Miami, New York, Chicago, LA and Oakland than there ever will be in Aurora, CO.

            I suggest you stop getting your "news" from that side of YouTube. It rots the brain, it does.

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: @jake


              "Yes. Even the Governor of the State (Mike DeWine, a Trump supporting Republican) says it's complete bullshit. I just saw him interviewed on PBS."

              Great but again I am not just gonna take the word of someone trying to calm the tensions in his state. That doesnt make the claim debunked just as it doesnt make the claim true. Reading the BBC has this gem:

              On 10 September, the conservative news outlet, The Federalist, published a story with an audio recording allegedly from a non-emergency call to police in Springfield. The caller claimed to have seen four Haitians carrying four geese.

              The article also features what is meant to be a police report from the Clark County Sheriff’s Office about the call which it says was made on 26 August.

              BBC Verify contacted the sheriff’s office and asked them whether the audio recording and police report were true.

              It directed us to a Springfield City government spokesperson who said "these claims were not substantiated".-

              So maybe its just some people making stuff up, maybe its problems which dont want to be acknowledged or moving at the glacial pace of policing.

              "Almost exactly, yes ... except in that case there are actually gang members"

              I know, because there was video footage. Its almost like claiming rioters broke into the Capital Building but video footage proved the official lie wrong.

              "(ten have been arrested on a variety of charges ranging from domestic battery to traffic violations, since the beginning of the year), but they have not taken over anything"

              Which again sounds like the quibble over 'taken over' (please read my comment before replying).

              "I suggest you stop getting your "news" from that side of YouTube. It rots the brain, it does."

              You get your news from youtube? I use youtube for entertainment only. I get my news from a variety of news sites from all around the world.

          6. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @jake

            Come to Springfield, for the best hot dogs in the U S of A.

          7. gnasher729 Silver badge

            Re: @jake

            The truth about the geese: A black guy (not Haitian) watched two geese being hit by a car and he tried to get them to a vet.

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      So far, from public reporting, and ignoring any conspiracy stuff, the 2 attempts in the former President appear to be due to

      (1) a disturbed young man with easy access to suitable weaponry wanting to become famous (posthumously) as The Man Who Shot A President, who was then opportunistic about who he picked


      (2) someone who is so delusional he imagines Trump will hand Ukraine to Russia, if elected, and decided to take direct action to prevent that. A sad case of "only I can fix this". Hopefully, he's wrong in that, and will now get the psychiatric treatment he needs.

    9. gnasher729 Silver badge

      O just realised the big differences between Sunak and Trump. First, Sunak made his fortune himself. Not thanks to millions and millions of dollars from a racist scum dad.

      Second, plenty of press that claims “Sunak doesn’t understand how little people think and doesnt care for them” when in reality he has done his best for the UK (tough job after Liz Truss bringing us to the brink of bankruptcy), while in the USA the idiots actually think that Trump cares for them, while he only sees them as stupid marks. Or as scapegoats. Because fascism doesnt work without scapegoats.

  11. martinusher Silver badge

    Alas, you can't just deport people you don't like

    Its not clear to me which country Musk is a citizen of, whether its the US or Canada (or even South Africa). If he's in the country legally and he's not committed any crime then there's absolutely no grounds for deporting him and any attempt to do so would set off an interesting round of lawsuits.

    One of the lesser known aspects of Republican policy is that they would like to weaponize citizenship by making the granting and revocation of US citizenship an executive act. Citizenship is granted -- and possibly revoked -- only by a Federal court (the massive immigration bureaucracy doesn't grant citizenship, it merely prepares lists of names which it submits to a special session of the court). Republican policymakes would like to change this so that citizenship could be granted, and revoked, by political or bureaucratic whim.

    1. herman Silver badge

      Re: Alas, you can't just deport people you don't like

      I think you are doing a strawman and attributes something you would not like to happen to unnamed Republican representatives, who never actually said or implied any such thing.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: Alas, you can't just deport people you don't like

      "ts not clear to me which country Musk is a citizen of"

      He is legally a citizen of the United States.

  12. martinusher Silver badge

    The only way to get rid of Trump.... to so crush him at the polls that he and people of his ilk won't dare raise their heads for a generation or more.

    Taking pot shots at things and people you don't like -- and threatening violence in general against people you don't like -- has become a Republican signature feature. There's always been an undercurrent of violence but over the last decade its gradually become acceptable to openly advocate it, even by people who really should know better. Trump himself has threatened retribution against opponents as recently as a couple of weeks ago and its no good to just keep saying "He's only joking" or "He's not really serious" because quite apart from the fact that unfortunately he really is serious and is not joking other people may take him literally.

    1. herman Silver badge

      Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

      I don’t want to be unkind, but as a foreign observer it appears that all the real violence, looting, burning of city precincts, destruction of college campuses, assassination attempts etc - ALL come from the left of the USA. I do not see any violence on the right.

      1. ThomH

        Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

        You're not being unkind, just — at best — exceedingly disingenuous.

        This assassination attempt was by somebody who voted for Trump in 2016. The previous was by a registered Republican.

        Remember those people who stormed the Capitol in 2020 in support of the loser, Trump, looting and resulting in the deaths of six people? Remember those gallows they rigged up?

        Charlottesville? The Oklahoma City bombing?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

          I think he was referring to the country-wide BLM riots. Not only were many people killed, thousands more had their businesses and lives destroyed. The people at the capital were a bunch of jackasses but no one died that afternoon (and it was just an afternoon, not weeks on end). A police officer had a heart attack the next day which some linked (or chose to link) to the stress.

          And perhaps you want to look at a proper picture of the 'gallows' you are referring to - it was less than 2 feet high, and made of cardboard...

          Both of the attempted assassins made donations to the Democrats. The recent one even had a Biden/Harris bumper sticker on his pick up truck. So it's a real stretch to say they were right wing...

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

            >A police officer had a heart attack the next day

            Is there an amendment ensuring the right to eat donuts ?

          2. elbisivni

            Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

            Could you perhaps point to some of these proper pictures, because the ones I am looking at right now, and the ones I saw live on TV, based on the people standing on the platform assembling it maybe about 1.80 metres tall. Any search for cardboard gallows does not result in anything, even using crazy people search engines and sites.

            Also, clearly not made of cardboard. It does looks as if it would collapse under the weight of anyone they chose to attach to it, but that's due to the nature of the construction, not the materials.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

              It was actually assembled in the very early morning and they've never traced the people who did it. Same with the two gifts left at the RNC and DNC HQs.

              The placement was just oh so perfect as to give journos a beautiful shot of the capitol building in the background.

              1. ThomH

                Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                So you mean they didn't put object A next to object B in such a way as it became impossible to photograph both at once? Oh my gosh! Must have been space lasers!

          3. codejunky Silver badge

            Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....


            "The people at the capital were a bunch of jackasses but no one died that afternoon"

            Sorry to correct you but one person did die. One unarmed protester was shot and killed by a police officer who was exonerated at lightning speed in an event the dems really dont like being questioned.

