back to article Trump campaign cites Iran election phish claim as evidence leaked docs were stolen

Former US president Donald Trump's re-election campaign has claimed it's been the victim of a cyber attack. The claim was made after US outlet Politico reported an anonymous email account sent it a dossier of information sourced from within the campaign operation, but the entity who sent the docs declined to explain how they …

  1. Grunchy Silver badge

    Ehhh, so what

    Plenty of speculation about who leaked the docs, and whether it was intentional or whatever. Nobody cares! Nobody cares about what the documents even say, since Trump is a known liar and the entire Republican Party is gaslighting so hard everybody’s walking around stupefied by the fumes.

    Notice that the actual content of whatever was stolen, if it was really stolen, is completely irrelevant. Whether the “spear fishing” yarn was true or not, whatever “documents” were leaked were all nothing but contrived bullshit either way. It’s the only thing everybody knows for sure with respect to this entire sordid affair..

    1. veti Silver badge

      Re: Ehhh, so what

      Foreign interference, hacked communications... It's funny, but looking at the Trump campaign this time around, I'm reminded powerfully of the Clinton campaign in 2016. There's the same sense of righteous helplessness, the same indignant incredulity that somehow they're being beaten and they know perfectly well why, but since they can't admit that their candidate is a toxic heap of guano, they can't propose the one thing that might help.

      Trump has cost the Republicans four elections already (house in 2018 and 2020, senate and presidency in 2020). And so, of course they nominated him again.

  2. Winkypop Silver badge

    It’s a Trump based story

    Truth is entirely optional.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It’s a Trump based story

      A correction is in order here !!!

      If it involves Trump then 'Truth' is *not* optional *but* completely absent !!!

      'Truth' cannot survive in close proximity to Trump, very similar to Putin!!!


  3. redpawn

    Having promised a reward

    for Russia finding the "missing" emails from Clinton's server, objecting to foreign interference is a bit rich though true to form.

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Having promised a reward

      A couple of choice quotes from the Politico story that I liked.

      Asked how they obtained the documents, the person responded: “I suggest you don’t be curious about where I got them from. Any answer to this question, will compromise me and also legally restricts you from publishing them.”

      And the real doozy!

      “These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process,” Cheung said.

      Apparently we're not supposed to remember what Trump said about the Wikileaks stuff. And we're supposed to think Trump cares about protecting the democratic process.

      Rather reminds me of Vladimir Putin's rather tragic speech last week. Complaining about Ukrainian provocation in daring to send troops into Russia.

      I was rather pleased that Germany's Bild (litle better than The Sun), had the headline last week: "German tanks heading for Kursk again"

      Tee hee. Splutter!

      Poor ex-President Medvedev was forced to tweet (presuambly drun again) that he'd have to do something about getting some Russian tanks to Berlin. Not even the first time he's threatened to invade Germany this year. I'd love to see it though. Presumably it would have to be T34s out of storage - and I reckon they'd have a great time trying to get there via Poland...

      1. Rafael #872397

        Re: Having promised a reward

        “These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process,” Cheung said.

        This guy reminds me of Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf.

      2. Bebu

        Re: Having promised a reward

        "German tanks heading for Kursk again"

        Not often the tabloid media amuses* but this one really tickled my fancy and makes me wish I could read German if Bild publishes such gems.

        I believe this fish wrapper also referred to the then DDR as the Soviet occupation zone (Sowjetische Besatzungszone) the validity of which subsequent history rather confirmed.

        As for Russian tanks arriving in Berlin those would be the same imaginary tanks that occupied central Kiev in early 2022 then? Or the remaining fragments of the wrecks that tried.

        * Page 3 excepted, of course. ;)

  4. Potemkine! Silver badge

    When I hear Trump speaking/lying, I can't help but think about Giant Douche in South Park.

  5. WonkoTheSane

    Important question missing

    Which Iranian official did Trump let use the Mar-a-Lago bathroom?

    1. Rich 11

      Re: Important question missing

      Let? The door was never locked.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Important question missing

        "Here, take those documents as a souvenir".

