back to article Where the computer industry went wrong – the early hits

You'll find below an informal roundup of the slip-ups and missteps that stick in the mind of The Reg FOSS desk, from the dawn of the microcomputer industry onwards. We are certain that we've missed plenty – let us know your favorites. We often hear Commodore fans saying that the company had the worst management in the history …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Liam...You Forgot About......

    .....the "Osborne Effect"....

    aka... Announcing a spiffy new product before you are able to deliver a single one!

    Result: Old product dies an immediate death....and new product not available (see above) vanishes down the plug hole!

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

      > You Forgot About...... .....the "Osborne Effect"....


      It was more about business computers, and it wasn't a technical thing at all... and anyway, it's lavishly documented already, to the extent that it's already got a name.

      1. juice

        Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

        The Osbourne effect is well known, but it's been argued that it's not actually true (or at least: the chilling effects of advertising a new machine was only one of several factors):

        As Robert Cringley noted in a (now deleted) article, a rival company had launched a similar portable which was also CP/M compatible and had a larger screen.

        And as noted here on El Reg several decades ago[*], there was also some bad money decisions at Osbourne which drained the company coffers at a time when they were already financially strained.

        Arguably, similar applies to Commodore and Sinclair.

        A big problem for Commodore lay in the fact that Tramiel held a major grudge against Texas Instruments. And once Commodore had achieved full vertical integration (they made the CPU, memory, sound chip etc for the C64), he launched a major price war against TI. Which in turn had a lot of knock-on effects: it drove a lot of their rivals out of the market, but also upset retailers, hammered their profits and made it much harder to launch any new 8-bit hardware.

        This also caused the Sinclair/Timex collaboration to die on the vine; with the price of "real" computers dropping like an IBM mainframe in Jupiter's gravity well, budget computers like the TS2068 didn't have a chance.

        Meanwhile, Sinclair had it's own self inflicted issues. First and foremost was Sinclair's obsession with low prices; this led to some clever technical innovations and cost savings, but also caused major issues with the reliability of earlier models of the ZX Spectrum. Similar also applied to the much delayed Sinclair QL, which was so hamstrung by it's low price point that it lurched out of the gates several years too late, with some serious hardware bottlenecks (e.g. a 16-bit CPU hooked up to an 8-bit databus) and half the OS hanging out of the back of the machine in a little ROM dongle...

        (Plus, there's also the rivalry between Sinclair and Acorn, similar to that of Commodore and TI. And Sinclair was an electronics company rather than a computer company, so the "computing" side of the business was never really properly prioritised. And so on and so forth...)

        [*] Sheesh. Having read that the first time around, I'm definitely feeling old today!

        1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

          Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

          > budget computers like the TS2068 didn't have a chance.

          *In the USA* they didn't. Sinclair continued to sell well for heading for another decade in Europe (West and, not that it knew, East).

          The +2 ended production in 1992, a full decade after launch. That's pretty good.

          Spectrum clones were made in Eastern Europe for about another decade after that.

          In my ideal world as a Spectrum owner, instead of launching the CPC Plus range, Amstrad would have found a way to merge the CPC and ZX lines. Perhaps acquiring MGT to do the implementation.

          TBH I've never worked out what Amstrad could have done with the QL. Maybe just sold the whole thing to someone else.

          What the QL should have been, IMHO, is basically the Atari ST. That is coming in P2. :-)

          1. werdsmith Silver badge

            Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

            The QL became the basis of the ICL OPD computer, which had integrated modem, telephone handset and speech synthesizer.

            1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

              Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

              [Author here]

              > The QL became the basis of the ICL OPD computer

              Oh, I know. I wrote about that machine -- and the two _other_ branded versions sold in industry, which you didn't mention -- when I wrote about the QL at 40:


              But the thing is, the OPD, Tonto and ComputerPhone didn't run QDOS. They also had different microdrives which were not read/write compatible with QL microdrives.

              1. Anne Hunny Mouse

                Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

                But we're a hand source of microdrive tapes, if you knew someone who worked for DWP...

              2. ThomH Silver badge

                Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

                > They also had different microdrives which were not read/write compatible with QL microdrives.

                To be fair, most QLs had microdrives which were often not read/write compatible with other QLs' microdrives. Or their own.

          2. Nugry Horace

            Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

            There was obviously a niche in the market for a cheap wordprocessing / office computer because the PCW filled it very successfully for some years. Maybe if Amstrad hadn't had the PCW to hand, they could have packaged the QL in an all-in-one case with a proper keyboard and floppy drive, and sold it. It could even have shipped with CP/M -- CP/M-68K, of course. With a 68K architecture it might even have lasted a bit longer than the Z80-based PCW did.

            1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

              Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

              > if Amstrad hadn't had the PCW to hand

              Interesting point, and a nice idea, but I think the PCW was a brilliant application of a different type of technological adoption.

              The QL was leading-edge stuff, brutally cut down to make it cheap. Compare with the Lisa, under 2 years before: the Lisa was a multitasking 68000 office machine with fixed storage (so less disk-swapping). It was also $10,000. The QL was a multitasking 68000 office machine with twin drives, for £400.

              The PCW was a sort of reverse. By using really _old_ technology -- a Z80, well into the 8086/8088 era and after the 80286 was out -- and CP/M, already a decade old and well supplanted by MS-DOS -- Amstrad was able to make a very _high end_ CP/M box, with a big disk drive (by CP/M standards), a huge amount of RAM (256kB, 4x the max CP/M could use directly, meaning a 192kB RAMdisk as M:, effectively a sort of poor man's SSD). The PCW did well because _for what it did_ it was HIGH spec and bundled all the extras for cast-iron guaranteed compatibility: you got more RAM than you could ask for, a disk drive, a screen, a keyboard, even a printer, all packaged together and guaranteed to work together.

              It was the reverse of the QL. I think most QL owners needed to buy a monitor, a RAM expansion, a floppy interface and some drives, a printer and either find a serial one or buy a serial-to-parallel convertor... It was barely usable out of the box.

              There is no way in hell Amstrad could have fit the QL into that niche in 1986 or 1987. It still needed a Lisa price point. A QL+RAM+disks+screen+printer = £1000-£1500 plus.

              The QL was £399 in 1982. The PCW was £399 in 1985... but you got a *lot* more for your money.

              The one I always wish happened was a 1990s PCW. A low-end 386SX, maxed out with 16MB of RAM, and some bundled DOS with a GUI (GEM? Geos?), and apps, and multitasking, and a printer... All to compete with a Windows system costing 4-5x more.

              I discovered years later that Brother tried it:


              I reckon Amstrad could have done it better.

          3. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

            Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

            The Atari 16-bit line -- geh! -- had some of the worst-feeling keyboards, whereas the Sinclair QL had a reasonably-good feeling keyboard, and did 80-column text (or was it 64?) into a standard television receiver. The QL had multitasking. Unfortunately, the QL also had those unreliable, proprietary, matchbook-sized, continuous-tape-loop, Microdrives (or whatever they were called).

            If they were going to go with magtape media, I personally would have preferred they use standard Phillips cassette or 8-track audio tape, even if it had meant having a diskette-drive-sized external box for each 8-track reader/writer. I don't know how that would have changed, plus or minus, their manufacturing cost.

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

          "some serious hardware bottlenecks (e.g. a 16-bit CPU hooked up to an 8-bit databus)"

          You could also argue that IBM made the same mistake choosing the 8088 and an 8-bit databus too.

          I like to look at it more as choosing the wrong priorities and/or directions, but only (mostly) in hindsight. There were no real standards, little to no compatibility and pretty much everyone in the market was "leading the way" in their own special direction because there was not yet any established "ways". We call some people of the time who survived and went on to become very rich "visionaries", but it's wasn't just that. A lot of it was luck. Many who had a vision of how the future would look were wrong and fell by the wayside, but a bit of extra funding, some better marketing and the computing world could just as easily have gone in one or some of several different directions. Of course there were those who went down dead ends and didn't appreciate how fast computing was changing and their route didn't include newer, better, faster and most importantly at least some compatibility with their older models. Hell, even IBM expected to get a 10 year support lifespan from the PC-AT.

          It's not even a new concept or phenomenon. Just look at the entirety of the Industrial Revolution and some the great failures as various new technologies came along. Printing presses, steam engines, railways, factories, cars etc. All had "visionary innovators" who went down a route that for various reasons ended in a dead end, sometimes just because they didn't have the resources or marketing clout of some of the others.

          1. keithpeter Silver badge

            Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

            Same process with domestic radio receivers after around 1920.

            Initially a wild west startup scene - even in the UK with some 'creative' working around the PO monopoly. Then the consolidation and emergence of commodity manufacturing.

            Track down a copy of The Setmakers by Geddes and Bussey for the UK story.

          2. juice

            Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

            > I like to look at it more as choosing the wrong priorities and/or directions, but only (mostly) in hindsight.

            For me, the thing about the 8-bit era is that since it was the "wild west" era, things were mostly driven by Personalities - e.g. Steve Jobs, Tramiel and Bushnell in the USA, and then Clive Sinclair and Alan Sugar in the UK.

            And for better or worse, hubris played a huge part in their business decisions. There were times when this worked really well - the skunkwork project which Jobs used to create the Mac, after the Lisa proved to be a disaster - and times when it didn't work as well.

            For Sinclair, I can't help but think that Sir Clive was perhaps too set in his ways, having spent all of his time since the 1960s churning out creatively repurposed hardware pushed to it's absolute limits. It's a great approach when there's limited competition and huge demand from a generally tech-savvy, fault tolerant audience, but by the 1980s, things were becoming commoditised, so that approach was very much obsolete.

            Equally, while Sinclair's price points were definitely eye-catching - pay £399 for an American computer, or just £99 for a British computer with nearly all the same features - by refusing to budge on them, he forced constraints onto the hardware which could have been avoided. Who knows quite how successful the QL could have been, if the design team had an extra £100 to play with? It'd have still been barely a third of the cost of Apple's Macintosh!

            1. swm

              Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

              Apple got the idea for the Lisa from Xerox when the top Xerox executives insisted that PARC show Apple their ALTO computers. Typical (Xerox) management screw up.

    2. NXM

      Re: Liam...You Forgot About......

      A company I used to work for in Denmark did exactly that. They made a device that converted IBM 3270 or S36 print data (as far as I can remember) to cheaper printers like HP laserjets.

      The first version was very dependable and sold well, so they decided to launch a snazzy new version. They announced it, advertised it, took it to shows, and it was well received - until it turned out to require a lot more development than they anticipated.

      The sales of the old box dropped like a stone and they didn't have a replacement. Before that they were toying with the idea of buying a company jet (always a red flag anyway), afterwards they nearly went bust.

      Very clever technology though, the new box used an FPGA alongside the 6809 which suspended normal code execution and injected instructions itself to process incoming data more quickly. IBM would occasionally change the printer instructions to brick devices like ours, proving it worried them.

  2. Dan 55 Silver badge

    Flogging a dead horse

    Why would Commodore even consider spending money on developing a new 8-bit machine in 1989 when the Amiga 500 had come out in 1987? Also they came up with the C64GS in 1990 which was another pointless endeavour (C64 in a game console case with no keyboard and no quality control so games didn't work as they expected a keyboard).

    Instead of all this displacement activity they should have improved the Amiga again by 1990. It's as if marketing and sales didn't know how to sell anything that was a Commodore 64 and management didn't have a clue about anything other than filling their own pockets.

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Flogging a dead horse

      [Author here]

      > developing a new 8-bit machine in 1989 when the Amiga 500 had come out in 1987

      A few things to unpack here. The article was already too long, and there are 2 more parts to come yet!

      0. It already had developed it, remember?

      1. Because there is good money to be made in offering products at multiple price points and having a cheap product that sells lots at low margins while having a premium one that only sells a few, but for much more _and at much higher margin_. There's a marketing-industry term for this that I forget.

      But for example it's why Intel made Celerons, Atoms, "Pentium Dual Core" and other cut-down cheapo chips while it had buildings full of engineers trying to work out how to make faster chips.

      It's like curve-fitting and the calculus: you can approximate the area under a curve with a bar chat made of discrete, non-continuous rectangular blocks, and it's trivially easy to work out their areas and add them up. The more, narrower bars you add, the better the approximation becomes.

      In marketing this means that there's a curve of what people are willing, or able, to pay, and what they get for it. If they pay a lot, they get a fancy machine -- like an Amiga. But lots can't afford that, or aren't willing to pay it, so you do a cheapo model that has some of the good stuff.

      So a cheap slow x86 chip helps keep people in the x86 market while not allowing Arm or MIPS or whatever to steal some of your customers.

      A cheap low-end gaming box keeps people buying Commodore and stops them defecting to Atari or whatever.

      2. I made the point that it shouldn't have gone for a big-bang approach but done it gradually. E.g. a C64 model 2 with a better BASIC, then a Model 3 with more memory, then model 4 with a faster CPU, then a model 5 with stereo sound... all keeping the C64 market trundling along... and finally a mode 6 with better graphics. (Hypothetical examples here. I have not studied the economics of these over time.)

      Instead it wasted millions on the C16 and +4.

      _At the same time_ you keep pushing the premium product upmarket, hard. The A600 and A1200 were not great attempts and stuck around far too long.

