back to article Japan to put a small red Swedish house on the Moon

Tokyo-headquartered company ispace announced on Thursday it is sending a tiny toy red Swedish house to the Moon. Why? Because we've hurled so much junk to the Moon already, why not a house? More likely, The Register assumes, money. ispace claims it's art. "The Moonhouse is an artistic and epic story that Mikael [Genberg] has …

  1. Homo.Sapien.Floridanus

    What our surveyed are syaing

    “If that’s art then the F must be silent. Isn’t that right Mr. Bigglesworth?.

    Dr. Evil, Art Critic

    “I hope it’s not made of sticks or straw. There may be big bad aliens on the m-m-m-m-m… earth’s satellite”

    Porky Pig, Code Enforcement

  2. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

    I wonder how long it will take for that small red house to be completely bleached by the Sun's endless radiation.

    1. Steve K

      Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

      ..or to dislodge and disable the rover the minute it lands

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

        I'm sure they've considered that.

        The bigger question is whether it will ever be in camera shot. If there's a little red house on the Moon and nobody sees it, is it still Art?

        1. Crypto Monad Silver badge

          Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

          Next up: Whalers.

          1. Jimmy2Cows Silver badge

            Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

            But only if they're carrying a harpoon.

        2. A. Coatsworth Silver badge

          Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

          Given that you can sell an inexistent sculpture for $18K, I'd say tha it is worth more if no one sees it, because f*** me if I understand modern art

          1. LybsterRoy Silver badge

            Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

            I wonder how you transport it to its new setting, and how you can be sure its really there and wasn't stolen in transit.

    2. TitterYeNot

      Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

      I wonder how long it will take for that small red house to be completely bleached by the Sun's endless radiation.

      In 99 and one half days, shirley...

    3. R Soul Silver badge

      Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

      I wonder how long it'll take for the Daily Heil to scream about its effect on house prices.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

        And that the foreign house will be unaffordable for native clangers

    4. EricB123 Silver badge

      Re: "a small red house on the surface of the Moon"

      My Burgundy Camry looks great after 20 years. Remember, it's Japanese.

  3. may_i Silver badge

    Spelling nazi here...

    There's a huge difference between "Västerås" (the name of a city in Sweden) and "Vasteras" (which isn't a word).

    1. Chz

      Re: Spelling nazi here...

      English is a bit of a bully that way.

      Same as we call it Sweden and not Sverige. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but it is the status quo. Whether railing against this is productive for the future or old man yelling at clouds, I don't rightly know.

      1. StudeJeff Bronze badge

        Re: Spelling nazi here...

        And some of us are just stubborn... I still call the capitol of Red China Peking.

      2. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

        Re: Spelling nazi here...

        "Same as we call it Sweden and not Sverige"

        Not quite. Swedish and other languages have their own names for other nations and their capitals. For example "Moscow" in English, "Moskva" in Swedish.

        But for cases when there's no established alternative, it would help if the correct letters were used.

        1. A. Coatsworth Silver badge

          Re: Spelling nazi here...

          Incidentally, "Moskva" is a lot closer to the original russian Москва, than the rendition in most European languages

  4. sin

    Wikipedia: Västerås (/ˌvɛstərˈoʊs/ VEST-ər-OHSS, US also /-ˈɔːs/ -⁠AWSS,[4][5][6][7] Swedish: [vɛstɛrˈoːs])

    I am sick and tired of those letters and voices that don't exist in my language, but people are still insisting on putting them everywhere, expecting that everybody else will spend time searching the Internet for right pronunciation.

    I prefer to have something close to how it would be pronounced, than to see it in original and don't know what to do with ä and å (assuming other letters are read like in my language)...

    So "Vesteros" might be more accurate, so let's start the Games of Thrones :)

    Btw, I also have letters specific to my language and alphabet in my name, but I don't force that on anybody...

    1. may_i Silver badge

      It's a Swedish word. It should be spelled with the correct characters.

      If you can't pronounce Swedish (and nobody expects you to be able to) then just make up your own sounds. Suggesting that the article's author should attempt to spell the name phonetically in English when they are unlikely to know how it should be pronounced is a terrible idea and would merely lead to even more ridiculous spellings which would be meaningless to everyone.

      Your suggestion of "Vesteros" is incorrect. While your interpretation of "ä" as sounding like an English "e" in this context is correct, the Swedish character "å" is pronounced like the end of the English word "paw".

