back to article DARPA slaps down credit card for 3D military chiplets – $840M ought to be enough?

The Pentagon's boffinry nerve center DARPA has doled out $840 million to develop next-generation semiconductor microsystems for America's military. The recipient of the cash is the Texas Institute for Electronics (TIE), an org founded in 2021, housed at the University of Texas-Austin, and operating as a consortium comprising …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My Uni!

    Glad to see us doing more. That is all.

    1. HuBo

      Re: My Uni!

      ... and they can probably find key inspiration in experimental science field trips to nearby Louie Mueller Barbecue, for how to efficiently manage high heat transfer workloads in thick and juicy 3D slabs of rather non-conducting material, for maximum yummy goodness, texture, and structural integrity. $840M should hit the spot just about right there (a couple times ...)!

  2. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

    america needs to ask why the us military is so balless...the uk stood up twice and foughgt against germany from the beginning.

    soo many weapons n they are still scared to let ukraine fire into russian territory...

  3. MagicHunter

    So...this $1.4 Billion dollar project will be funded by the US taxpayers, but we don't receive any of the profits. Something is wrong with this picture. It appears DARPA has gone rogue again as well as the DOD which explains the DOJ's, CIA's, and FBI's behavior. Dear DARPA, we have enough weapons of war, please stop and feed/house the masses INSTEAD OF FOLLOWING THE un's AND wef's DEPOPULATION PLANS of tracking us into slavery. Thanks!

    1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

      Perhaps America should spend a few dollars and buy some spines....

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