  6. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "The Register is unaware of any evidence"

    The Trump campaign is as well, but that won't keep them from spouting their bullshit.

  7. Vincent van Gopher

    False flag

    1. Philo T Farnsworth Silver badge

      A note of caution for the naive and unwary is VERY NSFW.

      That particular comic is okay but browse the rest of the site at your own risk, on your own time, and not on your corporate network.

      Funny as all get out but "According to the website, the comic 'started out as an attempt to make pornography [and] degenerated into sex comedy pretty much immediately.'[1]"

      You have been warned.



  8. Magani

    A formula?

    Your mission, dear reader, if you choose to accept it, is to calculate the number of Trump supporters who read this esteemed forum, by the number of down votes to each post.

    It seems they're coming out of the woodwork.

    1. Reaps

      Re: A formula?

      I'm sure the usual suspects will be in shortly to inform us how the leftard marxists are so unfair about a lying orange shit bag

      1. Atomic Duetto

        Re: A formula?

        I’m a left handed marxist, and so is my wife!

        1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

          Re: A formula?

          That is a sinister suggestion!

      2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: Baby formula?

        I'm sure the usual suspects will be in shortly to inform us how the leftard marxists are so unfair about a lying orange shit bag

        Nope, but I will point out just how polite, grown-up and civilised lefties are. Clinton got 'hacked', it was Russia! Trump gets hacked, it was Iran! SS;DD. Hacks happen, leaks happen, there's no real evidence as yet to what actually happened other than CrowdStrike are probably unlikely to run interference for Trump.

        But why do people using the best Western software keep getting 'hacked'? Why can't the West make a secure OS, and apps? Perhaps in a few months this will change, when America's future tech leader is elected. Here's Kamala explaining the Cloud-

        "No longer are you keeping those private files in some file cabinet. It's on your laptop, and it's then therefore up here in this cloud, that exists above us. It's no longer in a physical place."

        Kamala is one of the most brilliant thinkers and philosphers of her generation, so her words are often deserving of consideration to understand the deeper meaning behind them. No longer are you keeping those files private, you are putting them out there, in this cloud. Where potentially anyone can read them, especially if armed with an NSL, or just a warrant.

        1. Casca Silver badge

          Re: Baby formula?

          And there he is....

        2. DS999 Silver badge

          There's a reason for that

          But why do people using the best Western software keep getting 'hacked'?

          Because the people attempting to secure things have to get it right every single time, those trying to break in only have to get it right once.

          You might as well as why people keep escaping from jail/prison. Watching from the outside, it seems like it shouldn't be that hard to keep them within the walls of a "maximum security" prison, yet people break out regularly. Some inmates escape multiple times. Same deal, the prison has to get everything right with everything they do - even with perfect processes they need to insure those processes are always followed exactly. The guys escaping only need to find a single weakness in the system to get out.

        3. veti Silver badge

          Re: Baby formula?

          Who was "using the best Western software"?

          And what other, non-Western software do you have in mind?

          1. LogicGate Silver badge

            Re: Baby formula?

            Just be happy they did not use Holiday-Inn software

        4. druck Silver badge

          Re: Baby formula?

          But why do people using the best Western software keep getting 'hacked'?

          No, they are running Windows.

    2. LogicGate Silver badge

      Re: A formula?

      So somewhere between 3 and 5 at the time of writing.

      However, Codejunky and Ellied Jeel have not posted yet, so make that 5 to 7.

      1. Vincent van Gopher

        Re: A formula?

        East coast Trumpers only just having breakfast or getting to work (07:30), Texas 06:30, West coast still a few hours to go (04:30).

        1. LogicGate Silver badge

          Re: A formula?

          Good point, but I believe that the two mentioned are active in either the UK or Saint Petersburg.

          1. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

            Re: A formula?

            St Petersburg is in Florida, isn't it?

          2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

            Re: A formula?

            Good point, but I believe that the two mentioned are active in either the UK or Saint Petersburg.

            The FSB encourages home working, and isn't too fussed about who's home.