          4. ThomH

            Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

            The poster falsely asserted that "all the real violence, looting, burning of city precincts, destruction of college campuses, assassination attempts etc - ALL come from the left of the USA".

            This counterfactual statement can be disproven by supplying any single example of "real" violence/etc by somebody on the right. So I supplied a handful.

            This seems to have triggered your little indoctrinated mind into the mental pretzel of "somebody who voted for Trump is left wing, actually!"

            If I were you, I'd reconsider my news outlets. Pro tip: don't get it all from X.

            1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

              Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

              This seems to have triggered your little indoctrinated mind into the mental pretzel of "somebody who voted for Trump is left wing, actually!"

              Better examples of indoctrination would include things like.. Trump being a convicted felon. He isn't, at least not yet. Jan 6th was an 'insurrection', not an abject failure of Pelosi, who had the duty to maintain security. None of the 1,000+ 'insurrectionists' have actually been charged with insurrection either. Neither were the organisers of Seattle's CHAZ movement, who attempted to declare independence. In both cases, Trump offered help from the National Guard and in both cases, Democrats refused that offer. Then there was stuff like Hunter Bidens laptop being 'Russian Misinformation', or Clinton blaming Russia for her election loss and the list goes on, and on..

              But such is politics.

              But someone certainly was triggered and indoctrinated into camping out on a golf course for 12hrs to attempt to make a hole in one. The smooth-brained are of course in denial that someone who regularly ranted against Trump and donated several thousand to the Democrats was actually a left-wing Democrat nutjob. Just like the previous would-be assassin. Again at least this one is alive to examine in detail instead of demonstrating that not all on the far-left are actually brainless.

              1. Casca Silver badge

                Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                Ah, the projection continues...

              2. Someone Else Silver badge

                Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                Better examples of indoctrination would include things like.. Trump being a convicted felon. He isn't, at least not yet.

                Oh facts are soooo inconvenient, aren't they?

                NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump became the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes Thursday as a New York jury found him guilty of all 34 charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor who said the two had sex.

                Or are you about to really make and ass/arse of yourself by bleating on that the AP is some manner of Communist conspiracy destined to rot the minds of Fine Upstanding Americans by Indoctrinating them with such mind noise, like, you know, facts?

                1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                  Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                  Or are you about to really make and ass/arse of yourself by bleating on that the AP is some manner of Communist conspiracy destined to rot the minds of Fine Upstanding Americans by Indoctrinating them with such mind noise, like, you know, facts?

                  Do try to keep up at the back. I leave that sort of misinformation for you. Here's wiki-


                  On April 4, 2023, he pleaded not guilty. The trial began in April 2024, and in May a jury convicted Trump on all 34 counts. The judge consented to two defense sentencing delay requests, resulting in it being scheduled for after the 2024 election

                  The process is not yet complete, so while a jury might have convicted Trump, the jury's verdict might be overturned. A more complete explanation of why the eternally optimistic or gullible people are, well, wrong can be found here-


                  Where a Yale law professor explains why you have been mislead. Exactly why you have been mislead is, well, politics rather than law..

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                    He's been found guilty you sycophant. All your squirming doesn't change that. He's a criminal.

                    From now on he'll have to answer , "yes" to that question, "Have you ever been convicted of a crime in any country?" Ha. Ha. Ha.

                  2. Someone Else Silver badge

                    Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                    The process is not yet complete, so while a jury might have convicted Trump, the jury's verdict might be overturned.

                    Really?!? You're going to try to absolve the Holy One by trying to revise the dictionary? To quote Scotty from Star Trek 4: "How quaint".

                    From Merriam-Webster's dictionary:


                    con·​vict (ˈkän-ˌvikt)

                    1: a person convicted of and under sentence for a crime

                    2: a person serving a usually long prison sentence

                    Now I understand that comprehension isn't necessarily your strong suite in cases like this, but do try to follow along...t'pineapple was convicted on 34 felony counts by a jury. That makes him a convict. Full stop. That he hasn't been sentenced yet means fuck-all here; that his conviction might maybe be overturned means fuck-all here. tRump is a convict. And as he was convicted of at least one felony, that also make him a felon.

                    That concludes our English lesson for today. Please try and keep up.

                    I know you righties are all about revisionist history, but revisionist dictionary is a bit of a leap, even for you guys.

                    Yet another instance of a Communist conspiracy destined to rot the minds of Fine Upstanding Americans by Indoctrinating them with such mind noise, like, you know, facts...

                    1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                      Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                      From Merriam-Webster's dictionary

                      That is not an English dictionary.

                      1: a person convicted of and under sentence for a crime

                      Cool. So what was his sentence? I'll wait..

                      You didn't bother watching the videos from that Yale law professor explaining how the US justice system actually works, rather than how TDS sufferers think it should work. Speaking of which, HIlary Clinton has been back on the news calling for spreaders of 'Russian misinformation' to be locked up. Presumably excluding herself from that category after creating her own 'RussiaGate' smear campaign against Trump. Oh, and of course she wasn't jailed for having classified information on her personal mail server and leaking that to the Russians either..

                      (Future popcorn moments may still exist, like getting the visitors list for Epstein Island released. Or even an IRS audit into the 'Clinton Global Initiative' and casting the hairy eyeball over their donors, or just the way the money was spent.)

                      1. jake Silver badge

                        Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                        "That is not an English dictionary."

                        Trump was not convicted in England.

                        If your interpretation of what the Yale Law Professor is saying were correct, Trump would be suing every news agency in the US that ran the story for defamation (a subject he knows all about). He is not, ergo even he and his lawyers agree that he's a convicted felon.

                        Why persist in the easily debunked lies? Do you enjoy being known as a liar? Or do you just like abuse?

                        As a side note, nobody gives a shit about the Clintons anymore. Why do you continue beating that dead horse?

                        Are you certain you want the Epstein list released? Trump flew Air Epstein[0] many times, and they were often seen oogling young girls together at parties.

                        [0] Still is, kinda ... he's using that very aircraft as his personal jet these days ...

                        1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                          Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                          If your interpretation of what the Yale Law Professor is saying were correct, Trump would be suing every news agency in the US that ran the story for defamation (a subject he knows all about). He is not, ergo even he and his lawyers agree that he's a convicted felon.

                          No, he is not. His lawyers are still arguing that case and it might end up being tossed as a mistrial, or the jury verdict thrown out. Sentencing hasn't been passed, the judgment hasn't been issued. As the other posters dictionary quote shows, he is not yet a convicted felon. And even if he is, he still has the right to appeal. And he has also been suing news agencies, but I think that's mostly regarding accusations that he's a rapist. Which is another show trial he's appealing.

                          Why persist in the easily debunked lies? Do you enjoy being known as a liar? Or do you just like abuse?

                          Because you are the liar, and your lies are easily debunked. You are the one who has been abused, and are demonstrating how radicalisation or 'brain washing' works. I've shown that in law, he is not yet a convicted felon, yet you persist in believing that lie. As probably was the nutjob that wanted to assassinate Trump. I'm also not especially a fan of Trump, for example during the last debate he complained that Europe wasn't paying a 'fair share' in the Ukraine proxy war.

