More ammunition for the people who think 9/11 was an inside job.
And nobody will be going to prison for this.
China has wildly claimed the Volt Typhoon gang, which Five Eyes nations accuse of being a Beijing-backed attacker that targets critical infrastructure, was in fact made up by the US intelligence community. The nation's National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center, National Engineering Laboratory for Computer Virus …
I am a hybrid conspiracy.
There were KKK (satanic) kidnapping gangs operating in Central Florida, in the 90s, within 10 miles of those flight schools.
There are law enforcement people walking around today, that kidnapped or covered up kidnappings of the 911 terrorists, BEFORE they became terrorists.
A bit of Electro-convulsive "The-rapey", and add in a bit of Havana syndrome, and back in flight school .... (the now "terrorists" eventually caught on)
"<Lie to me/>: A secret Disinformation Campaign targeting...
Definitely not one myself but I am pretty sure <lie to me/> is a closing tag or at best a self closing tag. The tag's embedded spaces don't seem kosher either. :)
<"Lie to me">: A secret Disinformation Campaign targeting.....<"Lie to me"/>
is about as much sense as I would make of the mark up and would be baldly asserting their whole paper is a concoction of untruth. Pure Trumpery.
"Lie to me was", however, a very good TV series with Tim Roth in an absulutely cracking role as lead actor Cal Lightman.
They sensibly stopped the series after 3 seasons as the core subject did have a limited range, but I suspect they would have had fun with the Trump era..
Sadly, the theory advanced in the document does not include lizard people, magic bullets, or fake Moon landings
and does it mention weapons of mass destruction or viruses that will wipe out Humanity ? Or SMS about negotiating billion €uro contracts that have been deleted ? Or undersea gaz pipelines that have been blown up ?
Asking for a friend who has some doubts
Sadly, the theory advanced in the document does not include lizard people, magic bullets, or fake Moon landingsand does it mention weapons of mass destruction or viruses that will wipe out Humanity ? Or SMS about negotiating billion €uro contracts that have been deleted ? Or undersea gaz pipelines that have been blown up ?
Asking for a friend who has some doubts
Erm... Did that mean anything? Or are you just having a morning stream of consciousness?
Because Trump is fronting it for a quick buck for his buddy Xi?
Costs nothing to set up a company in most States and you can do it online.
You're wrong.
"360 Security Group" has a Florida address on their 360sec.com website. They came up once in my search for the company name
"360 Digital Security Group", at 360.net and 360.cn, is "a leading digital security company in China", based in Beijing and founded by Zhou Hongyi. They came up as every other result in my search for the company name, the first three of which are in Chinese.
The document concludes with a warning to peaceful nations of the world that Section 702's existence, and extension, is evidence that the US is an aggressive global hegemon and an "Empire of Hacking" intent on keeping China down.
Are there A.N.Others though, who recognise and realise Section 702's existence, and extension, is more than just evidence of China's inexorable rise and leading Long March root programming for future predominant eminence/exemplar presence ....... or is that hallucinatory and an AI projection and exotic erotic oriental delight fielded in attack and defence iterations in response to wild wacky Western confections/infections ...... with both capable of being classed as an existential threat which would not bode well for administrations operating systems aiding and abetting Five Eyed monster missions?
And yes, that is a real live question increasingly obvious becoming impossible to ignore and address with favoured and/or biased answers and remote virtual engagement/silent stealthy sensitive secret quantum communication.
IT's not going away, you know, whenever expanding and exploiting SCADA operating systems at a truly alienating exponential pace ....... as you would expect any CyberIntelAIgent Agency to do in this digital age.
China buys in shills but top-downs them so they can't correct bad translation which is why you get "makes me irritate" instead of irritates me or "Pig Bay" instead of Bay of Pigs.
Russia uses it's own people and they are anything but expert. The give away is the incredibly tortured grammar resulting from their attempt to sound traditionally English.
A WSJ investigative report - Russian-Backed Facebook Accounts Staged Events Around Divisive Issues They publicized or financed at least 60 events—on all sides of most polarizing issues—before and after the 2016 election. Whether it was done with broken English or not, Americans of all stripes were actually manipulated into attending confrontational rallies. I doubt this made any notable difference to an already Balkanized US. Nevertheless, the idea that some social media ninjas based in Russia, never leaving their desks, can pull mental strings to get Balkanized angry Americans to join confrontational rallies and shout and push each other - that's not nothing. It's actually kind of incredible ability (incredibly undesirable ) that needs to be acknowledged and addressed. Maybe it would help if those who were manipulated were made aware of it? But probably they wouldn't care.
> executed by the NSA, the FBI, and the Departments of Justice, Defence, Homeland Security, and Energy.
So ... ALL these government agencies and their equivalents in FIVE distinct countries have managed to work together? In secret? Successfully?
It doesn't need to mention the lizard people. It's firmly in the world of fantasy from the get go.
When the PRC tell a big porky it's usually for home consumption but leaked through the Great Firewall. I'm still waiting to find any of those multiple reservoirs of corona virus required to make the zoonotic leap from animals to humans sufficient for the virus to spread between humans, which is what the CCP claimed. The white tailed deer are buoyant and abundant, it must have been 武漢肺炎 Wuhan Pneumonia all along!
Yup.....Huawei is a threat to the human race.......
Yup.....E2EE is actually a threat to democracy (and also to children).....
Yup.....Volt Typhoon is a Five Eyes Conspiracy......
Yup.....The moon landings were filmed near Phoenix AZ......
Yup..... EVERYTHING is TRUE......someone on TicToc said so..........
....so sad that there are so many unbelievers......................
....no real need for media.....or social media.......
On page 19, the report notes: "there has been more than 45 million cyber attacks activities from U.S. government sponsored hackers against to the Chinese government, universities, research institutions, large enterprises, and critical infrastructure, and the number of victims is more than 140"
This suggests that it takes 300,000 cyber attacks to make just 1 victim. If that's so, then we should really improve on the strength and precision of our attacks IMHO, and unblock the needed resources now.
Furthermore, nobody can hack my “Ghost Spectre” windows install.
Well, there’s two reasons.
1. I keep my Windows VM isolated away from the internet.
2. It’s kinda hard to hack my Windows VM if I barely ever log into it!
… because what’s the point of running windows anymore ?!