Lack of Naming Sense [Was: Re: people will believe any old rubbish]
What doesn't help [is] that [what] we have in our purview to stop is bad naming and explanations of our stuff, like incognito [mode] and yet we fail to do so.
Some (perhaps many?) tech-types have terrible (or lack all) naming sense. You see this in badly-chosen, non-descriptive, or misleading variable names, e.g. a FORTRAN sum-up-the-squares program with:
K = K + (I * I)
Why 'K'?! Why not 'SUM', and the appropriate declaration INTEGER SUM? (By default, in FORTRAN66 and FORTRAN77, variables and functions starting with the letters I, J, K, ... N are presumed by the compiler to be integers, and all others floating-point (type REAL), but this default, and/or the type for specific variables and functions, can be changed by an explicit declaration. As a matter of good programming style [and to help linters work more-effectively], all variable and functions ought have their types explicitly declared.)
In hardware, you see bullshit such as [STOP. I am not going down the politically-correct-naming rabbit hole!] "master/slave" designations for IDE/ATA devices, where those terms in no way reflect the true relationship between those devices.
It doesn't help that marketers invent cool-soundng, yet wildly-inaccurate terms such as AutoPilot™ and Full Self-Driving™.