back to article Scientists find a common food dye can make a live mouse's skin transparent

Scientists have discovered a common food colorant has a remarkable property - making the skin of live mice transparent, so the organs beneath become visible. The dye – tartrazine, aka E102 – is a mostly-harmless dye used to make food yellow. In a paper published in the journal Science last week, scientists describe how the dye …

  1. saif

    See right through you

    Here I was, hoping to find something for a clearer complexion.

    1. I am David Jones Silver badge

      Re: See right through you

      That’s exactly what it does. But now you have to worry about getting your bones bleached and maybe a vein vejazzle!

      1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

        Re: See right through you

        > vein vejazzle

        Assuming "vejazzle" was a typo and you didn't have a turnip-related variant in mind, does it actually count as a "vajazzle" if it's not actually on the, er, vaj?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Does it work on cotton?

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Doubtfully. TFA says it works by matching RI of aqueous solution to that of lipids in the skin. Cotton is carbohydrate, not lipid. It'll just dye it yellow.

  3. Richard 12 Silver badge

    Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

    It's known to cause significant behavioural issues in children, and large consumption has been linked with heart attacks in healthy adults (eg after drinking a few litres of dilute or soda on a hot day).

    Several countries have banned its use in drinks and sweets aimed at children due to the above effects. A few places (eg Austria, Germany & Norway) have banned it from food entirely.

    I hope they can find an alternative dye, as the effect requires quite a significant exposure.

    1. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

      I hope they can find an alternative dye, as the effect requires quite a significant exposure

      Good, I'm glad it is harmful to humans. I don't want this to be something people can do, and I think most people would agree.

      1. I am David Jones Silver badge

        Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

        Did you not read the bit about very useful biomedical applications?

    2. Little Mouse

      Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

      I raised an eyebrow at the "mostly harmless" description in the article.

      Tartrazine is one of the more well-known additives to avoid, Shirley?

      1. Martin Summers

        Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

        Were you used in the experiment by any chance?

      2. Return To Sender

        Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

        "I raised an eyebrow at the "mostly harmless" description in the article"

        The entry was updated, it used to say "Harmless".

        If you know, you know...

      3. I am David Jones Silver badge

        Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

        Maybe harmful, maybe not. Ingesting a substance is very different to smearing it on your skin.

    3. mtp

      Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

      Don't know how trustworthy this is but the wikipedia article says that tartrazine causes allergic symptoms in about 1:10000 people but the other 'well known' issues are all just urban legends. It might be a case of scared because they 'read it on the internet' so it becomes true by repetition.

      Icon - well he might be drinking soda.

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        Re: Tartrazine is pretty awful stuff

        The behavioural issues have better evidence than many pharmaceuticals, so proven beyond reasonable doubt.

        Last time I looked up the literature (about ten years?), the heart attacks were strongly correlated, but no direct causal link had been found. So those could indeed be something else entirely.

        Allergies are a separate matter, people can be allergic to pretty much anything.

  4. biddibiddibiddibiddi Bronze badge

    Would be nice if there were actual shots of the transparent skin in the video, rather than an animation. The actual images shown on other articles makes it clear that it's just kind of transparent, dark, not at all clear (like seeing something out of focus), and requires a special laser imaging technique rather than just being able to look at it even with a microscope, so it's not going to really make it possible to just look to make diagnoses or anything, but of course it's just a first version.

    1. Crypto Monad Silver badge

      Was going to say the same. The effect may well be real, but the picture which overlays a static photo of (human?) skin with a picture of blood vessels beneath is clearly fake.

    2. Sirius Lee

      Can imagine it working in a dentists chair

      Dentists already have x-ray machines by the chair. Maybe it will be better to be able to see any decay. And for many throat cancers which are diagnosed with biopsies that are painful for the patient.

  5. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge


    What would happen if either there is contamination to the "orange stuff" that Trump puts on his skin, or, mistakenly or even deliberately uses Tartrazine instead?

    Good thing that invisibility is not total as in the Invisible Man, else just think of the mischief he will get up to

    1. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: Contamination

      What would happen if either there is contamination to the "orange stuff" that Trump puts on his skin, or, mistakenly or even deliberately uses Tartrazine instead?

      He'd look even more ridiculous than his bad orange skin cream already makes him look?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Contamination

        But not as bad as that time he injected himself with Lysol to kill COVID?

  6. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    An old friend of mine named Jones

    Would sit there and grumble and moan

    For he bought x-ray specses

    To see through girl's dresses

    But all he could see was their bones!

    1. I am David Jones Silver badge

      Re: An old friend of mine named Jones

      Thanks for that. I do have a friend called Jones and it fits perfectly :)

  7. harrys Bronze badge

    animation only .... because we need funding for more research and reality sucks with gullible investors/funders !

