back to article Microsoft's CISPE settlement includes a suspension of audits for members

Part of Microsoft's settlement with a bunch of cloud providers in Europe to make an antitrust complaint disappear is a two-year moratorium on software audits, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. Analysts have been wondering what else was lurking in the resolution that CISPE (Cloud Infrastructure Services …

  1. t245t Silver badge

    What was the point of this settlement?

    The settlement with CISPE does not involve AWS or Google, both of which are termed by Microsoft as listed providers, meaning their customers will continue to pay more to licence Microsoft wares in their clouds.

    What was the point of this settlement and how does the culprit get to set the terms?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Another win for Microsoft

    Microsoft audits sap your soul dry. They are endless, relentless, unreasonable and always eye wateringly expensive. Under what other circumstance would you hand over your customer list to a rival cloud provider? The good news is, in my experience, is that once an audit is finally concluded and settled, Microsoft undertakes not to audit you for a further two years. So not really the benefit for CISPE members, other than its the big boy bullying the little guys into submission.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Another win for Microsoft

      Plus it absolutely guarantees that there will be an audit in exactly 24 months, on the dot.

  3. Rich 2 Silver badge

    Deserve what they will get

    See title.

    If this bunch of companies are prepared to roll over and take such an astonishingly short-term view, then they fully deserve it when MS comes back after the agreement expires and totally shafts them


  4. MatthewSt Silver badge

    Nice cloud operation you've got there

    Would be a shame if some came along and... Audited it

  5. bud-weis-er

    I know Microsoft and Oracle weaponise audits, but.... wow!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As others have hinted at, the purpose of the audit suspension is to prevent Microsoft using them as immediate punishment for losing the case (or a threat of punishment should the case not be dropped) - Microsoft is in a position of being able to bury the hosting companies in audit related costs (direct and indirect), removing this for the immediate future is a sensible requirement.

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