      3. The games console version: I didn't call that out because everyone in a position to do so tried that.


      <- flopped


      <- flopped

      But the key requirement is ROM cartridge software, and Sinclair (and indeed Apple) didn't have that.

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        What most C64 owners really wanted was a better games machine: faster, more colors, better sound, more and quicker storage.

        And I got that, sort of with the Atari ST. I think it's one of those timing issues. So I started with a ZX81. And a 16K RAM pack for xmas. Much joy! What could I do with all that memory! And then I saved my paper round money, plus a little from selling ZX81 games and bought a C64. Then added 1541s, a modem and learned a bit of 6502 assembly language. Which I think was one of those fun things from the early days. BASIC was, well, basic so learning to code meant machine code. And in doing so, I learned to make a modified C64 ROM that would let me interrupt, open a memory monitor and poke around. So sold a few of those, modified saves and converting the good'ol Atari trackballs to work with the C64 and..

        With Atari STs. Which I think was the big problem for Commordore etc. We were growing up and boosting our incomes just as the 16-bit revolution was happening. In my case, I went the ST route because I was also getting into music, and the ST had a MIDI port and sequencers I could use with my trusty Yamaha DX7. I can't remember the timing, ie which came first in the UK, the ST or the Amiga, but for me, the ST was better. Amiga had more games, but I remember it being just clunkier haviing to load the OS off disk to do a lot of basic stuff.

        And then of course I could eventually afford a PC, and other than the occasional console, never really looked back.

      2. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        0. It already had developed it, remember?

        They started development on the C65 in 1989 and then sat on it until bankruptcy in 1994 when it was discovered. There was no money in developing a new 8-bit machine but they could have cost reduced the C64 again.

        In 1989 there could have been another cost reduction on the A500 and they should have been working for a while on a better Amiga (better than the A1200 and A4000). The A500+ and A600 were just distractions.

        Instead it wasted millions on the C16 and +4.

        These were supposed to be cheap and compete with the Spectrum and make people want to upgrade to the C64, but once Tramiel was gone everyone else who didn't know how to do anything took over and the price was raised so instead of competing with the Spectrum they competed with the C64. Foot-gun moment.

        But the key requirement is ROM cartridge software, and Sinclair (and indeed Apple) didn't have that.

        Sinclair did but they fumbled it. They put the cartridge slot on a separate peripheral instead of on the back of the Spectrum so there weren't enough users to sell to. At least Commodore got that right.

        1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

          Re: Flogging a dead horse

          We seem to be sort of violently agreeing. You're sort of making the same overall point I am here.

          > They started development on the C65 in 1989

          Yes. I agree. I am saying that it tried much too late to do what it ought to have done years earlier.

          The point is that long term it might have made more money if, instead of releasing inferior cheaper machines, it had incrementally improved the C64.

          > There was no money in developing a new 8-bit machine but they could have cost reduced the C64 again.

          CBM could maybe have cost reduced the C64 even more, but it did drop a lot in price over its lifetime.

          CBM also did silly devices like the C64GS games console, and the same machine in a different case, the C64C:

          What it _didn't_ really do is significantly improve the machine while keeping the price down, which I am arguing for.

          Rather than an over-optimistic machine when it was too late, slowly producing models with those improvements one at a time, giving existing owners reason to upgrade.

          > once Tramiel was gone everyone else who didn't know how to do anything

          A legit point but it's the reason _why_ what I describe happened, rather than a different event.

          > They put the cartridge slot on a separate peripheral instead

          Oh, I know, the Interface II.

          I went to a fascinating talk at FOSDEM a few years ago which described the amazing reverse-engineering needed to put more ROM into an IF2 cart.

          There are ones with multiple-game compilations, ROMs from other machines, and more. A review:

          One of them even emulates a Microdrive, interface and cartridge and storage and all!

        2. toejam++

          Re: Flogging a dead horse

          >> Instead it wasted millions on the C16 and +4.

          > These were supposed to be cheap and compete with the Spectrum and make people want to upgrade to the C64, but once Tramiel was gone everyone else who didn't know how to do anything took over and the price was raised so instead of competing with the Spectrum they competed with the C64. Foot-gun moment.

          Supposedly the C16 and C116 were supposed to be a replacement for the VIC20 on the low-end. Unfortunately, Commodore omitted backwards compatibility with the VIC20's software library. Software publishers never took much interest in the platform, so it languished. They were turds even before Tramiel took off.

          The Plus/4 suffered from the same issue as the C128... it would have been better to have released the enhancements as an optional cartridge instead of building a new model around it.

      3. JacobZ

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        The marketing term I think you're looking for is segmentation. It's exactly the same reason car makers have more than one model, and more than one trim level for each model.

      4. imanidiot Silver badge

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        1. -> That's called "price bracketing". Usually there would be 3 or more levels, where you're incentivizing people to "buy the middle" by making the cheap one kinda crappy and lacking one good feature, then price the middle with sufficient margin to make good profit and have a "I have too much money" option with lots and lots of margin for people who want to brag/show off and to make the middle option seem comparatively cheap. Usually the pricing is also chosen so that the jump from cheap to middle is not that big and the jump form middle to expensive is much larger.

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: Flogging a dead horse

          It leaves customers in both the low and middle range feeling ripped off. The customers for the top range are, of course, being ripped off even more if you disregard flauntability as one of their criteria.

          1. rpp

            Re: Flogging a dead horse

            I disagree. People who buy the middle model feel pleased: they didn't buy the cheapo, and they didn't spend a lot of money for a few extra features they didn't need. In other words, they found the sweet spot relative to their needs and pocketbook. High end? People who need the features don't mind paying the price. And pride of ownership does figure into it, but not everybody is interested in flaunting it. Low end? after using the device for a while, they might wish they had bought a more capable model, but that's not the same as feeling ripped off.

      5. Michael Strorm Silver badge

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        tl;dr version of the extended(!) comment below... The C65 would have (sadly) flopped because no-one would have been willing to pay a premium for a new 8-bit machine in 16/32-bit centric 1992, the C16 and Plus/4 flopped because they were turned into something they were never intended to be, Amiga 600 was the Amiga's jump-the-shark moment, Amstrad GX4000 *proved* that no-one wanted new 8-bit formats by the 90s and the Atari XEGS was really just a trick to get XE computers into computer-resistant shops rather than a genuine (and crap) attempt to compete with Nintendo.


        The C65: Sorry, but nope. The C65 wouldn't have made an ounce of commercial sense by its likely release date, circa 1991-92. C= made the correct decision there (for once).

        As nice as an improvement on the C64 as it looked, it would still have been an 8-bit machine coming out at a time when the market had already shifted to 16-bit (and even the Amiga was peaking).

        Yes, C= sold the C64 itself until they went under in 1994, so the market must still have been there and *that* made sense. But it's safe to assume that was *because* it was cheap both to manufacture and sell and had a large selection of *pre-existing* software. The C65- with its integrated floppy- would still have had to have cost more in both respects, and it wouldn't have been able to command the premium they'd have had to charge. Anyone who had the extra money would likely have bought an Amiga, Mega Drive, or whatever instead.

        Diehard C64 fans may have bought it, but- just like any format fans- they tend to confuse their enthusiasm with market importance. It would have been a niche fan success, but a mass-market failure.


        The C16 and Plus/4: These were pointless (and unsuccessful) because the original design was never meant to replace the C64. From what I've read, Jack Tramiel was paranoid about the Japanese bringing out an ultra-low-cost computer and undercutting the competition (as they'd done in other markets), so he wanted to pre-empt them. The cheap rubber-keyed Commodore 116 (which I don't think was ever seen in the UK) was apparently closest to the original intention.

        After Tramiel left C=, and the threat didn't materialise, management didn't know what to do with the design and repurposed it into (e.g.) the Plus/4 which pointlessly competed at the same price as their own C64 despite inferior graphics and sound and incompatibility with the huge C64 software base.

        The irony is that Tramiel's aggressive price-warring had driven the cost of the C64 down so far that it *was* already a cheap option, at least in the US, so there probably wasn't the impetus for something only slightly cheaper, but inferior. Even if C= would have made more money on that cheaper-to-manufacture design.

        (The case has also been made that while the C64 won the US price war for that reason, it was a pyrrhic victory, as they'd done so by squeezing the profit on it to a minimum. It certainly didn't do much for the company's long-term prosperity or survival).

        Other irony is that while the theat didn't appear directly in the expected computer-based form, the Japanese ultimately *did* hit the C64's market share in the US with the success of the NES over there, since many- or most- C64s were bought as glorified games machines anyway.


        Amiga 600 and 1200: In hindsight, the 600 was when the Amiga was definitively knocked off its pedestal as the "hot machine". It was meant as a cheaper model (the Amiga 300), but they couldn't get the cost down enough and mis-marketed it instead as the replacement for the A500, which it didn't improve upon overall and in some respects was inferior to.

        The 1200 was a bigger improvement and- in hindsight- the "true" replacement for the 500, but it was more of a "keeping up" exercise after the competition finally caught up with- and started overtaking- the Amiga 500. It soon fell behind again, then C= went bankrupt.


        Atari XEGS console: Interesting one.. this always *seemed* like a cheap attempt to compete against Nintendo on the cheap without putting the marketing or software support behind it (i.e. typically cheap Tramiel-era Atari). But years later, I came across a statement from Atari marketing at the time of its release, which suggested that it was really more of a ruse to get the XE computer line to stores and consumers that otherwise wouldn't be interested. (IIRC the XEGS was almost always sold with the keyboard anyway, making it pretty much a 65XE computer in disguise).


        Amstrad GX4000: Based on the same hardware as the significantly-improved "Plus" versions of the CPC computers, this looked pretty impressive by 8-bit standards (better than the NES, at least as good as the Sega Master System?) and would have been a hit if it had come out two or three years earlier. But it was a "new" 8-bit machine being judged against the likes of the Mega Drive, and that's why it quickly became a joke. (Which- IMHO- reinforces my point about why an 8-bit C65 coming out circa 1991-2 would have flopped for similar reasons).

        1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

          Re: Flogging a dead horse

          > The C65 would have (sadly) flopped because no-one would have been willing to pay a premium for a new 8-bit machine in 16/32-bit centric 1992

          I think you are misreading me.

          I am not saying "CBM should have released the C65!" No, that is silly. It would, as you say, have flopped.

          I am saying "instead of the 264 range and C128, if CBM management had more of a clue, the company should have released a range of slightly improved the C64, step by step over years, while retaining backwards compatibility, and thus slowly and in discrete steps approached the final spec of the planned C65."

          1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

            Weird origins of the C65

            Ah, I see where you're coming from now. (*)

            Interestingly, regarding the C65, the story I've heard in more than one place- including this comment from Dave Haynie himself- is that it was never part of any plan by C= management- quite the opposite, that:-

            "[Haynie believed that] it happened mainly because no one else wanted to work with the engineer involved, so they just left him alone. It was strange times at Commodore near the end."

            Which, I suppose, one could argue makes the C65 not a product of management, but of the lack of it(!) and one which means nothing either way about the C128.

            The Wikipedia article backs up my memory that the designers never expected the C128 to be a long term thing:-

            [Bil] Herd added that "I only expected the C128 to be sold for about a year, we figured a couple of million would be nice and of course it wouldn't undercut Amiga or even the C64"

            This also confirms my suspicion that the C128 was considered viable because there was a sufficiently large gap in the line-up between the cheap C64 and the expensive (at launch) Amiga 1000 for the C128 not to be standing on the latter's toes. (Unlike, say, Atari, where the ST was far cheaper at launch than the Amiga, and anything much above the Atari 130XE (128K but otherwise no major changes over the 800/800XL) wouldn't have made sense).

            Regardless, I would assume that the C128 was probably considered a now-or-never short-term "last gasp" for the 8-bits, with the Amiga being as the long-term future, and I suspect they wouldn't have considered the piecemeal upgrade path for that reason- they'd have expected it to yesterday's tech by the time it got to that point.

            The C128 does seem like an odd idea in hindsight. For something that was based on a computer that was clearly not seen as a serious business machine by that point and only supported composite output, it seems strange that the (e.g.) 80-column mode was supposed to require a CGA-compatible monitor.

            (*) You'd be surprised at the number of diehard fans who *do* genuinely think they made a mistake by not releasing the C65, though.

            1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

              Re: Weird origins of the C65

              "The C128 does seem like an odd idea in hindsight. For something that was based on a computer that was clearly not seen as a serious business machine by that point and only supported composite output, it seems strange that the (e.g.) 80-column mode was supposed to require a CGA-compatible monitor."

              On the other hand, looking back in time, and the US advertising in the computer magazines, it was common to depict dad doing the home accounts and taxes on the computer and the kids playing games. Even the cheaper computers were costly enough that few families would have more than one computer, so, at least for that short time, selling a computer that was 99.99% C64 compatible but which could also compete with an entry level business computer running CP/M with the likes of Supecalc, Wordstar etc for dad to user after the kids have gone to bed (or even for the kids to do homework, write reports etc) was seen as a real sales possibility. Maybe CBM thought the games console market would mean families choosing between a decent console and a computer, but not buying both. The C128 was both, in effect. Maybe a year or two earlier and it might have been a different story. After all, Amstrad managed to flog the PCW for years after PCs became more or less the standard. :-)

              1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

                Re: Weird origins of the C65

                I have to admit that in the late '80s, my salary was under four grand (quid) a year, and I was looking at computers that were hundreds of dollars/quid for the base models.