            (/sarc for Starmer and his big & little brothers)

            1. LogicGate Silver badge

              Re: A formula?

              good one, have an upvote ;)

        2. Bebu

          Re: A formula?

          East coast Trumpers only just having breakfast or getting to work (07:30), Texas 06:30, West coast ...

          "From sea to shining sea!"

          (Apologies to Katharine Lee Bates.)

          For Orange man's pursuit of gain,

          For the purple lying mountainous travesty

          Above the fruitcakes made plain!

          America! America!

          God shed this disgrace from thee

          And uncrown this pedlar of falsehood

          From sea to shining sea!

    3. Bebu
      Big Brother

      Re: A formula?

      Trump supporters who read this esteemed forum ... coming out of the woodwork.

      A bit like dry rot? A destructive fungus that perniciously destroys previously sound structures.

      He of the visage orange, is clearly Tommy Rot revenant.

  9. hammarbtyp

    Karma's a bitch

    (or how Trump would put it "Kamala's a bitch")

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      That's "Dangerously Liberal" Kamala, backed by "$250,000,000 in dirty liberal cash" since she's backed by "the ENTIRE DEEP STATE MACHINE" (sic).

      From the same campaign team, "from the desk of Lara Trump, RNC Co-chair" has come the invitation to "Imagine a conversation between two of the greatest minds of our time: President Trump and Elon Musk."

      Having a fairly generic Gmail address, I get campaign emails from "Trump National Committee JFC, Inc., a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee." They would be amusing in their insanity if there weren't the risk of Trump actually getting elected because just enough of the wrong people are utterly bonkers enough to let/make it happen.

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Whoever it was ...

    ... It just shows that they have no respect for the Republican Party nor Trump. According to (checks video ...)

    Donald J. Trump! Well whodathunkit?!?!

  11. Zibob Silver badge

    From just the first line

    So they can't even secure their privately run campaign. And they are supposed to keep america safe.

    Big security questions need to asked if they could be "hacked" at this stage.

    Funny that they are using this as a point to vote for them, when it shows clearly why your shouldn't.

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: From just the first line

      What big security questions?

      This is a man who had stolen codeword (higher than Top Secret) files stored in a disused toilet with a chandelier.

      On which subjuect, who has chandeliers in their toilets anyway?

      1. collinsl Silver badge

        Re: From just the first line

        > On which subjuect, who has chandeliers in their toilets anyway?

        The same guy who has gold doored elevators and puts descriptions of farts on the outside of all his buildings in massive gold letters.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: From just the first line

          And all the steps have knuckle protectors in case any of his supporters enter.

      2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: From just the first line

        On which subjuect, who has chandeliers in their toilets anyway?

        Doesn't everyone? They can make swinging a lot more fun!

        1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

          Re: From just the first line

          You are Liberace and I claim my £5!

          I'll get my coat, the one with the rhinestone decorations...

      3. Zibob Silver badge

        Re: From just the first line

        Like... How it happened inside the close knit group surrounding him? Generally on a campaign, you have a good idea, first name basis, who you are working with, but apparently not.

        Again if he can keep control of just campaign staff, how would he ever cope with stuff like the various security branches that would be under his control.

        But yes I do get that he's done larger actors of ntentional security stupidity before.

        Just you know if you can't be trusted to boil eggs, you shouldn't be allowed to be head chef?

        1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

          Re: From just the first line

          Generally on a campaign, you have a good idea, first name basis, who you are working with, but apparently not

          Trump? Knowing the names of underlings? You're having a laugh..

          Probably requires them to use his former title at all times.

    2. codejunky Silver badge

      Re: From just the first line


      "So they can't even secure their privately run campaign. And they are supposed to keep america safe."

      I like comments like this, Trump played this pretty well blaming foreign interference hacking. We dont know who did it, with fairly good reason there are those who expect the US security services to be continuing their anti-Trump efforts, but by claiming foreign interference Trump makes this the same situation as the Clinton/Podesta hack. For all those defending Clinton back then will need to twist their minds to call this ok.

      I am waiting to see what comes next. I do assume this is from the usual suspects in the US security services and since their campaign of lawfare failed and the assassination attempt didnt work (that has open questions) I wonder what comes next.