                          Why should the EU & UK automatically follow in funding conflicts the US has started? That's currently an issue for the EU. The US wanted a $50bn funding package agreed, secured by the $300bn stolen from Russia. This was supposed to have a 36 month review, Hungary has vetoed this and wants a 6 monthly review. So now the EU is trying to arrange a 40bn Euro loan instead, but doesn't have the money.

                          ps.. I mentioned Hilary because she's been back in the news, spreading more misinformation.

                  3. jake Silver badge

                    Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                    Trump has been convicted. He is a convicted criminal, anf has been since the Jury returned the guilty verdicts (all 34 of them).

                    He just hasn't been sentenced as of yet. This does not alter the convictions.

                    Out of curiosity, why are you championing a misogynistic criminal who aims to become a dictator? Do you expect to be rewarded or something? Because I'm here to tell you that Trump wouldn't even give you the time of day.

              3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                "Trump being a convicted felon."

                Convicted? Yes. By a 12 strong Jury of NYC residents.

                Sentenced? Not yet. The Judge had decided to delay this till after the election. Which is not good for the FOCF as it makes it more likely the sentence will involve some kind of incarceration.

                Bad new for the FOCF (and possibly Melania) but good for non-cult members of the human race.

      2. jake Silver badge

        Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

        "as a foreign observer"

        Who only sees second-hand reports that are deemed "newsworthy"?

    2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

      Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

      Taking pot shots at things and people you don't like -- and threatening violence in general against people you don't like -- has become a Republican signature feature.

      There have been actual pot shots against Trump, and the latest was another Democrat who was stopped before they could fire. Politicians may make themselves targets, but they shouldn't be making each other targets.

      Trump himself has threatened retribution against opponents as recently as a couple of weeks ago and its no good to just keep saying "He's only joking"

      He probably is, and should be serious. But it depends what you mean by 'retribution'. If that means an investigation into whether there have been violations of the US Hatch Act, then that's how justice should work, and would be good for democracy. That might be a bad thing for some Democrats, but that could just be history repeating itself. The Hatch Act was, after all created after previous dirty tricks campaigns by the Democrats.

      1. herman Silver badge

        Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

        It is funny how *any* criticism of Democrats get scads of thumbs down. Fifty percent of US vote Republican, but the Democrats are the most intolerant lot and want the other half to go off planet. Nuts.

        1. ThomH

          Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

          Fact check on your claim that 50% of Americans vote Republican:

          Trump won with 46% in 2016* to Clinton's 48%, lost with 47% in 2020 to Biden's 51%.

          The Republicans have achieved a plurality in the national popular vote only once in the last 30 years, when W Bush got a majority in 2004.

          Trump has good odds for a victory in 2024 but is unlikely to hit 50% of the vote.

          * because, as everyone knows, national percentage isn't what determines the winner, and if it were then the residents of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, etc would probably be able to live a much quieter life.

      2. jake Silver badge

        Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

        "There have been actual pot shots against Trump, and the latest was another Democrat who was stopped before they could fire."

        There was no pot shot in this latest. Nobody has taken another shot at Trump. There has only been the one, and the shooter was a Republican.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

          >There has only been the one, and the shooter was a Republican

          And they missed

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

            On the bright side, a flying piece of teleprompter glass nicked Dear Leader's ear, thus giving the cult members an exciting new fashion accessory to wear in order to signal their allegiance (and give the rest of us a chance to avoid them without the need to interact in any way, shape or form).

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

              Ah is that the teleprompter that can clearly be seen fully intact in the video AFTER the shooting?

              You're not a conspiracy theorist are you??

              1. ThomH

                Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

                Better than that, the FBI have confirmed he was struck by a bullet.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

      "and threatening violence in general against people you don't like"

      This is all the left have done since 2016.

      FFS they even tried to burn down the apartment building where the Mayor of Portland lived in 2020 as he would not bow down to their unhinged demands.

      1. Casca Silver badge

        Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

        How funny it is that almost all of the right wing muppets here post AC

        1. herman Silver badge

          Re: The only way to get rid of Trump....

          If only American politicians can follow the good old Brazilian example and hit each other with chairs. It is much more entertaining and far less lethal.

  13. BasicReality

    Big deal. People can't take a joke anymore. He didn't call for violence against them. Of course the secret service will probably show up and waste some of his time, but making a story out of this is absurd.

    1. Jeff Smith

      Seems people can’t tell a joke anymore either.

    2. ecofeco Silver badge

      Stochastic terrorism is not a damn joke.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        >Stochastic terrorism is not a damn joke.

        Better than stoichiometric terrorism

        1. John Smith 19 Gold badge
          Thumb Up

          "Better than stoichiometric terrorism"

          I see what you did there.

      2. BasicReality

        "Stochastic terrorism is not a damn joke."

        Yes, that entire concept is a joke. It's an idiotic idea created to attack people you don't like for doing nothing wrong. If you state "I hate <insert anything here>" and someone causes harm to them, you get blamed.

        Unless a person is actively calling for violence, they are not responsible for it happening.

        If we followed this idiotic concept, with the sheer number of leftists calling Donald Trump a "threat to democracy" they would all be guilty for these assassination attempts. But no, I like to be fair minded. They can spout their BS "threat to democracy" all they want, they're not guilty of terrorist activity, at least for that. And this joke from Elon, same thing, it was a joke, get over it.

    3. John Smith 19 Gold badge


      Joined July 2024.

      'Nuff said.

  14. This post has been deleted by its author

  15. nematoad Silver badge

    Enquiring minds need to know.

    Trump targetted playing golf. Does the man do nothing else?

    If he plays golf so much why is he so bad at it ?

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

      The real question to ask, was who was he playing golf with? Who did Trump take time out of his busy campaigning schedule to smooze with? Enquiring minds would like to know...

      1. herman Silver badge

        Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

        It is in the news stories actually - he played with another real estate mogul.

        1. Casca Silver badge

          Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

          You mean another slum lord

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

            That was his father. Trump himself never liked being associated with plebs or plebian developments and was always known for trying-too-hard, in-your-face, gaudy, wannabe-luxury "high end" developments with his name plastered all over them.

            Though given how run down some of them have apparently become, they may well end up being gold-coated reflective glass slums anyway!

          2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

            You mean another slum lord

            Do you mean Paul Pelosi Jnr?-


            1. Casca Silver badge

              Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

              And more whataboutism and projection... Good on you...

              1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                "And more whataboutism and projection"


                In an uncertain world JE's whataboutism and projection can always be relied upon.

    2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
    3. Stumpy

      Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

      Well, he's pretty bad at everything he turns his hand to from where I'm standing...

      1. herman Silver badge

        Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

        Well, I would be very happy if I was half as bad at making money as Trump.

        1. Julian Poyntz

          Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

          He's pretty good at getting made bankrupt

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

            Of course, Trump and his army of wannabe sycophants would have you believe that such bankruptcies are a genius business move that made him better off at everyone else's expense.