                That's the main reason I ended up going the MK14/ZX80/81/Microtan65 route... sadly, just too old to be of the generation where parents provide the first computer, just too young to be well enough off to have been in the position of the parents.

            2. toejam++

              Re: Weird origins of the C65

              > Which, I suppose, one could argue makes the C65 not a product of management, but of the lack of it(!) and one which means nothing either way about the C128.

              I vaguely recall a Usenet post from David Haynie that suggested that the folks who designed the C65 were mostly doing it on their own.

              > The C128 does seem like an odd idea in hindsight.

              Commodore was really struggling to mitigate its productivity sector weakness with the rise of the IBM PC (and clones). Big problem was, there wasn't much cohesion in their strategy. The Plus/4, the C128, and the C900 were trying to solve the problem in different (and mostly ineffective) ways. IMO, the C900 running Coherent (a clone of Version 7 Unix) on a Zilog Z8001 was probably their best idea, but it was canceled when Commodore purchased Amiga.

              I was always disappointed that the C128 wasn't a little bit more like the Apple IIgs. Imagine a C128 with a CPU similar to the 65816 and a VIC chip with a 121 color palette (like the C16), 8+ sprites, and able to display 640x200x2, 320x200x4, and 160x200x8 graphics. Along with a proper CLI shell like ProDOS, CP/M, or MS-DOS had. I would have jumped on something like that in a heartbeat as a teen.

              1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

                Re: Weird origins of the C65

                > I vaguely recall a Usenet post from David Haynie that suggested that the folks who designed the C65 were mostly doing it on their own.

                He also said something similar here and elsewhere. ("The C65 was a stupid idea, and I believe it happened mainly because no one else wanted to work with the engineer involved, so they just left him alone. It was strange times at Commodore near the end.")

            3. FIA Silver badge

              Re: Weird origins of the C65

              The C128 does seem like an odd idea in hindsight.

              I've always looked at the C128 as what you get if you let engineers design products. It's 3 computers in 1, 1 of which was too slow to be useful, 1 was never used and the remaining one could be bought seperatly for less. :)

              I know we all hate management, but good management mixed with the engineering chops Commodore had would've been interesting to see.

              Same applies to Acorn. (Although as they begat the ARM and the Firepath they only really failed at being a computer company).

        2. Jess--

          Re: Flogging a dead horse

          I remember grafting a C64 (that someone had crushed) into a C16 case creating what a lot of people at the time looked unusual (maybe even cool), A black C64

          As for the A600, I'm not sure what the drawbacks were compared to the A500 (other than the loss of the expansion port & numeric keypad)

          the built in modulator was far cleaner (signal wise) than the add-on for the A500 and properly combined composite without having use the modulator was useful (and a surprisingly clean signal).

          The addition of the built in IDE interface was very useful (mine ended up with an ide - compactflash adaptor and a 256mb card in it), the PCMCIA slot was useful too, mine ended up with a 4mb memory card in (in addition to the extra 1mb with clock in the trapdoor).

          I did add in a second kickstart rom (1.3 soldered on top of the 2.5 rom with the chip enable lines switchable on each) so that I could switch back to a real 1.3 rom rather than the soft version that was available but that was more of a "I have the spare chip and I can do this" rather than needing it for anything.

          1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

            Re: Flogging a dead horse

            > As for the A600, I'm not sure what the drawbacks were compared to the A500 (other than the loss of the expansion port & numeric keypad)

            The main problem was that the A600 *wasn't* an overall improvement on the A500 at a critical point when it really needed to be- the point at which, the original Amiga 1000-derived 68000 architecture and chipset having been ahead of its time for so long- the competition were finally catching up to, and rapidly passing it.

            C= had been able to get away with sitting on their hands for years, with only minor improvements. (*) And that worked until it didn't.

            Yes, the A600 was better in some respects than the A500. But it was also inferior in others, and even if those balanced out, it was at best no better overall. Still the same basic 68000 design and chipset from the A500 Plus.

            If you're going to release a "new" model- especially one that introduces new interfaces and loses some compatibility with old A500 peripherals- then in a fast-moving computer market, you need to keep moving forward just to stay still. As the Red Queen said "it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place".

            Of course, the A600 never made sense as the replacement for the A500 because it had been designed as a budget "A300". If it had been sold as that at a genuinely lower price, and if, instead of six months later, the A1200 had launched *at the same time* as the true successor to the A500- which, of course, was clearly what it was meant to be in the first place- they'd at least have made sense.

            Even the A1200 should have come out a year earlier, and the pointless muddying of the waters with the mis-positioning of the A600 would have just hurt the Amiga's image further.

            (*) The A3000 in 1990 *was* the first really big improvement to the same fundamental architecture, but that was always a high-end model and IIRC only the revised OS and (slightly) enhanced chip set trickled down to the A500 Plus and then the A600.

      6. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        >"The article was already too long"

        Not sure about other readers, but I enjoy in-depth and informative articles. It's not like the old days of print media where you are constrained by physical space on a page.

        If it helps convince your editors to let you run on at the keyboard, I promise I will recycle all of the electrons I use to read el Reg articles.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Flogging a dead horse

          There are probably "metrics" somewhere setting out the ideal length of story so as not to alienate those with shorter attention spans. You know, like those who comment on an article when it's clear they only read the headline and the sub (and maybe not even all of the long, wordy sub!) :-)

      7. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        One of the factors fuelling the Wild West mode 8-bit machines was support, in the form of high-quality, computer-specific, monthly journals. Compute! magazine had a VIC-20-specific one, a C-64-specific version, an Atari-400/800-specific one, an Apple ][-specific-one, and a TI-99/4a-specific one.

        As a penurious student, after buying the computer, monitor, external diskette drive, and letter-quality printer, I could not afford to purchase store-sold software, but I could afford to purchase some computer mags and type in the hex+check_digits machine language code for a word processor, a spreadsheet, some BASIC enhancements, and a couple of games. But I would not have bought the computer had I not known in advance I could get the needed software extremely-cheaply.

        I suspect many others were in my boat, too.

        1. Chz

          Re: Flogging a dead horse

          "purchase store-sold software"

          My inner 13 year-old is aghast. The closest we ever came to paying full price for software was pooling our money together to buy one for the five of us and then tearing apart the codewheel and photocopying it five times. I'm not even sure I grokked what piracy *was*, but I certainly didn't pay for any of my software. I had well over 100 floppies to go with it when I finally sold my C=64 onwards.

          (NB: I'm not proud of this, it's simply how it was for a kid with no job)

    2. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: Flogging a dead horse

      > Why would Commodore even consider spending money on developing a new 8-bit machine in 1989

      Was 1989 Commodore necessarily an organisation we should expect to have had a strong handle on its employees' day-to-day activities and/or any coherent form of planning?

      Otherwise I'd posit either: (i) an engineer thought it'd be cool and there were no effective obstacles after that; or (ii) a manager saw that the C64 was still Commodore's cash cow in 1989 and thought "if I polish that just up enough to warrant a different model number, I might be able to claim responsibility for next year's biggest seller!" with no regard whatsoever for the year beyond that, no concept of seeding or growing a healthy product pipeline and really no grander scheme or vision in any other area.

      1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

        Re: Flogging a dead horse

        From Dave Haynie (a well-known former-Commodore engineer) himself:-

        "The C65 was a stupid idea, and I believe it happened mainly because no one else wanted to work with the engineer involved, so they just left him alone. It was strange times at Commodore near the end."

        Apparently he made a similar comment at a lecture a few years later.

  3. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Colour and the PET

    "luxuries that would have been prohibitively expensive in the 1970s, like color and sound."

    Of course it had colour: green! I can't remember whether it had a beep but it probably did.

    I once saw a number of the later models on sale at Henry's in Edgeware Road. Maybe I should have bought one but getting it home might have been a bit of a problem.

    The real mistake of the early PET was the keyboard. Why - just why?

    1. Frank Leonhardt

      Re: Colour and the PET

      Actually, I don't remember green (or sometimes blue) until much later models. The PET 2001 was definitely black and white.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Colour and the PET

        I'm pretty sure the one I saw in the Met lab was green. It's possible that production fitted whatever CRTs were available at the time.

        1. Frank Leonhardt

          Re: Colour and the PET

          I guess that'd be later 'N' model. I repaired quite a few original 2001's in the 1970s, but didn't see any newer 2001s as everyone moved on by then. I believe they switched to green phosphor monitors on the 'New' models at around the same time they switched from those flaky MOS static RAM chips to dynamic, which is what I spent most of the time repairing - especially the ones used for video RAM, which seemed to fail more often for some reason :-) So I did spend quite a bit of time staring at the black and white screens at the time.

          The Cool Kids had a Microtan 65, OSI Superboard or AppleClone by 1980.

          1. Antony Shepherd

            Re: Colour and the PET

            Nobody has ever called me a 'Cool Kid' before!

            Microtan 65 owner here, first computer I ever had.

            1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

              Re: Colour and the PET

              Hey, I appear to be cool, too - though it was my third (see above) and to be honest was bought over a Nascom largely because Nascom didn't take credit cards. But it was of course the correct decision - I used the basic design for probably dozens of one-off designs used at various places in broadcasting.

            2. hoofie2002

              Re: Colour and the PET

              I used to lust over images of the Microtan especially when it was all-up in the Vero rack case

              I would sell a kidney to get my hands on one now but I have found they are as rare hens teeth on Ebay etc

              1. Christopher Reeve's Horse

                Re: Colour and the PET

                No Microtan, but my attic collection spans Ohio Superboard 2, Oric Atmos, C64, Speccy +3, and a 1040 STE. Not sure what to actually do with any of it these days though...

              2. Neil Barnes Silver badge

                Re: Colour and the PET

                Yup, eventually in the 19" rack with the backplane and lots of home-designed cards, like 'high' resolution video and eprom programmers.

                I have a taste for the Oric Atmos - never quite managed one at the time - and I wouldn't say no to the Bulgarian clone: Pravetz 8D. But, like the MT65, hen's teeth are more available, or if they do pop up they're asking for way more than I'd pay for forty year old tech.

          2. snowpages

            Re: Colour and the PET

            Me neither..

            Superboard here

          3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            Re: Colour and the PET

            "The Cool Kids had a Microtan 65, OSI Superboard or AppleClone by 1980."

            I remember my first sight and play with an Apple ][ at uni. First impressions soured me. It had colour, but mainly white with "sparkles" of purple and green. "What a load of shite" said I.

            I learned years later that it didn't have colour as such, but relied on "artifacting" effects on a colour NTSC display. Not a common display type here in the UK and I have no idea if Apple ever did anything to make it do colour on UK 50Hz displays, PAL, composite or whatever. I came across similar with some IBM CGA games that looked utter trash on a PC with CGA monitor and then discovered the programmers had used the same "trick" and it was supposed be "up to 16 colours" but only via 60Hz composite or (gag!) an NTSC TV display. They didn't bother with a fallback to standard 4 colour CGA, so you got lots of weird vertical striped shading that looked horrible. Interestingly, I've seen a recent demo of actual many colour display on CGA using some very clever timing tricks that doesn't rely on NTSC trickery :-)

      2. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

        Re: Colour and the PET

        By the time my school got hold of a PET in 1979 it was green screen.

        1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

          Re: Colour and the PET

          [Author here]

          Wrote my first BASIC on a PET 4032, here on the Isle of Man, in about 1981. I liked them in some ways. The joys of the DOS Wedge and things. Great screen editor. The BASIC was bl**dy awful by the C64 era but it was fine on a PET.

          It is my pet theory that the double-digit-millions-selling C64 with its PET BASIC are the primary reason that the BASIC got a bad name and fell out of fashion.

          That in turn is why Pascal briefly flowered then got replaced by the odious C, a language which is responsible for a multi-trillion-dollar industry of trying to keep unfixable software working, and making machines that emulate a PDP-11 in important ways.

          1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

            Re: Colour and the PET

            People may complain about the boring, basic BASIC in ROM of the C64, but I (and presumably others) got around that by using one of the various RAM-resident extensions to C64 BASIC. I got mine out of Compute! magazine. It let me do 3D graphics with its added commands.

  4. Locomotion69 Bronze badge


    And do not forget the attempts made by many (Japanese) companies to penetrate the market with MSX computers.

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: MSX

      [Author here]

      > MSX computers.

      You know what, I deliberately omitted them because for me the course of development of MSX was _fascinating_ and had lessons others should have learned.

      MSX 1 was lackluster.

      MSX 2 was pretty good.

      MSX 2+ were among the best 8-bits ever made.

      MSX 2 Turbo R were the beginnings of a 16-bit transition and are amazing boxes.

      Also: MSX-DOS merits more respect.

      * Written by Tim Paterson, the original author of MS-DOS itself.

      * CP/M compatible: it could run CP/M apps unmodified. There weren't many native MSX-DOS apps _but it didn't need them_. The point of MSX-DOS was that it gave MSX boxes disk drives and in the process it also gave them a whole new software library.

      (Amstrad's CPC range had something broadly similar but did it by implementing its own ROM DOS, its own disk format, and then booting actual CP/M on them. I think arguably the MSX route was more elegant. And you got disks you could read/write on a PC, with subdirectories.)