      1. Casca Silver badge

        Re: From just the first line

        Wow, do you believe in deep state also? Ah, stupid question of course you do.

        1. codejunky Silver badge

          Re: From just the first line


          "Wow, do you believe in deep state also? Ah, stupid question of course you do."

          Try explaining what you mean by deep state?

          1. PB90210 Silver badge

            Re: From just the first line

            Them... you know... THEM!

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: From just the first line


              "Them... you know... THEM!"

              No kidding. I am looking forward to seeing where he goes from here. I am guessing he is trying to make shadows he can laugh off instead of the very specific and public attacks and failings he cant.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: From just the first line

                I am guessing he is trying to make shadows he can laugh off

                One needs to look closer to home when talking about people who have been taken in by shadow puppets and smoke and mirrors. Wouldn't you say, hmm?

          2. Casca Silver badge

            Re: From just the first line

            Oh, take a pick among the trump moronic things you have posted...

            1. codejunky Silver badge

              Re: From just the first line


              "Oh, take a pick among the trump moronic things you have posted..."

              Interesting. You said deep state, I asked you to define what you mean and this is your response. As I guessed, you are trying to make shadows. Let me know if you figure out what you mean

              1. Casca Silver badge

                Re: From just the first line

                Why would I. You are one of those who write here to further your shit post propaganda and nothing else.

                1. codejunky Silver badge

                  Re: From just the first line


                  "Why would I."

                  Why are you asking me why you should know what you are talking about? If you have no clue it isnt my problem nor does it appear I am the one spouting propaganda.

                  1. Anonymous Coward

                    Re: From just the first line

                    nor does it appear I am the one spouting propaganda.

                    This is a self-awareness fail of EPIC proportions.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: From just the first line

        codejunkie>> I am waiting to see what comes next. I do assume this is from the usual suspects in the US security services and since their campaign of lawfare failed and the assassination attempt didnt work (that has open questions) I wonder what comes next.

        You need to step away from Telegram and Trump Social, brother/sister. Your brain has melted!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: From just the first line

          "brother/sister" ?

          Are you implying that codejunky is trans???

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: From just the first line

            I can neither confirm nor deny the gender status of commentards. Although clearly some self-identify as Tuftons.

            1. Bebu

              Re: From just the first line

              Although clearly some self-identify as Tuftons.

              Like many I come here for the snark but also broadens the mind and widens ones vocabulary.

              I now know what a Bufton Tufton is - not an erotic molester of toy fluffy bunnies as I first imagined although the Tories have historically exhibited rather wide ranging tastes in matters (quasi) erotic.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: From just the first line

                It's also a reference to people who follow the teaching of murky organisations all based out of, or adjacent to, 55 Tufton Street in London. Liz Truss was a big devotee.

  12. Tron Silver badge

    Leak better next time.

    The Western media operate under political thumbs. If you want to leak the dirty secrets of politicians, before they conveniently 'lose' or 'accidentally' delete all their incriminating messages and e-mails, find a better way of doing it. Or just keep it safe until the inquiries begin, and then helpfully hand it over.

    Leaks of government e-mails are the only way we are ever going to get any honest transparency out of the failures running our countries into the ground.

    1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

      Re: Leak better next time.

      Leaks of government e-mails are the only way we are ever going to get any honest transparency out of the failures running our countries into the ground.

      Theoretically there should be no need to leak most government emails, ie they should be FOI'able. Problem is politicians and a lot of senior civil servants know this, so don't use official services. Then they get 'hacked' or stuff leaks, and then fired, fined or jailed depending on where they sit on the political spectrum.

      1. PB90210 Silver badge

        Re: Leak better next time.

        Unfortunately phones are liable to fall overboard from ferries... or they forget to backup the data when switching phones... or they set WhatsApp to auto-delete just ahead of the public inquiry...

  13. Groo The Wanderer


    To quote a Mel Brooks character in "Blazing Saddles:"

    "Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, bullshit...."