            The most pathetic and damning thing is that, despite that "advantage" of being so obviously unconstrained by ethical considerations, Trump- a man who, let's remember, *inherited* his wealth- is still less well off than he would have been had he simply invested that inheritance in a tracker fund and otherwise done... nothing.

            1. herman Silver badge

              Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

              Note that he lost that inherited wealth and then made it back again. So he now knows a thing or two about how to make money.

              1. Casca Silver badge

                Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

                Yea, by not paying his debts...

                Its really funny with non americans that is part of the trump cult.

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

                That's certainly some rationalisation...!

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

          I wouldn't.

          You appear to confuse "making money" with inheriting it. It should be stating the obvious to point out that it's quite easy to have a lot of money if you start off with a lot of money.

          And yet, even with that advantage, Trump is poor at *actually* "making money". It's generally agreed that he'd have been quite a bit more wealthy than he is today if he'd taken his inheritance, invested it in a tracker fund and dedicated himself full time to cheating at golf.

          1. Someone Else Silver badge

            Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

            There's a Steve Martin joke in there somewhere...

        3. herman Silver badge

          Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

          According to the thumbs up/down ratio, only 25% (and dropping!) of El Reg readers are capitalist!

        4. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          Well, I would be very happy if I was half as bad at making money as Trump.

          Except he's not. As explained Here

          He could have done better taking the north-of-$500m* he got off his old man and sticking it in a bank.

          *Inflation adjusted to level of 2020's.

    4. GBE

      Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

      If he plays golf so much why is he so bad at it ?

      I once read an article by a reporter who had talked (off-the-record) with the pros and caddies at some of Trump's course. The pros said that a couple or three decades ago he was a decent amateur golfer (they estimated he probably had a mid-high single-digit handicap) but was never as good as he (and his scorecards) claimed. And they said he's certainly not anywhere as good as he used to be (no surprise there, he's 80). The caddies had a nickname for him back in the day. They called him "Pelé". 'nuf said?

    5. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

      Well insurrection and stealing nuclear secrets makes one need a break every now and then.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

        Does that explain Sleepy Joe's need for his constant holidays?

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

          And it's midnight in Moscow - they making you work late Comrade Troll ?

          1. herman Silver badge

            Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

            W0t? Comrade Kamala is here?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

              Only a true Putin lover would know the time in Moscow :)

    6. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

      >If he plays golf so much why is he so bad at it ?

      It's really hard to get the ball past the windmill and through the drainpipe

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: Enquiring minds need to know.

        It's really hard to get the ball past the windmill and through the drainpipe

        The US elections would have been far more entertaining if this campaign had been settled on the golf course, as Biden challenged Trump during their debate. Then again, Biden was swiftly removed and replaced by the DNC's annointed candidate, even though no Democrats actually got the chance to vote for her in the Primaries. And the last time she ran in those, she was the first candidate to be eliminated. Ah, Democratcy.. It's not how you vote, it's who you know.

  16. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Recently found this blogpost, it's spot on

    It’s The Impunity, Stupid

    It ends with:

    At the end of the day, this is the one thing scarier than Elon Musk: the fact that we all wanted so badly to believe his empty promises that we let him run amok, and allowed him to become something that even he clearly doesn’t actually control anymore. Musk and Tesla are one man and one company, and in theory could be brought into line with enough political will, but they exist in their current monstrous states precisely because we can no longer summon the political will to do anything hard. Musk is the ugly reflection of our collective ineptitude, apathy and stupidity, and as long as he goes unpunished he will continue to pollute our physical and mental environment in ever more grotesque ways.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Recently found this blogpost, it's spot on

      Does that read like it's written by AI or a 1st year philosophy student?

  17. Alien Doctor 1.1

    oh hell

    I need mind bleach after wondering what the offspring of musk and trump would be like. I can imagine even doctors in anti-abortion amerikkkan states would be saying "put it down"

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "after wondering what the offspring of musk and trump would be like. "


      That's what happens if you engage in mutual fluffing without protection.

  18. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

    Nice Alligator

    Now then nice Mr Hungry Alligator, don't take what I said a few days ago literally and chomp on an orange coloured appetising snack that you happen to come across on a golf course... Even one that is a cheat.

    1. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: Nice Alligator

      On the other hand...

      If you happen to come across orange coloured snacks like these, then go ahead...

  19. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Elon Musk's assassination joke bombs

    And there I was thinking that his "joke" offering to impregnate Taylor Swift was going to be the stupidest thing he did this week............

    He's lucky he's so rich and famous - otherwise his week might have been a journey from arrested development to simply arrested.

    1. Mot524

      Re: Elon Musk's assassination joke bombs

      Surely you're joking?

      He's only in hot water BECAUSE he's rich and famous.

      I'm sure there are millions of people on X who make similar posts but nobody gives a s**t about them exactly because they're not rich or famous.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Elon Musk's assassination joke bombs

        Me suggesting that my followers (ie my cat) rise up and kill the president doesn't achieve much (my cat is very lazy)

        Somebody with an audience of 100Million saying it - there is a chance that there is an idiot among them (even on Twitter)

      2. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

        Re: Elon Musk's assassination joke bombs

        Read part 2 of the Brandenburg test.

  20. trevorde Silver badge

    Meanwhile at SpaceX

    [Chief Engineer] Can we hurry up on that rocket to Mars?

  21. DS999 Silver badge

    Right wingers saying extreme stuff

    Always fall back on the "it was a joke" excuse. I've not seen much in the way of humor from Musk, though unlike Trump he is at least capable of laughter.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

      Like Kathy Griffin and her severed Trump head?

      1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

        Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

        I had never hear of her until now. If you keep plugging away perhaps you can make her famous.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

          I've heard Americans refer to her, but I keep defaulting to confusing her with Lois Griffin in Family Guy.

    2. herman Silver badge

      Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

      Why is Harris always laughing? Is she a joke?

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

        "Life is a tragedy for those who feel, and a comedy for those who think"

        That was said by a French (a kind of foreigner) philosopher (somebody who thinks) in a book (a thing you ban)

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

          And if you're stupid all you can do is get angry.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

        no she's just happy, mr hitler

        1. herman Silver badge

          Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

          Typical left handed wingnut response.

          BTW, I actually visited the Stalin museum. It is in Georgia. No not *that* Georgia, numbnuts. Stalin is the guy who defeated Hitler, for those with a publiek skool edumakasjun. Also, Georgia is a very nice country to visit for a holiday.

          1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            "Georgia is a very nice country to visit for a holiday"

            Last I heard its "Sparkling wine" is the only drink in Russia cheaper than Vodka.

            And I'm not at all surprised there is a Stalin Museum in Georgia.

          2. jake Silver badge

            Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

            Still, much better than a typical small-handed vulgarian apologist's response.

          3. Casca Silver badge

            Re: Right wingers saying extreme stuff

            Stalin is the guy who defeated Hitler

            Sure he did...all by himself...

      3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        "Why is Harris always laughing? Is she a joke?"

        Maybe you'd be better off asking the FOCF after his debate with her?

        And that's the sort of word-play that seems funny in another language but doesn't really work in English.

        Perhaps (IDK) she has a sense of humour and finds things amusing?