      * DR refused, flatly, to standarise the CP/M disk format. So Paterson used MS-DOS FAT. Inspired, and very helpful.

      MSX didn't do a thing wrong I can highlight. They are fascinating, they sold well in their market for years, they were upgraded in ingenious ways, and only the march of tech left them behind.

      An example: using a GPU in an 8-bit was inspired. MSX 2 had a better GPU and it had more of its own VRAM than the host computer had RAM. Which is what you want in an 8-bit games machine and it's how coin-ops worked.

      A Z80 can run a lot of games logic, but it doesn't have the horsepower to throw colourful graphics around.

      Which is why the graphics were so slow on the Amstrad CPC and SAM Coupé.

      So, dedicate some silicon to that. Then, it doesn't matter if the GPU needs more RAM than the CPU can directly address.

      1. MiguelC Silver badge

        Re: SAM Coupé

        Oh, I had one and loved it, unfortunately it was already behind it's time when it came to market.

        I resold it and went the PC way (a Schneider 8086) as I was more interested in programming than playing games :)

        1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

          Re: SAM Coupé

          > Oh, I had one and loved it,

          Me too. And sold it.

          For £30. >_<

          Add a zero and then some now...

          1. ThomH Silver badge

            Re: SAM Coupé

            I credit my SAM Coupé with my career at a programmer.

            There certainly wasn't much else you could do with it.

      2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: MSX

        My understanding was that MSX was a consortium effort by a group of N Japanese makers and by the time any subset(N) managed to agree on a feature to be added to the MSX standard it was superseded ?

      3. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        Dedicated HW [was: MSX]

        I think the genius of the VIC-20, C64, Amiga, and Atari 400/800 was in spending "enough" of their budget on dedicated hardware to handle video, sound, and I/O.

      4. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

        Re: MSX

        Wasn't Gary Kildall the original author of MS-DOS?

        1. IvyKing Bronze badge

          Re: MSX

          I see what you did there....

          Most excellent troll!

      5. fromxyzzy

        Re: MSX

        Well said. There is one very particular thing that would have wound up being the MSX's Achilles' heel had the standard reached the sort of market penetration that Microsoft hoped (comparable to IBM compatibility - remember that this was not just a hardware standard but a software/OS standard designed by Microsoft and ASCII Corp).

        The MSX memory map was left relatively free and open in order to accommodate varying amounts of RAM across model lines and allow compatibility between low-end and high-end systems. Many of the very earliest systems had 8k of RAM, which was pretty much useless but it kept costs down, allowed some BASIC programming and let you play cartridge-based games. However since the MSX standard didn't hit the market until 1983, RAM was cheap and these low end systems didn't really appeal to anyone, so dictating a minimum of 32K if not 64K would have allowed them to nail down a standardized memory map.

        The result of the memory map is that different regions (and occasionally different companies within the same region) wound up settling on different memory maps. Now, the MSX standard made allowances for this and properly written software generally shouldn't have problems, but by-and-large what really happened was that software makers just assumed that all MSX machines used the same map as the dominant manufacturer in the region. This meant that, unlike MS-DOS software, a significant amount of MSX software just assumed the RAM was at a certain 'Slot' in the internal mapper and then crapped out when it turns out something else was mapped there. At the time this would have been inexplicable from a consumer standpoint and likely resulted in complaints to the software company, who probably would have just dropped the product and any future product intentions.

        This gets even more fun when you take into account the other big highlight of the MSX standard, and the reason for the international popularity that wound up highlighting this problem - non-roman character sets. Since one of the main companies involved in the original standard (and the biggest market) was Japanese, they implemented a fairly thorough Kanji input system. However this wasn't quite standardized, so when they made Korean and Arabic MSX systems, things also broke in new and interesting ways thanks to the memory mapping.

        My MSX2+ is a Korean one that I imported a few years back when someone found a cache of them in an abandoned school. Great specs for the system, but despite having 128k it has a very odd memory map that means that software is a crap shoot.

        There's a more in-depth write-up here:

        The MSX still has a massive following in the Spanish retro-computing community and a significant fanbase in the Russian retro community.

    2. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

      Re: MSX

      I had an MSX I, and loved it.

  5. Frank Leonhardt

    Not quite as I remember it...

    When talking about Commodore management, it's worth remembering it changed drastically when Uncle Jack parted company and bought out the remains of Atari (changing the management their drastically too). The earlier 8-bit market was more interesting, with S100 and a fight for dominance. By 1982 it was all over bar the shouting for 8-bit as 68000 and Z8000 slugged it out while everyone laughed at the 8086.

  6. hammarbtyp

    The big mistake

    The big mistake in early computers was the emphasis on the hardware, when in fact the value was in the vast software code base

    Of course improving hardware, while maintaining backward compatibility is never easy, but the alternative is basically wipe out your software base and start again. If so you are basically just another manufacturer

    What made Microsoft, love it or hate it, was that Mr Gates came from a software background. He understood early on that the software was the most important component. I do sometimes wonder where we would be today if IBM had not just licensed MS-DOS , but bought it out right rather than give bill carte blanche to sell it to all the other clone PC manufacturers

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: The big mistake

      Apart from what was built in on the ROM there was no S/W and that might be no more than a BIOS. Microsoft BASIC was developed on PDP. The first time they say any part of it execute on an 8080 was when they took the paper-tape of the first completed version to Altair on paper tape.

      1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

        Re: The big mistake

        The popular mistake was to change the hardware sufficiently that old software would not run. I am not sure to what extent Bill could be credited for not making that mistake. The blame should probably be shared between IBM and the clone manufacturers. IBM put a firm marker in the ground but tried to maintain profit margins by moving in an incompatible direction. The clone makes retained compatibility but at a lower price point: cheap hardware plus no new investment in software. The market chose cheap so for a long time successful new hardware had to accurately imitate historical hardware compromises.

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: The big mistake

          "The blame should probably be shared between IBM and the clone manufacturers."

          This is much later than the period of he article.

          The point that everyone seems to be missing here is that when the first 8-bitters emerged there was no existing S/W except what was in the ROM. Somebody had to write it. The "vast software code base" was built up over time once there was something to write on and write for.

          Hardware manufacturers made hardware. Software was an after-market product. And if the choice is between a new, more powerful video chip that's not compatible with the older one and he older one that's compatible with the older software what hardware manufacturer is going to put up with the pointing and laughing that would come with stagnating specs? They'd expect the after-market to catch up.

        2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: The big mistake

          >The popular mistake was to change the hardware sufficiently that old software would not run.

          Most of these machines were for games, there were new games out every week and they cost pocket money.

          The value of a C64 or a Speccy running last Xmas's Vic20 or ZX81 games was pretty minimal

    2. Michael Strorm Silver badge

      Re: The big mistake

      Exactly. The number of home computers- and incompatible home computer formats- released in the early-to-mid 1980s was incredible. Virtually all of them flopped because they were incompatible with existing software.

      It's telling that the ZX Spectrum was the *first* machine on the UK market with colour *and* high resolution graphics (and, er, "sound") good enough to passably approximate early arcade games at that price point. It quickly amassed a huge software base for that reason.

      And it's telling that none of the countless similarly-priced machines that quickly followed it were successful, even when they were better-specced on paper and/or cheaper. Because none of them had that huge pre-existing software base, and the network effect reinforced that advantage, making the Spectrum more attractive and popular than its competitors, encouraging developers to concentrate on the Spectrum and reinforcing that advantage.

      The Spectrum won *because* it got there first and *because* it had all the software as a result.

      The C64 enjoyed success because it was sufficiently different to the Spectrum. Even the Amstrad CPC was surprisingly successful for a late entry in the all-but-sewn-up 8-bit market because it offered something different *and* possibly also because Amstrad realised the importance of software and helped developers publish games in its early days.

      It's been noted that Jack Tramiels lesser success in later years was down to the fact he was a hardware man and never understood the importance of software- something that didn't matter so much in the early microcomputer era when everything was new and Commodore enjoyed huge success, but became a hindrance by the late 80s/early 90s when he'd bought out Atari.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: The big mistake

        "and the network effect reinforced that advantage"

        Not the only time that that mechanism has left computing stuck at the level of the barely adequate.

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: The big mistake

        "Even the Amstrad CPC was surprisingly successful for a late entry in the all-but-sewn-up 8-bit market because it offered something different *and* possibly also because Amstrad realised the importance of software and helped developers publish games in its early days."

        Another big point was the price point was within reach and INCLUDED the display. It still wasn't all that common for homes to have more than TV set, at beast maybe a crappy b/w portable for use on the kids computer. Even a portable colour TV cost more than a Speccy at the time.

        1. munnoch Silver badge

          Re: The big mistake

          For a while my 14" Sony Trinitron dedicated to my ZX Spectrum was the only colour screen in the house!

          I purchased it with the royalties I got from my ZX81 game...

      3. clyde666

        Re: The big mistake

        Yes, and I would say the Amstrad had an early success because of the bundles.

        From memory, it came with around 20 or more games bundled. When the young lad wanted a computer for Christmas, Mother (and it was always the mother who made the decision) often chose the one with the huge number of bundled games. There was always at least one educational game in there to justify buying it.

        Also remembering the overall effect of the local markets. You could buy a copy of this week's latest and greatest game for £2 or £3 at the market. Saturdays and Sundays they were swarming with youngsters and sometimes parents.

        Different days :-)

    3. TReko Silver badge

      Re: The big mistake

      > "What made Microsoft, love it or hate it"

      So true. Unfortunately Microsoft seems to have forgotten that what most users want from an OS is to run programs and get out of the way.

      Many of the "upgrades" to Windows in the last 20 years have resulted in regressions, things look and work differently but in many ways they don't work better.

    4. JulieM Silver badge

      Re: The big mistake

      If IBM had bought MS-DOS outright from Microsoft rather than licencing it, I think there is a real chance the "IBM compatible PC" might never have been the thing it ended up as.

      QDOS (which was what Microsoft dishonestly appropriated from a competitor) was not the only CP/M look-alike for the 8088/8086; but, in common with the 8080 version of CP/M, it required a little light customisation to suit the BIOS of the machine on which it was running. And it required software developers not to try bypassing the OS and talking to the hardware directly.

      It would have been entirely possible for some consortium of manufacturers to have got together and created a common standard for mutually-compatible PCs running the same OS (think "MSX on steroids"); and, crucially, if the graphics hardware they all used was similar-enough for games (which have always been the real dealbreaker) to be able to access it directly without rewriting, they might have left IBM -- and maybe even 8088/8086 processors and CP/M-like OSs -- in the dust.

      But then again, if it had not been for IBM's insistence for there to be another supplier of processors besides Intel that could be used in their new personal computer design, then we might never have reached the situation of having so many machines directly capable of directly running binaries meant for each other; which was what normalised binary-only distribution in the first place.

      There are so many what-ifs .....

  7. Alan Bourke

    "Even less relevant was CP/M, which bloated the price for no useful gain. "

    Not only that but the C128 implementation was dog slow:

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: "Even less relevant was CP/M, which bloated the price for no useful gain. "

      > the C128 implementation was dog slow

      Yes indeed. A telling point.

      And all because they had this promising C128 design but the smegging Z80 cart didn't work. So daft.

    2. Nugry Horace

      Re: "Even less relevant was CP/M, which bloated the price for no useful gain. "

      It's interesting that the C64 and the BBC both had Z80 accessories to run CP/M (in the case of the Beeb, multiple different ones, even). In the 1980s environment I can see where CP/M would be a useful feature for a Z80-based computer -- it meant access to a mature ecosystem of development tools like Microsoft M80, so would make it easier to develop for the platform, always a good thing. But that doesn't sound so persuasive if you're writing 6502 software.

      (I was reading up on the C64 CP/M cartridge today. From the Z80 side it looks like living in a cramped flat where there are strange bumps under the carpet which you don't know what they are, but you know you mustn't trip over them.)

  8. steelpillow Silver badge

    Water under the bridge

    A lot of those "mistakes" were just tailoring to a price point. Better machines existed, such as the Memotech, but the mass market was not ready to pay the price.

    You had to be the right machine in the right place at the right time and at the right price point.

    Trouble was, nobody knew what those were until they had missed it by a hair's breadth.

    How much would a SCRUMPI have cost if John Miller-Kirkpatrick had included a hex keyboard and doubled the RAM space? Would it have held the Mk 14 at bay? What if HP had put LCD displays in their desktop programmable calculators when they first became available, and abandoned RPN?

    So much water under the bridge, we could crowdsource a very large book on the history of the microcomputer.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Water under the bridge

      The 8-bit era was for computing what the Pre-Cambrian was for animal life - a huge variety of forms created and let's see what survives.

    2. Art Slartibartfast

      Re: Water under the bridge

      All the calculators I have bought in my adult life are HP calculators and RPN to me is a far more logical way to do calculations. Defintitely a feature and not a bug in my book.

      1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

        Re: Water under the bridge

        > RPN to me is a far more logical way to do calculations

        Good heavens.

        Hey, folks. We've found him! He's the one.


        Tell me, do you also like Forth, Postscript and/or Lisp?

