back to article Russian man who sold logins to nearly 3,000 accounts gets 40 months in jail

A Russian national is taking a trip to prison in the US after being found guilty of peddling stolen credentials on a popular dark web marketplace. Hailing from Moscow, 27-year-old Georgy Kavzharadze sold his stolen wares between July 2016 and May 2021 on the Slilpp marketplace, which was taken down in 2021 following a …

  1. WolfFan

    he's probably Georgian or South Cacusus something or the other

    I suspect that m'man might be a Russian national, but has roots in Georgia. Georgian criminals have a long history of having fun in Russia, dating back to Stalin (Dzejughashvili) and even earlier. Georgian and other Cacusus criminals are to Russian crime as Italian/Sicilian, Irish, and Jewish criminals are to American crime: the Gold Standard to which others are compared. Infamously Mark Twain noted that there was no distinctively American criminal class, except for Congress.

    1. Necrohamster Silver badge

      Re: he's probably Georgian or South Cacusus something or the other

      "Georgian and other Cacusus criminals are to Russian crime as Italian/Sicilian, Irish, and Jewish criminals are to American crime"

      You packed a lot of xenophobia into one short comment. Bravo!

      By your logic, if someone named O'Malley commits a crime in America he's Irish rather than American?

      Can the curse be broken after several generations, or is the criminal forever doomed to be remembered for the origin of his name?

    2. A random security guy

      Re: he's probably Georgian or South Cacusus something or the other

      Amazing analysis. Do you have any data to support your logic. For example, do you have proof that there are criminal genes that passed on?

      Or it is an infection?

      Do explain.

  2. Grunchy Silver badge

    We want the Kim Dotcom story!

    Since his extradition order has now been signed etc.

    Arrest & prison transport should be next step, no?

    1. Necrohamster Silver badge

      Re: We want the Kim Dotcom story!

      No, he can appeal. So expect the saga to drag on indefinitely.

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