back to article Asia's regional internet registry APNIC names new director general

The Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) has named its new director general: ICANN regional managing director and vice president Jia Rong Low. APNIC is the regional internet registry for the Asia Pacific. It manages internet resources – like IP addresses and autonomous system numbers – for 56 regional economies, …

  1. David 132 Silver badge


    I have nothing cogent to say on the article’s topic, but i just came here to say that I must be old. I saw the image accompanying this story on the Reg front page - a globe set against horizontal lines - and immediately heard in my head, “And now, on BBC1… <insert late 1970s TV program of your choice>

    1. druck Silver badge

      Re: Unrelated…

      Didn't see the picture, but reading the article I was thinking of Terry Wogan on Radio 2 with his gentle ribbing of the BBC's DG.

  2. Yes Me Silver badge
    Thumb Up


    Paul Wilson has done an outstanding job and APNIC is an outstanding organisation, providing outstanding services for a very large chunk of the global Internet.

    I don't know Jia Rong Low but I wish him great success in continuing what APNIC does so well.

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