        1. FirstTangoInParis Silver badge

          Re: Water under the bridge

          Hey don’t go knocking RPN. I bought a HP 15C when at university to solve cube root equations in control theory. It was a lot more efficient to program than what else was around at the time. Yes I know today the calculator that is de rigueur for high school exams could deal with that, but the HPs were the dogs wotsits of the day. And I did consider buying a Jupiter but bought a Dragon 32 instead but what I really wanted was a BBC micro. Got one of those second hand and wrote my masters thesis on it. MS Word might look flashy today but it’s not much of an improvement on my BBC.

        2. Tessier-Ashpool

          Re: Water under the bridge

          FORTH had to be the maddest language I ever worked with.

          With everything being pushed and popped on and off the stack all the time, it was pretty easy to develop flaky code. Many years ago I devised a comms protocol in FORTH for some realtime process control instrumentation. After a week it would fall over with a stack overflow, as a main control loop occasionally failed to pop an item off the stack. Oops. Much headaches and burning of EPROMS to get a fix out.

        3. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

          Re: Water under the bridge

          ." Yes." CR

        4. munnoch Silver badge

          Re: Water under the bridge

          The simplest way to implement an expression evaluator is for it to ingest postfix notation (operands first then operators, aka RPN). No messing around with operator precedence or bracketing or left-right association.

          Put all the tokens on the stack. Pop the first (next) token, if its an operator (it should be) then pop as many operands as it needs, run the operator, push the result on the stack. Repeat until you just have one token left, that is the result of the entire expression.

          If you really need infix (the format we are most used to with the operator between the operands) then there is a fairly straightforward way to convert to postfix, the Switching Yard algorithm.

          The beauty of postfix, apart from the lack of ambiguity over how the expression will be evaluated, is that you can have operators that take 3, 4 or many operands. That's simply not possible with infix, think of these as arbitrary function calls. And once you go down that path you quickly end up with something Forth-like where you have operands to manipulate the stack. "5 dup * 30 swap -" -> 5.

          This is what I implemented for state introspection in the testing scripts at my last place. It was extremely powerful. Some people got it and loved it. Most people didn't and constantly grumbled in the background (remember you could still do "dumb" infix if you couldn't be bothered, it even auto-selected for you). I consider that reaction to be the sign that you've done something remarkable...

          I'd never used Forth before but I remembered the basics (sic,.) of it from reading about the Jupiter Ace in the mags of the day and it just seemed incredibly obvious.

        5. Peter Gathercole Silver badge

          Re: Water under the bridge

          For a while, I played around with a Forth implementation on my BBC micro (and not the Acornsoft version, one entitled HCCS Forth which came from a small software house called HCCS Associates in Saltwell, just south of Gateshead. They were the original BBC Micro dealer in the area, and they also put a 8271 disk interface in my BEEB).

          It's still in my BEEB, which is still working since I recapp'd the power supply.

          I soon decided that it was just an interesting aside, and I spent most of my programming time writing Pascal, C, BBC Basic and 6502 and PDP11 assembler, with a smattering of Fortran, and some exposure to Modula 2 and Lisp. It's amazing what you will be asked to do when working in UK education.

      2. Anne Hunny Mouse

        Re: Water under the bridge

        Did you have a Jupiter Ace?

        For those who don't know, it looked like a Spectrum but was B&W only and ran Forth, rather than BASIC.

        I don't think it was a big seller.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Water under the bridge

          It was an interesting experiment nonetheless. Everyone was selling home computers with BASIC, and BASIC was, well, basic, with custom bells and whistles on each version. And at that stage, there really wasn't a whole lot of choice if you wanted to run anything other native CPU code or BASIC. A very few home computers with cartridge ports or extra ROM sockets offered the choice of plugging in a Forth or Pascal ROM, but that was about it. On the other hand, those options DID exist in some cases and were not terribly big sellers, so maybe the Jupiter team should have reconsidered their path before launch day :-)

        2. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

          Re: Water under the bridge

          PowerPC Macintoshes come with Forth in ROM. Upon powerup, hold down [Command] + [Option] + O + F and you're there. Earlier and later (68K-, x86-, and Mx-based) models might not have it.

          1. IvyKing Bronze badge

            Re: Water under the bridge

            Sun workstations of that era also had built-in Forth, which was also tied in with the boot process.

            1. munnoch Silver badge

              Re: Water under the bridge

              Sun Micro implemented OpenBoot which Apple (and apparently others) also adopted.

        3. Neil Barnes Silver badge

          Re: Water under the bridge

          I had a Jupiter Ace. I also have a pile of HP reverse polish calculators. But I never got on with Forth.

      3. GloriousVictoryForThePeople

        Re: Water under the bridge

        > All the calculators I have bought in my adult life are HP calculators and RPN to me is a far more logical way to do calculations.

        This is like that brain fungus thing that makes the ant climb up a stalk and die there to better spread spores, or Toxoplasmosis* infections.

        * associated with impulsive behaviour, reduced perception of risk, and psychotic symptoms

        **also a habitual RPN user

    3. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Re: Water under the bridge

      I have a memotech, the best 8 bit/Z80 machine produced, and if you disagree... I'll fight you behind the bike sheds at lunch time.

      I landed in computering via a kit ZX81 (we were poor back then... cue '4 yorkshiremen sketch'), but I had a job (I know ..shocking... thatchers(boo hiss) britain ) that allowed me to purchase a MTX 512 for a serious wodge of cash.

      And it did everything expected of a late Z80 machine back then, and compared to a lot of computers(glares at sinclair's offering) it was built to a quality few were.

      Last time it was powered up , it still worked and the best thing about it is the keyboard.... it put to shame every computer keyboard of that era, and the 90's.... and 00's and 10's and 20's and to be honest , if I could figure out an interface between it and this PC, I'd be using it now rather than this plastic POS usb keyboard I'm using now.

      Icon.... because I'm the old phart now

    4. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

      HP Programmable Calculators [was: Water under the bridge]

      LED numeric displays > LCD numeric displays (because you don't have to tilt your head or the display "just so" to get enough contrast to read them {I'm writing about numeric LCD displays as they existed in the 1970s}).

      [Enter] > [=]

  9. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    The key to understanding the early 8-bit computers is that there was no established market for computers at that sort of price. None of the manufacturers would have had a clear idea of who would have wanted to buy them and it's a mistake to imagine that they were all aimed at solely at games although that might have been many vultures' and commentards' first experience of them. Once one realises that what one might have regarded as a gaming machine was conceived as having a much wider market the availability of CP?M is less surprising.

    Essentially the arrival of the 8-bit processor had enabled the creation of machines whose possibilities were open-ended, vastly so from the perspective of the day. OTOH, not having any established market the makers had to put them out there and hope that they got the mixture of facilities right for some people to find uses for them.

    They may well have envisaged businesses developing S/W for their own use with some of them then selling the S/W to others which, of course, enabled H/W sales. That certainly happened. I remember one event in the series the Beeb made at the time. A little old (so she appeared to me at the time) lady running a sweet shop had bought herself some machine - I can't remember what - and was writing her own programs. She was talking to the interviewer whilst doing something at the keyboard when there was a sudden, angry snap of her fingers as she'd obviously discovered something wrong; a sudden non-verbal communication, instantly understood and remembered over the decades.

    Others, like myself, in mid-career in science or academia had had experience on mainframes, and subsequently looked enviously at the likes of PDP-8s, well above our budgets. We latched onto them. I had been looking at the possibility of some dedicated gadget to interface a microspectrophotometer to a tape punch with the hope of getting the QUB 1904 to process the tapes for me when a fire destroyed our wing of the lab and by the time we'd got up and running ot became feasible to set the whole thing up with S-800 kit. I know the Met forensic lab was looking at the same thing with a PET (it should be remembered that Commodore had an expansion bus that was based on the HP-IB). I heard, via an archaeologist friend in the Ulster Museum, that someone in the QUB Psychology Dept. had a machine (?Sol) which was a console format with the basic computer on a motherboard but with a few S-100 slots for expansion. From today's perspective it's probably impossible to imagine just how exciting it was for someone used to low budgets to suddenly have these possibilities open up.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      I agree with what you say, but it is a fact that making a new model that totally ignored compatibility with the previous model was a big mistake that cost a lot of companies their existence.

      Of course, we know that today, but what could Commodore have become if it had stayed compatible with previous versions ? Would Microsoft even exist ?

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Would it always have been feasible to maintain backward compatibility whilst introducing new H/W features?

        1. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

          Somewhat. Choices:

          *) Design something completely new and much much better.

          *) Copy the previous generation but with an extra IO bit that enables the new features. This leaves much fewer transistors for new features so the next generation machine would only be a little better than the last.

          With hindsight backward compatibility has huge value. At the time this was less clear given how limiting being backwards was to advancement.

          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            2) is what happened between the ZX Spectrum 48K and 128K (successfully), C64 and C128 (successfully), Acorn BBC machines (successfully), Amstrad CPC464/6128 and CPC464/6128+ (unsuccessfully, launched too late) but compatibility was always lost in the jump from 8 to 16 bits except for the Archimedes where you could run BASIC programs or use an emulator, but then you could also emulate the BBC on the 16-bit computers too.

          2. ThomH Silver badge

            Probably apocryphal but it has been alleged that part of the reason the original Mac OS is so free and loose with exposing the innards of the OS at fixed memory locations — contributory to protected memory and preemptive multitasking never really arriving — is that the designers still hadn't learnt the importance of backwards compatibility. They figured they would just do it all again and better for the next, implicitly incompatible, Apple machine.

            1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              The engineers seem to have lived in perpetual conflict with Jobs once he took over the product. They wanted to make it expandable and he didn't.

    2. Martin Gregorie

      Much the same here, but using SWTPC kit rather than Commodore

      In 1986 I was working in NYC, writing an accounttig system for an NYC-based toy manufacturer to be run on an ICL 2903. ICL's office was midtown in the 40s, so some of us used to nip down the The Computer Store (35th St on Fifth Ave during a lunchtime to see what was new and generally check it out. Amongst other stuff, they stocked SWTP kit (6809 chips on an SS50 bus and fitted with 5.25 or 8" floppies as standard, running the FLEX-09 OS.

      After that gig ended and I was back in London, I worked for a small software house that specialised in writing software for small businesses on SWTP multi-tasking systems, still based in the 6909 and running UniFLEX, a multi-user, multitasking OS, also from SWTPC.

      I've had a soft spot for 6809 and 68000 kit ever since: the instruction set for both chip sets has always seemed more elegant than anything that emerged from Intel (quickly ducks for cover).

      1. Antony Shepherd

        Re: Much the same here, but using SWTPC kit rather than Commodore

        I had a 6809 machine running Flex once. A "Mandarin IP68" which kind of spun off from people who'd made stuff for the 6502 based Microtan. Had 2 5.25" floppies. I had it hooked up to a Televideo 925 terminal. Good stuff. Learning 6809 came in handy some years later at Uni when I had a 68000 project and realised just how similar the coding was!

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Much the same here, but using SWTPC kit rather than Commodore

        "In 1986 I was working in NYC...ICL's office was midtown in the 40s"

        From context and my small knowledge of New York from US TV shows, I'm guessing "the 40's" is an area of numbered streets and you weren't time travelling?

        1. ThomH Silver badge

          Re: Much the same here, but using SWTPC kit rather than Commodore

          It was in the 40s in the '40s.

    3. Dan 55 Silver badge
      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Wow! That looked like a 4000 series PET with dual floppies and a printer. That would've cost an arm and leg back then, even if it was a tax deductible, VAT free business expense :-)

        1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

          Looks like she had to cover up the "PET" label for broadcasting on the Beeb, too.

    4. David Hicklin Silver badge

      In many cases there was also a lot of "what can we use this for now?"

      It was all new and untrodden territory

  10. GregC

    The SX64

    was a strange beast - my grandad bought one, and I have vague memories of playing Missile Command on it on Sunday afternoons when we visited. No idea what he used it for though!

    I was a Sinclair boy myself - ZX81, then Spectrum 48k then a +3. My earliest computing memory though is my dad building an Acorn Atom (predecessor to the Electron) from a kit at the dinner table - 1980 or 81 I think. Back in the days when computers were more than just black boxes to most users, you actually needed some understanding of what was going on. /RoseTintedSpectacles.

    1. The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

      Re: The SX64

      We had one to take to trade shows, I liked it.

  11. Tony Gathercole ...

    Where the Personal computer industry went wrong


    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Where the Personal computer industry went wrong

      > FIFY

      Wait for pt 2 and perhaps more saliently p3. :-)

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Where the Personal computer industry went wrong

        For historical accuracy you should write a pt4, aiming to publish at Xmas - but never release it cos the audience dropped off after pt3 ;-)

        1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

          Re: Where the Personal computer industry went wrong

          Oh, that's good. :-D

  12. Bebu

    Pre-Cambrian explosion

    The 8 bit era was like the pre-cambrian explosion of life... an unimaginable variety of systems and processors (680x, 8080, Z80, 6502, 2650...) with pretty much nothing interoperating - even CP/M systems had more incompatible floppy disk formats than icecream had flavours. Was still the age of soldering irons, wirewrap and S100 buses.

    The TRS-80 didn't get a mention presumably because it was so successful likewise Apple's pre-mac systems. The TRS colour computer (like the Hitatchi Peach) sported a Motorola 6809 which was rather nice to program in assembler but not much use otherwise.

