Have you ever used Edge? no, could you provide any proof or element about your smart, highly educated and visionary statements?? No need, they are true because you're so biased and brainwashed and you deeply believe what you say. Bias, believe, I've heard, raise concerns... you're living in in a world of maybe or rumor has... you, and you're not alone, in a reality that is so wrong.
And nobody knows where this comes from... because Microsoft had never been into tracking people, never, and of all the things they were accused of are alike, because check articles 20 years ago the same bullshits were said, Microsoft presented a security platform and some academics or supposedly experts explained how encrypting data was some way to control you and your computer, and probably they entered the house by the chimneys in red outfits (I hope they lost any credit and live under a bridge... you cannot be a scientist - or a Jounalist by the way, and so vocally spread entirely made up things, which is illegal too, and this is psychosis, so I am sorry for the person, mental health issues are hard to handle. And reading that 20 years later, when most of those technologies have been implemented for everyone and every OS, and never tracked anyone, could let you think people were very stupid back then, like we imagine the middle-age people were (they weren't but had no education and where living in a world where all they knew was believing,) an at the time, some people had balls, and critical thinking still was around, and realize the craziness that situation was: and said that "attacking the latest Microsoft monster is an international blood sport" and that "even if Microsoft had a new technology capable of ending Third World hunger and First World obesity, digital seers would still lambaste it because they view Bill Gates as a grey incarnation of Satan." and this wasn't new, (because Steve Jobs started it with "MS copied us", they did not, at all, and Jobs sued quite a few times companies that copied him, all clearly one of his obsessions, and tried again in the 90s when Microsoft was so innovative, like today, they made some genius things, any honest technical person must agree to that, performances, that repeats quite often) Apple, no one knows what they did at the time, and Jobs had been fired anyway. Satan Bill Gates, who will be remembered as some genius technically and for hi so many strategic decisions that he got right, just like Microsoft will be recognized for it's huge impact on computing... Microsoft Reasearch is the biggest institution in computing, but not only. They are famous for that, when you are or have been trained as a scientist.. Just read a book by Gates, or listen to a podcast, he's passionate, spontaneous, likeable, so smart because he can speak of biology or sociology and anything, and still interesting, and never exaggerate, and clearly is a nice guy, he spoke of his daughter, like any good dad would, ha was so proud of her, because she was a good engineer now, you cannot fake that, and he has no reason to anyway...
Telemetry's is spying, Copilot is spying, TPM2 was spying but today isn't THE secure chip, newer there are in phones, MS has one, in Xbox, and the Surface... yet requiring it for Win 11 (it's from 2006-7 so not novelty) is unacceptable, so people whine about the cause, the solution and invent the problems, and for the exact opposite reason they where whining 20 years ago. So Sos much for the stupid middle age people, this is worse.
Edge is a good case, it is known to be very privacy focused by honest people, and has many strong features implemented, and many cool an useful ones on the side, and is probably the best at the moment. And sync is instant, which is very useful, if you don't suffer from paranoid illness... and have a Microsoft account like almost all the 1.6 billion users of Windows. So many things, but security breaks websites, not compliant, but the other browsers are also on the same path, except Google of course, so when something doesn't work use Chrome, it was designed to pump as much of your data like all other Google services... It seems like it's a secret, because people rant about Microsoft while happily using pure tracking apps done by google, which once again, is a ridiculous situation.
And telemetry so evil, and of course, spying, people should be period in more imaginative ways. A little effort please. But what isn't known, yet no one is hiding it, is that telemetry is very useful, statistics, and tracking no one, but and this is where you should all feel a little stupid, is in al OS, iOS, the Mac "OS", let's not mention android, even big Linux distro, and most apps, even Proton's and this website too. And house appliances too. But this afternoon I saw yet another script, for Visual Studio Code, so pure FOSS, that is the most used programming editor in the world, because it is very good, and is funded by Microsoft, but not only, yet he had made a script to block even extensions update checks. And was quite proud, limit pretentious. He just forgot one little detail... extensions have telemetry, and so he blocked updates, while having 50 extensions doing telemetry... which is nothing wrong, and is always described, and help make apps better. But mainly, made the guy a fool, and clearly clueless, because he would check his network, or read the extension page, he'd know. But people don't read, this might jeopardize their beliefs. We are vastly stupider than we were in the middle age. Because we have access to so much science and knowledge, and information, and also this is so naive and so not plausible, yet this kind of tales and legends, are so widespread...
And this already way too long but is only one thing out of thousands of others... please, believe the earth is flat, that God made us, not evolution, and leave Microsoft alone, or learn they have so much to offer Unlike experts like the author of the previous message, geniuses that hate them, because they believe. Read, think, inform yourself on honest news outlets, in Europe they are common, in the US, read the big papers, because they speak about apple practices, and make articles about Micrsoft being world leader in security, and thech news, maks upo tales. I don't know what to say. It's up to you believe in senseless lies, or know, using much simpler explanations; Occam's razor works much Beter than made up plots by an evil spying company, which in fact does so much for the people and communities. Also, they probably do it because we are all so important, this is bit the idea behind all this too. It's really not that hard to investigate and realkize and know who does what. You'll feeel a bit of shame when you'll realize, but after, you'll be informed correctly, and not on verge of a psychotic break...
And in 20 someone will read this and will say they were stupid, at the time, and I bet nothing will be different. Wea re regressing, weel, not all of use, but we are.