back to article ServiceNow moves its backend off MariaDB to homebrew Postgres

SaaSy workflow vendor ServiceNow has opted for a different database to back its applications, and will introduce it this week along with the new "Xanadu" release. Each ServiceNow client runs its own instance of the company's wares, an arrangement the vendor prefers as it means customers' data is isolated and upgrades can be …

  1. JLV
    Thumb Up

    You know how coders can was all religious about their editors? Well, some of us also hold strong opinions about SQL databases.

    Worthy ones, and... less worthy ones.

    Go, PostgreSQL, go!

  2. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    the "Pro" version of the database

    If I were a customer, I would demand a demonstration on my data before giving up the money.

    27 times faster when pulling reports ? I would want to see that for myself.

    I hope ServiceNow has something of a solution for that.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    did they raise a change for that?

  4. 'arold

    just incase any oracle or sqlserver chumps are reading this..

    postgres is frigging brilliant... and no license costs. you really want to try switching.

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