    Australia's Applied Technology's MicroBee was an interesting Z80 design using static (cmos?) ram and programable character generation for graphics, The Bee was reasonably successful in AU but like most other vendors the arrival of 16 bit systems relegated them to history.

    The next installment should be interesting with the M64k systems from Atari (ST), Commodore (Amiga) and of course Texas Instrument's TI-99/4 (which was a very early 16 bitter) against the IBM PC's rather dowdy 8088 design. The NS32016 wouldn't count as its was 32 bit with 16 bit ALU and also I don't think any consumer system ever shipped with it.

    1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

      Re: Pre-Cambrian explosion

      CompuPro made a 32016 board you could get for its Altair bus (aka S-100 bus, aka IEEE-696 bus) PCs.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I owned a SX64 back in the day and loved it

    Back then I had a job as a security guard and would lug the SX64 to work to use to keep me awake on the night shift. I was in college at the time and didn't just use it for games, I would also use it to learn programming and write papers, one of the office buildings I worked at had a daisy wheel printer and the client let me use it to print out stuff, getting that to work was an experience in itself! But I got it to work and turned in perfectly typed papers, which was great.

    1. Grunchy Silver badge

      Re: I owned a SX64 back in the day and loved it

      I lusted after the SX64 but it wouldn’t have fit my circumstance. I was working as a nighttime clerk at a self-serve gas station, which had a staff TV (and infrequent customers). I’d wait until after the Taxi re-run then I’d hookup my bread bin c64, 1541, and modem (just enough room for this stuff), and surf BBSs. Or play Dr. Creep, or Bungeling Bay, or Karateka, or Raid Over Moscow, or dozens of others…

  14. Grunchy Silver badge

    The last 8-bit I owned was a C128 I miserably regretted: I couldn’t afford the 80-col monitor which meant I never left C64 mode. Plus the oversize case, the unused Z80, stuck at 1 MHz, the inferior 8581 audio, even the keypad wasn’t recognized in C64 mode!

    My friends all moved to DOS and Amiga, all frightfully expensive, while I knuckled under to Engineering in University. Graduated May 1995, rode my Honda down to Key West Florida for holiday, then back home where I got what I always wanted: combination Sony CD player and PlayStation 1 game console for cheap! That tiny little box resoundingly kicked the ASS of every single thing that came before it.

    (The very best DOOM version, ever — on PlayStation 1.)

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Last 8bit I owned was a Z88 - Management bought one to do inventory of all our Unix workstations, and it followed me home one day.

      Unfortunately it went the way of my Psions, QL and Archimedes 305 in a move.

  15. Antony Shepherd

    Oric-1 and its serial attributes

    I'm reminded that the Oric-1 (and Atmos) used serial colour attributes. So you could have colours at a single pixel row high, but 8 pixels wide. However the attribute occupied the byte of video ram before the actual pixels you wanted to have those foreground/background colours. An awful lot of Oric games had objects which were very stripy!

    1. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: Oric-1 and its serial attributes

      Same sort of thing for teletext.

    2. ThomH Silver badge

      Re: Oric-1 and its serial attributes

      If memory serves, each byte of pixels contains only six of them and one of the others is used for 'invert colour palette' in the XOR sense, so you can do four colours across the screen without adding any further attributes, they're just not independent. Semi-modern titles like the fan port of Stormlord ([url=]in-browser emulation here[/url]) do a pretty good job within that restriction by alternating palettes per line — it successfully conveys that reasonably sophisticated very-late-8-bit look.

  16. 45RPM Silver badge

    <Spod mode>

    Graphics and colour could be achieved on 8bit CP/M - but not many manufacturers implemented it. It required Digital Research (the developer of CP/M) GSX drivers (available in 8 and 16bit versions, and which evolved into the graphics system used by GEM, an early competitor to Windows)

    Off the top of my head, Sony, Epson, Panasonic and NEC provided GSX - and Sony and NEC were the only ones to do it in colour. That said, Amstrads PCW was also able to run graphical programs - so perhaps that had GSX too?

    </spod mode>

    1. blackcat Silver badge

      Ah... playing chess (I forget which version) and Tau Ceti all in green on a PCW8256!

    2. gw0udm

      Yes the PCW shipped with CP/M and a whole stack of DR tools including the GSX libraries and even demo software written in Mallard Basic which was also a pretty good dialect. You also got the MAC / RMAC assembler, SID debuggers and other toys. The problem was that there was almost nothing in the way of documentation shipped with the machine to tell you what they were or how to use them so I think most owners missed it completely. I got very frustrated by the line 'this utility is beyond the scope of this manual ' I think Amstrad might have had a more detailed one available ('consult your nearest dealer') but I never saw one and couldn't have afforded it anyway. Even so I had a great time with the PCW, even did a bit of assembly language but ultimately was so starved of information I had to give up.

  17. heyrick Silver badge

    Small correction

    Mullard SAA5050. Mullard, with a 'd'. ;)

    Worst day of my life was when my mother/best friend died. Second worst day of my life was when Ceefax died.

    When I bother to subtitle my YouTube videos (which isn't often as it's a pain in the arse), I signal this by popping "888" on the screen for a few moments. An anachronism almost as old as I am.

    1. Michael Strorm Silver badge

      Re: Small correction

      I got my first Teletext-compatible TV as late as... 2010. (No, really).

      I didn't buy it *for* that, but it came with it anyway.

      By that time the cost of memory was negligible compared to when Teletext was designed in the mid-70s- back when even the single kilobyte required to hold a single page would have been a non-negligible cost- and it clearly had enough to automatically cache most or all of the pages, giving much, *much* faster lookup than Teletext on a "wait until it comes round, slowly" 1980s TV.

      Of course, they shut down the analogue TV signal in my area- and with it, Teletext- around six weeks later.

  18. Mike 137 Silver badge

    Huge gaps in this history

    "Its arch-rival Acorn was just as guilty. Its classic BBC Micro introduced millions of school pupils to computers"

    The BBC Micro wasn't by any means Acorn's first important step. Its predecessors, the rack based System 3 and the Atom were widely used, not just by home enthusiasts, but in academia. I implemented several instrumentation systems for advanced research projects on the these in the early to mid '80s, took over (as Bear Hardware) official support and upgrade for the Atom from Acorn when they discontinued it, and ran the Atom Forum in Acorn User from early '85 to late '86, at which time the Atom was still in quite wide use. Its advantage over the Micro, and indeed most other contemporary, and subsequent, 8 bit systems) was its utter transparency which allowed folks to get to grips with understanding and extending the hardware as opposed to just coding. It's a pity that concept was not pursued.

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Huge gaps in this history

      [Author here]

      > Huge gaps in this history

      Oh, yes, there absolutely are. But then it's not meant as a history. It's just a collection of the things that I personally felt were SNAFUs, fsck-ups, and bl**dy silly mistakes.

      I have never touched a running System 3 or even an Atom. The Atom, in particular, was amazing for its time but it was so expensive that nobody I knew had one.

      As such, I can't point to any particular mistakes Acorn made with the things. Even Atom BASIC is delightfully weird and sadly but sensibly it was toned down to create the classic BBC BASIC.

      If there was a "mistake" in the BBC Micro it's that Acorn was way too slow to adopt the (ugly kludge) of bank-switched memory. That's why the Beeb was eternally memory-starved: the only way to access >64kB on a 6502 is bank switching and I think Acorn's good taste meant that they didn't want to do that.

      The Master fixed that, but too little, too late, and of course, as always for the brand, too expensive.

      It's amazing the company survived to do the great comeback of the Archimedes. But it did and now there are something like 100x or 1000x as many Acorn RISC Machines out there as all x86 ones put together.

      1. tiggity Silver badge

        Re: Huge gaps in this history

        Atom was not that expensive - base model, solder your own was way cheaper than the pre-assembled option.

        Plus it was "modular", in that you could gradually increase RAM (graphics & non graphics), add FP ROM & various other addons too that I never bothered with such as printers...

        As a schoolkid I started with self soldered cheapest base model & gradually upgraded when I could afford the next improvement.

        It had a good BASIC, with the added advantage that you could throw in assembler as and when required, so it was a great way to learn lower level programming as you initially wrote stuff in BASIC, and then when (not if) you hit memory or performance issues you replaced some BASIC with assembler routines.. rinse & repeat, after a bit of trial & error you gained reasonable assembler skills.

        A good machine, which is why it's not in this article as it was a reasonable success (IMHO at least).

        1. Martin an gof Silver badge

          Re: Huge gaps in this history

          And of course in all those ways a direct ancestor of the BBC Micro ("Proton"). I only ever met one Atom. It was in an obscure lab at polytechnic, connected up via some Heath-Robinson student project to a camera (IIRC) and very slowly printing out ASCII art on an FX80 IMSMC.

          It was getting on for 40 years ago but my hazy memory has a couple of minutes of silence then a loud BZZZZZZZRRRRRTTT as the printer committed a single line of characters to paper.


      2. Martin an gof Silver badge

        Re: Huge gaps in this history

        the only way to access >64kB on a 6502 is bank switching and I think Acorn's good taste meant that they didn't want to do that.

        But of course they went all-in for bank-switched ROM (4x 16kB as standard but OS support for 16x 16kB), and IIRC it was the B+ models that introduced bank-switched RAM (ignoring third-party add-ons) a year or so before the Master. It was only 20k for screen memory (and 12kB of RAM in a ROM slot) but it made a huge difference if c5½k RAM (on a BBC Micro with DFS) was a bit restrictive for your program in MODEs 0, 1, 2. Yes, too late and yes, far too expensive. I had a BBC Micro, fairly heavily expanded, and a B+ was not worth the money. Dithered about the Master (a friend's dad could get employee discounts at the factory) but in the end glad I held out and saved up for an Archimedes.

        Just been reading up about the ZX Interface 2 having read this article and although I did fancy one when I was (briefly) a Spectrum owner I'm glad I didn't splash out. Typical Sinclair minimal-viable-product and a few inexplicable choices, such as the incomplete through-connector and the lack of any bank switching; a ROM cartridge simply replaced BASIC in the memory map when inserted.


      3. Torben Mogensen

        Re: Huge gaps in this history

        Unlike what the article author claims, BBC owners didn't use mode 7 much, and games certainly didn't, except for menu screens etc. But he is correct that the 32K limit on memory was a serious limitation, but the high price was also a problem. Various independent companies made RAM extensions, some of which allowed the video memory to use the same address space as the ROM, and Acorn later made similar extensions in the BBC+ and Master, but these were even more expensive.

        To compete against the lower-cost rivals C64 and Spectrum, Acorn made the Electron, a cut-down version of BBC B. Not only was mode 7 omitted (a decent emulation using a 16-colour mode was made, but it used much more memory), but they used 64K×4 bit memory chips and fiddled with the addresses so it emulated 32K 8-bit memory. This made it much slower, as two memory accesses were required for fetching one byte, and it also delayed production because it was difficult to get right. IMO, they should have doubled the memory to 64K and mapped the video into the high addresses (as the BBC B extensions did), even it it increased the cost a bit. This would have made it a more serious rival to C64. What started the Acorn downfall was that they had produced a huge number of Electrons for a Christmas market that never materialised because too many children already got computers the previous Christmas, so most ended in storage, generating a huge loss.

        While Acorn reclaimed some of their market with the Archimedes series, it came out after the Amiga, which hurt sales, and it never got the same selection of games than the Amiga had. It was also more expensive, following the Acorn tradition of making lovely, but expensive kit.

        1. druck Silver badge

          Re: Huge gaps in this history

          The Electron didn't have any emulation of MODE 7, you had to make do with either 80x20 text in 2 colours, 40x32 in 4 colours or 20x32 in 16 colours (8 steady colours and 8 flashing).

          The reason it was slower than the BBC was the Beeb had dual ported memory allowing both the processor and video chip to access it simultaneously. The Electron only had single ported memory, which meant the CPU was locked out by the video chip for 40 out of every 64 microseconds while the scan line was being read.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Huge gaps in this history

            I had a co-pro for my Electron (plugged into on of the Plus-1 cartridge slots). It was useful to get much better graphics - on one maze game I got from a magazine I modified it (via some assembly code routines) so that the game processing was run on the co-pro whilst the main CPU devoted itself to the graphics. What was originally a wire-frame maze now had solid and shaded walls. Nothing compared to today's stuff but a satisfying project at the time.

            The ability to include assembler in BASIC programs was a real bonus; another application I made was to print the screen. Something made complicated for me because my printer was a Tandy dot-matrix that only had a 7-pin printhead. Fine for text but a swine to get graphics. I wrote an assembler routine that took each 8-bit high row on the screen, stripped the final bit to an array, print the 7; it then took the next 8-bit row, added on the stored bits and stripped off the last 2, and send that to the printer. Next row had 2 added and 3 stripped, etc. I worked surprisingly well and, in assembler, it ran as fast as the printer could output.

            My whole Acorn kit is stacked in a pile in my attic - I'd hoped it might be of interest to a computing museum as it includes most of the add-ons available at the time, including various ROMs and both 3.1/2" and 5.1/4" FDDs, but no interest. In fact, there are various PDAs and a load of old DOS and early Windows software (mostly c/w with boxes and manuals). I expect the kids/grandkids will take it to the tip once my clogs have popped...