        It's a thing with non-weird people.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    1. ThomH

      Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

      Same stupid act, same stupid excuse.

    2. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

      I have no clue who this David guy is, but he's an idiot.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        "I have no clue who this David guy is, but he's an idiot."

        No, he's merely pointing out (as I have done) that SCOTUS literally handed the President (whoever that is. AFAIK there is no limit by name) the power to declare someone (including members of the SCOTUS) a threat to the United States and have them legally killed in the US by basically any part of the Federal Govt.

        No Judge. No jury. No trial.

        In the UK context it's a case of ROTFLMFAO comment but in the US context it's a suggestion to stop pussyfooting around the fact that the FOCF is an existential threat to the existence of the 250YO democratic republic.

        Some of those SELwho support the FOCF have stated openly they want to end the Constitution.

        Personally I would not have the FOCF killed. That would deprive the American people of their right to choose from the stated list of candidates. However with absolute immunity there are quite a few people who should be removed to create a fairer, more honest and less corrupt system.

        Remember, due to the SCOTUS ruling this is not incitement or domestic terrorism. You might like to think of it as the title of an old Sherlock Holmes film, "Murder By Decree."

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

      that was satire pointing out the insanity of the supreme idiot court giving presidents immunity from law

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

        SCOTUS didn't give any new protections, just confirmed what is already in law.

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical


          NOBODY thought presidents had immunity for anything that fell under the huge umbrella of "official acts". If they did, Ford would not have pardoned Nixon and Nixon would not have accepted the pardon (part of accepting the pardon is admission of guilt) If Harris wins I hope one of her first actions will be to push a bill that explicitly states that presidents are not above the law, and can face consequences for their actions even if they are "official acts" like ordering Seal Team 6 to assassinate your rivals.

          That Supreme Court ruling was a surprise to everyone, even the most conservative legal scholars. I'm not sure if even Trump's lawyers thought it would fly, but Trump's entire legal strategy is one of delay so he wouldn't have to face a jury for his crimes so his lawyers have been throwing every possible bit of sand in the gears of justice until the election. Where he's either elected and he's scot-free, or he's not and the delay strategy will run out and he's already pretty much said he'll flee to Venezuela to escape justice. Which I'd be fine with, he'd be too much trouble to imprison, I just think if he's on the lam he should lose his SS protection. He can afford his own security.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

            I think you need to research what Nixon did. Nixon was impeached for violating the constitutional rights of others and for refusing to turn over the audio tapes in an attempt to cover up what had been going on.

            To quote from the SCOTUS ruling on withholding the recordings:

            "While the Court acknowledged that the principle of executive privilege did exist, the Court would also directly reject President Nixon's claim to an "absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity from judicial process under all circumstances.""

            The interesting thing being that the Biden admin has refused to turn over the recordings of the Hur interview with sleepy Joe...

            Trump has not done any of the things that Nixon did. If anything it has been Obama and Biden that have done similar things to Nixon.

            1. DS999 Silver badge

              Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

              Trump has not done any of the things that Nixon did

              No, he did far worse.

              He tried to overthrow the entire fucking democracy because he didn't want to lose! Then he stole classified documents and obstructed justice by hiding them and claimed he returned them all. Even his former AG Bill Barr thinks it will be an open and shut case. I know his pet judge dismissed it, but the appeals court is going to undo that, and hopefully remove her as judge. He will face time for that crime even if he wiggles out of everything else, unless he flees the country. No claims of presidential immunity are possible there because he committed that crime after he left office.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

                You need to do better than that. Biden took classified docs and knowingly showed them to his ghostwriter and the establishment has been busy covering for him since the story broke. Biden didn't have presidential immunity as he wasn't president at the time. The only reason Hunter took the guilty plea is to keep his dad's crimes covered up.

                Dems and their elite supporters have been having tantrums ever since 2000 when they don't win, unleashed and actively encouraged BLM and pantifa to terrorise the country between 2016 and 2020 and have radicalised people to such an extent that there have been two attempts on Trump's life in the last 2 months. Remember all the super rich Hollywood types asking the electoral college electors not to certify for Trump?

                If you didn't have double standards you'd have no standards at all.

                Oh and Bill Barr is voting for Trump.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: Maybe he's was just being satirical

                  fuck off nazi with your lies.

                  and bill barr is fucking insane like trump and you.

                2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                  Oh and Bill Barr is voting for Trump.

                  Ever wondered what Cartman would like if he grew up?

                  Wonder no more.

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    What about Democrats?

    Every time I have the misfortune to listen to MSNBC, there are claims that Trump is basically the same as Hilter, is threatening the existence of our democracy, blah blah blah.

    If those aren't invitations to assassinate him, I don't know what are.

    I mean, if you had the chance to assassinate Hitler, wouldn't you? Shouldn't you?

    Dems need to dial it back by about 98%.

    1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: What about Democrats?

      One of the problems with assassination is the replacement will be worse.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: What about Democrats?

        Worse? Probably not. The Republicans might be able to find somebody so far right that s/he makes the Cheneys or Pence look like educated, tolerant pussycats ... and probably would. But there is no way that person could command Trump's personality cult. That took over a decade to develop, the cultists will not change their loyalty overnight.

        And no, the idiot Vance would not be allowed to attempt to take over.

        Actually, I suspect the idiots in charge of such things would select Trump Jr. for the roll ...

        1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

          Re: Worse replacement

          Trump's cult predates Trump. They have been around for a long time but were ignored by everyone. Trump's first speeches included a large number of vague ideas. He focused on the ones that got a cheer, honed them to match the loudest members of the audiences beliefs then took them to extremes. The cult does not follow Trump but they support him because he was the only person seeking nomination who said exactly what they wanted to hear. While Trump is alive they will not support anyone else. If Trump gets assassinated they will seek a replacement who tells them what they like to hear. I do not know who that will be but I am sure that person will be less incompetent at retaining power than Trump.

          The way forward is through the ballot box. A clear victory for Harris will show that getting support from right wing extremists costs too many votes from the centre.

          1. Anonymous Coward

            Re: Worse replacement

            "A clear victory for Harris will" ramp up the proxy war with Russia, possibly leading to WW3.

            1. This post has been deleted by its author

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Worse replacement

              how many rubles do you get for posting this crap?

            3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

              "ramp up the proxy war with Russia, "

              Joined Mar 2023.

              Decided to post without AC for a change?

          2. herman Silver badge

            Re: Worse replacement

            So what to make of Harris copying Trump’s economic policies?, followed by “Does one of us have to come out alive? Cackle, cackle…” An unoriginal left wingnut seems to me.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What about Democrats?

          "Cheneys or Pence look like educated"

          Ain't they all supporting Kamala now? Ohhhh.... ahhh.... yeah, that makes sense now.

          "the cultists will not change their loyalty overnight"

          The dem lackies very quickly switched from the "biden is sharp as a tack" to "Kamala will fix all the problems". Now that is a cult!

        3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          "And no, the idiot Vance would not be allowed to attempt to take over."

          I'm not so sure about that.

