nontechnical nonsense is really important
My 2 cents... using an over simplistic view of the world.
There is a technical tradition (as opposed to technical debt) that sees Linux linked to the C language, which was the best choice available at the time for reasons that don't matter (my argument is valid for any OS and any language).
To put in simplistic words, there is a 1:1 between the way Linux/Unix and C see the world. One could say C is the only recognised/supported language in Linux.
Adding another language (Rust, Go, Kotlin, etc) means you move from a 1:1 mapping to a 1:n mapping, where a single change anywhere means n other changes (or n-1 if one argues OS and C are the same thing, when you set C lib apart).
Adding a single new language means a lot more work, especially, if the new language (or its libraries) keep changing its specifications all the time.
I believe this is what is stated by the person who said "Here's the thing, you're not going to force all of us to learn Rust". It is first about learning Rust obviously, but is also unrealistic in term of maintenance cost.
In a Client/Server architecture, it is the Server that (should) decide about the protocol to communicate with the Server, not the clients.
Here, we have this relationship "OS <-- Programming language[i] <-- libraries[i,j]", and and update on libraries[i,j] is (perceived to be) forcing updates on OS, and all libraries[k != i,j].
I did not watch the entire video, or followed all the Rust vs/with Linux videos available, however, it seems to me that
1. the Linux community has already lots of work to do without Rust.
2. a chunk of the Rust community *seems to* want to link forever Rust and Linux (arguments made above)
3. a chunk of the Rust community *seems to* be determined to have some OS component(s) written in Rust as the ultimate validation of their language.
4. a chunk of the Rust community does some cool stuff with the language itself, to convince help existing *users*.
If some of the Rust community think 2 and 3 are the best way, I would respectfully suggest spending more time on 4, and a few additional points:
4. I do not see much trying to onboard new users, and make the language simpler because it's getting worse than C++ on a daily basis (same comment with some of the std libraries).
5. Write RustOS! Problem solved! Why trying fixing something that cannot be fixed, while you can write your a perfect OS? Many would prefer that. (There is big market with less tech debt, look at what Android accomplished)