        2. Terry 6 Silver badge

          Re: Huge gaps in this history

          Yeah. I got my Electron in a sale, after Acon had given up on it. Followed by various add-ons from Watford Electronics that did all sorts of wonderful stuff- but made the thing look like something from a science-fiction film's lab set.

    2. DoctorPaul Bronze badge

      Re: Huge gaps in this history

      Ah the things that you could do with a BBC Micro! Actually called the British Broadcasting Corporation Micro after Brown Boveri Corporation got upset.

      In the early 1980s, before the existence of the IBM PC, I worked for a company producing full-screen interactive video training software using a BBC Micro with a video card connected to an analogue Philips laserdisc player (12" discs like a vinyl LP in size). Analogue was fun, not as easy as asking for a digital file - you had to tell the disc where to seek to and then add in a fudge factor for the resulting overshoot and rebound of the playback head.

      And don't mention MSX. I was a founding partner in Salamander Software back in the day and with every major Japanese electronics manufacturer signed up it looked like a no-brainer to develop for. It didn't end well.

      1. Martin an gof Silver badge

        Re: Huge gaps in this history

        The Laserdisc players Acorn used for the (Master-based) Domesday system had something akin to SCSI interfaces and could seek frame-accurately and, of course, recover digital data.

        Come to that (I'll dig out the manual and check later) the cheap Pioneer Laserdisc player I still have connected to my TV (now via an HDMI converter) has a serial port and I'm sure you could issue "seek to frame <n>" type commands via that. Not particularly useful for most movie discs which were recorded in "CLV" mode (constant linear velocity - disc speed varies so that several more video frames fit on an outer track than an inner track, maximising run time) where pausing at a frame blanked the screen (except on very expensive players with framestores), but on a "CAV" disc (constant angular velocity, one frame = two fields per revolution) could be used to store and acces tens of thousands of "still" images.


  19. Dr. Ellen

    C128 the Hero!

    Games can be fun, but I was a writer, and lived with a writer. We started with a TRS-80 Model III (differentiating caps and lower-case letters was an expensive add-on board for Apples in those days, ptui). Went up to a Model 4, and discovered -fun- things about moving text files from III to 4. Maybe it was switching from Roman numerals to Arabic. Meanwhile I'd gotten a C64 with more memory for less cost, and entered the Scripsit program by typing it out from a magazine article. It worked nicely, but it wasn't compatible with other computers. So we got a C128. C64 files transferred to CP/M seamlessly, and we got a program that translated TRS-80 files to CP/M.

    About then, the IBM PC and MS/DOS began happening. We eventually transferred our files to Word Perfect on IBM. We still have those TRS-80 and C64 files, Mary went with DOC and I went with RTF, and we can still use them. And it's all due to that C128.

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: C128 the Hero!

      By the sound of it, this is the parallel universe of American micros.

      I think I only ever saw real TRS-80s of any kind in Tandy shops. I never knew a single person with an Apple II at home. They cost as much as a car.

      In the USA, the Apple II was a hit because it was the first useful functional home computer for under $1000.

      But in 1980s Europe that was a lot of money. So the ZX81 was the big hit, because it was the first even vaguely useful computer for under £100. (As a kit, built yourself, with 1kB of RAM... so really not much use at all.)

      1. JacobZ

        Re: C128 the Hero!

        A grammar school friend of mine had a TRS-80 and the rest of us were jealous, obviously. The main thing I remember us doing with it was playing some 'conquer the galaxy' game, possibly based on Star Trek, but this was all decades ago.

        Mind you, his family lived in Solihull so obviously they were much better off than mine!

      2. werdsmith Silver badge

        Re: C128 the Hero!

        Not much use at all......

        But it was an introduction, albeit with line numbers, to code flow. Variables, strings, loops, conditional branches (and gotos.....) and if you wanted to the underlying memory - you could poke in a load of Z80 machine code that you had done the assembly for on paper and tell the Z80 go go and execute from there. For something really not much use it opened to door to many careers. Including mine. because I wasn't going to be able to afford anything else but a ZX81 for £69.99 (£49.99 in kit form).

        The TRS-80 was our school computer. The only one, kept is a locked inner sanctum and seen only by maths and science elite students.

      3. David M

        Re: C128 the Hero!

        I did know one person (in the UK) who owned a TRS-80. I also saw a fair few being sold, as I had a Saturday job in Tandy around 1980. Which also meant that I got to play with one quite a lot, as nobody else in the shop had a clue.

      4. Michael Strorm Silver badge

        Re: C128 the Hero!

        I get the impression that the Apple II was a much bigger deal in the US.

        My Dad had one at work (in a hospital) and apparently some UK businesses used them, but I never saw that much evidence of market penetration otherwise.

        I suspect it was a hit over there partly because it was one of the first mass-market computers to come out and entrenched its its market segment via the network effect despite its limitations compared to later and more advanced competitors.

        Apparently, the European version didn't come out until 1979, and it didn't support the trick of the US (NTSC) TV system that the original design used as a shortcut to generate colour, so it was black-and-white only. And by that point there would already have been many cheaper (and arguably better) competitors.

        And, as you note, Europe in general didn't have as much money to burn, and what was affordable in the US wasn't so much over here.

        Which I suspect meant that the Apple II never got entrenched in Europe to the same extent.

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: C128 the Hero!

          QUB had an instruction lab running Apple ][ clones. I think they were actually made under licence but can't remember who by. They were running UCSD Pascal.

      5. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: C128 the Hero!

        "I think I only ever saw real TRS-80s of any kind in Tandy shops."

        My boss had one. I built a joystick interface for it based on one of Steve Ciarcia's articles in Byte. If memory serves that involved making a PCB with a Dalo (resist) pen and etching with ferric chloride.

        Years later I saw a TRS80 on a market stall and bought it simply because it was a piece of history. It's in the garage somewhere - I don't even know if it was working when i bought it. By now it would probably need re-capping if I wanted to try it.

        My local Tandy shop in NI had a range of non-Tandy IBM compatibles. They had a case design I've never seen elsewhere in that the lid hinged up from the back, no faffing about with screws or whatever. They were ideal for playing with using for insrumentation in the lab.

      6. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

        Re: C128 the Hero!

        The unfavourable exchange rates of the early-to-mid 80s had a lot to do with the lack of US micros in Europe - the only one of much consequence was the C64 until the era of the Amiga and ST in the late 80s.

        1. Terry 6 Silver badge

          Re: C128 the Hero!

          I dimly remember a story in a magazine of the time, possibly written retrospectively, probably Personal Computer World (also confusingly called PCW?), that said that the US computer industry tried to kick start sales in the UK by offering significant discounts. And that the UK resellers held on to the extra cash and kept the prices at the same level.

        2. werdsmith Silver badge

          Re: C128 the Hero!

          Vic-20 was also successful before C64, despite its RAM limitations.

  20. Roj Blake Silver badge

    Micro Men

    A decade or so back, the BBC made a film about the rivalry between Chris Curry of Acorn and Sir Clive Sinclair of Sinclair. It starred Alexander "Pointless" Armstrong and Martin "Bilbo/Watson/Tim" Freeman and was called Micro Men.

    Well worth checking out.

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Micro Men

      The whole drama/documentary is on Youtube.

      Several copies, in fact.

      SD version:

      720P version:

      1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

        Re: Micro Men

        Look out for Sophie Wilson's cameo as a barmaid!

        1. Martin an gof Silver badge

          Re: Micro Men

          And IMSMC one by Chris Curry buying a magazine in Smiths. I have it recorded somewhere, long time since I watched it. Really liked the genuine-footage inserts, things like The Computer Programme. Why has the Beeb only put a very few episodes on iPlayer? Similarly Horizon, QED, Tomorrow's World?

          Making the Most of the Micro

          Micro Live


          1. Dan 55 Silver badge

            Re: Micro Men

            All of the Computer Literacy Project is online here, sometimes the BBC Archive social media account drops a hint about it on Facebook or Twitter but it seems like it's something that could have the plug pulled at any moment if management find out.

            1. Martin an gof Silver badge

              Re: Micro Men

              Thanks for that. I had previously found all the demo software and in-browser emulator but I'm sure the programmes weren't there last time I looked!

              Seems odd that they are only on Rewind and not in the normal iPlayer archive but maybe it's a different set of servers or connected to a different CDN for cost reasons.

              There is quite a lot of local news from the ages on Rewind too but sadly not (yet, as far as I know, though it's been a while since I looked) a couple of stories from the early 1980s I am interested in seeing again.


  21. Tessier-Ashpool

    Two significant characters?

    I heard a nasty story that Commodore Basic only distinguished the first two characters in variable names. Does anyone know if that is correct?

    1. Dr. Ellen

      Re: Two significant characters?

      I did some rather complicated programming on the C64 using Basic. Didn't have trouble like that. Since I was used to Fortran at work, I would have used larger names for my variables. No guarantees, that was at least forty years ago and I don't have a copy of the program.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Two significant characters?

        I had a colleague who wrote BASIC programs in FORTRAN! 2 letter variable names, spaghetti and all.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: Two significant characters?

          A real programmer can write BASIC programs in any language

          1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

            Re: Two significant characters?

            Except possibly Forth and APL.

      2. Tessier-Ashpool

        Re: Two significant characters?

        I just checked on Wikipedia.

        "Variable names are only significant to 2 characters; thus the variable names VARIABLE1, VARIABLE2, and VA all refer to the same variable."

        Deary me. Those were the days.

        1. Wellyboot Silver badge

          Re: Two significant characters?

          I used two character variables on C64 because 'short' well suited the 40 character lines.

          Not to mention the '38911 basic bytes free' !

    2. Torben Mogensen

      Re: Two significant characters?

      On the PET and VIC20, it was definitely true that only the first two characters were significant. I'm not sure about C64, but probably.

      But I once worked with a computer with an even more severe limitation: On the Swedish ABC80 computer, variable names were either one letter or one letter followed by one digit. To make matters worse, O and 0 looked exactly the same on the screen, so it was impossible to see if you mistyped 0 as O or vice versa (which could happen, as the keys are close). It also had the oddity of suffixing integer constants by % (like integer variables), so O% is a variable and 0% is a constant.

    3. swm

      Re: Two significant characters?

      The original BASIC (1963 or 1964?) was at Dartmouth and all variable names were either a single letter or a letter followed by a single digit. It was also compiled but the system hid that fact from the user.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My recollection is that the BBC Micro's 32kB memory was massive for its day ... Its predecessor the Atom had 5.75+8kB (5.75k program memory since, I've heard, Chris Curry did a "deal" on cases and found they'd checked the circuit board size against the external dimensions of the box so a row of RAM chips had to be sacrificed to make it fit).

    1. werdsmith Silver badge

      BBC Micro memory penury is why Braben and Bell had to innovate Elite, with wireframe and hidden line removal and procedurally generated scenes.

      1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

        > BBC Micro memory penury

        Obligatory elderly Spectrum fanboy shout-out to Mike Singleton and _Lords of Midnight_.

      2. Tessier-Ashpool

        Not to mention using a hardware interrupt to flip video modes part way through a screen refresh so they could render coloured graphics at the bottom of the screen. Clever stuff.

    2. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      > My recollection is that the BBC Micro's 32kB memory was massive for its day

      It wasn't bad. That's why there was a 16kB Model A for £235, as I mentioned, as well as the 32kB Model B at £335.

      But the C64 was only ~8 months later with twice the RAM, but -- critically -- two differences.

      The Beeb B maxed out at 32kB RAM because the other half of the 6502's memory map was filled with 32kB of ROM.

      The C64 only had 20kB of ROM, which is why its BASIC was so poor -- it was much smaller -- and also only about ~40kB was available to BASIC. But other programs could get at all the RAM. It could bank switch.

      The Beeb could in the form of Sideways ROM but it took Acorn years to think of using that mechanism for extra RAM.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        A third critical difference was the education market support for the Beeb. Possibly the last sensible computing decision by any HMG of any colour.

      2. Dan 55 Silver badge

        The C64 only had 20kB of ROM, which is why its BASIC was so poor

        The again it was Microsoft BASIC... the Spectrum did more with 4K less.

        1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

          > the Spectrum did more with 4K less.

          Since nobody has done so yet, I will now make a vague comment about code density on Z80 versus code density on 6502, and how that means that the machines' ROM sizes are not directly comparable, and then wander off without giving any specific examples or anything.

          1. Martin an gof Silver badge

            Plus of course noting that while the 16k of the Spectrum and the 20k of the C64 led to "limited" BASICs, this was partly because on those machines the BASIC was also the OS. The BASIC on the Beeb was also "only" 16k, but there was a totally separate 16k operating system. The paged ROM system could replace BASIC with some other program of your choosing (under OS control so you could get it back at any time) but crucially it left the OS intact, meaning that when you did so you didn't have to "reinvent the wheel" for simple things like character plotting, screen access, keyboard access etc...


            1. Dan 55 Silver badge

              Thought of a new project I'll also never complete, I'm tempted to assemble a completely incompatible version of the Spectrum ROM which has all the OS-like stuff in the first 8K and all the language stuff in the last 8K so the language can be chosen and paged into the last 8K.

          2. Torben Mogensen

            > Since nobody has done so yet, I will now make a vague comment about code density on Z80 versus code density on 6502, and how that means that the machines' ROM sizes are not directly comparable, and then wander off without giving any specific examples or anything.