          Peter Thiel really wants those tax cuts for billionaires and he's worked sooo hard to get his BFF in the role (nothing says "affection" like kicking $15m into your pals Senate bid. More than all other contributions combined).

          For some reason whenever I think of Peter Thiel I can't get the image of Russell Brand in the film "Saint Trinians" out of my mind.

          Can't think why.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: What about Democrats?

      Any claim that the Democrats are saying/writing worse things about trump than the MAGA Republicans do about ... well, anyone who isn't one of them, is simply delusional. Or outright lying.

      In addition to Trump himself, the hateful rhetoric from the darkest corners of MAGA media is so much worse than even the leftyist of the left, e.g. MSNBC in your poor straw man example.

      Steve Bannon's Breitbart, Alex Jones' Infowars, literally calling for uprising, literally profiting from gun violence and tragedy. Throw in anything from Tucker Carlson, and the remaining lying sycophant commentators from Fox news for good measure. It's saying something when Fox is the tamest of that shameful lot, but are still awful.

      Megyn Kelly swearing at/about Taylor Swift was an embarrassing spectacle too. She looked and sounded unhinged.

      Fact-checking Trump when he lies is not an attack. Or Vance. Or any other MAGA trump crony.

      Trump or any MAGA mouthpiece saying Biden/Harris/Democrats are to blame for inciting attempts on his life is so ironic, when in the same breath Trump says Biden/Harris/Democrats are "trying to destroy the country". Every dog whistle lie from Trump's mouth is an incitement or a shallow attempt at self-promotion or both.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: What about Democrats?

        "..the Democrats are .. simply delusional. Or outright lying."

        Let us not forget that high profile dem supporters have been on the TV news and said things like 'someone needs to put a bullet in him' and 'he needs to be eliminated'.

        1. Casca Silver badge

          Re: What about Democrats?

          And right wing muppets keep on posting AC. Just fuck of to twitter

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What about Democrats?

          try again without the lies

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: What about Democrats?

            None of what I said is untrue.


            "They`re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump"


            "He is destructive to our democracy, and he has to be eliminated,"

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: What about Democrats?

              First, this Dan Goldman person is quite likely nearly unknown outside of his district in New York city. Certainly not as high profile as Trump, Vance, or even some of Trump's MAGA parrots.

              Second, he said he mis-spoke, and apologized for it; from your own cited article, not cherry-picked as you did:

              "While [Trump] must be defeated, I certainly wish no harm to him and do not condone political violence. I apologize for the poor choice of words."

              Trump has never apologized for anything. Not for things he's said and done which are destructive to other people, and the entire country, if not the world.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: What about Democrats?

                Trump has never called for a political rival to be murdered so there is nothing to apologise for.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: What about Democrats?

                  "nothing", really?

                  It's possible Trump has never been quoted as saying "go murder that person", like a wannabe mob boss would never be quoted.

                  But if murder is your bar to clear, you're either arguing in completely bad faith or just trolling.

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: What about Democrats?

                    No, Trump just hurts people's fee-fees. It is the US political elite who are calling for Trump to be killed to save 'our democracy'.

                    I don't even think that Trump has ever likened Hillary, Joe or Kamala to political figures from the 1930s. He's called them hurty names like 'nasty' and 'incompetent'.

                    Other examples being the dem governor of Michigan with her 86/45 sign in the background during a TV interview a few years back and Alex Soros tweeting out a picture of a bullet hole in a sheet of glass along with 47 dollars.

                2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

                  "Trump has never called for a political rival to be murdered "

                  His so-called allies OTOH, like VP Mike string-him-up Pence...

                  They'd better not be standing next to any roads with him behind them.

                  1. jake Silver badge

                    Re: "Trump has never called for a political rival to be murdered "

                    Don't forget that this is the same Trump who (according to Mark Esper) asked if it would be OK for the US Military to be used to shoot the protesters in Washington DC during the first week of June, 2020.

                    It is also the same Trump who (along with Barr) pushed through the executions of federal prisoners in the last days of his presidency.

                    And the same Trump who said "He deserves it" when the crowd was chanting "Hang Mike Pence".

                    The same Trump who thought that Mark Milley should be executed.

                    I could go on and on ... I shall refrain, for your reading pleasure.

                    1. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: "Trump has never called for a political rival to be murdered "

                      You are fake news. Please report to your local police station for incarceration for spreading propaganda.

                      "according to Mark Esper"

                      Did he see Trump at 31 flavors? It must have been pretty bad! Why are all these claims third hand? Poop on the walls of the capitol? No pictures?? Really? Sources close to... sources with knowledge of...

                      "He deserves it"

                      You are aware that this comment comes from Cassidy Hutchinson who supposedly overheard someone else saying to someone else that Trump said that. Not even Lionel Hutz would use that as evidence! The Jan 6th kangaroo court never asked Mark Meadows if this was true. They just took the word of a 4th party looking for her 15 mins of fame and get sales for her book.

                      "Mark Milley should be executed."

                      What Trump actually said was "This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!"

                      The only thing there with a vague nugget of truth is the executions but let us not forget that Sleepy Joe said he would end the death penalty and... well... he hasn't. Which comes as no surprise.

                      1. jake Silver badge

                        Re: "Trump has never called for a political rival to be murdered "

                        "Please report to your local police station for incarceration for spreading propaganda."

                        Immediately after the entire Trump re-election machine, and not a moment sooner.

                        1. Anonymous Coward
                          Anonymous Coward

                          Re: "Trump has never called for a political rival to be murdered "

                          They are stuck in line behind the entire DC establishment. Bill Clinton is busy arguing about the definition of the word 'is' again :)

        3. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: What about Democrats?

          Your flimsy whataboutism and troll-editing is noted.

          Look, there's a very large difference between "high profile dem supporters" (whoever you imagine that is) and the _actual_ MAGA people and their mouthpieces.

          As recently as this week, Trump posted "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!" for all the world to see. It's hard to see how that's anything but a personal attack. It's possibly also counter-productive for Trump, but it's not the first time.

          Trump and his latest appointed crony Vance are still repeating and amplifying debunked lies. Vance all but admitted during this weekend's news cycle that it's made-up and that he's using it for political purposes.

          Trump himself has incited an attack on the US Capitol, and you can easily find other smaller but similar examples from his rally speeches.

          But sure, go on claiming that some stupid and obviously fake picture that idiot has-been Kathy Griffin posted is the same thing.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: What about Democrats?

            "Look, there's a very large difference between "high profile dem supporters" (whoever you imagine that is) and the _actual_ MAGA people and their mouthpieces."

            So how many of the _actual_ MAGA people have been on CNN, MSNPC etc? Zero.

            Saying you hate Taylor Swift (which is entirely fair) is a world away from 'someone needs to put a bullet in Trump'. If he'd said someone needs to put a bullet in TS then yeah, that would be bad but that didn't happen.

            "repeating and amplifying debunked lies"

            Like how Kamala and Joe repeated debunked lies during the debate? Inflation was 9% when Joe entered office, worst unemployment ever etc.. All complete lies and debunked even by the likes of politico.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: What about Democrats?