  14. Howard Sway Silver badge

    The research dossier was a 271-page document

    Apparently it contained info on JD Vance's vulnerabilities and all the bad stuff he'd said about Trump.

    271 pages of vulnerabilities strikes me as a more than average amount of vulnerabilities. And this document was written by his own campaign! Did they not think as they passed the 200 page mark, that perhaps they could have made a better choice?

    1. codejunky Silver badge

      Re: The research dossier was a 271-page document

      @Howard Sway

      "271 pages of vulnerabilities strikes me as a more than average amount of vulnerabilities"

      Does it say that or is it a 271 page document which includes potential vulnerabilities?

    2. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: The research dossier was a 271-page document

      Did they not think as they passed the 200 page mark, that perhaps they could have made a better choice?

      The campaign had nothing to do with the choice. Trump has completely taken over the republican party, and installed loyalists in his campaign. Everyone in power who is left (with a few exceptions like Georgia's governor he keeps hammering on for his lack of "loyalty") is in thrall to him and will happily follow him over whatever cliff he might lead them off. Reportedly it was his braindead son Don Jr who really pushed for Vance, some of the blame goes to him, but most to Trump himself who was dumb enough to listen to him.

      Its funny how a majority of high level cabinet officials in his previous administration (including his own VP!) refuse to support him. Some have even endorsed Harris. If he always hires the "best people" like he claims, why is that? And why did he end up with such a poor choice for VP? So much for the "best people".

      If you want to know where the DEI hires are, look no further than JD Vance. He was hired by Trump because "DEI" ('D'on Jr, 'E'ric, 'I'vanka) but more than that Peter Thiel plucked him from obscurity and handed him several jobs he was unqualified for (like running a PE fund) because he saw in him someone he could mold into what he wanted. And as a result the never Trumper JD Vance of 2016, who said far worse things about Trump than any democrat did, did a complete 180 and now worships him. Money well spend by Thiel I guess, he's one of the big financial backers of Project 2025 and now he has a guy so involved in it he wrote the foreward to a book about it!

    3. druck Silver badge

      Re: The research dossier was a 271-page document

      The first thing any campaign does is find all the dirt on their candidate, so when something gets out, and something will always get out, they've already written the play book on how to spin it.

      1. DS999 Silver badge

        Re: The research dossier was a 271-page document

        Sometimes they leak it themselves, as it is better to have it made public in January when most average people aren't paying attention to the election and is "old news" by the time of the election.

        Just look at Trump's "grab 'em by the pussy" thing. That's no less terrible today than it was when it first came out, but it no longer impacts things because people tend to focus on the "new", even it is less relevant.

    4. teebie

      Re: The research dossier was a 271-page document

      A lot of the pages came from the DFS catalogue.

  15. Alistair

    Lets have some fun here.

    So, basically, the PAC folks didn't remove Rudy from the AD, and left him with full access, and since he's six ways broke and being ignored by DJT, he sold his login to some dude from the New York Post for a couple Old Fasioneds and a Whiskey Sour on a friday night in a lower Manhattan dive bar. Dude from the New York Post can't run with this crap because MAGA, and calls a buddy of his at the UN, and hands them the mess, UN dude figures the best way to step away from this is make it sound like the Iranians, since everyone hates the Iranians right now. (Could be North Korea, but he has the wrong accent). Chaos ensues, and, oddly, no one gives a crap about the details he's releasing just because Iran. Backfire.

  16. ExpatZ

    Rinse, repeat, drool some more.

    The faces change, the stupid remains.

    And gets dumber each election.

    Lesser evil voting, this is what you get after 30 years of that lame failed strategy.

    You are getting played, all of you, both parties.


    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  17. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. Bebu

      Re: My personal theory

      «A goodly portion of the GOP know damn well that Trump is not suited for any government service greater than picking up papers on the side of the road.»

      I suppose Plan B if all else fails is to convince the electoral college to cast their votes for any pair other than these two depraved clowns.

      «picking up papers on the side of the road.»

      Not even that. I was thinking the title role in The Man Who Never Was but he could even screw that up.

  18. This post has been deleted by its author

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