            Code density wasn't really that different. You needed more instructions on the 6502, but they were shorter than on the Z80. This article: has the total benchmark size on 6502 to be just over 1024 bytes while Z89 is just under. But these are compiler-generated codes, and the 6502 is notoriously difficult for compilers to generate dense code for. And some of the benchmarks are string copying and similar, where z80 has dedicated instructions.

      3. werdsmith Silver badge

        A 32kb Model B was considered the aspirational target for people who wanted to do computing in 1981 (as opposed to gaming). 32kb was a lot of RAM for a few months until the Spectrum arrived with 48kb.

        The problem with the B / 32kb was that it cost what was for many, four weeks wages and as a no-income schoolkid. 1981 was the year of peak unemployment and the inner city riots. I wasn't getting near a Model B. One person I knew at school had one and told us his parents had gone into debt to buy it.

        I love how the BBC Micro:BIT 2 now has 128kb of RAM but cost three times as much as a Raspberry Pi PICO 2 with 512kb (OK, the :BIT has more LEDS :)

        1. Dan 55 Silver badge

          But does it make that reassuringly expensive honking sound when it's turned on?

  23. Plest Silver badge

    Frustrated kid + Micro = 40 year IT career!

    Got home from school when I was a kid around 9 years old, my dad was playing with this large beige box, he fired up this graphic demo he'd typed in and all those colours on TV! A shiny new Dragon32 micro. He quit the demo and showed me the code listing. That was it, I was f**king hooked! Computer code to make a plastic box sing and dance like that, what else could it do?!

    Around 1987 when we got our first home PC and we already had 3 Amstrad CPC machines. When I started work in 1990 I was living at home with parents and we had 2 Amstrad CPCs, 3 PCs my Dad and I had built together, I had an Amiga, Atari ST and a ZX Speccy +3 in my bedroom! Our house was mental on computers, my late mum worked from home from 1988 until she passed in 2005, years before most people did.

    When I was a kid I hated school 'cos it was cronically slow, I wanted the lessons to be twice the pace they were especially maths and computing but we had to wait for the slow kids and it drove me f**king nuts. I left school at 16 'cos I hated school, hated slow lessons, the only teachers I liked were the guys down in the tech block, they were so cool 'cos they'd all worked in the private tech industry and their stories were amazing. So at 16 I just thought "f**k you! I'll go learn on my own and get a job in computing!". Ha ha!! In 1988 while I was still at school, the other kids would be struggling to find the spacebar on the keyboard, I used spend most evenings hacking assembler to get protection off games so my mates could trade games with each other. Being the fledgling contractor I was to become of course I charged them for my services! A £1 a game for cracking and it paid for my Saxon, Iron Maiden and Motorhead albums which you needed to keep you awake when you were hacking until midnight most school nights!

  24. pmitham

    Good Old C64

    "Its only real drawbacks were its expensive and horribly slow disk drives, but then most early C64 owners didn't get those – because their parents didn't buy them"

    Not sure why the author thinks the 1541 disk drive wasn't very popular. Everyone that had a C64 had one. it was the default storage method! even as a 12 year old I had one! (though I did have a tape drive briefly first, very few people had those!!) . the 1541 was an absolute necessity and a great piece of kit! You took it to your friends house then you wanted to trade games as you could connect them together to make copies of disks independent of what the C64 was doing!

    Great little machines for their time!

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Good Old C64

      Are you by any chance in the Colonies?

      I was being a bit sarcastic. I went to university in 1985 so lost touch with the home computers my school friends had. But from '82-'84, no, they didn't have floppy drives because they were too expensive for little kids.

      By the time I came back, the fancy had a second floppy drive for their Amiga 500... But nobody was rich enough for a hard disk.

      1. UselessEustace

        Re: Good Old C64

        I remember reading that the drive was slow because they pushed it out the door before it could be optimised; they had decided that reliable data transfer trumped speed.The Action Replay Cartridge did wonders for the 1541 when it came to loading and saving data. There was also Dolphin DOS but I couldn't afford that. I remember taking the 1541 apart to fix the dreaded 'woodpecker' effect where the drive head would hammer repeatedly against the end stop; you replaced the stop with a small strip of flexible metal like the reed of a mouth organ. We ended up with 2 drives, one 8 and one 9.

        1. Matt Dainty

          Re: Good Old C64

          It was slow because apparently the Commodore marketing department insisted that the C64 be compatible with the 1540 disk drive which had a hardware flaw that dictated that the C64 do everything in software so that's how the 1541 worked as well, even though the 1540 didn't really work very well on a C64!

          I remember getting my Action Replay cartridge, a little red box of wonder.

    2. Wellyboot Silver badge

      Re: Good Old C64

      That brings back memories!

      The 1541 having basically the same architecture as the C64 itself (only 2k ram though) allowed for these features (pushing a small independent program onto drive 8 to do the disk copy onto drive 9) that were never really exploited, if there’d been a faster connection* and more memory the C64/1541 could have been a viable home cluster in the mid ‘80s.

      The first 1541 drives were all configured as drive 8, you had to cut jumpers on the mobo to make it no. 9, 10 or 11. I and possibly many others soldered a simple switch in place to make it a bit more user friendly.

      * than the slow serial daisy chained link. (170K drive copied in 30? mins)

      1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        Re: Good Old C64

        A "TurboDisk" program was written for the C64+1541 and published in a magazine (Compute! ?). It doubled the data transfer rate by making use of an otherwise unused signalling line (wire in the cable). There were two parts to the program. One part was executed on the 65XX CPU within the 1541 drive unit, and the other part executed on the 6510 CPU inside the C64.

      2. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

        Re: Good Old C64

        > the C64/1541 could have been a viable home cluster in the mid ‘80s.

        Here you go. C64 Mandelbrot with CPU offload to the 1541.

      3. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Good Old C64

        >The 1541 having basically the same architecture as the C64 itself (

        But it made up for all that advanced processing power by using a serial link that was slower than some cassette tapes

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "[author] wasn't a Commodore owner in their prime – this vulture owned Sinclair, then Amstrad"

    Oh dear. I expect your household watched ITV and ate boxes of Roses at xmas. My parents insisted on Commodore 64, BBC1 and Quality Street on the table. My friends who had Sinclair's and later Amstrad 464s (and mothers who weren't desperate to be middle class) may have had many more and better games but I had a better keyboard to slowly type a bouncing ball program out of the magazine while my friends played Jet Set Willy. It's important to have standards, rather than fun.

    1. Liam Proven (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      > I expect your household watched ITV and ate boxes of Roses at xmas.

      That is mean-spirited.


      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        But you were allowed to watch Tiswas

      2. Jonathan Richards 1 Silver badge

        Testing the tone...

        I read it as sardonic rather than mean-spirited, and indeed it *might* reflect some purchasing decisions in certain households.

  26. TM™

    Magic TImes

    I had a ZX81, Spectrum +, +2 and +3. Probably the cheapest professional education any parent could buy (I work in the IT industry despite my degree in Physics).

    I use to argue that my specy was better than my friends' commodore 64s. I was so wrong. But, it was cheap.

    I went over to the dark side for my Amiga which is still far and away the fastest, most amazing computer I've ever owned. Everything since then has been a bit meh.

    1. Stephen Wilkinson

      Re: Magic TImes

      I started down that route with the ZX-81 but then went to the dark side with the VIC-20 followed by the C64.

      I was always completely envious of the BBC B though!

  27. JRStern Bronze badge


    Come on, most of this is deep dish trivia (and what, no Radio Shack? IMSAI?)

    Commodore was the half-way interesting one, but maybe they just never took it all seriously enough.

    Anything before Apple2 is trivia time, anything before IBM PC doesn't matter too much.

    The whole 6502 thing fades into the fog of the past ...

    1. werdsmith Silver badge

      Re: Trivia

      You would be right but for the fact that ARM was born out of some of that trivia.

    2. Jonathan Richards 1 Silver badge

      Re: Trivia

      I think you missed the entire point of the article. Ah, well.

  28. Apprentice Human

    Can't wait for the Apple issues but....

    A great first story. And Apple will be a fun 2 sections, I had a job, so I was an Apple fanboy, in the Antipodes, in the late 70's and early 80's, saving up so I could get a uni degree.

    I think but I'd love to see some coverage of the rise and demise of the mini-computer. I'm thinking of Pr1me (that I worked on), but also Wang, and many others, all chasing the business dollar (Sperry-Rand, and others that I forget).

    And the comments have been great too.

  29. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Commodore ALWAYS drooled over the business market. It is too bad they didn't run some loss leaders to make inroads. In 1985 an Amiga was considerably more advanced than any IBM clone. The 286 was significantly more expensive, so miggy was very good value - but it didn't translate into machines on desks.

    Certainly not for want of software. Plenty of good productivity tools available, even that early on. And it's before Excel/Word became the default requirement.

    Despite being better, too late to the party? Perhaps also, slightly too early to pick up the refresh from the initial round of then 4-5 year old IBMs?

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Electron Max

    I couldn't persuade my wife to let me buy the BBC-B but I did negotiate for an Electron. I gradually expanded it with the various add-ons and still have it in my attic (Electron, Plus-1, Plus-3, Plus-5, word processing and spreadsheet ROMs, a co-pro and 5.1/4" FD). The original power supply failed and needed a beefier rebuild; I also had a monitor (green-screen) but that went to a colleague who needed on (after I'd moved over to an Amstrad PC).

    The Commodore PET mention brought back a memory of seeing one on the bridge of an offshore service vessel - it was used to monitor a taught line DPS (dynamic positioning system): a lightweight cord was run from the ship to the nearby platform, and its tension and movement monitored - the PET used this data to feed signals to the ship's thrusters to keep it on station. Crude, but this was back in the 1980's, before GPS was available to run a ship's DPS.

  31. Dabooka


    They seems somewhat absent from these writeups

    1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

      Re: Amstrad?

      Because they were successful at almost everything in the sector at the time (the em@iler came later). This article is about the failures and bad decisions.

  32. Contrex

    I can remember going through the classified small-ads in the back of the Bristol Evening Post - so many computers by 'Commador', and so many printers by that well-known Surrey company, Epsom. I think they were phoned in.

  33. spold Silver badge

    Let's not forget...

    The ITT 2020 - an Apple II clone produced under license in Europe. It had the benefit of having a proper PAL video output. But this and other features meant that if you ran a program designed for the Apple II using Applesoft strange things would likely happen to the graphics - e.g. if you rotated a square it became a rectangle, and circles would become ellipses! ...and some colours selected in drawing were not available on the ITT! It also detracted from the proper one in having a silver case with a black keyboard so that you knew you were in trouble before you switched it on.

  34. LOAD ZX Spectrum Museum

    The Speccy global phenomenon and TIMEX involvement on it

    Hi Liam.

    As you mention TIMEX and the TS2068 spectrum alternative, I believe it makes sense to bring some additional information to the table.

    TIMEX adventures in the computer business did not stop with the TS2068 and its compatibility issues. In 1984 the US team decided to leave the business and Timex Computer Corporation folded. But, as most of the computers to sell outside of the UK were already being assembled by the unit in Portugal (many TS1000, all TS1500s, the Czwerny's computers in Argentina that were initially produced by TIMEX Portugal...), the Portuguese unit kept going for 3 or 4 more years with the computing business.

    It was TIMEX Portugal who adapted the concept of the TS2068 to the more compatible TC2068 which was much similar to a Speccy when using an emulator cartridge easily available here. They developed also other software such as Timeword (basically a rip off of word star) for that computer. That same computer was the one exported to Poland and became the Unipolbrit UK2086 adapted and sold there.

    TIMEX Portugal also came up with the FDD3 and FDD3000 systems that you could connect to any spectrum (like I had back in the days). These were also sold in Poland with success, for example. They also developed the TC3000, a "keyboard" allowing you to run CP/M when connected to the FDD3000.

    Much more interesting in terms of features and compatibility with the Speccy was the simplified version of the TC2068 which became the TC2048. It had already a kempston joystick port, it used the spectrum ROM (making it 99.9% compatible) and with the added features that you mention of the Timex computers.

    And then we can even enter into the less known information of the Spectrum with 256K of memory that never passed from prototype (but working) stage - the TC3256, or the computer network called TENET, that was not really commercialised due to the sale of Sinclair to Amstrad. This last project even involved former key people from Sinclair in the team and we will have big news during this year about it.

    We have finished a video documentary for the Portuguese national TV that should be aired "at any moment". It depicts all that happened in the TIMEX Portugal unit, with lots of information on the Speccy era, but it is not yet available online.

    Finally, let me take the opportunity to:

    a) invite you to visit us in Portugal.

    b) invite you to take a look at the Timex Computer World website that is now part of our museum and has lots of information about this.

    I am not putting the links here as I don't know if I can.

    Thanks for sharing and keeping these memories alive.

    Warm regards.



    1. Dan 55 Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: The Speccy global phenomenon and TIMEX involvement on it

      I don't know if you can but I know I can.

      1. LOAD ZX Spectrum Museum

        Re: The Speccy global phenomenon and TIMEX involvement on it

        ahaha, thank you.

  35. Tehdastehdas

    Small missteps. I wrote about the greatest leaps and worst strategic mistakes.

    This story begins 1939 in Vannevar Bush's mind.

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