              "So how many of the _actual_ MAGA people have been on CNN, MSNPC etc? Zero."

              Vance and Trump both have made appearances on CNN and other American media. They are regularly quoted and their own video clips are shown in most US-national media outlets as well.

              So have Trump's various lawyers and other spokesmen.

              So you're either lying or bad at maths, possibly both.

              That's alright though, you carry on tying yourself into twisty little mental knots to excuse whatever Trump says.

          2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: What about Democrats?

            Trump himself has incited an attack on the US Capitol, and you can easily find other smaller but similar examples from his rally speeches.

            citation needed

            The Democrats have gone to extraoridinary lengths to claim 'incitement' or 'insurrection', yet haven't got very far in actually proving this. There's a ton of video showing protestors ambling around the Capitol, some with a police escort. Pelosi had the responsibility for security, was offered extra resources by Trump, yet along with the Democrat Mayor, turned down those offers. Then there's the rally speeches, like 'Bloodbath!', oft repeated by the Democrats, yet intentionally taken totally out of context, ie Trump talking about a potential 'bloodbath in the auto industry

            It isn't suprising that the incesant anti-Trump propaganda coming from the Democrats and their media cheerleaders has radicalised some gullible Americans (and Europeans) into believing the 'fake news', to the extent of actually trying to end the threat.

            Again citation needed

            Trump and his latest appointed crony Vance are still repeating and amplifying debunked lies.

            Debunked by.. whom? The Springfield city manager, who might not be entirely unbiased? Or repeated by some Springfield residents who have been repeating the same claims. But there's also the bigger picture. So per wiki-

            As of the 2020 census, the city had a total population of 58,662

            Why have an estimated 20-30,000 Haitains been bused into Smalltown USA, rather than larger 'Sanctuary Cities' like LA, SF, NY, Chicago etc that would have better infrastructure to support that kind of migrant influx?

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: What about Democrats?

              > There's a ton of video showing protestors ambling around the Capitol, some with a police escort.

              There is also a ton of video showing protestors attacking Capitol police officers, breaking windows, destroying US government property.

              > Pelosi had the responsibility for security, was offered extra resources by Trump, yet along with the Democrat Mayor, turned down those offers.

              None of that is true. It is oft-repeated lying.

              > It isn't suprising that the incesant anti-Trump propaganda coming from the Democrats and their media cheerleaders has radicalised some gullible Americans (and Europeans) into believing the 'fake news', to the extent of actually trying to end the threat.

              It isn't suprising [sic] that the incesant Trump propaganda coming from the Republicans and their media cheerleaders has radicalised some gullible Americans (and Europeans) into believing the 'fake news', to the extent of actually trying to end the threat.

              There, see how that works?

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: What about Democrats?

                "None of that is true. It is oft-repeated lying."

                JE is close, it was the capitol police themselves who turned down any support. The capitol police do report to both the leader of the house and the leader of the senate.


                It does appear that the DoD took over 3 hours to respond to requests for support on the day.

                1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

                  Re: What about Democrats?

                  JE is close, it was the capitol police themselves who turned down any support. The capitol police do report to both the leader of the house and the leader of the senate.

                  True, except there was that recording of Pelosi talking about this with her daughter..

                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: What about Democrats?

                    Indeed, and you also have to ask why she had her daughter there with a film crew following her about.

                    Oh and that reminds me of another Kamala lie, she claimed she was in the capitol during the mostly peaceful demonstration but she was actually at the DNC HQ the whole time.

                    1. Anonymous Coward
                      Anonymous Coward

                      Re: What about Democrats?

                      fuck off with the russian lies mr putytrumpet

                      1. Anonymous Coward
                        Anonymous Coward

                        Re: What about Democrats?

                        Do you really want to go down this route?


                        "I was at the Capitol on January 6th.. I was there"


                        “[T]he government incorrectly stated that Vice President-Elect Harris was present in the U.S. Capitol at the time of the attack,” prosecutors wrote in a court filing in one Jan. 6 case Tuesday. “In fact, Vice President-Elect Harris was not present at that particular time, though she was present earlier in the day and was present later that day.”

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: What about Democrats?

              just fuck off with that revisionist crap.

      2. herman Silver badge

        Re: What about Democrats?

        Goodness me. What is worse than: It is time to put a bull’s eye on Trump?

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Deport to WHERE, exactly?

    He's a US citizen. Where are we supposed to deport him to?

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Deport to WHERE, exactly?

      His emerald mine.

      1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

        Re: Deport to WHERE, exactly?

        What did Zambia do to deserve having to take him?

  25. disgruntled yank Silver badge

    But the internet is always outraged

    I am not a Trump fan, I am not a Musk fan. Yet I find it very hard to read Musk's post as incitement. I would not care to live in any jurisdiction in which a grand jury thought it was.

    1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: But the internet is always outraged

      Me neither. On the other hand, when you have a very large audience and you utter something along the lines of "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?", you need to learn to think before speaking, even if you intend it as a "joke". As Stan Lee frequently said, "with great power comes great responsibility".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: But the internet is always outraged

        "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

        I used that one just last night.

        1. herman Silver badge

          Re: But the internet is always outraged

          Makes me think of: Man will only be free, once the last king was strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

          1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            Man will only be free, once the last king was strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

            A sentiment Thomas Jefferson would have quite agreed with. :-)

            Which is why I think he would have been disgusted by the SCOTUS decision that turns the office of President into a king.

      2. codejunky Silver badge

        Re: But the internet is always outraged

        @John Brown (no body)

        "On the other hand, when you have a very large audience and you utter something along the lines of "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?", you need to learn to think before speaking, even if you intend it as a "joke"."

        I think that is where the double standard is the problem. Even after saying they would calm it down the dems have continued saying far worse than Musk

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: But the internet is always outraged

          Looking at the votes it seems 9 people think Harris, Biden and politicians have a much smaller audience than Musk.

      3. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: But the internet is always outraged

        As Stan Lee frequently said, "with great power comes great responsibility".

        Stan Lee was sadly incorrect. With great power, you can do whatever you want because nobody can stop you. Destabilise sovereign nations, invade Afghanistan because OBL wasn't living there. Occupy large chunks of Syria. Assassinate Iranian Generals in Iraq. Invade Iraq. Trigger 'color revolutions' in Libya, Georgia, and of course Ukraine.. After all, those trillions in natural resources would be far better managed by the US, right?

        Sadly for the Ukrainians, that one has run into a bit of a wall. Perhaps sadly for the Democrats, their latest assassin was rabidly pro-Ukrainian.

        1. Casca Silver badge

          Re: But the internet is always outraged

          And there is the Ukraine bash. You really hate Ukraine...

          1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: But the internet is always outraged

            And there is the Ukraine bash. You really hate Ukraine...

            Where do you get that idea? Also (and genuinely curious), are you Ukrainian? But I've said it many times. I don't hate Ukraine, I hate the comedian and the regime running it. They seem hell bent on killing as many Ukrainians as possible, and aren't willing to consider any serious peace proposals. And it isn't really as though they have any choice. They've lost this conflict and are now entirely at the mercy of the West, who are going to want their generosity repaid. Ukraine's future is to be asset stripped.