      1. Sandtitz Silver badge

        "Your suggestion of "Vesteros" is incorrect. While your interpretation of "ä" as sounding like an English "e" in this context is correct, the Swedish character "å" is pronounced like the end of the English word "paw"."

        Everyone can check the pronounciation in the Wikipedia article about Västerås. There's even a (poorly recorded) sound bite.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        It's a Swedish word. It should be spelled with the correct characters.

        If you can't pronounce Swedish (and nobody expects you to be able to) then just make up your own sounds.

        In that case, it's equally fine to use ASCII-only characters for letters that have diacritics. If you can't type "å" for instance, just make up your own.

        1. The commentard formerly known as Mister_C Silver badge

          "If you can't pronounce Swedish (and nobody expects you to be able to) then just make up your own sounds."

          That was a problem I had in my youth when I read the Swedish Deodorant joke(*) in a rag mag(**). Wasn't funny, until somebody read it out to me.

          (*) Customer: "I'd like to buy a deodorant". Swedish shopkeeper: "Roll on ball or Aerosol?"

          (**) - a collection of (mostly) rude jokes printed on cheap paper and sold by students to raise money

          1. The commentard formerly known as Mister_C Silver badge

            I forgot the punchline

            Customer: "Neither, it's for my armpits"

            1. EricB123 Silver badge

              Re: I forgot the punchline


          2. HMcG

            Stolen from a Not the 9 o’clock News sketch. Rowan and Griff, if I remember correctly.

      3. Anonymous Coward Silver badge

        > "It's a Swedish word. It should be spelled with the correct characters."

        I fully agree, but how far do we take that?

        Should we apply it to cyrillic characters? (many resemble latin characters but with completely different pronunciation)

        How about chinese? Tamil? They probably need to be transliterated to stand any chance of being recognised, let alone pronounced.

        1. may_i Silver badge

          There are accepted standards in publishing for romanising languages with Cyrillic or other non-western characters.

          When there are accepted substitute names in English for other countries or their cities, then of course the substitute should be used.

          Everyone is just fine with "Gothenburg" instead of "Göteborg", but when there isn't an accepted substitute, place names should be written as is.

          The characters öäå are letters of the Swedish alphabet. They are not "accented versions" of o and a. If you don't use them, there's a risk of referring to a completely different place than the one you thought you were talking about. And as a previous commentard rightly pointed out, CTRL-C and CTRL-V are available to short cut having to type the Swedish characters.

          This discussion isn't about (or shouldn't be about) any cultural elitism or ad-absurdium arguments, it's about the standards that El Reg and their journalists should be following when referring to unfamiliar place names and non-English languages in general. Writing "Vasteras" instead of "Västerås" is unprofessional.

      4. TVU

        It can be really funny when anglophones try to pronounce Scandinavian words, eg Norrköping pronounced like Norcopping instead of Norshurping.

    2. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

      How hard can it be to copy-paste the correct spelling?

  5. Empire of the Pussycat

    If Lester were still with us, El Reg would already have a whole Playmonaut village on the Moon

    In his memory.

    1. cookieMonster Silver badge

      Re: If Lester were still with us, El Reg would already have a whole Playmonaut village on the Moon

      Upvote, and a pint for Lester.

      I really miss his contributions to this site.

      1. HuBo Silver badge

        Re: If Lester were still with us, El Reg would already have a whole Playmonaut village on the Moon

        I learned to cook from his deliciously illustrated Post-pub nosh neckfiller column, like the Swedish pyttipanna (but not the 1.5 MILLION SCOVILLE masala omelette!). I miss that most.

    2. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

      Re: If Lester were still with us, El Reg would already have a whole Playmonaut village on the Moon

      A Paper Plane to the Moon

      Now there's a thought.

    3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: If Lester were still with us, El Reg would already have a whole Playmonaut village on the Moon

      He's probably also have taken the time work into an article like this that it is the 25th Anniversary[*] of Moonbase Alpha shooting off into space on Sept 13th, 1999. Now THAT was a "house" on the Moon :-)

      * the date it was set in, not the broadcast date, obviously :-)

  6. Jonathon Green

    I don’t hate this idea.

    If we’re going to send junk into space it might as well be something small,, whimsical, amusing, and which gives a certain amount of pleasure to someone rather than just another monument to bloated nationalistic/corporate pride dressed up as science…

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Or an entire Tesla.