    Science R&D, even intresting stuff like this, is its own worst enemy :(

  8. AVR Bronze badge

    Sounds simple enough to do. I wonder how many people have tried it on themselves already since this made the news, risks be damned? If it works on humans there'll be pictures on the net somewhere pretty soon.

  9. Natalie Gritpants Jr

    I tried it on my willy, now I have a divorce

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      The stuff needs a major warning label stamped on it: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CASUAL WEEKEND USAGE!

      It's in SunnyD, yellow M&M, and Doritos, and makes Mountain Dew shrink a penis. As the boffins explain: "The dye [is] excreted through urine" making the penis temporarily invisible. They helpfully add: "As soon as we rinsed and massaged [it] the effect was reversed within minutes". Minutes after your date is irreversibly gone that is ...

    2. Brewster's Angle Grinder Silver badge

      You're Margaret Thatcher, and I want my £5

  10. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

    New TSA Procedure

    .. will have this stuff applied to travellers, with the excuse, "You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide."

    1. ThatOne Silver badge

      Re: New TSA Procedure

      "You have nothing to fear if you have no hide."


    2. katrinab Silver badge

      Re: New TSA Procedure

      And the response to that is, just because you have something to hide doesn't mean you have done anything wrong.

  11. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

    a live mouse's skin transparent

    That reminds me when mice had balls and the pointer would not go in the direction you wanted to because of that big yellow ball in the sky interfering with the sensors.

    1. ThatOne Silver badge

      Re: a live mouse's skin transparent

      Some mice still have balls...

  12. TimMaher Silver badge

    Home made mayonnaise

    If you add a teaspoon of turmeric to your mayo when you make it, it turns it bright green.

    Great for All Hallows eve.

  13. collinsl Silver badge

    What if it's deeper?

    This is all very well but they've missed out a crucial factor - you can see through the skin, but not the layers of muscle, fat etc below. So this may help with skin-related conditions but not much else unless it's right on the surface.

  14. HuBo Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Optical Therapeutics

    Great tech! I imagine it could be generally useful in endoscopy (beyond skin) and photomedicine, say for HC Huang's Targeted Photo-Activable Multi-Agent Liposomes (TPMAL) -- drug-carrying "nanobots" activated by light (eg. a laser).

  15. Howard Sway Silver badge

    can make a live mouse's skin transparent

    I had a transparent mouse once. You could see the little circuit board inside with its little resistors and stuff.

  16. retroneo

    Sold everywhere and cheap.

    you can buy this in the supermarket in a bottle. How many people will be trying this out tonight?

  17. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

    So Basically Dark Water

    Beware of Cybermice!

  18. Alistair

    Breaking News!

    Dozens of Invisible Teenage Males Admitted to Hospitals

    UC Berkley medical staff called for ambulance buses to tranport dozens of male teenaged first year students to hospitals suffering from a variety of heart problems and a lengthy variety of physical injuries after the male first year chemistry students injected themselves with tartrazine believing it made them invisible, so that they could invade the female dorms and steal the most panties. Unfortunately the female boxing teams were holding a training session in the lobby.

    <I'm sorry about the keyboards, but I honestly expect this fallout. Soon. The Stupidification has begun>

  19. skeptical i

    "Show your ti-, uhhh, oh."

    One wonders if young women slathering this stuff on their breasts to reveal all the ductwork, blood vessels, and everything else that REALLY lurks under the sweater would cure silly young men of their curiosity once and for all. Or at least make that creepy co-worker go away.

    1. the spectacularly refined chap Silver badge

      Re: "Show your ti-, uhhh, oh."

      Like that Robbie Williams video?

      1. skeptical i

        Re: "Show your ti-, uhhh, oh."

        Hm, maybe, I've not seen that video but now have something to check out, thanks! :-)

  20. Dizzy Dwarf

    You need to fall into some radioactive sludge

    As documented by 2000AD's "Visible Man"

  21. katrinab Silver badge

    It is a fairly common food additive, or at least it used to be. People making stuff with it will have got it on their hands etc, and I'm pretty sure if it did anything other than make them yellow/orange, they would have said something by now.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      ...or would have run for president.

  22. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    OK Tartrazine is a bit nasty but....

    I'm sort of amazed this has never been seen before.

    Actually it sort of has. The Fins have made transparent wood (sort of). Opening the potential for the worlds first all wood double glazing.

    But with the idea out there (right colour + right choice of substrate) what other stuff could be made "inspectable" without an X-ray/MI/THz sensor?

    Potentially this is a huge gateway opening to all sorts of stuff.

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