Re: As usual, improper accounting procedures are to blame
This stuff really isnt rocket science, I really do not understand how people lose so much this way.
1) If you receive an email informing you of a change in bank account. You ring the company at the number you already have for them (not the number on the email), and ask them if it's real.
2) If you receive a call from said firm. Nod along, agree. And then ring them back on the number for the company you already have. And ask them if it's real. (If they give you any crap about ringing them back, explain to them what BEC is and how one phone call removes all doubt. If you didnt ring, maybe they would be the ones going without payment next time).
3) If you receive an email or call asking you to now pay into a bank account in another country. It's a scam. Dont do it...
4) If you get an email or even call from "your" CEO (voice changers are a thing). Say Yes, nod along, and then contact your boss to contact the CEO to confirm that yes the transfer is required.
5) Dont break procedures to rush payments. There will never, ever, ever be a case where failure to transfer money this second will cause the company to lose business. So always check, and double check...
It's always a good idea to make sure anyone dealing with money transfers is aware of this sort of stuff, but really it is just common sense. But well I guess common sense isnt actually that common...