      1. R Soul Silver badge

        His Muskiness would be even better.

        1. Ken Shabby Bronze badge

          Roll on ball or aerosol?

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        "Or an entire Tesla."

        That was in incredible marketing stunt though, whatever you may think of the twat personally. It had people talking about space for weeks, even months afterwards who otherwise had little to no interest in the subject. And it could have just as easily been an unremarkable lump of concrete as a test mass and no one but those already interested would have even noticed the launch.

        1. Spherical Cow Silver badge

          Most of the test mass *was* a lump of concrete, and you are right that hardly anyone remarked on it. It just happened to have a car stuck to it, and everyone talked about the car.

  7. Brave Coward

    Sorry, guys...

    ... but Pentagon says: 'No Reds on the moon'.

    Only white houses allowed.

    1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

      Re: Sorry, guys...

      It'll be a white house soon enough after (as Pascal Monett noted) all those unfiltered UV rays have bleached it of its Communist-coloured tendencies.

  8. Andy Non Silver badge

    Did they get planning permission

    from the Clangers to put a house on the moon?

    1. Like a badger

      Re: Did they get planning permission

      Why would they need permission from the Clangers? They don't live on the Moon, but on a hollow blue planet far, far away.

  9. Howard Sway Silver badge

    the idea was more than 25 years old, but he started working on it more seriously around 2002

    How much more seriously can you work on the idea "I would like to put a tiny little house on the moon"? Did he spend a decade agonising about which shade of red to use? Chimney or no chimney?

    Frankly, it's a boring idea. I would have sent a model Moonbase Alpha complete with Eagle transporter.

    1. Whiskers

      Re: the idea was more than 25 years old, but he started working on it more seriously around 2002

      Or Tracy Island?

    2. Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

      Re: the idea was more than 25 years old, but he started working on it more seriously around 2002

      i suppose petitioning whatevcer space agencies are sending anything to the moon to take his payload.

      But agreed, I hope he was not using some large percentage of his time on it lol.

  10. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

    Share your wife.

    Don't the Japanese live in igloos?

  11. trevorde Silver badge

    If this doesn't confuse future archaeologists, nothing will!

    1. MiguelC Silver badge

      My thoughts exactly, in a million years they'll be desperately scanning the Moon, trying to find remnants of the small people who inhabited that lone house....

  12. NXM

    Moonhouse my bottom

    It's clearly a monopoly hotel so they can double the rent

    1. The commentard formerly known as Mister_C Silver badge

      Re: Moonhouse my bottom

      but only after he's previously had four smaller green houses there first

  13. heyrick Silver badge

    Staying there for a while would probably give you one emotion stronger than any other.

    Happiness. I'm increasingly of the opinion that humans suck.

    Longing to go home.

    Longing for a decent cuppa. I can imagine that the lack of atmosphere and low gravity would present serious challenges regarding brewing a perfect tea.

  14. munnoch Silver badge


    Oh no, wait ...

    First a roadster in orbit, now plastic waste on the moon. Humans are such a thoughtful species...

    1. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

      Re: Biodegradable?

      It's tiny.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Biodegradable?

      My thoughts exactly! We haven't even colonised it yet, and already littering with plastic, biodegradable or not makes little difference.

  15. anonymous boring coward Silver badge

    Just needs a couple of Clangers living in it, and it would be perfect!

  16. Herby

    This all gives new meaning to...

    Little house on the prairie.

    With apologies to the TV show, the book, and Ms. Ingalls.

  17. xyz Silver badge


    I read that as Hawk Tuah.

    If you don't know, do a <search engine>.

    Anyhoo, does it have a garage so Musk can park his space car in?

    Note the pun...

  18. Nifty

    I'll need to see the EPC.

  19. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


    How long before a Banksy appears on the Moon...

  20. BPontius

    Just plain stupid!!

    Adding to the space pollution because "everyone is doing it" the is worst rationalization! So where is the line of acceptability with "everyone is doing it" mentality? Should littering, water and air pollution be allowed since the planet is already polluted and cluttered? Robbery, shoplifting, vandalism, computer hacking, identify theft and shootings are all happening quite regularly now days. Do we accept these actions as okay because "everyone is doing it"?

  21. muddysteve

    Will they send the old boy up there, now he has somewhere to live?

    The one from the John Lewis Christmas ad a few years ago.

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