            And again Ukraine could help it's image, along with its chances of EU Accession by de-nazifying. A very simple thing to do, just copy what pretty much every EU country has done and make it illegal to wear, display or promote that ideology. Azov were sanctioned by the US, yet this recent nutjob was in a propaganda video with them.. Which perhaps just demonstrates how ignorant many in the US & West are regarding Ukrainian history and politics.. Which is also a problem for the future. Ukraine will have to de-nazify to join the EU, or if Russia wins. Except Russia will probably be less gentle. And knowing this, many of Ukraine's neo-nazis and very extreme right are going to try and seek sanctuary in the West. And we have enough of those of our own.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: But the internet is always outraged

              just fuck off mr putin mate

          2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            "And there is the Ukraine bash."

            Oh, I don't think it's that personal.

            I think they are in it for the money.

    2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "Yet I find it very hard to read Musk's post as incitement. "

      Think of it as the "You can't shout 'Fire!' in a theatre" argument.

      Because the fear and panic you induce is likely to get someone killed in the crush.

      So running your mouth to an audience of 195.8 million twits is not a good idea.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Yet I find it very hard to read Musk's post as incitement. "

        "You can't shout 'Fire!' in a theatre"

        Legal grey area, it is not actually an illegal act but depends on the result.

        1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

          Legal grey area, it is not actually an illegal act but depends on the result.


          I stand corrected.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Legal grey area, it is not actually an illegal act but depends on the result.

            It doesn't so much depend on the result as it depends on the intent.

            If the intent is to warn of an actual fire, you might be hailed as a hero, even if everybody ignores you and they all die.

            If the intent is to cause a panic, maybe not so much, even if everybody ignores you and they all survive the lack of panic.

  26. Winkypop Silver badge

    Idiot 1 talks crap again

    Idiot 2 wants to be president again.

    FSM save us!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      u r

      Musk is an idiot and a very clever one. I am foolish too, at times. I tell you who isnt an idiot, the other one. The one I like. She is lovely.

      Musk is clearly baiting you and judging by the commenturds volume of replies, most can not control their hatred for these incredibly rich people. You are but Winston in the cafe at the end after watching a newsflash on the telescreen about the War. Winston proffers that an stragedy by his side will impact on the other side in the War. Winston has forgotten that the War is a front. But he still remembers deep down.

      Thats you that is.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Stragedy, when the feeling's gone and you can't go on...

        > Musk is clearly baiting you and judging by the commenturds volume of replies, most can not control their hatred for these incredibly rich people.

        Not sure Musk is, but you're certainly trolling as unsubtly and clunkily as possible!

        (Also, re:"commenturd", you do realise the word you're parodying is already a portmanteau/parody, right?)

        > Winston proffers that an stragedy

        It's honestly hard to tell what's trolling here, and what is genuine stupidity.

  27. Dave Coventry

    It certainly sounded like a call for volunteers.

    Although the tweet (xeet, considering it's on Xitter) has since been deleted, the fool has not apologised, instead claiming that when he's made the comment previously, it was well received.

    I find it difficult to believe that anyone this moronic actually has an engineering degree and the strong suspicion arises that he paid someone to sit his examinations.

    1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      I am sure the comment was well received by his closest associates. That tells me none of those associates are his friends. I am sure Musk or one of those associates will construct some elaborate conspiracy theory that allows him to think the size of push back was faked by an army of bots and sock puppets.

    2. Doctor Evil

      "I find it difficult to believe that anyone this moronic actually has an engineering degree"

      If we're talking about Musk, he doesn't. BS (physics), BA (economics)

      1. Bebu

        Degrees from perforated rolls...

        If we're talking about Musk, he doesn't. BS (physics), BA (economics)

        Ah from undergraduate days - Bull Shit and Bugger All. ;)

        Still do they teach veggie physics in ZA? I cannot get my head around this fool actually understanding Newtonian mechanics let alone Schrödinger's (cat or equations.)

        1. herman Silver badge

          Re: Degrees from perforated rolls...

          Those are better than the typical left wingnut BA in basket weaving - a.k.a. Political science.

      2. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

        I think he actually got a BA in Physics. As well known, all high-quality good physics degrees are arts degrees, and this has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with rich people paying for qualifications.

        1. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

          Hey down-voter(s), feel free to bash that thumbs-down to your heart's content, it won't change the facts.

          Snopes article on Musk's degrees. Note that the one he claims as a physics degree (picture in the article, from court document filings), is both a BA, and does not specify the subject, as far as I can make out, because he didn't complete enough course credits to get the degree, and then "filled them in" later with credits from unrelated courses - i.e., it's actually a "general" degree.

          His economics degree is a "BS", but then, that describes a lot of economic theory: BS.

        2. This post has been deleted by its author

  28. codejunky Silver badge


    Intended as a joke or not it looks a fairly normal and pertinent observation to make. The second attempt may have been emboldened by the security issues being leaked about the first.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    well well

    have to presume the group he tested the "joke" on was his gang of neo-nazi twitter mates

    1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

      "was his gang of neo-nazi twitter mates"

      Oww. Harsh.

      He has 198.5million followers.

      I'm sure at least one of them isn't.

  30. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

    Echo Chambers in Action

    "Well, one lesson I've learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn't mean it's going to be all that hilarious as a post on X"

    Maybe, just maybe, it's because you've surrounded yourself with "yes men", after summarily firing anyone who doesn't immediately agree with everything you say?

    It's far more likely that Musk's sycophants laugh at his "jokes" because they're sycophants, and not because the joke is funny.

    Seriously, though, this is why billionaires are a huge danger to the rest of the human race. Their wealth separates them from reality so much, that they lose the normal feedback of human interaction, and start thinking and believing some very strange things. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but being billionaires, they also have the means to put their wacko ideas into action. I don't know what form Musk's eventual fall will take, but it won't be pretty to look at.

    1. herman Silver badge

      Re: Echo Chambers in Action

      Whew! Fortunately Musk will be a trillionaire soon, then we will be safe again!

  31. JugheadJones

    AI vetting

    How come his post by-passed the AI hate speech filters ? filter name musk, skip checks and just publish

    If posts like these (not the first) ,can make him a triliionaire , then what am I doing wrong ?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: AI vetting

      well as musks success seems to be down to lying profusely.

      you probably don't lie enough.

      and your dad probably didn't have an emerald mine, suggest you go back and try being born again

      1. JugheadJones

        Re: AI vetting

        not featuring on the front cover of time magazine might have something to do with it ?

  32. Mitoo Bobsworth

    It's happened again...

    The right to free speech and being an arsehole are inextricably linked, it seems.

  33. Bbuckley

    Hilarious and very perceptive. The Communist ideologues have zero sense of humour. Tells you everything about why they have to go.

    1. jake Silver badge

      "The Communist ideologues"

      Like the man that Trump had a love affair with?

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